4 Colo. Code Regs. § 723-3-3613

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
Section 4 CCR 723-3-3613 - Bid Evaluation and Selection
(a) Upon the receipt of bids in its competitive acquisition process, the utility shall investigate whether each potential resource meets the requirements specified in the resource solicitation and shall perform an initial assessment of the bids. Within 45 days of the utility's receipt of bids, the utility shall provide notice in writing by e-mail to the owner or developer of each potential resource stating whether its bid is advanced to computer-based modeling to evaluate the cost or the ranking of the potential resource, and, if not advanced, the reasons why the utility will not further evaluate the bid using computer-based modeling. If, after the utility issues notice to an owner or developer that the potential resource was not advanced to computer-based modeling, the utility subsequently advances that potential resource to computer-based modeling, the utility shall provide notice in writing by e-mail to the owner or developer of that potential resource within three business days of the utility's decision to advance the potential resource to computer-based modeling.
(b) For bids advanced to computer-based modeling, the utility shall, contemporaneously with the notification in paragraph 3613(a), also provide to the owner or developer the modeling inputs and assumptions that reasonably relate to that potential resource or to the transmission of electricity from that facility to the utility. The utility shall provide such information so that modeling errors or omissions may be corrected before the competitive acquisition process is completed. Such information shall explain to the owner or developer how its facility will be represented in the computer-based modeling and what costs, in addition to the bid information, will be assumed with respect to the potential resource. In the event that this information contains confidential or highly confidential information, the owner or developer shall execute an appropriate nondisclosure agreement prior to receiving this information.
(c) Within seven calendar days after receiving the modeling inputs and assumptions from the utility pursuant to paragraph 3613(b), the owner or developer of a potential resource shall notify the utility in writing by electronic mail the specific details of any potential dispute regarding these modeling inputs and assumptions. The owner or developer shall attempt to resolve this dispute with the utility. However, if the owner or developer and utility cannot resolve the dispute within three calendar days, the utility shall immediately notify the Commission with a filing in the resource plan proceeding. If the owner or developer is not already a party to the proceeding, the owner or developer shall file a notice of intervention as of right pursuant to paragraph 1401(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, within one business day of the utility's filing of its notice of dispute to the Commission, for the limited purpose of resolving the disputed modeling inputs and assumptions related to the potential resource. An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will expeditiously schedule a technical conference at which the utility and the owner or developer shall present their dispute for resolution. The ALJ will enter an interim order determining whether corrections to the modeling inputs and assumptions are necessary. If the ALJ determines that corrections to the modeling inputs and assumptions are necessary, the utility shall, within three business days of the issuance of the ALJ's interim decision, provide the corrected information to both the owner or developer and the independent evaluator. In its report submitted under paragraph 3613(d), the utility shall also confirm by performing additional modeling as necessary, that the potential resource is fairly and accurately represented.
(d) Within 120 days of the utility's receipt of bids in its competitive acquisition process, the utility shall file a report with the Commission describing the cost-effective resource plans that conform to the range of scenarios for assessing the costs and benefits from the potential acquisition of increasing amounts of renewable energy resources, demand-side resources, energy storage systems, or Section 123 resources as specified in the Commission's decision approving or rejecting the utility plan developed under rule 3604. In the event that the utility's preferred cost-effective resource plan differs from the Commission-specified scenarios, the utility's report shall also set forth the utility's preferred plan. The utility's plan shall also provide the Commission with the best value employment metrics information provided by bidders under rule 3616 and by the utility pursuant to rule 3611.
(e) Within 30 days after the filing of the utility's 120-day report under paragraph 3613(d), the independent evaluator shall separately file a report that contains the independent evaluator's analysis of whether the utility conducted a fair bid solicitation and bid evaluation process, with any deficiencies specifically reported. The independent evaluator shall provide confidential versions of these reports to Commission staff and the UCA.
(f) Within 45 days after the filing of the utility's 120-day report under paragraph 3613(d), the parties in the resource plan proceeding may file comments on the utility's report and the independent evaluator's report.
(g) Within 60 days after the filing of the utility's 120-day report under paragraph 3613(d), the utility may file comments responding to the independent evaluator's report and the parties' comments.
(h) Within 90 days after the receipt of the utility's 120-day report under paragraph 3613(d), the Commission shall issue a written decision approving, conditioning, modifying, or rejecting the utility's preferred cost-effective resource plan, which decision shall establish the final cost-effective resource plan. The utility shall pursue the final cost-effective resource plan either with a due diligence review and contract negotiations, or with applications for CPCNs (other than those CPCNs provided in paragraph 3611(e)), as necessary. In rendering the decision on the final cost-effective resource plan, the Commission shall weigh the public interest benefits of competitively bid resources provided by other utilities and non-utilities as well as the public interest benefits of resources owned by the utility as rate base investments. In accordance with §§ 40-2-123, 40-2-124, 40-2-129, and 40-3.2-104, C.R.S, the Commission shall also consider renewable energy resources; resources that produce minimal emissions or minimal environmental impact; energy-efficient technologies; and resources that affect employment and the long-term economic viability of Colorado communities. The Commission shall further consider resources that provide beneficial contributions to Colorado's energy security, economic prosperity, environmental protection, and insulation from fuel price increases.
(i) The utility must complete the competitive acquisition process by executing contracts for potential resources within 18 months after the utility's receipt of bids in its competitive acquisition process. The utility may file a motion in the resource plan proceeding requesting to extend this deadline for good cause. The utility must execute final contracts for the potential resources prior to the completion of the competitive acquisition process to receive the presumption of prudence afforded by paragraph 3617(d).
(j) Upon completion of the competitive acquisition process pursuant to paragraph 3613(i), and consistent with the subsequent requirement for website posting of bids and utility proposals as required in paragraph 3613(k), protected information that was filed in the resource plan proceeding will be refiled as non-confidential or public information as specified in the Commission order described below. To satisfy this requirement the utility shall file a proposal that addresses the public release of all confidential and highly confidential information related to bids for potential resources and resources the utility proposed to build and own as a rate base investment. At a minimum the utility shall address its 120-day report in paragraph 3613(d), the independent evaluator's report in paragraph 3613(e), and all documents related to these reports filed by the utility, parties, or the independent evaluator. The utility shall file its proposal in the resource plan proceeding within 14 months after the receipt of bids in its competitive acquisition process. Parties will have 30 calendar days after the utility files its proposal to file responses. The utility then may reply to any responses filed within ten calendar days. The Commission shall issue an order specifying to the utility and other parties the documents that shall be refiled as public information.
(k) Upon completion of the competitive acquisition process under paragraph 3613(i), the utility shall post on its website the following information from all bids and utility proposals: bidder name; bid price and utility cost, stated in terms that allow reasonable comparison of the bids with utility proposals; generation technology type; size of facility; contract duration or expected useful life of facility for utility proposals; and whether the proposed power purchase contract includes an option for the utility to purchase the facility during or at the end of the contract term.

4 CCR 723-3-3613

38 CR 17, September 10, 2015, effective 9/30/2015
39 CR 06, March 25, 2016, effective 4/14/2016
39 CR 08, April 25, 2016, effective 5/15/2016
40 CR 22, November 25, 2017, effective 12/15/2017
42 CR 03, February 10, 2019, effective 3/2/2019
42 CR 07, April 10, 2019, effective 4/30/2019
42 CR 09, May 10, 2019, effective 5/30/2019
43 CR 08, April 25, 2020, effective 5/15/2020
43 CR 12, June 25, 2020, effective 7/15/2020
43 CR 20, October 25, 2020, effective 11/14/2020
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 7/30/2021
44 CR 24, December 25, 2021, effective 1/14/2022
45 CR 18, September 25, 2022, effective 10/15/2022
46 CR 02, January 25, 2023, effective 2/14/2023