Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-1-.03
A permit is not transferable from one person to another nor from one facility to another facility.
Except as to information required to be kept confidential by O.C.G.A. Section 12-9-19, as amended all applications for construction permits and operating permits shall be public record.
Unless otherwise required by the Director, SIP permits shall not be required for the following source activities. These exemptions may not be used to avoid any emission limitations or standards of the Rules for Air Quality Control Chapter 391-3-1-.02, lower the potential to emit below "major source" thresholds or to avoid any "applicable requirement" (i.e., NSPS, NESHAP, etc.) as defined in 40 CFR Part 70.2.
Mobile sources, such as automobiles, trucks, buses, locomotives, airplanes, boats and ships, whether or not designated as subject to mandatory inspection, maintenance, or emission requirements pursuant O.C.G.A. Section 12-9-40, et seq., as amended, the Georgia Motor Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance Act. This exemption relates only to the requirement for a permit issued under the Act, not to any other requirement under the Act, and in no way affects any requirement for a permit, license, or a certificate under any other law. This limited exemption from the permit requirements of the Act shall in no way affect the applicability of any other requirement related to mobile sources, or any other requirement or limitation which may affect mobile sources.
Projects listed in subparagraphs 391-3-1-.01(qqqq)1. and 2. of these rules are exempt from the requirement to obtain a construction (SIP) permit as specified in paragraph 391-3-1-.03(1) of this rule provided that the project is not subject to the provisions of paragraph 391-3-1-.02(7), Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality. The Director has the authority to rebut the presumption that projects listed in subparagraphs (qqqq)1. and 2. are environmentally beneficial in accordance with the criteria specified in subparagraph (qqqq) and thus exempt from the requirement to obtain a construction (SIP) permit. Owners and operators of projects exempt from the requirement to obtain a construction (SIP) permit under this subparagraph (6)(j) shall obtain an operating permit or amendment under either paragraph 391-3-1-.03(2) or 391-3-1-.03(10) of this rule, whichever is applicable, prior to commencement of operation of the project.
The Director may combine the requirements of and the permits for construction and operation (temporary or otherwise) into one permit. He may likewise combine the requirements of and applications for construction and operating permits into one application.
Calendar Year | $/Ton Rate | Fee Manual |
1991 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees" dated July 1, 1992. |
1992 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating 1992 Air Permit Fees" dated May 1, 1993. |
1993 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 1993" dated February 1, 1994. |
1994 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 1994" dated May 1, 1995. |
1995 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 1995" dated April 2, 1996. |
1996 | $25/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Years 1996 and 1997" dated August 1, 1997. |
1997 | $28/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Years 1996 and 1997" dated August 1, 1997. |
1998 | $28/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Years 1998 and 1999" dated January 19, 1999. |
1999 | $28/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Years 1998 and 1999" dated January 19, 1999. |
2000 | $31/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2000" dated April 30, 2001. |
2001 | $31/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2001" dated February 26, 2002. |
2002 | $32.50/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2002" dated March 25, 2003. |
2003 | $32.50/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2003" dated April 20, 2004. |
2004 | $32.50/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2004" dated March 22, 2005. |
2005 | $33.00/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2005" dated March 15, 2006. |
2006 | $28.50/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2006" dated February 7, 2007. |
2007 | $34.00/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2007" dated April 2, 2008. |
2008 | $34.00/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2008" dated February 12, 2009. |
2009 | $34.00/Ton | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2009" dated January 26, 2010. |
2010 | $35.84/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $34/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2010" dated January 31, 2011. |
2011 | $35.84/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $34/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2011" dated March 2, 2012. |
2012 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2012" dated February 5, 2013. |
2013 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2013" dated January 14, 2014. |
2014 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2014" dated January 12, 2015. |
2015 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2015" dated February 22, 2016. |
2016 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2016" dated February 8, 2017. |
2017 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Calendar Year 2017" dated February 8, 2018. |
2018 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020" dated December 26, 2018. |
2019 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021" dated February 3, 2020. |
2020 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022" dated February 3, 2021. |
2021 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023" dated February 3, 2022. |
2022 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024" dated February 3, 2023. |
2023 | $37.34/Ton for coal-fired electric generating units; $35.50/Ton for all other sources | "Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees for Fees Due Between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025" dated February 2, 2024. |
When no applicable calculation method or procedure is published therein, the Director may specify or approve an applicable method or procedure prior to its use.
Permit Type |
Minor Source Permit or Amendment |
Synthetic Minor Source Permit or Amendment |
Major Source Permit or Amendment (but not subject to PSD or 112(g)) |
Name Change |
Permit-by-Rule |
Title V 502(b)(10) Permit Amendment |
Title V Minor Modification with Construction |
Title V Minor Modification without Construction |
Title V Significant Modification with Construction |
Title V Significant Modification without Construction |
PSD Permit per 391-3-1-.02(7) |
112(g) permit per 391-3-1-.02(9)(b)16. |
Such action shall render the regulation as incorporated herein, or that portion thereof that may be affected by such action as invalid, void, stayed, or otherwise without force and effect for purposes of this rule upon the date such action becomes final and effective; provided, further, that such declaration, adjudication, stay, or other action described herein, shall not affect the remaining portions, if any, of the regulation as incorporated herein, which shall remain of full force and effect as if such portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional or stayed or otherwise invalidated or effected were not originally a part of this rule. The Board declares that it would have incorporated the remaining parts of the federal regulation if it had known that such portion hereof would be declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional or stayed or otherwise rendered of no force and effect.
Except as provided in subparagraphs (b)5., (e)5.(i)(V) and (e)5.(ii)(V), no Part 70 source may operate after the time that it is required to submit a timely and complete application, except in compliance with a permit issued under this paragraph (10). If a Part 70 source submits a timely and complete application for permit issuance (including for renewal), the source's failure to have a Part 70 permit is not a violation until the Director takes final action on the permit application. This protection shall cease to apply if, subsequent to the completeness determination, the applicant fails to submit by the deadline specified in writing by the Director any additional information identified as being needed to process the application.
A permit modification is any revision to a Part 70 permit that cannot be accomplished under subparagraph 4. A permit modification for purposes of the acid rain program shall be governed by regulations promulgated under Title IV of the federal Clean Air Act.
40 CFR Part 70.7(h) is hereby incorporated and adopted by reference.
Unless otherwise required by the Director, the following air pollutant sources/activities must be listed, but need not be described in detail, in the Part 70 permit application. Exclusion of these emissions from detailed reporting does not exclude them from inclusion in any applicability determination. Additionally, this insignificant listing may not be used to avoid any applicable requirement (i.e., NESHAP, NSPS, etc.) as defined in 40 CFR 70.2, which is incorporated by reference in subparagraph (a)4.
(Note: Because the optimum analytical conditions under Method 311 vary by coating, the coating or adhesive supplier may also choose to include on the CPDS the optimum analytical conditions for analysis of the coating, adhesive, or solvent using Method 311. Such information may include, but not be limited to, separation column, oven temperature, carrier gas, injection port temperature, extraction solvent, and internal standard.)
This paragraph provides for the creation, banking, and transfer of nitrogen oxides and VOC Emission Reduction Credits in Federally designated ozone non-attainment areas in Georgia and any areas designated by the Director as contributing to the ambient air level of ozone in Federally designated ozone non-attainment areas in Georgia. The following sources are eligible to create and bank nitrogen oxides and VOC Emission Reduction Credits:
Emission Reduction Credits banked under this paragraph will not expire at any time. However, Emission Reduction Credits will be discounted at a rate of 10 percent of the original Emission Reduction Credit value per year beginning on the 11th anniversary of the date on which the reduction in emissions initially occurred, up to a maximum total discount of 50 percent of the original Emission Reduction Credit value on the 15th anniversary of the date on which the reduction in emissions initially occurred. Annual discounting under this subparagraph (ii) shall not occur if the affected Emission Reduction Credits have already been discounted by 50% or more under the following subparagraph (iii) due to the promulgation of more stringent regulations affecting the source category that created the Emission Reduction Credits.
If any State or Federal statute, rule, or regulation decreases an allowable emission rate or otherwise requires a reduction in nitrogen oxides or VOC from a particular source category or categories, any banked nitrogen oxides or VOC Emission Reduction Credits created by that source category or categories shall be reduced to reflect the new more stringent allowable emission limit or required reduction.
The Director may revoke, suspend, or reduce the value of Emission Reduction Credits for cause, including evidence of noncompliance with permit conditions imposed to make the emission reductions permanent and enforceable; failure to achieve in practice the emission reductions on which the Emission Reduction Credits are based; or misrepresentations made in the Emission Reduction Credit application or any other applications on which the Emission Reduction Credits are based, supporting data entered therein or attached thereto, or any subsequent submittal or supporting data.
For the purposes of this paragraph, the following definitions shall apply:
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 391-3-1-.03
O.C.G.A. § 12-9-1 et seq., as amended.