Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Prior to giving the resident responsibility for administering medications without assistance, the provider must ensure the following:

01.Approval. The provider has obtained written approval from the resident's healthcare professional stating that the resident is capable of safe self-administration; otherwise, staff will comply with Section 402 of these rules.
02.Evaluation. The resident's record includes documentation that the resident's healthcare professional has evaluated the resident's ability to safely self-administer medication. The evaluation must include verification of the following:
a. The resident understands the purpose of each medication;
b. The resident is oriented to time and place and knows the appropriate dosage and times to take the medication;
c. The resident understands the expected effects, adverse reactions, or side effects, and knows what actions to take in case of an emergency; and
d. The resident can take the medication without assistance or reminders from staff.
03.Change in Condition. Should the condition of the resident change such that it brings into question the resident's ability to safely continue self-administration of medications, the provider will arrange for a reevaluation of the resident to self-administer under Subsection 401.02 of this rule. Until the resident's healthcare professional provides written approval for the resident to resume self-administration, staff will comply with Section 402 of these rules.
04.Safeguarding Medication. The provider must ensure that the medications of a resident who self-administers are safeguarded, including providing a lockable storage cabinet or drawer to the resident under Section 175 of these rules. The resident is allowed to maintain personal medications under the resident's own control and possession.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 28, 2023