Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Each field office is responsible for compiling the names and addresses of adoptive applicant(s), along with the dates of inquiry and membership in an Indian tribe, if any. A database or register must be maintained in order to assure the orderly completion of home studies.

01.Initial Application. Each adoptive applicant must:
a. Cooperate with and allow the Department, or certified adoption professional, to determine compliance with these rules to conduct an adoption home study;
b. Inform the Department, or certified adoption professional, if the applicant has previously applied to become a foster or adoptive parent, is currently licensed as a foster parent, or has been involved in the care and supervision of children or adults;
c. Provide a medical statement for each applicant, signed by a qualified medical professional, within the twelve (12) months period prior to application for adoption, indicating the applicant is in such physical and mental health so as to not adversely affect either the health or quality of care of the adopted child;
d. Provide the name of, and a signed release to obtain the following information about, each member of the household:
i. Admission to, or release from, a facility, hospital, or institution for the treatment of an emotional, intellectual, or substance abuse issue;
ii. Outpatient counseling, treatment, or therapy for an emotional, intellectual, or substance abuse issue.
e. Provide three (3) satisfactory references, one (1) of which may be from a person related to the applicant. Each applicant must provide additional references upon the request of the Department or certified adoption professional;
f. All applicants for adoption and other adult members of the household must comply with the provisions in IDAPA 16.05.06, "Criminal History and Background Checks" and IDAPA 16.06.02, "Child Care Licensing," Section 404.
02.Psychological Evaluation. An evaluation by a psychologist or a psychiatrist can be required by the family services worker or certified adoption professional when an applicant has received or is currently receiving treatment for psychological problems or mental illness or when the family services worker, or certified adoption professional, in consultation with their supervisor, determines that there appear to be emotional problems in the family that merit further evaluation.
03.Orientation of Potential Applicants. Initial meetings with groups of applicants, or with individual families, must be scheduled promptly by the Department or the certified adoption professional, whichever received the inquiry and initial application from the family. These initial meetings must be used to explain policies and procedures regarding adoptive placement, the kinds of children available, and the nature of the home study.
04.Denial of Application. Following an initial interview, an applicant who does not appear to meet the Department's requirements at the time of initial application may be denied a full home study. The family will be advised why they were ineligible for a full home study and notice provided to the applicant of their right to appeal this decision. Upon resolution of the factors leading to the denial, the applicant may again file an application and receive a home study.
05.Application for Subsequent Adoptions. Following the finalization of an adoption, a family may apply to be considered for another placement.
a. Adoptive parents who have experienced a successful adoption and wish to reapply must complete an adoption application and financial statement, complete a Criminal History and Background Check, and submit medical reports and three (3) personal references. One (1) reference may be from a person related to the applicant. When requested by the Department, an applicant must provide additional references.
b. The prospective adoptive family will assist in amending the original adoption study to include information concerning the acceptance and adjustment of the child previously placed in the home and their request for another placement.
c. Prospective adoptive parent(s) applying for subsequent adoption with an agency with whom they have maintained a foster care license since their previous adoption may have the requirement for a new Criminal History and Background Check, medical reports and personal references waived by the agency.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 15, 2022