Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-25.18

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 5, September 4, 2024
Rule 653-25.18 - Hearing procedures
(1) Hearings are conducted before a quorum of the board. When a sufficient number of board members are unavailable to hear a contested case, the executive director, or the executive director's designee, may request alternate members, as defined in rule 653-1.1 (17A,147) and Iowa Code sections 148.2A and 148.7(4), to serve on the hearing panel. A hearing panel must include at least six members, at least half of whom must be current board members, and at least half of whom must be licensed to practice medicine under Iowa Code chapter 148.
(2) When, in the opinion of a majority of the board, it is desirable to obtain specialists within an area of practice when holding disciplinary hearings, the board may appoint a panel of three specialists who are not board members to make findings of fact and to report to the board. Such findings shall not include any recommendation for or against licensee discipline.
(3) The presiding officer shall have the authority to administer oaths, to admit or exclude testimony or other evidence, and to rule on all motions and objections. The presiding officer may request that an administrative law judge perform any of these functions and may be assisted and advised by an administrative law judge.
(4) All objections shall be timely made and stated on the record.
(5) Parties have the right to appear personally and to be represented in all hearings or prehearing conferences related to their case. Any party may be represented by an attorney at the party's own expense.
(6) Subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the presiding officer, parties have the right to introduce evidence on issues of material fact, cross-examine witnesses present at the hearing as necessary for a full and true disclosure of the facts, present evidence in rebuttal, and submit briefs and engage in oral argument. Subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the presiding officer, parties may present the testimony of witnesses by affidavit, by written or video deposition, in person, by telephone, or by videoconference.
(7) The presiding officer shall maintain the decorum of the hearing and may refuse to admit or may expel anyone whose conduct is disorderly.
(8) Witnesses may be sequestered during the hearing.
(9) The presiding officer shall have authority to grant immunity from disciplinary action to a witness as provided by Iowa Code section 272C.6(3).
(10) The presiding officer shall conduct the hearing in the following manner:
a. The presiding officer shall give an opening statement briefly describing the nature of the proceedings.
b. The parties shall be given an opportunity to present opening statements.
c. The parties shall present their cases in the sequence determined by the presiding officer.
d. Each witness shall be sworn or affirmed by the presiding officer or the court reporter, and be subject to examination and cross-examination. The presiding officer may limit questioning in a manner consistent with law.
e. When all parties and witnesses have been heard, the parties may be given the opportunity to present final arguments.
(11) The board members and administrative law judge have the right to question a witness. Examination of witnesses by board members is subject to properly raised objections.
(12) The hearing shall be open to the public unless the licensee requests that the hearing be closed. At the request of either party, or on the board's own motion, the presiding officer may issue a protective order to protect documents which are privileged or confidential by law.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-25.18

ARC 9952B, IAB 1/11/12, effective 2/15/12
Amended by IAB September 14, 2016/Volume XXXIX, Number 06, effective 10/19/2016