Each Risk-bearing Provider Organization may apply to renew a current Risk Certificate Waiver for an additional annual term, provided that it submits materials in a form approved by the Commissioner by no later than August 31st in the year prior to the expiration date of the Risk Certificate Waiver.
A Risk-bearing Provider Organization that has been issued a Risk Certificate Waiver shall report to the Division any material change to the information contained in its initial or renewal Risk Certificate Waiver application, in a document certified by an officer of the Risk-bearing Provider Organization, within 30 days of such change. Such material change would include, but is not limited to, the addition of new Alternative Payment Contracts, amendments to Downside Risk provisions in existing Alternative Payment Contracts, changes to the number or types of patients that are covered under existing Alternative Payment Contracts or changes to the organizational structure of any Provider Organization.
211 CMR, § 155.04