Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.7

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 5, September 4, 2024
Rule 567-135.7 - Release response and corrective action for UST systems containing petroleum or hazardous substances
(1)General. Owners and operators of petroleum or hazardous substance UST systems must, in response to a confirmed release from the UST system, comply with the requirements of this rule except for USTs excluded under 135.1(3)"b" and UST systems subject to RCRA Subtitle C corrective action requirements under Section 3004(u) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended.
(2)Initial response. Upon confirmation of a release in accordance with 135.6(3) or after a release from the UST system is identified in any other manner, owners and operators must perform the following initial response actions within 24 hours of a release or within another reasonable period of time specified by the department:
a. Report the release to the department (e.g., by telephone or electronic mail);
b. Take immediate action to prevent any further release of the regulated substance into the environment; and
c. Identify and mitigate fire, explosion, and vapor hazards.
(3)Initial abatement measures.
a. Unless directed to do otherwise by the department, owners and operators must perform the following abatement measures:
(1) Remove as much of the regulated substance from the UST system as is necessary to prevent further release to the environment;
(2) Visually inspect any aboveground releases or exposed below-ground releases and prevent further migration of the released substance into surrounding soils and groundwater;
(3) Continue to monitor and mitigate any additional fire and safety hazards posed by vapors or free product that have migrated from the UST excavation zone and entered into subsurface structures (such as sewers or basements);
(4) Remedy hazards posed by contaminated soils that are excavated or exposed as a result of release confirmation, site investigation, abatement, or corrective action activities. If these remedies include treatment or disposal of soils, the owner and operator must comply with applicable state and local requirements;
(5) Rescinded IAB 7/17/96, effective 8/15/96.
(6) Investigate to determine the possible presence of free product, and begin free product removal as soon as practicable and in accordance with 135.7(5).
b. Within 20 days after release confirmation, or within another reasonable period of time determined by the department, owners and operators must submit a report to the department summarizing the initial abatement steps taken under paragraph"a" and any resulting information or data.
(4)Initial site characterization. Rescinded IAB 7/17/96, effective 8/15/96.
(5)Free product assessment and removal. The free product assessment and removal requirements in this chapter are primarily concerned with a regulated substance that is present as a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in a monitoring well, boring, excavation, or other location at a thickness of more than 0.01 ft. At sites where investigations under subparagraph 135.7(3)"a" (6) indicate 0.01 ft. or more of free product, owners and operators must immediately initiate a free product recovery assessment and submit a report in accordance with paragraph 135.7(5)"d" and initiate interim free product removal while continuing, as necessary, any actions initiated under subrules 135.7(2) and 135.7(3), or preparing for actions required under rules 567-135.8(455B) to 567-135.12 (455B). Owners and operators must immediately begin interim free product removal by bailing or by installation and maintenance of passive skimming equipment until an alternative removal method is required by or approved by the department. A certified groundwater professional must initially determine the frequency of bailing and proper installation and maintenance of the skimming equipment based on a determination of the recharge rate of the free product. The department may approve implementation of this interim removal process by persons not certified as groundwater professionals. For approval a certified groundwater professional must submit (1) sufficient documentation establishing that the bailing or skimming system has been adequately designed and tested, and (2) a written plan for regular maintenance, reporting and supervision by a certified groundwater professional. Interim free product recovery reports must be submitted to the department on a monthly basis and on forms provided by the department. In meeting the requirements of this subrule, owners and operators must:
a. Conduct free product removal at a frequency determined by the recharge rate of the product and in a manner that minimizes the spread of contamination into previously uncontaminated zones by using recovery and disposal techniques appropriate to the hydrogeologic conditions at the site, and that properly treats, discharges or disposes of recovery by-products in compliance with applicable local, state and federal regulations. Unless approved by the department, free product assessment and recovery activities must be conducted by a certified groundwater professional. Owners and operators must report the results of free product removal activities on forms designated by the department;
b. Use abatement of free product migration as a minimum objective for the design of the free product removal system. Free product recovery systems must be designed to remove free product to the maximum extent practicable;
c. Handle any flammable products in a safe and competent manner to prevent fires or explosions; and
d. Free product recovery assessment and report. Unless directed to do otherwise by the department, prepare and submit to the department, within 45 days after confirming a release, a free product recovery assessment report and a proposal for subsequent free product removal activities. The free product recovery assessment report and removal proposal must contain at least the following information:
(1) The name of the person(s) responsible for implementing the free product removal measures;
(2) The estimated quantity, type and thickness of free product observed or measured in monitoring wells, boreholes, and excavations, the recharge rate in all affected monitoring wells and a detailed description of the procedures used to determine the recharge rate;
(3) A detailed justification for the free product removal technology proposed for the site. Base the justification narrative on professional judgment considering the characteristics of the free product plume (i.e., estimated volume, type of product, thickness, extent), an assessment of cost effectiveness based on recovery costs compared to alternative methods, site hydrology and geology, when the release event occurred, testing conducted to verify design assumptions and the potential for petroleum vapors or explosive conditions to occur in enclosed spaces. Proposals for removal systems other than hand bailing or passive skimming systems must be completed and submitted on a format consistent with the department's corrective action design report.
(4) A schematic and narrative description of the free product recovery system used;
(5) Whether any discharge will take place on site or off site during the recovery operation and where this discharge will be located;
(6) A schematic and narrative description of the treatment system, and the effluent quality expected from any discharge;
(7) The steps that have been or are being taken to obtain necessary permits for any discharge;
(8) The disposition of the recovered free product;
(9) Free product plume definition and map. The extent of free product must be assessed. If monitoring wells are used to define the free product plume, the number and location of wells and separation distance between the wells used to define the plume must be based on the receptors present and the site hydrology and geology. A minimum of five monitoring wells are required to construct the plume map. The boundary of the plume may be determined by half the distance between wells with free product and wells with no free product. If the groundwater professional can adequately define the plume using other technology as approved by the department, fewer than five wells may be used to define the boundary of the plume;
(10) The estimated volume of free product present, how the volume was calculated, recoverable volume and estimated recovery time; and
(11) Identification of all water lines, regardless of construction material, within the area of free product. A water line shall be considered within the area of free product if it is located within the boundary of the free product plume as defined by wells unless it can be demonstrated that no LNAPL exists within 10 feet (horizontally or vertically) of the water line and the LNAPL is not migrating nor is likely to migrate. Water lines within the area of free product must be relocated unless there is no other option and the department has approved an alternate plan of construction. See paragraph 135.12(3)"c."
e. The department will review the free product assessment report; and, if approved, the owner or operator must implement the installation of the approved recovery system within 60 days or other time period approved by the department.
f. Termination of free product recovery activities. Owners and operators may propose to the department to terminate free product recovery activities when significant amounts of hydrocarbons are not being recovered. The department will consider proposals to terminate free product recovery when the amount of product collected from a monitoring well is equal to or less than 0.1 gallon each month for a year unless another plan is approved by the department. When free product activities have been terminated, owners and operators must inspect the monitoring wells monthly for at least a year unless another schedule is approved by the department. The department must be notified and may require that free product recovery activities be reinitiated if during the monthly well inspections it is determined the product thickness in a monitoring well exceeds 0.02 ft. The monthly well inspection records must be kept available for review by the department.
g. Unless directed to do otherwise by the department, prepare and submit to the department within 180 days after confirming a release, a Tier 2 site cleanup report.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.7

Amended by IAB May 19, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 24, effective 6/23/2021