205 CMR, § 146.50

Current through Register 1531, September 27, 2024
Section 146.50 - Pre-shuffled and Pre-inspected Cards
(1) In lieu of the card shuffling and inspection procedures to be followed at an open gaming table set forth in 205 CMR 146.50, a gaming licensee may elect to:
(a) Pre-inspect and pre-shuffle cards prior to the delivery of the cards to an open gaming table; or
(b) Use a licensed vendor to supply pre-shuffled and pre-inspected cards.
(2) If a gaming licensee elects to pre-inspect and pre-shuffle cards, the process shall occur at a closed gaming table or another location approved by the Bureau and shall be performed by a dealer and verified by a gaming establishment supervisor with no concurrent supervisory responsibility for open gaming tables. The procedures required by 205 CMR 146.50(2)(a) through (g) shall be recorded by the surveillance department and each such recording shall be retained by the gaming licensee for not less than seven days.
(a) Upon receipt of the decks of cards pursuant to 205 CMR 146.50(3)(b), the dealer shall perform the procedures in 205 CMR 146.50(2)(b) through (g) independently for each batch of cards that will be sealed in a container, with the number of decks of cards in each batch being equal to the number of decks of cards required for the table game in which they are intended to be used.
(b) The dealer shall visually inspect the back of each card to assure that it is not flawed, scratched or marked in any way that might compromise the integrity or fairness of the game.
(c) The dealer shall then shuffle the cards, manually or using an approved automated shuffling device, in a manner permitted by the applicable regulations governing the table game at which the cards will be utilized.
(d) To ensure that there are no missing or extra cards, the dealer shall inspect the cards utilizing a machine approved by the Bureau. The machine shall issue a receipt that shall, at a minimum, include:
1. The manufacturer, model and serial number of the card inspection machine;
2. The name or identification number of the dealer who operates the machine;
3. The location at which the inspection is performed;
4. The date and time of the inspection;
5. The manufacturer and type of cards, the number of decks, and the table game for which the cards are inspected;
6. The result of the inspection and, if failed, the identification of any missing or extra card(s); and
7. The number of the seal to be used on the clear container in which the cards will be placed pursuant to 205 CMR 146.50(2)(g).
(e) If the inspection fails, the gaming licensee shall follow the procedures set forth in 205 CMR 146.49(6).
(f) Upon completion of the pre-inspection and pre-shuffling of the cards in the batch, the dealer and supervisor shall sign the receipt certifying that the cards were pre-inspected and pre-shuffled in accordance with 205 CMR 146.50(2).
(g) For each batch of pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards the dealer shall place the cards together with the receipt required 205 CMR 146.50(2)(d) in a clear container that conforms to the requirements of 205 CMR 146.50(5). The container shall be sealed with a pre-numbered label unique to such container. Procedures for the maintenance and security of unused seals, and the distribution, return and reconciliation of seals used on containers holding pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards shall be detailed in the gaming licensee's internal controls.
(h) The sealed containers of cards shall be transported by a:
1. Table games supervisor to the gaming pit of the gaming tables where they will be utilized and either locked in the pit stand in accordance with 205 CMR 146.50(3) or (4), or placed in a locked cabinet in the gaming pit, the keys to which shall be available only to table games supervisors and subject to sign-out and sign-in procedures; or
2. Table games supervisor or a gaming key employee designated in accordance with the provisions of 205 CMR 146.50(3) and a casino security officer to an approved primary card storage area or poker card storage area where they shall be placed back into card inventory and segregated from cards that have not been pre-inspected and pre-shuffled. A record of the transport of the sealed containers of cards to the card storage area shall be maintained by the casino security department.

When cards are needed for play, each container of cards shall be delivered by a table games supervisor to an open gaming table. Upon delivery, the table games supervisor shall unseal the container, place the decks of cards on the gaming table in front of the dealer. The supervisor shall record on the receipt contained within the container, the date, time and shift that the container was opened, and the pit and table number where cards are to be used. Once the information has been recorded, the supervisor shall sign the receipt, and retain the receipt and container at the gaming table.

(3) If a gaming licensee elects to use a licensed vendor to supply pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards, the manufacturer shall:
(a) Obtain approval from the Bureau for the automated shuffling device used to pre-shuffle cards; and
(b) Implement a process for shuffling and packaging cards which shall, at a minimum, include:
1. Visual inspection of the back of each card to assure that it is not flawed, scratched or marked in any way that might compromise the integrity or fairness of the game;
2. Verification that each package of cards contains the correct number and is constituted in accordance with the specific rules of the game the cards are intended for use;
3. Inserting the cards in a package with a tamper-proof seal(s) that bears a conspicuous indication if the package has been opened. The exterior of the package shall indicate:
a. The total number of decks contained within the package; and
b. The game(s) the cards are intended for use; and
c. Generation by the automated shuffling device in use, of a receipt to be inserted in the sealed package which shall include the following information:
i. The total number of cards and decks contained within the package;
ii. The date and time the cards were shuffled and verified;
iii. Identification of the manufacturer's employee who performed the process in 205 CMR 146.50(3)(b); and
iv. The manufacturer, model and serial number of the device used to shuffle the cards.
(4) Cards inspected and shuffled in accordance with 205 CMR 146.50(3) shall be delivered to an open gaming table in the manufacturer's sealed packaging. Prior to using the cards at a gaming table, a games supervisor shall inspect the package for evidence of tampering. If there is evidence of tampering, all cards in the package shall not be used and the gaming licensee shall follow the procedures set forth in 205 CMR 146.49(6). Upon opening the package, the table games supervisor shall record on the receipt contained within the package, the date and time that the package was opened, and the pit and table number where cards are to be used. Once the information has been recorded, the table games supervisor shall sign the receipt, place the cards on the table in front of the dealer, and retain the receipt and original package at the gaming table.
(5) For all pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards, upon the initial use and patron request the dealer shall perform a strip or riffle shuffle of the cards and then cut the cards in the manner prescribed by the regulations governing the particular table game.
(6) Upon removal from a gaming table, pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards shall be placed in the original container or package in which they were delivered to the table together with the receipt, and returned to the security department for inspection as required by 205 CMR 146.49(16).
(7) The Bureau may, at any time, require a gaming licensee to provide any container or package of pre-inspected and pre-shuffled cards.

205 CMR, § 146.50

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1356, eff. 1/12/2018.