Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-13.2

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, September 18, 2024
Rule 495-13.2 - Disability claim process for special service members

Except as otherwise indicated, this rule shall apply only to disability claims initiated under Iowa Code section 97B.50A. Except as otherwise indicated, disability claims under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2) shall be administered under rule 495-13.1 (97B).

(1)Initiation of disability claim. The disability claim process shall originate as an application to the system by the member. The application shall be forwarded to the system's designated retirement benefits officer. An application shall be sent upon request to members who qualify pursuant to Iowa Code section 97B.50A(13). The application consists of the following sections which must be completed and returned to the system's designated retirement benefits officer:
1. General applicant information.
2. Applicant's statement.
3. Employer's statement.
4. Member's assigned duties.
5. Disability/injury reports.
6. Medical information release.
(2)Preliminary processing. Completed forms shall be returned to the disability retirement benefits officer. If the forms are not complete, they will be returned for completion. The application package shall contain copies of all relevant medical records and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all relevant physicians. If medical records are not included, the designated retirement benefits officer shall have the authority to contact the listed physicians for copies of the files on the individual and shall request that any applicable files be sent to the medical board. In addition, IPERS may request workers' compensation records, social security records and such other official records as are deemed necessary. The application, including copies of the medical information, shall be forwarded to the medical board for review. All medical records that will be part of a member's permanent file shall be kept in locked locations separate from the member's other retirement records.
(3)Scheduling of appointments. Upon receipt and forwarding of the application and sufficient medical records to the medical board, the disability retirement benefits officer shall establish an appointment for the applicant to be seen by the medical board in Iowa City. The member shall be notified in writing of the appointment and shall be given general instructions about where to go for the examinations. The appointment for the examinations shall be no later than 60 days after the completed application, including sufficient medical records, is provided. The member shall also be notified about the procedures to follow for reimbursement of travel expenses and lodging. Fees for physical examinations and medical records costs shall be paid directly by IPERS pursuant to its contractual arrangements with the medical providers required to implement Iowa Code section 97B.50A.
(4)Medical board examinations. The medical board, consisting of three physicians from the University of Iowa occupational medicine clinic and other departments as required, shall examine the member and perform the relevant tests and examinations.

The medical board shall submit a letter of recommendation to the system, based on its findings and the job duties supplied in the member's application, whether or not the member is mentally or physically incapacitated from the further performance of the member's duties and whether or not the incapacity is likely to be permanent. "Permanent" means that the mental or physical incapacity is reasonably expected to last more than one year. The medical board's letter of recommendation shall include a recommended schedule for reexaminations to determine the continued existence of the disability in question.

IPERS shall not be liable for any diagnostic testing procedures performed in accordance with Iowa Code section 97B.50A and this rule which are alleged to have resulted in injury to the members being examined.

The medical board shall furnish its determination, test results, and supporting notes to the system no later than ten working days after the date of the examination. The medical board may use electronic signatures in fulfilling its reporting obligations under this rule.

The medical board shall not be required to have regular meetings, but shall be required to meet with IPERS' representatives at reasonable intervals to discuss the implementation of the program and performance review.

(5)Member and employer comments. Upon receipt by the system, the medical board's determination regarding the existence or nonexistence of a permanent disability shall be distributed to the member and to the employer for review. The member and the employer may forward to the system written statements pertaining to the medical board's findings within ten days of transmittal. If relevant medical information not considered in materials previously forwarded to the medical board is contained within such written statements, the system shall submit such information to the medical board for review and comment.
(6)Fast-track review. IPERS' disability retirement benefits officer may refer any case to IPERS' chief benefits officer (CBO) for fast-track review. The CBO or the CBO's designee may, based upon a review of the member's application and medical records, determine that the medical board be permitted to make its recommendations based solely upon a review of the application and medical records, without requiring the member to submit to additional medical examinations by, or coordinated through, the medical board.
(7)Initial administrative determination. The medical board's letter of recommendation, test results, and supporting notes, and the member's file shall be forwarded to IPERS. Except as otherwise requested by IPERS, the medical board shall forward hospital discharge summary reports rather than the entire set of hospital records. The complete file shall be reviewed by the system's disability retirement benefits officer, who shall, in consultation with the system's legal counsel, make the initial disability determination. Written notification of the initial disability determination shall be sent to the member and the member's employer within 14 business days after a complete file has been returned to IPERS for the initial disability determination.
(8)General benefits provisions. Effective July 1, 2000, if an initial disability determination is favorable, benefits shall begin as of the date of the initial disability determination or, if earlier, the member's last day on the payroll, but no more than six months of retroactive benefits are payable, subject to Iowa Code section 97B.50A(13). "Last day on the payroll" shall include any form of authorized leave time, whether paid or unpaid. If a member receives short-term disability benefits from the employer while awaiting a disability determination hereunder, disability benefits will accrue from the date the member's short-term disability payments are discontinued. If an initial favorable determination is appealed, the member shall continue to receive payments pending the outcome of the appeal.

Any member who is awarded disability benefits under Iowa Code section 97B.50A and this rule shall be eligible to elect any of the benefit options available under Iowa Code section 97B.51. All such options shall be the actuarial equivalent of the lifetime monthly benefit provided in Iowa Code section 97B.50A(2) and (3).

The disability benefits established under this subrule shall be eligible for the favorable experience dividends payable under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2).

If the award of disability benefits is overturned upon appeal, the member may be required to repay the amount already received or, upon retirement, have payments suspended or reduced until the appropriate amount is recovered.

(9)In-service disability determinations. Subject to the presumptions contained in Iowa Code section 97B.50A in determining whether a member's mental or physical incapacity arises in the actual performance of duty, "duty" shall mean:
a. For special service members other than firefighters, any action that the member, in the member's capacity as a law enforcement officer:
(1) Is obligated or authorized by rule, regulation, condition of employment or service, or law to perform; or
(2) Performs in the course of controlling or reducing crime or enforcing the criminal law; or
b. For firefighters, any action that the member, in the member's capacity as a firefighter:
(1) Is obligated or authorized by rule, regulation, condition of employment or service, or law to perform; or
(2) Performs while on the scene of an emergency run (including false alarms) or on the way to or from the scene.
c. A presumption shall exist that a special service member contracted a disease while on active duty only if the disease is defined by Iowa Code section 97B.50A(2)"c" as amended by 2010 Iowa Acts, House File 2518, section 31. If a presumption exists, IPERS may, in making its determination as to whether a disability was incurred while the member was on active duty, go forward with evidence to rebut the presumption. IPERS can rebut the presumption when credible evidence exists to the contrary or when the requirements are met in Iowa Code section 97B.50A(2)"c" as amended by 2010 Iowa Acts, House File 2518, section 31. Under no circumstances shall the burden of proof shift from the special service member to IPERS.
(10)Appeal rights. The member or the employer, or both, may appeal IPERS' initial disability determination. Within 30 days after the notification of IPERS' initial disability determination was mailed, the member shall submit to IPERS' CEO or CEO's designee a notice of appeal in writing setting forth:
a. The name, address, and social security number of the member or employee number of the employer;
b. A reference to the decision from which the appeal is being made;
c. The fact that an appeal from the decision is being made;
d. The grounds upon which the appeal is based;
e. Additional medical or other evidence to support the appeal; and
f. The request that a different decision be made by IPERS.

The system shall conduct an internal review of the initial disability determination, and the CEO or CEO's designee shall notify in writing the party who filed the appeal of IPERS' final disability determination with respect to the appeal. The CEO or CEO's designee may appoint a review committee to make nonbinding recommendations on such appeals. The disability retirement benefits officer, if named to the review committee, shall not vote on any such recommendations, nor shall any members of IPERS' legal staff participate in any capacity other than a nonvoting capacity. Further appeals shall follow the procedures set forth in 495-Chapter 26.

(11)Notice of abuse of disability benefits. The system has the obligation and full authority to investigate allegations of abuse of disability benefits. The system, in its sole discretion, may initiate investigations in the absence of a complaint. The scope of the investigation to be conducted shall be determined by the system and may include the ordering of a sub rosa investigation of a disability recipient to verify the facts relating to an alleged abuse. A sub rosa investigation shall only be considered upon receipt and evaluation of an acceptable notice of abuse. The notification must be in writing and include:
a. The informant's name, address, telephone number, and relationship to the disability recipient; and
b. A statement pertaining to the circumstances that prompted the notification, such as activities which the informant believes are inconsistent with the alleged disability.
c. Anonymous calls shall not constitute acceptable notification.

IPERS may employ such investigators and other personnel, in IPERS' sole discretion, as may be deemed necessary. IPERS may also, in its sole discretion, decline to carry out such investigations if more than five years have elapsed since the date of the disability determination.

(12)Qualification for social security or railroad retirement disability benefits. Upon qualifying for social security or railroad retirement disability benefits, a special service member may contact the system to have the member's disability benefits calculated under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2). The member and spouse must complete the designated application to stop having benefits calculated under Iowa Code section 97B.50A and to start having benefits calculated under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2). The decision is irrevocable, and must be made within 60 days after the member receives written notification of eligibility for disability benefits from social security or railroad retirement and has commenced receiving such payments.
(13)Reemployment/income monitoring. A member who retires under Iowa Code section 97B.50A and this rule shall be required to supply a copy of a complete set of the member's state and federal income tax returns, including all supporting schedules, by June 30 of each calendar year, in order to continue qualification for IPERS special service disability benefits. IPERS may suspend the benefits of any such member if such records are not timely provided. This subrule does not apply to a member who is at least 55 years of age and would have completed 22 years of service if the member had remained in active special service employment.

Only wages and self-employment income shall be counted in determining a member's reemployment comparison amount, as adjusted for health care coverage for the member and member's dependents.

(14)Offset to allowance. A member who retires under Iowa Code section 97B.50A shall have benefits reduced by other disability-related payments the member receives for the same disability, including, but not limited to, benefits from:
a. Social security.
b. Long-term disability insurance.
c. Workers' compensation, subject to the limitations set forth in Iowa Code section 97B.50A(5)"b" and "c."
d. Unemployment insurance.
e. Employer-paid disability plans, programs, or policies.
f. Other laws.

For purposes of calculating the income offsets required under Iowa Code section 97B.50A, IPERS shall convert any lump sum workers' compensation award, disability insurance payments, or similar lump sum awards for the same illnesses or injuries to an actuarial equivalent, as determined by IPERS. IPERS shall convert any monthly, weekly, or other stated period workers' compensation award, disability insurance payments, or other awards for the same illnesses or injuries, dollar-for-dollar, to the same monthly, weekly, or other stated period, as determined by IPERS.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 495-13.2

ARC 8929B, IAB 7/14/10, effective 6/21/10; ARC 9068B, IAB 9/8/10, effective 10/13/10; ARC 0662C, IAB 4/3/2013, effective 5/8/2013
Amended by IAB February 17, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Number 17, effective 3/23/2016
Amended by IAB April 8, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 21, effective 5/13/2020
Amended by IAB February 23, 2022/Volume XLIV, Number 17, effective 3/30/2022