Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-65.21

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 6, September 18, 2024
Rule 481-65.21 - Health and safety
(1)Physician. Each resident shall have a designated licensed physician who may be called when needed. (Ill)
(2)Emergency care. Each facility shall have written policies and procedures for emergency medical or psychiatric care to include:
a. A written agreement with a hospital or psychiatric facility or documentation of attempt to obtain a written agreement for the timely admission of a resident who, in the opinion of the attending physician, requires inpatient services; (II, III)
b. Provisions consistent with Iowa Code chapter 229; (II, III) and
c. Immediate notification by the person in charge to the physician or QMHP, as appropriate, of any accident, injury or adverse change in the resident's condition. (I, II)
(3)First-aid kit. A first-aid emergency kit shall be available on each floor in every facility. (II, III)
(4)Infection control. Each facility shall have a written and implemented infection control program addressing the following:
a. Techniques for hand washing consistent with Guidelines for Handwashing and Hospital Control, 1985, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PB85-923404; (I, II, III)
b. Techniques for handling of blood, body fluids, and body wastes consistent with Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III)
c. Decubitus care; (I, II, III)
d. Infection identification; (I, II, III)
e. Resident care procedures to be used when there is an infection present consistent with Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III)
f. Sanitation techniques for resident care equipment; (I, II, III)
g. Techniques for sanitary use and reuse of enteral feeding bags, feeding syringes and urine collection bags; (I, II, III)
h. Techniques for use and disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharp instruments consistent with Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PB96-138102; (I, II, III) and
i. Aseptic techniques when using:
(1) Intravenous or central line catheter consistent with Guideline for Prevention of Intravascular Device Related Infections, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PB97-130074, (I, II, III)
(2) Urinary catheter, (I, II, III)
(3) Respiratory suction, oxygen or humidification, (I, II, III)
(4) Dressings, soaks, or packs, (I, II, III)
(5) Tracheostomy, (I, II, III)
(6) Nasogastric or gastrostomy tubes, (I, II, III)
(7) Sanitary use and reuse of feeding syringes and single-resident uses and reuse of urine collection bags. (I, II, III)

CDC Guidelines may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Virginia 22161 (1-800-553-6847).

(5)Disposable items. There shall be disposable or one-time use items available with provisions for proper disposal to prevent reuse except as allowed by 65.21(4)"g. "
(6)Infection control committee. Each facility shall establish an infection control committee of representative professional staff responsible for overall infection control in the facility. (Ill)
a. The committee shall annually review and revise the infection control policies and procedures to monitor effectiveness and suggest improvement. (Ill)
b. The committee shall meet at least quarterly, submit reports to the administrator, and maintain minutes in sufficient detail to document its proceedings and actions. (Ill)
c. The committee shall monitor the health aspect and the environment of the facility. (Ill) These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 135C. 14(3), 135C. 14(5) and 135C. 14(8).
(7)Dental services. The facility shall assist residents to obtain regular and emergency dental services and provide necessary transportation. Dental services shall be performed only on the request of the resident or legal guardian. The resident's physician shall be advised of the resident's dental problems. (HI)
(8)Safe environment. The licensee of an ICF/PMI is responsible for the provision and maintenance of a safe environment for residents and personnel. (I, II) The ICF/PMI may have locked exit doors and shall meet the fire and safety rules and regulations as promulgated by the state fire marshal. (I, II)
(9)Disaster The licensee shall have a written emergency plan to be followed in the event of fire, tornado, explosion, or other emergency. (II, III)
a. The plan shall be posted. (II, III)
b. Training shall be provided to ensure that all employees and residents are knowledgeable of the emergency plan. The training shall be documented. (II, III)
c. Residents shall be permitted to smoke only in posted areas where proper facilities are provided. Smoking by residents considered to be careless shall be prohibited except under direct supervision and in accordance with the IPP. (II, III)
(10)Safety precautions. The facility shall take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of residents and shall involve the residents in learning the safe handling of household supplies and equipment in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the facility. (II)

All potent, poisonous, or caustic materials shall be plainly labeled and stored in a specific locked, well-illuminated cabinet, closet, or storeroom and made accessible only to authorized persons. (I, II)

(11)Hazards. Entrances, exits, steps, and outside steps and walkways shall be cleared of ice and snow as soon as possible, and kept free of other hazards. (II, III)
(12)Laundry. All soiled linens shall be collected in and transported to the laundry room in closed, leakproof laundry bags or covered, impermeable containers. (Ill)
a. Except for related activities, the laundry room shall not be used for other purposes. (Ill)
b. Personal laundry shall be marked with an identification unless the residents are responsible for doing their own laundry as indicated in the individual program plan. (Ill)
c. There shall be an adequate supply of clean, stain-free linens so that each resident shall have at least three washcloths, hand towels, and bath towels per week. (Ill)
d. Each bed shall be provided with clean, stain-free washable bedspreads and sufficient lightweight serviceable blankets. A complete change of bed linens shall be available for each bed. Linens on beds shall be clean, stain-free and in good repair at all times. (Ill)
(13)Supplies, equipment, and storage. Each facility shall provide a variety of supplies and equipment of a nature calculated to fit the needs and interests of the residents. These may include: books (standard and large print), magazines, newspapers, radio, television, bulletin boards, board games, game equipment, songbooks, cards, craft supplies, record player, movie projector, piano, and outdoor equipment. Supplies and equipment shall be appropriate to the chronological age of the residents. (Ill)

Storage shall be provided for recreational equipment and supplies. (Ill)

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 135C.14(I).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 481-65.21