Ill. Admin. Code tit. 47 § 120.50

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 39, September 27, 2024
Section 120.50 - Grant Application Requirements
a) Preapplication Requirements
1) Applicants for "90% CSBG funding" as indicated in Section 120.40 will be required to meet certain requirements prior to submitting an application. These requirements are:
A) a properly structured and functioning tripartite board as indicated in Section 120.70;
B) an undelegated (to any other corporate entity) basic central administrative capacity to receive, hold, expend or transfer and account for federal and State assistance funds, to procure facilities, goods and services, to enforce delegation agreements and procurement contracts and to accept, use and account for contributions from non-federal sources;
C) an effective outreach and referral program;
D) a continuing planning process and capability;
E) a centralized fiscal management system; and
F) an effective citizen participation/community involvement program.
2) Applications will not be processed nor grants awarded prior to the Department's review of the applicant's compliance in these five areas.
b) Application Requirements

In preparing its application for funding assistance under the CSBG program, the grant applicant is required to submit the following items:

1) Community Action Plan: With its submission of an application for funding under the CSBG program, the applicant must submit a Community Action Plan which includes information identified in subsections (b)(1)(A) through (G). Subsequent to the Department's receipt of the Community Action Plan, a letter will be transmitted acknowledging receipt and prescribing corrective action for any inadequacies in the plan.
A) Community Action Plan Summary: This section is submitted annually and should summarize the entire Community Action Plan (CAP) and describe how CSBG funds are used to support the operations of the agency beyond the specific programs provided. Its purpose is to describe the agencywide or CSBG-specific process used to develop the Plan, how the Board, client population and the community were involved in the process, and type of data collected and provide narrative of the needs identified.
B) Needs Assessment: Community Action Agencies (CAAs) must conduct a community-wide needs assessment, including food and nutrition needs, of the low-income population. On an annual basis, the results of the survey, changes, and trends are to be submitted to the Department. Triennially, grantees must compile and analyze data such as demographics, family types, school dropout rates, availability of status of low-income housing stock, youth and domestic violence, and transportation availability and provide a narrative of the needs identified.
C) Service Delivery System: The Community Action Plan should identify the service delivery in the CAA service area that is targeted toward low-income citizens. It should also identify the accessibility and effectiveness of that system in meeting the needs of low-income clients. This component is to be submitted with the triennial comprehensive CAP and updated annually if there are significant changes in the service delivery system.
D) Linkages: The CAP must contain a description of how the agency reaches out to its client community and how it provides information and referral services, case management and follow-up to ensure comprehensive services to its low-income population. This component is to be submitted with the triennial comprehensive CAP and be updated annually if the process changes.
E) Coordination: This section describes how CSBG funded services are coordinated with other resources (internal and external), how the coordination is accomplished (both formal and informal), and identify any local groups the agency participates in that enhances coordination. This section is submitted with the triennial comprehensive CAP and updated annually if there are significant changes in coordination.
F) Community and Neighborhood-Based Initiatives: This section is a requirement that should describe how the agency will use funds to support community and neighborhood-based initiatives, which may include fatherhood initiatives, or other initiatives with the goal of strengthening families and encouraging effective parenting. This section should be submitted with the triennial comprehensive CAP and updated annually if there are significant changes in the initiatives.
G) Youth Programming: This Section is a new requirement that should describe how the agency will address the needs of youth in low-income communities through youth development programs that support the primary role of family, give priority to the prevention of youth problems and crime and promote increased community coordination and collaboration in meeting the needs of youth. This Section should be submitted with the triennial comprehensive CAP and updated annually if there are significant changes in the programming and coordination.
H) Outcome: This Section describes the outcome measures to be used to evaluate the success of the applicant in promoting self-sufficiency, family stability and community revitalization. This Section is to be addressed annually.
2) Affirmative Action Plan: The applicant agency must submit an affirmative action plan with its annual application for assistance. The affirmative action plan may follow such format as designed by the applicant, but must include information required by the Department.
3) Annual Work Plan: The work program will narrate the objectives and activities proposed to be undertaken with grant funds. The work program will detail specific annual CSBG goals, objectives that include performance and outcome measures, the activities proposed to meet each objective, and the costs to be incurred in carrying out the activities (including non-CSBG costs).
4) Annual Budget: The applicant shall submit a grant budget by cost categories and line items on budget forms provided by the Department.
5) Cost Allocation Plan: The Department requires grantees who do not have a negotiated indirect cost rate under the jurisdiction of a federal cognizant agency to submit an annual cost allocation plan either for a calendar year or in conjunction with the Grantee's corporate year.
6) Assurances and Certifications: The applicant will be required to assure compliance with cost and accounting standards of the Office of Management and Budget in addition to certifying its compliance with all applicable State and federal laws and regulations dealing with the receipt and expenditure of grant monies.
c) Application Schedule

At least 30 days before the beginning of its funding year: applicants must submit the Community Action Plan, Affirmative Action Plan, Annual Work Program, Annual Grant Budget, Board information, corporate status documentation and bylaws to the Department.

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 47, § 120.50

Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 7986, effective April 28, 2003