7 C.F.R. § 650.8

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 650.8 - When to prepare an environmental assessment (EA)

An environmental assessment (EA) is to be prepared for:

(a) Land and water resource projects that are not included in § 650.7(a)
(1) through (4) for which State and local units of government receive Federal technical and financial assistance from NRCS (7 CFR parts 620 through 623 ; and 640 through 643 ) ; and
(b) Other actions that the EE reveals may be a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.
(c) Criteria for determining the need for a program EA:
(1) A program EA is to be prepared when NRCS has determined, based on the environmental evaluation, that a program EIS is not required and the program and actions to implement the program are not categorically excluded; and
(2) A program EA may also be prepared to aid in NRCS decision-making and to aid in compliance with NEPA.
(d) The RFO, through the process of tiering, is to determine if a site-specific EA or EIS is required for an action that is included in a program EA or EIS.

7 C.F.R. §650.8

44 FR 50579, Aug. 29, 1979, as amended at 73 FR 35886, June 25, 2008