Kinship or child-specific placements may occur when a specific child is to be placed into a specific home and that home is not available for other foster children.
If the proposed placement meets the requirements in 110 CMR 7.108, the Department may place the child(ren). If the proposed placement does not meet the requirements in 110 CMR 7.108, the placement shall be deemed ineligible for an emergency placement, and the Department shall not place the child(ren). A determination of ineligibility under 110 CMR 7.108(1) is final, and is not subject to appeal.
Nothing in 110 CMR 7.108 precludes the kinship/child specific home from being considered as a non-emergency placement as set forth in 110 CMR 7.108(2).
If an emergency kinship or child-specific placement is made, the individual who has been deemed eligible to apply to become the approved family for the child(ren) shall submit to the Department a completed foster/pre-adoptive application. The Department shall complete a comprehensive assessment of the foster/pre-adoptive application within 40 working days after placement.
If the comprehensive assessment reveals compliance with the standards set forth at 110 CMR 7.100, 7.104 and 7.105, the placement shall be approved, solely for the child(ren) for whom an emergency placement had been made. If the assessment reveals that the requisite standards are not met, the placement shall not be approved, and the child(ren) for whom an emergency placement had been made shall be removed forthwith. The kinship or child-specific placement resource shall be notified in writing, of the outcome of the comprehensive assessment, within ten working days after completion of the comprehensive assessment. There is no right of appeal from the removal of a child(ren) from an unapproved home, but the denial of a foster/pre-adoptive application may be appealed via the Department's fair hearing process, set forth at 110 CMR 10.00et seq.
If the assessment reveals compliance with the standards set forth at 110 CMR 7.100, 7.104 and 7.105, the applicant shall be licensed as a kinship or child-specific placement for the child(ren) named in the foster/pre-adoptive application, and the child(ren) may be placed in the home. The kinship or child-specific placement parent(s) shall be notified in writing, of the outcome of the comprehensive assessment, within ten working days after completion of the comprehensive assessment. Applicants may appeal the denial of a foster/pre-adoptive application via the Department's fair hearing process, set forth at 110 CMR 10.00et seq.
Comment. An emergency kinship or child specific placement may be made on the basis of an initial eligibility screening, but the Department must license the placement as a kinship or child-specific family within 40 working days after the emergency placement. Because the Department is prohibited by law from keeping a child(ren) in an unapproved placement (See M.G.L. c. 150), the child(ren) must be removed upon a determination that the applicant/home will not be licensed and, in these circumstances, there is no right of appeal from the removal of the child(ren). Similarly, because a kinship or child specific family is licensed solely for a specific child(ren), the departure of that child(ren) from the placement automatically terminates the license of the family, and there is no right of appeal from the loss of license.
110 CMR, § 7.108