A family enrolled in FRSP shall receive case management services from a qualified Service Provider unless the family opts out of case management as described in §§ 7810.
FRSP case management services shall use a progressive engagement model based on the presenting needs of the family and may include:
The Service Provider shall assess a participant's potential eligibility for longer-term housing assistance programs, including the PSH program and the TAH program, within the first ninety (90) days of the FRSP assistance period.
The Service Provider shall confirm that a participant is registered to the DCHA waiting list. If not, the Service Provider shall assist with applying for housing through DCHA, if such application is available.
The Service Provider will have regular engagement with the participant as dictated by the goals in the Housing Stabilization Plan, but no less than monthly; coordinate with other Service Providers; and maintain current documentation on progress toward goals. This includes an assessment of progress made towards the completion of the Housing Stabilization Plan.
The Housing Stabilization Plan or IRP shall aim for a targeted progression towards exit from the FRSP assistance provided by the end of the twelve (12)-month FRSP assistance period.
A family is expected to plan for the end of FRSP assistance after the end of the twelve (12)-month assistance period.
The Service Provider shall engage the family on progress made towards the Housing Stabilization Plan, which is inclusive of the family's plan and actions steps to exit the program. If the family elects to request a program extension to receive assistance beyond the twelve (12)-month program time period, the Service Provider will review and process the request according to the requirements determined by the Department and in accordance with Section 7812.
FRSP participants who are also receiving TANF are required to comply with all TANF requirements and remain in active engagement status with their assigned TANF Employment Provider (TEP), and each Service Provider's Program Rules shall so provide. In cases where a participant is not engaging with the assigned TEP provider, the Service Provider may cite this as a program rules violation. Multiple program rules violations may result in adverse action, including recommendation of a program termination.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 29, r. 29-7809