Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.8

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 5, August 21, 2024
Rule 567-135.8 - Risk-based corrective action
(1)General. The objective of risk-based corrective action is to effectively evaluate the risks posed by contamination to human health, safety and the environment using a progressively more site-specific, three-tiered approach to site assessment and data analysis. Based on the tiered assessment, a corrective action response is determined sufficient to remove or minimize risks to acceptable levels. Corrective action response includes a broad range of options including reduction of contaminant concentrations through active or passive methods, monitoring of contamination, use of technological controls or institutional controls.
a.Tier 1. The purpose of a Tier 1 assessment is to identify whether a site poses an unreasonable risk to public health and safety or the environment based on limited site data. The objective is to determine maximum concentrations of chemicals of concern at the source of a release(s) in soil and groundwater. The Tier 1 assessment assumes worst-case scenarios in which actual or potential receptors could be exposed to these chemicals at maximum concentrations through certain soil and groundwater pathways. The point of exposure is assumed to be the source showing maximum concentrations. Risk-based screening levels (Tier 1 levels) contained in the Tier 1 Look-Up Table have been derived from models which use conservative assumptions to predict exposure to actual and potential receptors. (These models and default assumptions are contained in Appendix A.) If Tier 1 levels are not exceeded for a pathway, that pathway may not require further assessment. If the maximum concentrations exceed a Tier 1 level, the options are to conduct a more extensive Tier 2 assessment, apply an institutional control, or in limited circumstances excavate contaminated soil to below Tier 1 levels. If all pathways clear the Tier 1 levels, it is possible for the site to obtain a no action required classification.
b.Tier 2. The purpose of a Tier 2 assessment is to use site-specific data to assess the risk from chemicals of concern to existing receptors and potential receptors using fate and transport models in accordance with 567-135.10 (455B). See 135.10(2)"a."
c.Tier 3. Where site conditions may not be adequately addressed by Tier 2 procedures, a Tier 3 assessment may provide more accurate risk assessment. The purpose of Tier 3 is to identify reasonable exposure levels of chemicals of concern and to assess the risk of exposure to existing and potential receptors based on additional site assessment information, probabilistic evaluations, or sophisticated chemical fate and transport models in accordance with 567-135.11 (455B).
d.Notification. Whenever the department requires a tiered site assessment and a public water supply well is within 2,500 feet of a leaking underground storage tank site, the department will notify the public water supply operator.
e.Pathway reevaluation. Prior to issuance of a no further action certificate in accordance with 135.12(10) and Iowa Code section 455B.474(1)"h" (3), if it is determined that the conditions for an individual pathway that has been classified as "no action required" no longer exist, or the site presents an unreasonable risk to a public water supply well and the model used to obtain the pathway clearance underpredicts the actual contaminant plume, the individual pathway shall be further assessed consistent with the risk-based corrective action provisions in rules 567-135.8 (455B) through 567-135.12 (455B).
(2)Certified groundwater professional. All assessment, corrective action, data analysis and report development required under rules 567-135.6 (455B) to 567-135.12(455B) must be conducted by or under the supervision of a certified groundwater professional in accordance with these rules and department guidance as specified.
(3)Chemicals of concern. Soil and groundwater samples from releases of petroleum regulated substances must always be analyzed for the presence of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes. In addition, if the release is suspected to include any petroleum regulated substance other than gasoline or gasoline blends, or if the source of the release is unknown, the samples must be tested for the presence of Total Extractable Hydrocarbons (TEH). Appendices A and B and department Tier 2 guidance define a method for converting TEH values to a default concentration for naphthalene, benzo(a)pyrene, benz(a)anthracene and chrysene and conversion back to a representative TEH value. These default values must be used in order to apply Tier 2 modeling to these constituents in the absence of accurate laboratory analysis.
(4)Boring depth for sampling. When drilling for the placement of groundwater monitoring wells, if groundwater is encountered, drilling must continue to the maximum of 10 feet below the first encountered groundwater or to the bottom of soil contamination as estimated by field screening. If groundwater is not encountered, drilling must continue to the deeper of 10 feet below the soil contamination as estimated by field screening or 75 feet from the ground surface.
(5)Bedrock aquifer assessment. Prior to conducting any groundwater drilling, a groundwater professional must determine if there is a potential to encounter bedrock before groundwater. These potential areas include (1) areas where karst features or outcrops exist in the vicinity and (2) areas with bedrock less than 50 feet from the surface as illustrated in Tier 1 and Tier 2 guidance. The purpose of this determination is to prevent drilling through contaminated subsurface areas thereby creating a preferential pathway to a bedrock aquifer. If the first encountered groundwater is above bedrock but near the bedrock surface or fluctuates above and below bedrock, the groundwater professional should evaluate the subsurface geology and aquifer characteristics to determine the potential for creating a preferential pathway. If it is determined that the aquifer acts like a nongranular aquifer as provided in 135.10(3)"a" or bedrock is encountered before groundwater, the groundwater professional must conduct a Tier 2 assessment for all pathways under 567-135.10 (455B), including the specified bedrock procedures under 135.10(3).

If the first encountered groundwater is above bedrock with sufficient separation and aquifer characteristics to establish that it acts as a granular aquifer, site assessment may proceed under the site check procedure in 567-135.6 (455B), the Tier 1 procedure in 567-135.9 (455B) or the Tier 2 procedure in 567-135.10 (455B) as would be customary regardless of the bedrock designation. However, even under this condition, drilling through bedrock should be avoided in contaminated areas.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-135.8

ARC 7621B, IAB 3/11/09, effective 4/15/09
Amended by IAB May 19, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 24, effective 6/23/2021