Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-24.105

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, September 18, 2024
Rule 567-24.105 - Title V permit applications
(1)Duty to apply. For each source required to obtain a Title V operating permit, the owner or operator or designated representative, where applicable, shall submit a complete and timely application in the electronic format specified by the department, if electronic submittal is provided. An owner or operator of a source required to obtain a Title V permit pursuant to 24.101(1) shall submit all required fees as required in 567-Chapter 30.
a.Timely application. Each owner or operator applying for a Title V permit shall submit an application as follows:
(1) Reserved.
(2) Initial application for a new source. The owner or operator of a stationary source that commenced construction or reconstruction after April 20, 1994, or that otherwise became subject to the requirement to obtain a Title V permit after April 20, 1994, shall submit an application to the department within 12 months of becoming subject to the Title V permit requirements.
(3) Application related to 112(g), PSD, or nonattainment. The owner or operator of a stationary source that is subject to Section 112(g) of the Act, that is subject to 567-24.4(455B) or 567-33.3 (455B) (prevention of significant deterioration (PSD)), or that is subject to 567-24.5(455B) or 567-31.3 (455B) (nonattainment area permitting) shall submit an application to the department within 12 months of commencing operation. In cases in which an existing Title V permit would prohibit such construction or change in operation, the owner or operator must obtain a Title V permit revision before commencing operation.
(4) Renewal application. The owner or operator of a stationary source with a Title V permit shall submit an application to the department for a permit renewal at least 6 months prior to, but not more than 18 months prior to, the date of permit expiration.
(5) Changes allowed without a permit revision (off-permit revision). The owner or operator of a stationary source with a Title V permit who is proposing a change that is allowed without a Title V permit revision (an off-permit revision) as specified in 567-24.110(455B) shall submit to the department a written notification as specified in 567-24.110(455B) at least 30 days prior to the proposed change.
(6) Application for an administrative permit amendment. Prior to implementing a change that satisfies the requirements for an administrative permit amendment as set forth in 567-24.111(455B), the owner or operator shall submit to the department an application for an administrative amendment as specified in 567-24.111(455B).
(7) Application for a minor permit modification. Prior to implementing a change that satisfies the requirements for a minor permit modification as set forth in 567-24.112(455B), the owner or operator shall submit to the department an application for a minor permit modification as specified in 567-24.112(455B).
(8) Application for a significant permit modification. The owner or operator of a source that satisfies the requirements for a significant permit modification as set forth in 567-24.113(455B) shall submit to the department an application for a significant permit modification as specified in 567-24.113(455B) within three months after the commencing operation of the changed source. However, if the existing Title V permit would prohibit such construction or change in operation, the owner or operator shall not commence operation of the changed source until the department issues a revised Title V permit that allows the change.
b.Complete application. To be deemed complete, an application must provide all information required pursuant to 24.105(2), except that applications for permit revision need supply such information only if it is related to the proposed change.
(2)Standard application form and required information. To apply for a Title V permit, the standard application form shall be submitted in the electronic format specified by the department, if electronic submittal is provided.

The information submitted must be sufficient to evaluate the source and its application and to determine all applicable requirements and to evaluate the fee amount required by 567-30.4 (455B). If a source is not a major source and is applying for a Title V operating permit solely because of a requirement imposed by 24.101(1)"c" and 24.101(1)"d," then the information provided in the operating permit application may cover only the emissions units that trigger Title V applicability. The applicant shall submit the information called for by the application form for each emissions unit to be permitted, except for activities that are insignificant according to the provisions of 567-24.103(455B). The applicant shall provide a list of all insignificant activities and specify the basis for the determination of insignificance for each activity.

Unless otherwise specified in 24.128(4), nationally standardized forms shall be used for the acid rain portions of permit applications and compliance plans, as required by regulations promulgated under Title IV of the Act. The standard application form and any attachments shall require that the following information be provided:

a. Identifying information, including company name and address (or plant or source name if different from the company name), owner's name and agent, and telephone number and names of plant site manager/contact.
b. A description of the source's processes and products (by two-digit Standard Industrial Classification Code), including any associated with each alternate scenario identified by the applicant.
c. The following emissions-related information shall be submitted to the department:
(1) The following information to the extent it is needed to determine or regulate emissions: fuels, fuel use, raw materials, production rates, and operating schedules.
(2) Identification and description of air pollution control equipment.
(3) Identification and description of compliance monitoring devices or activities.
(4) Limitations on source operations affecting emissions or any work practice standards, where applicable, for all regulated pollutants.
(5) Other information required by any applicable requirement (including information related to stack height limitations developed pursuant to Section 123 of the Act).
(6) Calculations on which the information in 24.105(2)"c"(1) to (5) above is based.
(7) Fugitive emissions from a source shall be included in the permit application in the same manner as stack emissions, regardless of whether the source category in question is included in the list of sources contained in the definition of major source.
d. The following air pollution control requirements:
(1) Citation and description of all applicable requirements, and
(2) Description of or reference to any applicable test method for determining compliance with each applicable requirement.
e. Other specific information that may be necessary to implement and enforce other applicable requirements of the Act or of these rules or to determine the applicability of such requirements.
f. An explanation of any proposed exemptions from otherwise applicable requirements.
g. Additional information as determined to be necessary by the director to define alternative operating scenarios identified by the source pursuant to 24.108(12) or to define permit terms and conditions relating to operational flexibility and emissions trading pursuant to 24.108(11) and 567-24.112(455B).
h. A compliance plan that contains the following:
(1) A description of the compliance status of the source with respect to all applicable requirements.
(2) The following statements regarding compliance status: For applicable requirements with which the stationary source is in compliance, a statement that the stationary source will continue to comply with such requirements. For applicable requirements that will become effective during the permit term, a statement that the stationary source will meet such requirements on a timely basis. For requirements for which the stationary source is not in compliance at the time of permit issuance, a narrative description of how the stationary source will achieve compliance with such requirements.
(3) A compliance schedule that contains the following:
1. For applicable requirements with which the stationary source is in compliance, a statement that the stationary source will continue to comply with such requirements. For applicable requirements that will become effective during the permit term, a statement that the stationary source will meet such requirements on a timely basis. A statement that the stationary source will meet in a timely manner applicable requirements that become effective during the permit term shall satisfy this provision, unless a more detailed schedule is expressly required by the applicable requirement.
2. A compliance schedule for sources that are not in compliance with all applicable requirements at the time of permit issuance. Such a schedule shall include a schedule of remedial measures, including an enforceable sequence of actions with milestones, leading to compliance with any applicable requirements for which the stationary source will be in noncompliance at the time of permit issuance.
3. This compliance schedule shall resemble and be at least as stringent as any compliance schedule contained in any judicial consent decree or administrative order to which the source is subject. Any compliance schedule shall be supplemental to, and shall not sanction noncompliance with, the applicable requirements on which it is based.
(4) A schedule for submission of certified progress reports no less frequently than every six months for sources required to have a compliance schedule in the permit.
i. Requirements for compliance certification, including the following:
(1) A certification of compliance for the prior year with all applicable requirements certified by a responsible official consistent with 24.107(4) and Section 114(a)(3) of the Act.
(2) A statement of methods used for determining compliance, including a description of monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements and test methods.
(3) A schedule for submission of compliance certifications for each compliance period (one year unless required for a shorter time period by an applicable requirement) during the permit term, which shall be submitted annually, or more frequently if required by an underlying applicable requirement or by the director.
(4) A statement indicating the source's compliance status with any applicable enhanced monitoring and compliance certification requirements of the Act.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these rules, for the purposes of submission of compliance certifications, an owner or operator is not prohibited from using monitoring as required by 24.108(3), 24.108(4), or 24.108(5) and incorporated into a Title V operating permit in addition to any specified compliance methods.
j. The compliance plan content requirements specified in these rules shall apply and be included in the acid rain portion of a compliance plan fora Title IV affected source, except as specifically superseded by regulations promulgated under Title IV of the Act, with regard to the schedule and method(s) the source shall use to achieve compliance with the acid rain emissions limitations.
(3)Hazardous air pollutant early reduction application. Anyone requesting a compliance extension from a standard issued under Section 112(d) of the Act must submit with the Title V permit application information that complies with the requirements established in 567-paragraph 23.1(4)"d."
(4)Acid rain application content. The acid rain application content shall be as prescribed in the acid rain rules found in 567-24.128(455B) and 567-24.129(455B).
(5)More than one Title V operating permit for a stationary source. Following application made pursuant to 24.105(1), the department may, at its discretion, issue more than one Title V operating permit for a stationary source, provided that the owner or operator does not have, and does not propose to have, a sourcewide emission limit or a sourcewide alternative operating scenario.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-24.105

Adopted by IAB May 15, 2024/Volume XLVI, Number 24, effective 6/19/2024