D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 28, r. 28-505

Current through Register Vol. 71, No. 36, September 6, 2024

A resident who is found guilty of a violation of any Class I (serious) offense, as set forth in § 502, shall be subject to the imposition of any of the penalties set forth in §§ 505.2 or 505.3.


A resident who is found guilty of a violation of any Class II (major) offense, as set forth in § 503, shall be subject to the imposition of any of the following penalties and to any penalty set forth in § 505.3 for Class III (minor) offenses:

(a) Forfeiture of institutional good time credits in accordance with the provisions of chapter 6 of this title;
(b) Change in custody status or housing assignment;
(c) Assignment to adjustment segregation, as defined in § 505.5, for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days;
(d) Loss of pay, reduction in grade, or change of work assignment; provided, that this punishment shall only be imposed when the offense was committed in the performance of a work assignment;
(e) Transfer to Maximum Security status; or
(f) Extra duty assignment to be performed in the resident's off-duty time from the resident's regular work assignment.

A resident who is found guilty of a violation of any Class III (minor) offense, as set forth in § 504, shall be subject to the imposition of any of the following penalties:

(a) Assignment to adjustment segregation, as defined in § 505.4, for a period not to exceed seven (7) days;
(b) Reprimand and warning;
(c) Restitution, where appropriate; or
(d) Confiscation, where appropriate.

Adjustment segregation shall be confinement in a control cell without privileges, but with uncensored correspondence, access to religious and legal reading matter, and at least two (2) hours per week of out-of-cell recreation; provided, that recreation may be restricted due to extraordinary safety and security risk.


When a resident is found by a Department employee to have committed any Class III (minor) offense, as set forth in § 504, the employee may impose any of the following penalties without referring the matter to the Adjustment Board and without making any written record:

(a) Reprimand and warning;
(b) Restitution, where appropriate; and
(c) Confiscation, where appropriate.

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 28, r. 28-505

Final Rulemaking published at 28 DCR 865, 869-72 (February 27, 1981); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 35 DCR 1077, 1086 (February 19, 1988)