Authority: IC 13-14-8-7; IC 13-15; IC 13-19-3
Affected: IC 13-20; IC 36-9-30
Sec. 3.
Where: CA = Total of existing acres certified to receive waste and acres that received waste previously.
TPA = Total permitted acres.
TRA = Total projected acres that will be certified to receive waste within the current annual update year, which is June 15 to June 15.
PC(f) = Fixed post-closure costs.
PC(o) = All other post-closure costs but fixed post-closure costs.
C = Contingencies, which equals 1.25.
PCF = Post-closure funding.
Fixed costs include semiannual inspections and reports, access control and benchmark maintenance, ground water monitoring and well maintenance, and methane gas monitoring and maintenance.
Where: CE = The current total post-closure cost estimate as determined by subdivision (1).
CV = The current value of the trust fund.
Y = The number of years in the term of the original permit, which is five (5) years or less, or over the remaining life of the solid waste land disposal facility, whichever is shorter.
*This document is available for viewing at and may be obtained from the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746.
329 IAC 10-39-3