Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. dept. 160, ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through October 2, 2024

The Administrative History following each Rule gives the date on which the Rule was originally filed and its effective date, as well as the date on which any amendment or repeal was filed and its effective date. Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. - filed

eff. - effective

R. - Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. - Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. - Emergency Rule

Rev. - Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date filed and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

Original Chapters 160-1 through 160-24 were filed on July 20, 1965 under the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act as Rules in effect in 1965 when the Administrative Procedure Act became effective.

Chapter 160-25 has been added. Filed May 3, 1966; effective May 22, 1966.

Rules 160-23-1-.01, .02, 160-23-3-.04, 160-23-4-.02, .03 have been amended. Filed May 9, 1968; effective May 28, 1968.

Rule 160-23-4-.03 has been amended. Filed November 5, 1968; effective November 24, 1968.

Rule 160-22-1-.02 has been repealed in its entirety and a new Rule has been adopted. Filed July 23, 1969; effective August 11, 1969.

No other amendments, repeals or additions have been filed for the Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Education as of June 1, 1971.

By letter dated March 16, 1971, the Honorable Jack P. Nix, State Superintendent of Schools, advised Secretary of State Ben W. Fortson, Jr. of the following action of the State Board of Education on January 20, 1971:

"4. Administrative Procedure Act: Members of the staff had previously discussed with the Board the regulations of the Department of Education that appear in the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia. It was the consensus of the Board that the State Board of Education has never been subject to the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia (Administrative Procedure Act). On motion of Mr. Stewart, and seconded by Mr. Neville, the State Superintendent was authorized to notify the Secretary of State that the State Board takes the position it has never been subject to the Administrative Procedure Act and is requesting withdrawal of all information previously submitted to the office of Secretary of State for this purpose."

In accordance with the action of the State Board of Education, Dr. Nix requested that all Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Education, Chapters 160-1 through 160-25, inclusive, be withdrawn from the Rules and Regulation of the State of Georgia on the basis of exclusions under Section 2(f) of the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act. With his request letter, Dr. Nix included a copy of a memorandum to him from Russell S. Clark, detailing the exclusions. A copy of that memorandum is on file in the Administrative Procedure Act Division of Secretary of State for public information.

By letter dated March 19, 1971, Secretary of State Ben W. Fortson, Jr. requested an official opinion of the Attorney General of Georgia as to whether he was authorized to comply with the request of the State Superintendent of Schools.

The Honorable Arthur K. Bolton, Attorney General of Georgia, replied to the Secretary of State by official opinion, dated March 25, 1971, which stated, as follows:

"This is in answer to your letter of March 19, 1971, in which you ask for an opinion as to your authority to comply with a request from the State Board of Education that regulations which it has heretofore filed with your office, ostensibly under the Administrative Procedure Act, be withdrawn. Attached to your letter is the State Board's request for withdrawal based upon the ground that the regulations and policies in question do not constitute 'Rules' within the meaning of the Act (the term 'Rule' being defined by Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-102(f)), hence are not covered by the Act and need never have been filed at all. The State Board's request is accompanied by a statement as to each of its filed regulations and the exemption believed applicable under Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-102(f).

While cursory review of the regulations and claimed exceptions would appear to make the Department of Education's position in each instance at least arguable if not probable, the mixed questions of law and fact involved lead one to conclude that ultimate resolution could be achieved only in the courts and with respect to each separate regulation or policy statement. For this office to attempt to reach a conclusion as to each one of the regulations and policy statements in question would obviously involve an inordinate amount of time and energy. Fortunately, however, this rather frightening prospect is wholly avoided by the fact that this task is not necessary to answer the question you pose-which is more simply your authority to comply with the State Board's withdrawal request.

As I see it, the Administrative Procedure Act is rather clear as to whose responsibility and decision it is to say which, if any, of a particular agency's policies and regulations must be kept on file with the Secretary of State. Under the Act, this responsibility belongs to the agency which promulgates the rule. This is seen in Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-104 which provides that prior to adoption of a 'Rule' the agency must give notice of its intended action, and in Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-105 which provides that in order to effectuate its "Rules" the agency must file the same in the office of the Secretary of State. The only penalty which the Administrative Procedure Act provides for an agency's failure to file those policies and regulations which constitute "Rules" under Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-102(f) is that any such policy or regulation, if not on file, is invalid. See Ga. Code Ann. § 3A-103(4)(b). This is the risk which the agency bears if it is mistaken in its decision as to the Act's inclusion or exclusion of a policy or regulation. While it is true that the language of the Act is geared to the initial filing of a Rule, I am aware of no difference in principle between an initial decision not to file and a subsequent decision to withdraw that which has already been filed. In the context of the purposes for which the Act was adopted, its requirements and its penalties, both situations would seem to be the same. Consequently, I am of the opinion that a State agency, at its own risk (i.e., possible invalidity of a regulation which in law and fact does constitute a 'Rule' within the meaning of the Act), may withdraw regulations which it has filed with the Secretary of State if and when it subsequently decides that such regulations are not covered by and need not be filed under the Act."

By Certificate dated May 3, 1971, the State Superintendent of Schools filed copies of the above-referenced letter of his dated March 16, 1971, including the memorandum from Russell S. Clark, a copy of the letter dated March 19, 1971 from the Secretary of State to the Attorney General, a copy of the official opinion of the Attorney General dated March 25, 1971, and requested that the Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Education be withdrawn from the Official Compilation Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia.

Thus, the Administrative Procedure Act Division has instructed all subscribers to the Official Compilation to remove the Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Education from their set of the Official Compilation and to destroy same.

Therefore, you will find no Rules and Regulations in the Official Compilation for the Georgia State Department of Education. However, should you desire to see the Rules and Regulations of said Department which were removed from the Official Compilation, a set of same are on file in the Administrative Procedure Act Division, Office of Secretary of State.

Original Chapter 160-1-1 was filed on July 28, 1972, to become effective August 18, 1972, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 160-1-1-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule 160-1-1-.02 adopted. Filed June 14, 1973; effective July 4, 1973.

Editor's Note:

In Department of Education v. Kitchens, the Court ruled that the State Board of Education and the Department of Education are included within the definition of "agency" as contained in the Administrative Procedure Act. As a result of this ruling, the Department of Education, the administrative arm of the Board, is again filing its rules with this Division beginning February 22, 1990.

Emergency Rule 160-6-1-0.1, containing Rules 160-6-1-0.1-.01 through 160-6-1-0.1-.168, entitled "Certification" has been adopted. Filed February 22, 1990, effective February 21, 1990, the date of adoption, to be in effect for a period of 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted because the administration of laws and policies governing education in Georgia by the Board and the Department could be seriously hampered until such time as the rules of the Board and the Department are enacted pursuant to the Act, also the Board determines that an imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare exists in the administration of law and policy by the Board and the Department in accordance with O.C.G.A. Sec. 50-13-4. (Said Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapter 160-1-3 entitled "Rules of General Applicability" containing Rule 160-1-3-.01 has been adopted. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-3-1 entitled "Assessment" containing Rules 160-3-1-.01 through 160-3-1-.11 has been adopted. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-3-2 entitled "Standards and Evaluation" containing Rules 160-3-2-.01 through 160-3-2-.10 has been adopted. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-7 entitled "Special Education Regulations and Procedures" containing Rules 160-4-7-.01 through 160-4-7-.10 has been adopted. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-1 entitled "Regional Educational Services" containing Rules 160-5-1-.01 through 160-5-1-.18 has been adopted. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-6-1 entitled "Certification" has repealed Emergency Rules 160-6-1-0.1-.01 through 160-6-1-0.1-.168 and adopted 160-6-1-.01 through 160-6-1-.171 as permanent Rules. Filed April 20, 1990; effective May 10, 1990.

Chapter 160-1-1 has been repealed. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Rule 160-1-3-.01 has been amended. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Rules 160-3-1-.01, 160-3-1-.10 and 160-3-1-.11 have been repealed and new Rules of the same titles adopted. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Chapter 160-3-3 entitled "Professional Development Opportunities," containing Rules 160-3-3-.01 through 160-3-3-.33 has been adopted. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Rules 160-4-7-.05, 160-4-7-.07 and 160-4-7-.10 were adopted. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-8 entitled "Student Support," containing Rules 160-4-8-.01 through 160-4-8-.03, has been adopted. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Rules 160-6-1-.129, .130, .138, .158 have been amended; Rule 160-6-1-.172 has been adopted. Filed June 22, 1990; effective July 12, 1990.

Rule 160-3-1-.02 entitled "Certification Assessment for Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists" has been repealed. Filed August 10, 1990; effective August 30, 1990.

Chapter 160-3-2 has been repealed and a new Chapter of the same title adopted. Filed August 10, 1990; effective August 30, 1990.

Rule 160-6-1-.29 has been repealed and a new Rule of the same title adopted. Filed August 10, 1990; effective August 30, 1990.

Chapter 160-2-2 entitled "Proprietary Schools," containing Rule 160-2-2-.01 has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-2-3 entitled "Nonpublic Degree-Granting Institutions," containing Rule 160-2-3-.01 has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Rules 160-3-3-.01, .02, .04 thru .06 and .09 have been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-2 entitled "Division of General Instruction" containing Rules 160-4-2-.01 thru 160-4-2-.32, has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-5 entitled "Compensatory Education", containing Rules 160-4-5-.01 and 160-4-5-.02, has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Rules 160-4-8-.01, .04, .06, .07 thru .09 have been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-9 entitled "Innovative Projects", containing Rule 160-4-9-.01 has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-10 entitled "Vocational Evaluation", containing Rules 160-4-10-.01 thru .03, has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-6 entitled "School Nutrition Program", containing Rules 160-5-6-.01 thru 160-5-6-.03, has been adopted. Filed September 27, 1990; effective October 17, 1990.

Rules 160-6-1-.146 and .166 have been amended. Filed September 27, 1990; effective January 1, 1991, as specified by Agency.

Rule 160-1-3-.03 has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Rule 160-3-2-.04 has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-3-3 has been amended. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-2 has been amended. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-3 entitled "Secondary Vocational Education", containing Rules 160-4-3-.01 to 160-4-3-.11, has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-4-4 entitled "Instructional/Media Resources", containing Rules 160-4-4-.01 to 160-4-4-.20, has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-1 has been amended. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-2 entitled "Fiscal Services Division", containing Rules 160-5-2-.01 to 160-5-2-.50, has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-3 entitled "Student Transportation Management", containing Rules 160-5-3-.01 to 160-5-3.14 has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-4 entitled "School Facilities and Capital Outlay Management", containing Rules 160-5-4-.01 to 160-5-4-.19, has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Chapter 160-5-5 entitled "Hazardous Materials and School Maintenance Management", containing Rules 160-5-5-.01 to 160-5-5-.02, has been adopted. Filed November 30, 1990; effective December 20, 1990.

Rule 160-1-3-.02 has been adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Rule 160-4-4-.10 has been adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Rule 160-4-7-.03 has been amended and Rule 160-4-7-.11 adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Chapter 160-4-9 has been amended. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Rules 160-5-1-.07 and .22 have been adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Rule 160-5-6-.04 has been adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Chapter 160-6-1 has been amended. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Chapter 160-6-2, entitled "Division of Public Library Services", containing Rules 160-6-2-.01 to 160-6-2-.86, has been adopted. Filed December 14, 1990; effective January 3, 1991.

Emergency Rule 160-1-3-0.2-.04, entitled "School Law Tribunals and Appeals" has been adopted. Filed December 19, 1990; effective January 1, 1991, to be in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted because the State Board of Education has determined that the lack of appellate procedures would result in imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare. (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 160-1-3-.05 has been adopted. Filed February 22, 1991; effective March 14, 1991.

Rule 160-6-1-.44 has been adopted and Rule 160-6-1-.110 amended. Filed February 22, 1991; effective March 14, 1991.

Rule 160-1-3-.04 has been adopted. Filed March 25, 1991; effective April 14, 1991.

Rule 160-4-2-.06 has been adopted. Filed March 25, 1991; effective April 14, 1991.

Rules 160-3-1-.01, .10 were repealed. Filed April 24, 1991; effective May 14, 1991.

Rules 160-3-3-.83, .84, .85 were adopted. Filed April 24, 1991; effective May 14, 1991.

Rule 160-4-4-.10 has been amended. Filed April 24, 1991; effective May 14, 1991.

Rules 160-6-1-.173, .174 were adopted. Filed April 24, 1991; effective May 14, 1991.

Rules 160-3-1-.05, .11 were repealed and new Rules, same title, adopted. Filed June 27, 1991; effective July 17, 1991.

Subparagraphs (2)(b)2.(ii), (2)(b)6.(ii) of Rule 160-3-3-.04 were amended. Filed June 27, 1991; effective July 17, 1991.

Rules 160-4-2-.33 and 160-4-7-.12 were adopted. Filed April 24, 1991; effective July 17, 1991.

Rule 160-5-1-.07 was repealed, new Rule, same title, adopted. Rules 160-5-1-.13, .14 were adopted. Filed June 27, 1991; effective July 17, 1991.

Rule 160-5-4-.14 was amended. Filed June 27, 1991; effective July 17, 1991.

Rule 160-2-2-.01 was repealed. Filed August 19, 1991; effective September 8, 1991.

Rule 160-2-3-.01 was repealed. Filed August 19, 1991; effective September 8, 1991.

Rule 160-3-2-.02 was repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed August 19, 1991; effective September 8, 1991.

Rules 160-5-1-.01, -.18 was amended. Filed August 19, 1991; effective September 8, 1991.

Rule 160-3-1-.07 was repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed September 18, 1991; effective October 8, 1991.

Rule 160-4-5-.01 was repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted. Filed September 18, 1991; effective October 8, 1991.

Emergency Rule 160-5-1-0.3-.23, entitled "Class Size For School Year 1991-92" has been adopted. Filed September 18, 1991, effective September 12, 1991, the date of adoption, to be in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted "to provide flexibility in the number of required teaching personnel as described by maximum class size". (Emergency Rule will not be published, copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 160-4-3-0.4-.12, entitled "Extended Day Program for School Year 1991-92" has been adopted. Filed September 18, 1991, effective September 12, 1991, the date of adoption, to be in effect for a period of 120 days or until permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted "to provide flexibility in the hiring and assignment of teaching personnel in field". (Emergency Rule will not be published, copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 160-4-3-0.4-.12 repealed and a permanent Rule, same title, adopted. Filed November 21, 1991; effective December 11, 1991.

Rule 160-4-9-.02 has been adopted. Filed November 21, 1991; effective December 11, 1991.

Rule 160-5-1-.15 adopted and Emergency Rule 160-5-1-0.3-.23 repealed and a permanent Rule, same title, adopted. Filed November 21, 1991; effective December 11, 1991.

Rule 160-5-5-.03 has been adopted. Filed November 21, 1991; effective December 11, 1991.

Rules 160-1-3-.06, 160-3-2-.06 were adopted; 160-5-3-.04 amended. Filed March 18, 1992; effective April 8, 1992.

Adopted a new subparagraph (f) and renumbered (f) through (r) to (g) through (s); amended (4)(a)4.(v) and (4)(a)7. of Rule 160-3-3-.04. Filed May 21, 1992; effective June 10, 1992.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed May 21, 1992; effective June 10, 1992.

Rules 160-4-2-.06 and 160-6-2-.83 were amended; 160-4-7-.13 and 160-5-1-.19 were adopted; 160-4-3-.12 and 160-5-1-.23 were repealed; 160-5-1-.18 was repealed and a new Rule and title adopted. Filed July 17, 1992; effective August 6, 1992.

Emergency Rule 160-5-1-0.5-.24, entitled "Procedure for Requesting Student Social Security Numbers" and Emergency Rule 160-5-1-0.5-.25, entitled "Special Notice Provision for Student Social Security Numbers" has been adopted. Filed August 5, 1992, effective August 4, 1992, the date of adoption, to be in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. This Emergency Rule was adopted "to comply with S.B.507, which requires that all students enrolled in Georgia public schools provide a Social Security number upon enrollment." (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 160-1-3-.01 has been repealed; 160-3-2-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule, same title, adopted; 160-4-2-.30 and 160-4-2-.313. have been amended; 160-4-7-.073.(ii) has been amended and subparagraphs (iv) and (v) adopted; 160-4-10-.03 has been amended; 160-5-1-.07 has been amended; Appendix B to Rule 160-5-1-.08 has been amended; 160-5-1-.24 has been adopted. Filed September 24, 1992; effective October 14, 1992.

Rule 160-3-3-.01 was amended and retitled "Public School Recruitment Services"; Rule 160-4-5-.02 has been amended. Filed November 13, 1992; effective December 3, 1992.

Rules 160-3-3-.09, .16 to .85; 160-5-1-.09; 160-6-1-.01 to .41, .44 to .174 have been repealed; Rules 160-4-8-.01, 160-5-1-.02 and .11 have been amended. Filed January 22, 1993; effective February 11, 1993.

Rule 160-5-2-.20 has been amended and retitled "Annual Budgets". Filed January 22, 1993, effective July 1, 1993, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 160-3-1-.01 entitled "Pay for Performance Program" has been adopted; Rules 160-3-3-.04 and 160-4-2-.12 have been amended. Filed March 17, 1993; effective April 6, 1993.

Rules 160-1-3-.07, 160-4-2-.34, 160-5-1-.26 have been adopted; 160-4-2-.03, 160-6-2-.01 were amended. Filed May 20, 1993; effective June 9, 1993.

Rules 160-1-3-.05, .11 were amended. Filed May 20, 1993; effective July 1, 1993, as specified by the Agency.

Chapter 160-1-4 entitled "Grant Programs" containing 160-1-4-.02 to 160-1-4-.11 submitted June 14, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.01 submitted June 23, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.12, .13, .15 submitted June 29, 1993.

Rules 160-4-2-.21, .30 have been amended. Filed July 12, 1993; effective August 1, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.14, .32, .38 submitted July 13, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.42, .43, .44 submitted July 20, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.21, .22, .23, .26, .39 submitted July 23, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.14 submitted July 30, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.48, .53, .54, .59 submitted August 3, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.45, .46, .47 submitted August 4, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.27 to .31, .49 to .52, .61 and .63 submitted August 11, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.40, .55 were submitted August 16, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.56 submitted August 20, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.16 and .64 were submitted August 31, 1993.

Rules 160-1-3-.04, 160-4-2-.06, 160-4-2-.16 have been amended; Rules 160-3-2-.02 and 160-4-2-.03 have been amended and retitled; Rule 160-4-2-.28 has been repealed; and Rule 160-4-9-.04 has been adopted. Filed August 20, 1993; effective September 9, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.17 submitted September 2, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.65 submitted September 8, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.18 and .19 were submitted September 13, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.14 has been amended. Submitted September 17, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.20, .57, and .58 were submitted September 28, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.24, .25, .33 to .36 and .62 were submitted October 8, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.69 submitted October 22, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.66 and .67 submitted October 26, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.36 and .37 submitted November 1, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.71 submitted November 15, 1993.

Rule 160-4-2-.06 has been amended. Filed November 17, 1993; effective December 7, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.70 submitted November 18, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.74 submitted November 19, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.72 submitted December 1, 1993.

Grants 160-1-4-.75 and .76 submitted December 9, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.73 submitted December 16, 1993.

Grant 160-1-4-.79 submitted January 6, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.78 submitted January 10, 1994.

Rule 160-3-3-.05 has been repealed; Chapter 160-4-7 and Rules 160-5-1-.05, .08 have been amended. Filed January 25, 1994; effective February 14, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.80 submitted January 25, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.81 submitted January 31, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.84 submitted February 3, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.82 submitted February 7, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.83, .85 submitted February 8, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.77, .87 submitted February 18, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.60 submitted February 23, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.94 submitted February 28, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.98 submitted March 1, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.91 submitted March 3, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.68, .86 submitted March 7, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.100, .101 submitted March 11, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.103 submitted March 15, 1994.

Rules 160-5-1-.01 and 160-5-2-.04 have been amended. Filed March 16, 1994; effective April 5, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.53, .73 have been amended; Grants 160-1-4-.88, .93, .96, .97, and .114 submitted March 24, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.89, .104, and .105 submitted March 25, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.115 submitted April 1, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.106 to .109 submitted April 11, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.120 submitted April 15, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.118 submitted April 18, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.110 submitted April 22, 1994.

Emergency Rule 160-4-2-0.6-.37 entitled "Georgia High School Graduation Test Summer Remedial Program" has been adopted. Filed April 22, 1994, effective April 14, 1994, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted. This Emergency Rule was adopted to comply with law dispensing funds that was adopted in 1994 Session of the Georgia General Assembly. (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 160-1-3-.08 has been adopted; 160-3-3-.04 has been amended, .06 repealed; 160-5-1-.07 and 160-5-2-.02 has been amended. Filed April 22, 1994; effective May 12, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.99, .102 submitted May 2, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.113 submitted May 9, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.89 has been amended; 160-1-4-.112 submitted May 16, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.111 submitted May 17, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.117 submitted May 18, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.92 and .59 submitted May 31, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.116, .84 submitted June 2, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.123 submitted, Grants 160-1-4-.121, .122 reserved June 10, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.124, .40 submitted June 17, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.122, .55 submitted June 23, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.14 submitted June 24, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.119, .128 submitted June 30, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.118 submitted July 11, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.121, .125 submitted July 15, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.02 has been revised. New Grant entitled "Student Assessment" submitted;

Grants 160-1-4-.16, .38, .61, .79, and .83 submitted July 22, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.06, .13, .19, .20, .24, .25, .33, .34, .35, .36, .37, .62, .70, .76, .78, .80, .92, .102, .104, .105, .113, and .117 were terminated July 22, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.127 submitted July 22, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.53, .73, .96, .97 were submitted August 1, 1994.

Rules 160-6-2-.05, 160-3-3-.04 has been amended; 160-5-6-.05, 160-4-8-.10, 160-4-2-.36 have been adopted. Filed July 22, 1994; effective August 11, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.130 submitted August 15, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.131 submitted August 18, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.36 submitted August 23, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.129 submitted August 29, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.14, .40 submitted September 9, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.132, .134 submitted September 20, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.133, .135 submitted September 22, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.136 submitted October 4, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.47, .137 submitted October 19, 1994.

Rules 160-3-1-.05 has been repealed; 160-4-7-.05, .06 and Chapter 160-5-4 have been amended; 160-5-3-.15 has been adopted. Filed September 19, 1994; effective October 9, 1994.

Rules 160-5-4-.01, .08, have been amended, .21 has been adopted. Filed November 16, 1994; effective December 6, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.73, .138 submitted November 18, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.139 submitted November 30, 1994.

Rule 160-1-3-.08 has been repealed. Filed December 13, 1994; effective January 2, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.140 submitted December 16, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.141 submitted December 20, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.114 submitted December 21, 1994.

Grants 160-1-4-.95, 142 submitted December 22, 1994.

Grant 160-1-4-.55 submitted January 23, 1995.

Emergency Rule 160-4-4-0.7-.10 entitled "Textbook Selection and Adoption" has been adopted. Filed and effective February 9, 1995, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted. This Emergency Rule was adopted to give greater flexibility to local units of administration as they make their annual budgetary and textbook adoption decisions. (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Grant 160-1-4-.143 submitted February 15, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.81 submitted March 6, 1995.

Rules 160-5-2-.21, .23 has been amended. Filed March 9, 1995; effective March 29, 1995.

Grants 160-1-4-.53, .54, .144 submitted March 17, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.42 submitted March 20, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.147 submitted March 23, 1995.

Grants 160-1-4-.145, .146 submitted March 28, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.149 submitted March 30, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.148 submitted April 6, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.151 submitted April 11, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.150 submitted April 14, 1995.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Rule 160-4-3-.13 has been adopted. Emergency Rule 160-4-4-0.7-.10 has been repealed and permanent Rule 160-4-4-.10 has been adopted. Rule 160-5-2-.04 has been amended. Filed April 17, 1995; effective May 7, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.152 submitted April 18, 1995.

Emergency Rule 160-4-7-0.8-.09 entitled "Instructional Support Services-Special Programs" has been adopted. Filed and effective May 11, 1995, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted. This Emergency Rule was adopted to enable local units of administration to receive funds beginning July 1, 1995.

(Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Emergency Rule 160-4-2-0.9-.37 entitled "Georgia High School Graduation Test Summer Remedial Program" has been adopted. Filed and effective May 11, 1995, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted. This Emergency Rule was adopted to enable local units of administration to receive funds to implement the Georgia High School Graduation Test Summer Remedial Program. (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 160-4-2-.36 has been amended. Filed June 13, 1995; effective July 3, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.154 submitted June 28, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.153 submitted July 5, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.16 submitted July 18, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.157 submitted August 2, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.154 submitted August 18, 1995.

Rules 160-3-1-.11 and 160-5-1-.26 have been repealed. Rules 160-3-1-.07, 160-4-2-.34, 160-4-7-.09 and 160-4-9-.04 have been amended. Filed August 21, 1995; effective September 10, 1995.

Rules 160-6-1-.42 has been repealed and 160-5-2-.05 has been adopted. Filed August 24, 1995; effective September 12, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.156 submitted August 29, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.159 submitted September 14, 1995.

Rules 160-5-2-.01, .03, .11 and .20 have been repealed. Filed September 14, 1995; effective October 4, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.160 submitted September 26, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.129 submitted October 30, 1995.

Grants 160-1-4-.114, .146 submitted November 7, 1995.

Grants 160-1-4-.91, .111, .115, .116, .131, .133, .141, .150 terminated; .32, .43, .49 to .52; .59, .61, .64, .65, .69, .71, .82, .83, .86, .87, .98, .101, .136 and .142 submitted December 5, 1995.

Grant 160-1-4-.132 submitted December 8, 1995.

Rule 160-4-2-.38 has been adopted. Filed December 14, 1995; effective January 3, 1996.

Grants 160-1-4-.89, .112, .161 submitted January 2, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.162 submitted January 18, 1996.

Grants 160-1-4-.08, .09 terminated; .164 submitted February 9, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.163 submitted February 14, 1996.

Grants 160-1-4-.02 to .05; .07, .10, .11 and .71 submitted February 27, 1996.

Grants 160-1-4-.165, .168 submitted March 18, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.169 submitted March 19, 1996.

Rules 160-3-3-.04, 160-4-2-.09, .10, 160-4-8-.12, 160-5-1-.18, 160-5-3-.03, .08, .14, has been amended. Filed March 25, 1996; effective April 14, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.65 submitted April 16, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.113 submitted April 24, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.172 submitted May 16, 1996.

Rules 160-4-2-.04 has been repealed, .17 has been amended, 160-4-3-.02, .09 amended, .03 and .04 repealed, 160-4-8-.01, .08 amended, .02, .03, .06, .07 repealed, 160-4-10-.02, .03 amended, 160-5-3-.01, .02, .10 amended, .05, .06, .07, .12 repealed. Filed May 16, 1996; effective June 5, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.59, .173 submitted June 14, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.83, .160 terminated; .171, .175 submitted June 12, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.176 submitted June 21, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.174 submitted July 2, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.103, .146, .154 submitted July 8, 1996.

Rules 160-4-3-.11, 5-1-.04, .11; 5-2-.50, 5-3-.11, .13 have been amended. Filed July 19, 1996; effective August 8, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.181 submitted July 24, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.163 submitted July 30, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.182 submitted September 9, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.85, .124, .125, .130, .136 submitted September 13, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.31, .55, .71, .88, .89, .96, .97, .98, .110, .120, .125, .140, .144, .162 terminated September 13, 1996.

Grant 160-1-4-.178, .183, .184, .185 submitted September 30, 1996.

Rules 160-3-1-.07, 3-2-.01, .02, .04, .06; 4-2-.03; 4-4-.10; 5-1-.22, .24, .27 amended. Filed September 24, 1996; October 14, 1996.

Chapter 160-5-4; Rules 5-5-.03 amended; 5-5-.01, .02 repealed. Filed November 21, 1996; effective December 11, 1996.

Rule 160-5-1-.08 amended. Filed November 26, 1996; effective December 16, 1996.

Emergency Rules 160-4-2-0.10-.35 and 160-4-2-0.11-.37 has been adopted. Filed and effective January 16, 1997, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted. This Emergency Rule was adopted "for the State Board of Education to adopt this Emergency Rule in order to receive funding for FY 98 from the Georgia General Assembly". (Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Rule 160-4-8-.10 has been repealed; 160-5-1-.07 has been amended. Filed January 16, 1997; effective February 5, 1997.

Rule 160-5-1-.01, 160-5-2-.50 have been amended. Filed February 19, 1997; effective March 11, 1997.

Rules 160-4-2-.03, .10; 160-5-1-.10 have been amended; Rules 160-4-2-.35, .37 have been adopted; Chapter 160-6-2 has been repealed. Filed March 20, 1997; effective April 9, 1997.

Rules 160-4-2-.16, 160-5-1-.13, 160-5-6-.01 have been amended; 160-5-6-.02 through .05 have been repealed. Filed May 21, 1997; effective June 10, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.188 submitted June 5, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.176, .190, .191 submitted June 16, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.17, .187 submitted June 18, 1997.

Rule 160-5-1-.02 has been amended. Filed June 3, 1997; effective June 23, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.192, .193 submitted July 17, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.194, .196, .197 submitted July 25, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.195 submitted August 5, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.198 submitted August 13, 1997.

Grants 160-3-1-.07, 160-4-2-.03, 160-5-1-.08, .24, 160-5-4-.02 have been amended and 160-4-2-.46 adopted. Filed July 25, 1997; effective August 14, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.200 submitted August 25, 1997.

Rule 160-3-3-.07 has been amended. Filed August 14, 1997; effective September 3, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.199 submitted August 29, 1997.

Grants 160-1-4-.168, .202 submitted September 16, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.201 submitted October 2, 1997.

Rules 160-3-3-.04; 160-4-2-.03, .21, .33; 160-4-4-.10, .20; 160-5-1-.18, .19 have been amended; 160-4-9-.02 has been repealed. Filed December 9, 1997; effective December 29, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.205 submitted December 9, 1997.

Grant 160-1-4-.208 submitted January 22, 1998.

Rules 160-4-8-.14 has been adopted and 160-4-9-.04 has been amended. Filed January 12, 1998; effective February 1, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.209 submitted February 17, 1998.

Rules 160-4-2-.01, .17, .38; 160-4-3-.06, .07, .08; 160-4-5-.01, 160-5-1-.08 have been amended. Filed February 17, 1998; effective March 9, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.21, .22, .23, .26, .39, .84, .142, .148, .159 terminated; .210 submitted February 26, 1998.

Rules 160-4-2-.18, .19 have been amended; .02 repealed. Filed March 20, 1998; effective April 9, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.212 submitted April 6, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.02, .05, .07, .10, .11, .15, .16, .17, .18, .27, .28, .29, .30, .43, .44, .72, .77, .85, .106, .107, .108, .109, .119, .121, .124, .128, .129, .130, .151, .176, .178, .184, .187, .192, .196, .197 submitted; .03, .04, .42, .47, .74, .93, .94, .99, .102, .113, .132, .134, .137, .147, .152, .154, .161, .164, .165, .169, .174, .181, .183, .188, .209 terminated. Submitted April 8, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.200, .213 submitted April 24, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.01, .12, .40, .45, .48, .53, .54, .58, .59, .60, .63, .64, .82, .103, .118, .127, .155, .156, .157, .193, .195, .198 submitted; .46, .57, .66, .68, .69, .73, .79, .112, .123, .138, .143, .145, .146, .153, .171, .172, .175, .182, .194, .208 terminated. Submitted May 1, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.216 submitted May 7, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.49, .50, .51, .52, .56, .75, .86, .95, .100, .101, .135 submitted May 11, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.173 terminated; .217 submitted May 22, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.139 submitted June 1, 1998.

Rules 160-1-3-.04, .06, 160-4-4-.01, 160-4-2-.10 and 160-5-1-.12 have been amended. Filed May 26, 1998; effective June 15, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.54, .218, .221 submitted June 12, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.215 submitted June 18, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.214, .222, .223 submitted June 24, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.224, .225 submitted June 25, 1998.

Rules 160-4-2-.46 and 160-4-8-.12 have been amended. Filed July 14, 1998; effective August 3, 1998.

Rules 160-5-1-.08, .15 have been amended. Filed August 14, 1998; effective September 3, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.229 submitted August 27, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.227 submitted September 16, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.228 submitted September 23, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.230 submitted October 9, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.231 submitted October 28, 1998.

Grants 160-1-4-.220, .232 submitted November 10, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.233 submitted November 23, 1998.

Rule 160-1-3-.09 has been adopted; Rules 160-4-2-.10 and 160-4-9-.04 have been amended. Filed November 16, 1998; effective December 6, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.234 submitted December 14, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.235 submitted December 23, 1998.

Grant 160-1-4-.236 submitted January 15, 1999. Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed January 22, 1999; effective February 11, 1999.

Grants 160-1-4-.237, .238 submitted January 27, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.236 submitted February 12, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.239 submitted February 15, 1999.

Grants 160-1-4-.240, .241 submitted April 6, 1999.

Rules 160-3-1-.07, 160-5-1-.03, .07, .27, 160-5-2-.50 have been amended and 160-4-2-.07, .08 have been repealed. Filed March 16, 1999; effective April 5, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.243 submitted April 30, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.245 submitted May 12, 1999.

Rules 160-4-3-.09, .11 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 160-4-8-.08 and 160-5-1-.08 have been amended. Filed May 20, 1999; effective June 9, 1999.

Grants 160-1-4-.91, .234, .244, .246, .247 submitted June 2, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.242 submitted June 8, 1999.

Grants 160-1-4-.175, .248 submitted June 16, 1999.

Rule 160-4-3-.14 entitled "Work-based Learning Programs" has been adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.14 has been amended. Filed June 16, 1999; effective July 6, 1999.

Grants 160-1-4-.239, .250 submitted June 28, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.249 submitted July 6, 1999.

Rule 160-4-2-.34 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed July 13, 1999; effective August 2, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.251 submitted July 29, 1999.

Rules 160-3-3-.01, 160-4-5-.02, 160-5-4-.11 have been amended. Rule 160-3-3-.02 has been repealed. Filed August 20, 1999; effective September 9, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.168 submitted September 1, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.77 submitted September 13, 1999.

Grant 160-1-4-.85 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.202 and .229 submitted October 5, 1999.

Rules 160-4-2-.09, .10 have been amended. Filed January 18, 2000; effective February 7, 2000.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed February 24, 2000; effective March 15, 2000.

Rule 160-1-3-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed March 10, 2000; effective March 30, 2000.

Rule 160-4-8-.15 has been adopted. Rules 160-5-1-.03, .22 have been amended. Filed May 24, 2000; effective June 13, 2000.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed June 13, 2000; effective July 3, 2000.

Rules 160-3-3-.04, 160-4-2-.05, .12, .17, 160-4-3-.11, 160-4-5-.01, 160-4-8-.12, 160-5-1-.08, 160-5-4-.01, .02, .03, .10, .11, .18 have been amended. Filed June 29, 2000; effective July 19, 2000.

Rule 160-3-2-.01 has been repealed. Rules 160-4-2-.14, .15 have been adopted. Filed July 18, 2000; effective August 7, 2000.

Chapter 160-4-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Rule 160-4-8-.01 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rule 160-4-8-.05 has been adopted. Rules 160-5-1-.08, .13 have been amended. Filed August 14, 2000; effective September 3, 2000.

Rules 160-3-1-.01, 160-4-2-.03, .14, .32, 160-5-1-.01, .07, .22, and 160-5-2-.50 have been amended. Rule 160-5-1-.27 has been repealed. Rule 160-5-4-.09 has been adopted. Filed September 15, 2000; effective October 5, 2000.

Grant 160-1-4-.202 submitted October 19, 2000.

Rule 160-5-2-.21 has been amended. Filed November 13, 2000; effective December 3, 2000.

Rule 160-4-9-.04 has been amended. Filed December 14, 2000; effective January 3, 2001.

Grant 160-1-4-.252 submitted February 16, 2001.

Rule 160-5-4-.08 has been amended. Filed March 9, 2001; effective March 29, 2001.

Rule 160-3-1-.07 has been amended. Rule 160-5-1-.20 has been adopted. Filed April 16, 2001; effective May 6, 2001.

Rules 160-4-2-.03, 160-5-1-.08, 160-5-4-.02, .03, .16 have been amended. Filed May 21, 2001; effective June 10, 2001.

Rule 160-5-2-.04 has been amended. Rule 160-5-4-.04 has been adopted. Filed June 15, 2001; effective July 5, 2001.

Rule 160-4-2-.05 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rules 160-4-2-.17, 160-4-5-.01, .02 and 160-5-1-.08 have been amended. Filed July 23, 2001; effective August 12, 2001.

Rules 160-4-2-.10 and 160-4-8-.12 have been amended. Filed November 9, 2001; effective November 29, 2001.

Grants 160-1-4-.02, .05, .07, .11, .27, .29, .36, .44, .54, .67, .68, .72, .75, .77, .86, .87, .91, .121, .135, .139, .149, .151, .168, .185, .190, .193, .196, .197, .200, .205, .210, .213, .214, .218, .220, .222 to .225, .231, .232, .234, .235, .238 to .245, .247, .248, .251 terminated December 12, 2001.

Grants 160-1-4-.253, .254 submitted December 14, 2001.

Rule 160-4-2-.11 has been adopted. Rule 160-4-2-.31 has been amended. Filed December 14, 2001; effective January 3, 2002.

Grants 160-1-4-.18, .43, .106 to .109, .184 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.155, .255 submitted December 21, 2001.

Grants 160-1-4-.10, .32, .52, .56, .58, .103, .118, .119, .128, .156, .178, .192, .217, .221, .228, .237, .246 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.14, .50, .122, .229, .230 submitted January 2, 2002.

Grants 160-1-4-.12, .30, .40, .45, .81, .82, .157, .199, .212, .215, .216, .233, .249 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.53, .65, .195, .198, .202, .236 submitted January 14, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.201 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.17, .48, .127, .175, .250 submitted January 15, 2002.

Grants 160-1-4-.59, .64 submitted January 22, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.28 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.85, .256 submitted February 15, 2002.

Rules 160-1-3-.07, 160-4-2-.01, .03, .05, 160-4-10-.02, 160-5-1-.02, .10, .15, 160-5-6-.01 have been amended. Rules 160-3-3-.01, 160-4-10-.03 have been repealed. Rule 160-4-2-.47 has been adopted. Filed February 15, 2002; effective March 7, 2002.

Rule 160-4-2-.38 has been amended. Filed February 28, 2002; effective March 20, 2002.

Rule 160-5-2-.05 has been amended. Filed April 12, 2002; effective May 2, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.257 submitted April 16, 2002.

Rules 160-4-7-.05, .16, .18 have been amended. Filed April 16, 2002; effective May 6, 2002.

Rule 160-5-3-.13 has been amended. Filed May 9, 2002; effective May 29, 2002.

Rules 160-3-3-.04, 160-4-2-.17, 160-5-3-.03 have been amended. Rule 160-3-3-.10 has been adopted. Rule 160-4-9-.01 has been repealed. Filed June 13, 2002; effective July 3, 2002.

Rule 160-4-2-.11 has been amended. Filed June 18, 2002; effective July 8, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.258 submitted June 27, 2002.

Grants 160-1-4-.257 and .259 submitted August 5, 2002.

Rule 160-4-2-.13 has been amended. Filed August 8, 2002; effective August 28, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.260 submitted August 13, 2002. Rule 160-4-9-.04 has been amended. Filed August 16, 2002; effective September 5, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.261 submitted September 9, 2002.

Rules 160-4-4-.10 and 160-5-2-.02 have been amended. Filed September 12, 2002; effective October 2, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.262 submitted November 26, 2002.

Grant 160-1-4-.264 submitted January 24, 2003.

Grant 160-1-4-.263 submitted January 31, 2003.

Grant 160-1-4-.262 submitted February 3, 2003.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed February 13, 2003; effective March 5, 2003.

Grant 160-1-4-.262 submitted March 6, 2003.

Rules 160-4-5-.01, 160-4-7-.05 and .11 have been amended. Filed June 16, 2003; effective July 6, 2003.

Rule 160-4-8-.16 has been adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.08 has been amended. Filed July 23, 2003; effective August 12, 2003.

Rules 160-5-3-.10 and .11 have been amended. Filed August 19, 2003; effective September 8, 2003.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed October 10, 2003; effective October 30, 2003.

Grant 160-1-4-.265 submitted November 4, 2003.

Rules 160-3-3-.04, .10, 160-4-2-.14, 160-5-4-.04, .15, and .18 have been amended. Filed November 18, 2003; effective December 8, 2003.

Grant 160-1-4-.262 submitted January 5, 2004.

Rules 160-3-1-.07 and 160-4-2-.13 have been amended. Filed January 9, 2004; effective January 29, 2004.

Grants 160-1-4-.155, .255, and .267 submitted February 10, 2004.

Rule 160-5-3-.08 has been amended. Filed February 13, 2004; effective March 4, 2004.

Grant 160-1-4-.266 submitted March 8, 2004.

Rules 160-4-2-.03 and 160-5-4-.05 have been amended. Filed April 19, 2004; effective May 9, 2004.

Rules 160-4-2-.05, .13, 160-4-8-.15, 160-5-1-.03, and .08 have been amended. Rule 160-4-5-.03 has been adopted. Chapter 160-7-1 entitled "Statewide Accountability" has been adopted. Filed July 12, 2004; effective August 1, 2002.

Rules 160-4-8-.15, 160-5-1-.08, and .10 have been amended. Filed August 13, 2004; effective September 2, 2004.

Rule 160-5-3-.08 has been amended. Filed October 14, 2004; effective November 3, 2004.

Rule 160-4-2-.15 has been repealed. Rule 160-4-2-.23 has been adopted. Filed December 9, 2004; effective December 29, 2004.

Chapter 160-7-1 has been repealed and a new chapter adopted. Filed December 17, 2004; effective January 6, 2005.

Rule 160-4-2-.07 has been adopted. Rule 160-4-2-.10 has been repealed. Rule 160-5-1-.13 has been amended. Filed January 14, 2005; effective February 3, 2005.

Grant 160-1-4-.268 submitted January 28, 2005.

Rules 160-4-2-.18 and .19 have been repealed. Rule 160-4-2-.34 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed April 20, 2005; effective May 10, 2005.

Grants 160-1-4-.266 and .269 submitted May 24, 2005.

Rule 160-5-1-.07 has been amended. Filed June 10, 2005; effective June 30, 2005.

Rules 160-3-1-.07, 160-4-2-.03, and 160-5-1-.08 have been amended. Chapter 160-7-1 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Chapter 160-8-1 entitled "Georgia Virtual School Program" has been adopted. Filed July 15, 2005; effective August 4, 2005.

Rule 160-8-1-.01 has been amended. Filed September 8, 2005; effective September 28, 2005.

Grant 160-1-4-.229 submitted. Grant 160-1-4-.230 terminated October 14, 2005.

Rules 160-1-3-.02, 160-4-5-.03, and 160-5-2-.21 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rules 160-4-8-.17 and 160-5-3-.16 have been adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.08 has been amended. Filed October 14, 2005; November 3, 2005.

Rule 160-1-3-.09 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed December 8, 2005; effective December 28, 2005.

Grant 160-1-4-.262 submitted January 31, 2006.

Grant 160-1-4-.265 submitted February 24, 2006.

Grant 160-1-4-.270 submitted April 4, 2006.

Rules 160-4-2-.17 and 160-4-7-.18 have been amended. Rule 160-5-3-.10 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed April 13, 2006; effective May 3, 2006.

Grant 160-1-4-.271 submitted May 3, 2006.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Rule 160-4-5-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed June 8, 2006; effective June 28, 2006.

Grant 160-1-4-.272 submitted June 19, 2006.

Rules 160-4-5-.01, 160-5-1-.08, and .10 have been amended. Rule 160-4-9-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed July 14, 2006; effective August 3, 2006.

Rules 160-1-3-.02, 160-4-5-.01, 160-4-8-.16, and 160-5-1-.08 have been amended. Rule 160-5-1-.28 has been adopted. Filed September 14, 2006; effective October 4, 2006.

Grants 160-1-4-.14, .16, .49 to .51, .63 to .65, .95, .101, .122, .155, .163, .176, .252 to .255, .263, .265 to .267, .270, and .271 submitted November 2, 2006.

Grants 160-1-4-.01, .17, .48, .53, .60, .85, .124, .127, .129, .175, .187, .195, .198, .202, .236, .257, .259, .264, .268, and .269 terminated. Grants 160-1-4-.100 and .191 submitted November 9, 2006.

Grant 160-1-4-.273 submitted January 4, 2007.

Rules 160-4-4-.10 and .20 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed February 8, 2007; effective February 28, 2007.

Grant 160-1-4-.23 submitted March 1, 2007.

Rule 160-4-2-.03 has been amended. Filed April 12, 2007; effective May 2, 2007.

Chapter 160-4-7 has been repealed and a new Chapter adopted. Filed June 14, 2007; effective July 4, 2007.

Rules 160-5-1-.08 and .10 have been amended. Filed August 9, 2007; effective August 29, 2007.

Rules 160-3-1-.07 and 160-4-9-.04 have been amended. Rule 160-4-2-.48 has been adopted. Filed September 13, 2007; effective October 3, 2007.

Rules 160-4-2-.03 and 160-5-1-.15 have been amended. Rules 160-5-1-.29 and 160-5-2-.06 have been adopted. Filed February 14, 2008; effective March 5, 2008.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 has been adopted. Filed April 3, 2008; effective April 23, 2008.

Rules 160-7-1-.04 and 160-8-1-.01 have been amended. Filed May 8, 2008; effective May 28, 2008.

Grants 160-1-4-.59, .64, .227, .262, .263, and .266 submitted. Grant 160-1-4-.260 terminated June 26, 2008.

Grant 160-1-4-.258 submitted July 2, 2008.

Grants 160-1-4-.49 and .271 submitted. Grants 160-1-4-.95, .256, and .261 terminated July 7, 2008.

Grants 160-1-4-.15, .16, .176, .191, and .229 terminated. Grant 160-1-4-.65 submitted July 8, 2008.

Grants 160-1-4-.14 and .273 submitted. Grants 160-1-4-.63, .122, .252 to .254 terminated July 14, 2008.

Rules 160-4-5-.03 and 160-5-4-.15 have been amended. Rule 160-5-1-.33 has been adopted. Filed October 9, 2008; effective October 29, 2008.

Grant 160-1-4-.266 submitted December 11, 2008.

Rule 160-3-1-.07 has been amended. Filed December 11, 2008; effective December 31, 2008.

Rule 160-4-7-.18 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed February 9, 2009; effective March 1, 2009.

Rules 160-4-2-.03, .20, and 160-5-4-.18 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed February 12, 2009; effective March 4, 2009.

Rule 160-4-9-.04 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed May 14, 2009; effective June 3, 2009.

Rules 160-4-2-.09 and 160-5-1-.07 have been amended. Filed August 13, 2009; effective September 2, 2009.

Rules 160-4-2-.31, 160-5-1-.18 and .33 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.19 has been repealed. Filed November 4, 2009; effective November 24, 2009.

Rule 160-4-2-.34 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.34 has been adopted. Filed January 14, 2010; effective February 3, 2010.

Grants 160-1-4-.274 and .275 submitted February 5, 2010.

Rules 160-4-2-.03, .20, 160-4-7-.03 to .05, .07, .09, .12, .18 and .19 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed March 11, 2010; effective March 31, 2010.

Grants 160-1-4-.276 to .279 submitted April 1, 2010.

Grant 160-1-4-.280 submitted May 13, 2010.

Rule 160-4-8-.12 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. File May 13, 2010; effective June 2, 2010.

Rule 160-1-3-.09 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.35 has been adopted. Rule 160-5-4-.16 has been repealed and a new Rule and title adopted. Filed July 9, 2010; effective July 29, 2010.

Grant 160-1-4-.281 submitted August 19, 2010.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 has been amended. Rule 160-5-1-.28 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed August 19, 2010; effective September 8, 2010.

Rules 160-4-2-.16, 160-5-1-.01 and .06 have been repealed. Rule 160-5-1-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Rule 160-5-1-.36 has been adopted. Filed October 14, 2010; effective November 3, 2010.

Rules 160-4-2-.03, 160-4-2-.07, 160-4-4-.10 amended. F. Jan. 21, 2011; eff. Feb. 10, 2011.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 amended. F. Mar. 14, 2011; eff. Apr. 3, 2011.

Rule 160-5-2-.04 repealed. F. Mar. 10, 2011; eff. Mar. 30, 2011.

Rule 160-5-2-.05 repealed and readopted. F. Mar. 10, 2011; eff. Mar. 30, 2011.

Rules 160-4-2-.13 and 160-3-1-.07 amended. F. Apr. 13, 2011; eff. May 3, 2011.

Rules 160-5-3-.02 and 160-5-3-.11 amended. F. May 13, 2011; eff. Jun. 2, 2011.

Rule 160-4-3-.14 amended. F. Jun. 9, 2011; eff. Jun. 29, 2011.

Rules 160-4-2-.12, 160-4-2-.20, 160-4-2-.48, 160-4-5-.02, 160-4-8-.09, 160-4-8-.09, 160-5-6-.01, 160-8-1-.01 amended. F. Jul. 21, 2011; eff. Aug. 10, 2011.

Rule 160-7-1-.01 repealed and readopted. F. Jul. 21, 2011; eff. Aug. 10, 2011.

Rules 160-4-2-.37, 160-7-1-.02, 160-7-1-.03, 160-7-.04 repealed. F. Jul. 21, 2011; eff. Aug. 10, 2011.

Rule 160-4-2-.05 amended. F. Sep. 8, 2011; eff. Sep. 28, 2011.

Rule 160-4-9-.04 repealed and readopted. F. Sep. 8, 2011; eff. Sep. 28, 2011.

Rules 160-4-9-.05 and .06 adopted. F. Sep. 8, 2011; eff. Sep. 28, 2011.

Rules 160-5-1-.10 and 160-5-1-.18 amended. F. Oct. 12, 2011; eff. Nov. 1, 2011.

Rule 160-1-3-.03 repealed and readopted. F. Oct. 12, 2011; eff. Nov. 1, 2011.

Rules 160-1-4-.282, 160-4-2-.20, 160-4-9-.04, 160-5-3-.08 amended. F. Jan. 12, 2012; eff. Feb. 1, 2012.

Grant 160-1-4-.283 submitted Feb. 16, 2012.

Rule 160-5-3-.01 amended. F. Feb. 16, 2012; eff. Mar. 7, 2012.

Rules 160-4-2-.20, 160-5-4-.02, 160-5-4-.03, 160-5-4-.04, 160-5-4-.05, 160-5-4-.11, 160-5-4-.15, 160-5-4-.16, amended. F. May 10, 2012; eff. May 30, 2012.

Rule 160-5-4-.20 repealed. F. May 10, 2012; eff. May 30, 2012.

Rule 160-4-2-.38 repealed and readopted. F. May 10, 2012; eff. May 30, 2012.

Rules 160-5-4-.22 and 160-4-8-.18 adopted. F. Aug. 23, 2012; eff. Sep. 12, 2012.

Rules 160-5-1-.28 and 160-1-3-.05 amended. F. Aug. 23, 2012; eff. Sep. 12, 2012.

Rule 160-4-2-.35 repealed. F. Aug. 23, 2012; eff. Sep. 12, 2012.

Rule 160-5-1-.10 amended. F. Nov. 14, 2012; eff. Dec. 4, 2012.

Grant 160-1-4-.284 submitted Apr. 3, 2013.

Rule 160-5-1-.15 amended. F. Apr. 9, 2013; eff. Apr. 29, 2013.

Rules 160-4-2-.20, 160-4-5-.02, 160-4-7-.02, 160-4-7-.09 amended. F. May 9, 2013; eff. May 29, 2013.

Rule 160-4-2-.12 amended. F. Aug. 22, 2013; eff. Sept. 11, 2013.

Rule 160-4-2-.14 amended. F. Nov. 7, 2013; eff. Nov. 27, 2013.

Rule 160-5-1-.36 amended. F. Jan. 16, 2014; eff. Feb. 5, 2014.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 amended. F. Apr. 3, 2014; eff. Apr. 23, 2014.

Grant 160-1-4-.266 submitted May 21, 2014.

Rule 160-5-1-.37 adopted. F. Apr. 14, 2014; eff. July 1, 2014, as specified by the Agency.

Rules 160-3-1-.07 and 160-5-6-.01 amended. F. Aug. 21, 2014; eff. Sep. 10, 2014.

Rules 160-4-2-.11, 160-4-2-.13, 160-4-9-.04 through .06, 160-5-4-.16, amended. Rule 160-4-9-.07 adopted. F. Nov. 7, 2014; eff. Nov. 27, 2014.

Rule 160-4-3-.13 amended. F. Feb. 19, 2015; eff. Mar. 11, 2015.

Rule 160-3-3-.04 repealed and new rule adopted. F. Feb. 19, 2015; eff. July 1, 2015, as specified by the Agency.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 amended. Rule 160-5-1-.33 repealed and new rule adopted. F. Apr. 2, 2015; eff. Apr. 22, 2015.

Rule 160-5-1-.10 amended. F. May 7, 2015; eff. May 27, 2015.

Rule 160-4-2-.20 amended. F. June 12, 2015; eff. July 2, 2015.

Grant 160-1-4-.276 submitted July 7, 2015.

Rule 160-4-5-.02 and 160-5-6-.01 amended. F. July 17, 2015; eff. Aug. 6, 2015.

Rule 160-1-3-.09 repealed. Rule 160-4-8-.19 adopted. Rules 160-4-9-.04, 160-5-1-.33 amended. Rules 160-4-9-.5 through .07 repealed and new rules adopted. F. Sep. 25, 2015; eff. Oct. 15, 2015.

Rule 160-5-1-.34 amended. F. Nov. 5, 2015; eff. Nov. 25, 2015.

Rules 160-4-5-.01, 160-5-2-.21 amended. Rules 160-3-3-.10, 160-4-5-.03 repealed. F. May 5, 2016; eff. May 25, 2016.

Rules 160-4-8-.15, 160-5-1-.37 amended. Rule 160-4-2-.34 repealed and new rule adopted. F. Jul. 14, 2016; eff. Aug. 3, 2016.

Rules 160-4-3-.11, 160-4-4-.10, 160-4-4-.20, 160-4-9-.04 through .07, 160-5-1-.33 amended. F. Aug. 18, 2016; eff. Sep. 7, 2016.

Rule 160-4-3-.11, correction of non-substantive typographical error in Rule title on website, "Extended-Day Grant Program" corrected to "Extended Day Grant Program" (hyphen deleted), as requested by the Agency. Effective September 7, 2016.

Grant 160-1-4-.285 submitted September 14, 2016.

Rules 160-5-1-.15, .36 amended. F. Sep. 22, 2016; eff. Oct. 12, 2016.

Rule 160-5-1-.28 amended. F. Dec. 8, 2016; eff. Dec. 28, 2016.

Rules 160-4-9-.04 through .07 amended. Rule 160-5-1-.33 adopted. F. Mar. 30, 2017; eff. Apr. 19, 2017.

Grant 160-1-4-.286 submitted April 18, 2017.

Rule 160-5-1-.03 amended. F. May 4, 2017; eff. May 24, 2017.

Rule 160-4-7-.15 repealed and new rule adopted. Rule 160-8-1-.01 amended. F. June 15, 2017; eff. July 5, 2017.

Rules 160-4-8-.16, 160-5-1-.07 amended. F. July 20, 2017; eff. Aug. 9, 2017.

Rules 160-4-2-.34, 160-4-9-.04 through .07, 160-5-1-.28, 160-5-1-.33 amended. F. Aug. 24, 2017; eff. Sep. 13, 2017.

Rule 160-4-5-.02 amended. F. Sep. 28, 2017; eff. Oct. 18, 2017.

Rule 160-3-1-.07 amended. F. Nov. 9, 2017; eff. Nov. 29, 2017.

Grant 160-1-4-.287 submitted Dec. 12, 2017.

Grant 160-1-4-.275 submitted Jan. 4, 2018.

Rules 160-4-8-.12, .17 amended. F. Jan. 11, 2018; eff. Jan. 31, 2018.

Rule 160-5-2-.21 amended. F. Mar. 22, 2018; eff. Apr. 11, 2018.

Rule 160-4-2-.01 repealed. F. May 4, 2018; eff. May 24, 2018.

Grants 160-1-4-.288, .289 submitted July 12, 2018.

Rule 160-5-4-.18 amended. F. July 19, 2018; eff. Aug. 8, 2018.

Rule 160-4-2-.12 amended. F. Aug. 23, 2018; eff. Sep. 12, 2018.

Rule 160-5-1-.10 amended. F. Sep. 27, 2018; eff. Oct. 17, 2018.

Grant 160-1-4-.290 submitted Oct. 1, 2018.

Grant 160-1-4-.291 submitted Nov. 5, 2018.

Rules 160-4-8-.15, 160-5-1-.13 amended. F. Nov. 8, 2018; eff. Nov. 28, 2018.

Grant 160-1-4-.292 submitted Nov. 29, 2018.

Rule 160-5-2-.06 amended. F. Dec. 13, 2018; eff. Jan. 2, 2019.

Rule 160-4-8-.14 repealed. Rule 160-5-1-.10 amended. F. Mar. 28, 2019; eff. Apr. 17, 2019.

Rule 160-4-2-.34 amended. F. June 13, 2019; eff. July 3, 2019.

Grant 160-1-4-.293 submitted July 18, 2019.

Note: Rule 160-4-2-.34, correction of non-substantive typographical error in paragraph (1)(e), "Eligible Postsecondary Institution - any eligible postsecondary institution as defined in. paragraph (7) of O.C.G.A § 20-3-519." corrected to "Eligible Postsecondary Institution - any eligible postsecondary institution as defined in paragraph (7) of O.C.G.A § 20-3-519." (period deleted after "in"), as requested by the Agency, Effective July 29, 2019.

Grant 160-1-4-.294 submitted Aug. 14, 2019.

Rule 160-5-4-.16 amended. F. Aug. 22, 2019; eff. Sep. 11, 2019.

Grants 160-1-4-.295 and .296 submitted Nov. 6, 2019.

Rule 160-3-1-.07 amended. F. Nov. 7, 2019; eff. Nov. 27, 2019.

Rules 160-5-1-.10 and .28 amended. F. Jan. 16, 2020; eff. Feb. 5, 2020.

Grant 160-1-4-.270 submitted Feb. 12, 2020.

Rule 160-4-2-.48 amended. F. Feb. 20, 2020; eff. Mar. 11, 2020.

Grant 160-1-4-.297 submitted Mar. 4, 2020.

Grant 160-1-4-.298 submitted Apr. 2, 2020.

Rule 160-4-5-.02 amended. F. Oct. 1, 2020; eff. Oct. 21, 2020.

Rule 160-4-5-.02 amended. F. Dec. 21, 2020; eff. Jan. 10, 2021.

Rules 160-3-1-.07, 160-4-2-.34 amended. F. Mar. 25, 2021; eff. Apr. 14, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.299 submitted June 15, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.300 submitted Aug. 17, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.301 submitted Sep. 27, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.290 submitted Oct. 19, 2021.

Rules 160-4-2-.12, 160-1-5-.15 amended. F. Nov. 4, 2021; eff. Nov. 24, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.302 submitted Nov. 17, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.292 amended, submitted Dec. 7, 2021.

Rule 160-4-8-.05 repealed in its entirety and new rule adopted. F. Dec. 9, 2021; eff. Dec. 29, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.303 submitted Dec. 21, 2021.

Grant 160-1-4-.304 submitted Jan. 6, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.305 submitted Jan. 24, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.306 submitted Feb. 3, 2022.

Rule 160-4-3-.14 amended. F. Feb. 17, 2022; eff. Mar. 9, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.307 submitted Mar. 16, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.308 submitted Apr. 4, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.299 submitted Apr. 12, 2022.

Grant 160-1-4-.309 submitted June 14, 2022.

Rule 160-4-2-.34 amended. F. June 16, 2022; eff. July 6, 2022.

Rule 160-5-3-.02 repealed in its entirety and new rule adopted. Rule 160-5-3-.17 adopted. F. July 21, 2022; eff. Aug. 10, 2022.

Rule 160-5-1-.10 amended. F. Dec. 8, 2022; eff. Dec. 28, 2022.

Note: Rule 160-4-4-.10, correction of recently discovered non-substantive typographical errors as requested by the Board, in subparagraphs (2)(a) and (4)(h), "... leaning resources..." corrected to "... learning resources...", as originally promulgated and adopted. Effective February 16, 2023.

Rules 160-4-2-.34, 160-5-6-.01 amended. F. Feb. 16, 2023; eff. Mar. 8, 2023.

Grants 160-1-4-.310, .311, .312, .313 submitted Mar. 22, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.314 submitted Mar. 23, 2023.

Rules 160-4-7-.03, .17, .18 amended. F. Mar. 23, 2023; eff. Apr. 12, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.315 submitted Apr. 4, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.316 submitted Apr. 27, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.316 amended, submitted June 21, 2023.

Rule 160-4-2-.13 amended. F. July 20, 2023; eff. Aug. 9, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.317 submitted Aug. 11, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.310 amended, submitted Aug. 28, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.318 submitted Nov. 21, 2023.

Grant 160-1-4-.319 submitted Aug. 11, 2023.

Rules 160-3-1-.07, 160-5-1-.33 amended. F. Jan. 11, 2024; eff. Jan. 31, 2024.

Rule 160-4-2-.40 adopted. F. Jan. 19, 2024; eff. Feb. 8, 2024.

Grant 160-1-4-.319 amended, submitted Feb. 6, 2024.

Grant 160-1-4-.320 submitted Mar. 7, 2024.

Grant 160-1-4-.314 amended, submitted June 17, 2024.

Rule 160-5-3-.17 amended. F. July 18, 2024; eff. Aug. 7, 2024.

Grant 160-1-4-.321 submitted Sep. 23, 2024.

Rule 160-4-2-.34 amended. F. Sep. 26, 2024; eff. Oct. 16, 2024.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. dept. 160, ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY