Conn. Agencies Regs. § 4b-3(f)-7

Current through September 27, 2024
Section 4b-3(f)-7 - Hearings

Any hearing conducted pursuant to this section which is open to the public may be recorded, photographed, broadcast, or recorded for broadcast in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of section 1-226 of the Connecticut General Statutes, provided the hearing is not so disturbed as to impair any person's ability to hear or be heard or to present evidence or argument. In order to minimize disruption of a hearing, the hearing officer or Board may impose reasonable limits on any person engaged in recording, photographing, broadcasting, or recording for broadcast.


Any person who attends a hearing conducted pursuant to this section but who is not a party or a witness for a party and who does not intend to speak shall not be required to give his name or any other information or to satisfy any condition precedent to his attending the hearing.

(c)Recording of hearings

Hearings conducted pursuant to this section shall be recorded either stenographically or electronically. The recording of a hearing or any part thereof shall be transcribed by or through the Board on request of any person, provided such person shall pay the cost of transcription and recording. Subject to the reasonable control of the Board, a party or an intervenor may record any portion of a hearing in which the Board participates. Settlement discussions conducted under section 4b-3(f) -4(c) do not constitute a portion of a hearing under this section and shall not be recorded unless all of the participants in such discussions consent to recording, and the Board concurs.

(d)Suspension and reconvening of hearings

Except as provided in section 4b-3(f) -4(h) and section 4b-3(f) -9(b)(3)(B), the Board, as it deems appropriate, may continue a hearing to another time and place.

(e)Disruption of hearings

If any person disrupts a hearing or otherwise interferes with the orderly conduct of such hearing, the Board may order such person to leave such hearing or may suspend the hearing and reconvene it at an appropriate place and time.


A party or intervenor may appear in person or by an attorney or other representative. Attorneys shall conform to the standards of conduct and ethics required of practitioners before the courts of Connecticut.

(1) A motion is any request to the Board.
(2) All motions shall (A) be in writing unless made orally on the record, (B) state with particularity the grounds therefore, and (C) set forth the relief or ruling sought.
(3) Within seven days of service of a written motion or such other time as the Board may prescribe, any party or intervenor may file a response supporting or opposing the motion. The movant shall have no right to reply except as permitted by the Board.
(h)Notices to appear and subpoenas for hearing
(1) A party or intervenor may compel the appearance at a hearing of, or the production of documents at a hearing by, another party or intervenor by serving upon such party or intervenor a notice to appear or produce. The notice, if a notice to produce, shall state with particularity the documents which are to be produced. A copy of a notice served under this subdivision shall be filed concurrently with the Board. Except for good cause shown, a notice under this subdivision shall be ineffective unless it is received by the Board or the person to whom it is directed at least five days before the time designated in the notice to appear or produce.
(2) A party or intervenor may compel the appearance at a hearing of, or the production of documents at a hearing by, any person who is not a party or intervenor by the issuance of a subpoena in accordance with the following:
(A) If the party or intervenor is represented by an attorney, the attorney may issue such subpoena pursuant to section 51-85 of the Connecticut General Statutes. To prevent harassment or unnecessary inconvenience to a subpoenaed witness, the Board may exclude the testimony of such a witness if he or she did not receive the subpoena at least five days before the time designated therein to appear or produce.
(B) If the party or intervenor is not represented by an attorney, he or she may move the Board or, if the Board has designated another person to conduct the hearing, he or she may move such other person to issue a subpoena requiring the appearance of the person or the production of the documents at the hearing. Except for good cause shown, such a motion shall be filed no later than 14 days before the hearing commences. Such a motion shall include the name and address of the person and a description of any documents to be subpoenaed, and shall state the reason for the motion. Unless the requested subpoena would be subject to quashing under subdivision (9) of this subsection and unless the Board or its designee finds that the testimony or documents sought are clearly inadmissible, he or she shall issue the subpoena and mail or deliver it to the party or intervenor requesting it, which party or intervenor shall arrange for its service. Except for good cause shown, a subpoena issued under this subparagraph shall be ineffective unless it is received by the person to whom it is directed no later than five days before the hearing commences.
(3) A subpoena issued by the Board or its designee shall contain the name of the Board and the title and docket number of the proceeding, and shall command the person to whom it is directed to appear and/or to produce specified documents at a designated time and place.
(4) Upon notice to the parties and intervenors, the Board or its designee may on its own initiative issue a notice or subpoena requiring the appearance of a party, intervenor, or other person or the production of documents at a hearing. The form and service of such notice or subpoena shall be as described in subdivision (1) or (3), as the case may be, of this subsection, and such notice or subpoena shall be subject to the provisions of subdivision (5) of this subsection.
(5) On motion made or on his or her own initiative, the Board or its designee may:
(A) quash, modify, or issue a protective order with respect to a subpoena to appear or produce if such notice or subpoena is unreasonable or requests evidence that is irrelevant or immaterial or
(B) condition denial of the motion on such terms as the Board or its designee deems appropriate.
(6) A subpoena to appear or produce issued by the Board or its designee shall advise that such subpoena may be quashed, modified, or subjected to a protective order in accordance with subdivision (5) of this subsection.
(7) A notice to appear or produce shall be personally served by a sheriff or other indifferent person or by certified mail, return receipt requested. A subpoena to appear or produce issued by the Board or its designee shall be personally served by a sheriff or other indifferent person.
(8) If any party or intervenor fails to comply with a notice to appear or produce, the Board or its designee may impose sanctions in accordance with subsection (d) of section 4b-3(f) -2. If any person fails to comply with a subpoena issued by the Board, the Board may apply to the superior court for enforcement of the subpoena in accordance with section 4-177b of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(9) A subpoena or notice to appear directed to any member of the Board shall be quashed unless there is a clear showing by the party or intervenor who served the notice to appear or on whose behalf the subpoena was issued that such member of the Board has personal knowledge of relevant and material facts, that no other person has knowledge of such facts, and that it would work an injustice if such member of the Board did not testify.
(i)Prehearing conferences
(1) The Board may encourage prehearing conferences to simplify the hearing and aid in a speedy and fair disposition of the proceeding. To those ends, the Board may, on motion or on its own initiative, schedule and hold a prehearing conference among the parties and intervenors to:
(A) clarify and simplify the factual issues for hearing, identify the legal issues in dispute, and determine whether any legal issues should be briefed before the hearing;
(B) stipulate to facts and the admissibility of testimony and other evidence;
(C) identify and, as appropriate, limit witnesses to be called and documents to be offered at the hearing, and identify the matters about which each witness will testify;
(D) mark exhibits to be admitted or offered into evidence; and
(E) take such other actions as may aid in the orderly and expeditious disposition of the proceeding.
(2) The prehearing conference shall, unless impracticable, be held at least fourteen (14) days before the hearing commences.
(3) Each party and intervenor shall appear at the prehearing conference. If any party or intervenor fails without good cause to appear, the Board may proceed with the conference and may make decisions concerning all matters for which the conference was scheduled, which decisions shall bind all parties and intervenors.
(4) At least one of the attorneys or other representatives for each party and intervenor participating in the prehearing conference shall have authority to enter into stipulations and to make admissions regarding all matters that the participants should reasonably anticipate may be discussed at the prehearing conference.
(5) After the prehearing conference, the Board may, and at the request of any party or intervenor shall, issue a prehearing conference order reciting the actions taken at the prehearing conference. The prehearing conference order shall, unless modified by the Board on the record, control the subsequent course of the proceeding. A prehearing conference order shall be modified only for good cause.
(6) If no appearance is made by or on behalf of a party or intervenor at a prehearing conference, or if a party or intervenor or his attorney or other representative is substantially unprepared or is unauthorized to participate fully in the conference or fails to participate in good faith, or if a party or intervenor or his attorney or other representative fails to obey a prehearing conference order, the Board may impose sanctions in accordance with subsection (d) of section 4b-3(f) -2 or may grant an appropriate continuance to any party or intervenor prejudiced by the disobedience, or both.
(j)Advance submission of proposed evidence
(1) In a proceeding on an appeal, the Petitioner shall, regardless whether a prehearing conference is held and unless an earlier filing is required by the Board or a later filing is allowed for good cause shown, file no later than fifteen (15) days before the hearing:
(A) a copy of all documents which the Petitioner plans to offer into evidence at the hearing;
(B) a list of witnesses the Petitioner plans to call at the hearing and a summary of the matters about which each witness will testify; and
(C) for each expert witness the Petitioner plans to call, a resume and a statement of the facts and opinions about which the expert will testify and a summary of the grounds for each opinion.

At the time the Petitioner files the foregoing papers, he or she shall serve a copy thereof on all parties and intervenors.

(2) Prior to any hearing the Board may, on motion or its own initiative, direct any party or intervenor to file before the hearing the following materials, provided that a party or intervenor planning to offer written testimony on direct examination shall be required to file such testimony no later than ten days before the hearing:
(A) a copy of all documents which the party or intervenor plans to offer into evidence at the hearing;
(B) a list of witnesses the party or intervenor plans to call at the hearing and a summary of the matters about which each witness will testify;
(C) for each expert witness the party or intervenor plans to call, a resume and a statement of the facts and opinions about which the expert will testify and a summary of the grounds for each opinion; and
(D) any other or additional material.
(3) Upon objection by a party or intervenor, the Board shall not admit into evidence any document or testimony which was not submitted or identified before the hearing in accordance with subdivision (1) or a ruling under subdivision (2) of this subsection unless the party or intervenor offering the document or testimony demonstrates good cause for the failure to submit or identify it earlier. If the Board admits such document or testimony, he or she may grant an appropriate continuance to any party or intervenor prejudiced thereby.

The Board shall administer an oath or affirmation, in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Connecticut General Statutes, to each witness before any evidence is taken from such witness.

(l)Evidence, objections, offers of proof
(1) Evidence shall be received in accordance with section 4-178 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The Board shall not admit any evidence which is irrelevant, immaterial, unduly repetitious, untrustworthy, or unreliable.
(2) Subject to the reasonable control of the Board, all parties shall have the right to cross-examine any witness.
(3) The Board may admit into evidence, in lieu of oral testimony on direct examination, a written statement of fact or opinion prepared by a witness, provided that any requirements for prehearing submission of documents have been satisfied. The admissibility of the contents of the statement shall be subject to the same evidentiary rules as if such contents were presented as oral testimony. Before any such statement is read or admitted into evidence, the witness shall provide a copy of the statement to the Board, the court reporter if there is one, and all parties and intervenors. The witness presenting the statement shall swear to or affirm the statement and shall be subject to cross-examination on the contents thereof.
(4) Any objection to the admission of evidence shall be supported by a concise statement of the grounds therefore. The Board's ruling on the objection shall be part of the record.
(5) Whenever evidence is excluded, the party or intervenor offering the evidence may make an offer of proof. An offer of proof for excluded testimony shall consist, at the discretion of the Board, of either the excluded testimony or a summary thereof. An offer of proof for excluded documents shall consist of the insertion in the record of the documents excluded. At the discretion of the Board, an offer of proof may be subject to cross-examination.
(m)Failure to appear

If a Petitioner fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the Board shall at its discretion deem an appeal to be withdrawn and any right to hearing waived, or alternatively, make its final decision on the basis of information previously submitted by the Petitioner. The Petitioner may, within no more than fourteen (14) days after the scheduled hearing date, move the Board to reopen the proceeding. Any such motion shall be denied unless the movant demonstrates that there was compelling reason for his or her failure to appear.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 4b-3(f)-7

Adopted effective May 11, 2009