2 Colo. Code Regs. § 408-1-17

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Rule 2 CCR 408-1-17 - Incorporation by Reference
A. The following rules, regulations, standards, and guidelines are hereby incorporated by reference:
(1) FEMA Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) Technical References, Guidelines and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping Activities, December 1, 2020, available at https://www.fema.gov/flood-maps/guidance-reports/guidelines-standards, including but not limited to the following specific guidance documents:
a.Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping: Ice Jam Analyses and Mapping;
b.Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping: Levees; and
c.Guidance for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping: Dams/Reservoirs and Non-Dam Features.
(2) FEMA National Flood Insurance Program, 44 C.F.R. §§ 59, 60, 65, 70, and 72, May 13, 2021, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=504ee2bfc731d90f6be69c8f09fd0b3c&mc=true&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title44/44CIsubchapB.tpl.
(3) The United States Environmental Protection Agency Superfund, Emergency Planning, and Community Right-to-Know Programs, Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification Regulations, 40 C.F.R. § 302, May 13, 2021, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=pt40.30.302&rgn=div5.
(4) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Standards Regulations, 29 C.F.R. § 1910, May 13, 2021, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp=1&SID=13981877314c1c75ef4ee8c5652c8449&ty=HTML&h=L&mc=true&n=pt29.5.1910&r=PART.
(5) The Colorado Office of the State Engineer Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction Materials, 2 CCR 402-1, January 1, 2020, available at https://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/GenerateRulePdf.do?ruleVersionId=8426&fileName=2%20CCR%20402-1.
(6) FEMA Policy No. 104-008-03: Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures, February 2020, available at https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-08/fema_floodplain-management_agriculture-accessory-structures_2020.pdf.
B. These rules, regulations, standards, and guidelines in subparagraphs (1)-(6) of Rule 17.A. are hereby incorporated by reference by the Board and made a part of these Rules. Materials in these Rules, which are incorporated by reference are limited to those materials in existence as of the effective date of these revised Rules and do not include later amendments to or editions of such rules, regulations, standards, and guidelines. The material incorporated by reference is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the office of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 718, Denver, CO 80203 or may be examined at any state or federal publications depository library, or on the FEMA or CWCB website.

2 CCR 408-1-17

44 CR 24, December 25, 2021, effective 1/14/2022