Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-11-68

Current through September 9, 2024
Section 16-11-68 - Customer deposits
(a) Each utility may require from any customer or prospective customer a deposit to guarantee payment of bills. Such deposits shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the estimated maximum bill for ninety days.
(b) A company may not refuse to provide utility service where a residential customer lacks the financial ability to pay a security deposit, which is defined as:
(1) A person receiving local, state, or federal public assistance including but not limited to:
(A) aid to the blind;
(B) aid to families with dependent children;
(C) old age assistance;
(D) aid to the disabled;
(E) medicaid;
(F) supplemental security income; or
(G) general assistance;
(2) A person whose sole source of financial support is derived from social security, veterans' administration or unemployment compensation benefits;
(3) A person whose income falls below one hundred twenty five per cent of the poverty level as determined by the federal government in accordance with the income poverty guidelines from the regional office of family assistance, department of health, education, and welfare or its successor agency; or
(4) A person whose circumstances threaten a deprivation of the necessities of life for himself/herself or dependent children of his/her household if payment of a security deposit is required.
(c) If a company has determined that a security deposit should be required from a residential customer, it shall inform that customer that service will not be denied if the customer lacks the financial ability to pay, and shall provide him or her with a copy of these regulations.
(d) Each utility having on hand deposits from customers, or hereafter receiving deposits from customers, shall keep records to show:
(1) The name of the customer making the deposit; (B) the account number or other identification of the premises occupied by the customer when the deposit was made;
(2) the amount and date of making the deposit; and
(3) a record of each transaction concerning the deposit.
(e) Each utility shall issue a receipt to every customer from whom a deposit is received and shall provide means whereby the depositor may receive his deposit or balance if such receipt is lost.
(1) Interest on any security deposit received from a customer for each calendar year shall be paid at the rate prescribed in section 16-262j of the general statutes. Interest shall accrue daily and shall be paid or credited to the customer's account annually. Accrued interest shall be paid upon return of the deposit if such return is made at other than the annual payment date for interest.
(2) The deposit shall cease to draw interest on the date it is returned, on the date service is terminated, or on the date notice is sent to the customer's last-known address that the deposit is no longer required.
(g) A record of each unclaimed deposit and the interest thereon shall be maintained until the funds are paid over to the state treasurer under the escheat provisions of the general statutes. During this time the utility shall make a reasonable effort to return the deposit and accrued interest.
(h) Deposits may be retained by the utility as long as required to insure payment of bills.
(i) Upon final discontinuance of service the utility may apply such deposit, including accrued interest, to any amount due from the customer for service. Any balance due to the customer shall be promptly refunded.
(i) Deposits shall be returned, together with accrued interest, where satisfactory credit has been established.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16-11-68

Effective August 19, 1992; Amended August 5, 1997