45 C.F.R. § 1321.49

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 1321.49 - Intrastate funding formula
(a) The State agency of a State with multiple planning and service areas, as part of its State plan, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, using the best available data, and after consultation with all area agencies on aging in the State, shall develop and publish for review and comment by older individuals, family caregivers, other appropriate agencies and organizations, and the general public, an intrastate funding formula for the allocation of funds specific to each planning and service area to area agencies on aging under Title III for supportive, nutrition, evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion, and family caregiver services prior to taking the steps as set forth in § 1321.33 . The intrastate funding formula shall be made available for public review and comment for a reasonable minimum time period (at least 30 calendar days, unless a waiver is provided by the Assistant Secretary for Aging during an emergency or when a time sensitive action is otherwise necessary). The formula shall reflect the proportion among the planning and service areas of persons age 60 and over in greatest economic need and greatest social need with particular attention to low-income minority older individuals. A separate formula may be provided for the evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion allocation to target areas that are medically underserved and in which there are large numbers of older individuals who have the greatest economic need and greatest social need for such services. The State agency shall review, update, and submit for approval to the Assistant Secretary for Aging its formula as needed.
(b) The publication for review and comment required by the preceding paragraph shall include:
(1) A descriptive statement of the formula's assumptions and goals, and the application of the definitions of greatest economic need and greatest social need, including addressing the populations identified pursuant to § 1321.27(d)(1) , which includes the following components:
(i) A statement that discloses if and how, prior to distribution under the intrastate funding formula to the area agencies on aging, funds are deducted from Title III funds for State plan administration, disaster set-aside funds as set forth in § 1321.99 , and/or Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program allocations;
(ii) A statement that describes if a separate formula will be used for evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion allocation; and
(iii) A statement of how the State agency's Nutrition Services Incentive Program award will be distributed.
(2) A numerical mathematical statement of the actual funding formula to be used for all supportive, nutrition, evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion, and family caregiver allocations of Title III funds, including the separate numerical mathematical statement that may be provided for the evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion allocation, which includes:
(i) A descriptive statement of each factor and the weight or percentage used for each factor; and
(ii) Definitions of the terms used in the numerical mathematical statement.
(3) A listing of the population, economic, and social data to be used for each planning and service area in the State;
(4) A demonstration of the allocation of funds, pursuant to the funding formula, to each planning and service area in the State by part of Title III; and
(5) The source of the best available data used to allocate funding through the intrastate funding formula, which may include:
(i) The most current U.S. Decennial Census results;
(ii) The most current and reliable American Community Survey results; and/or
(iii) Other high-quality data available to the State agency.
(c) In meeting the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section, the intrastate funding formula may not allow for:
(1) The State agency to hold funds at the State level except as outlined in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section;
(2) Exceeding the State plan and area plan administration caps set in the Act, as set forth at § 1321.9(c)(2)(iv) ;
(3) Use of Title III, part D funds for area plan administration;
(4) A State agency to directly provide Title III funds to any entity other than a designated area agency on aging, with the exception of State plan administration funds, Title III, part B Ombudsman program funds, and disaster set-aside funds as described in § 1321.99 ; or
(5) Any other use in conflict with the Act.
(d) In meeting the requirement in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section, the following apply:
(1) Cash must be promptly and equitably disbursed to recipients of grants or contracts for nutrition projects under the Act;
(2) The statement of distribution of grant funds and procedures for determining any commodities election amount must be followed;
(3) State agencies have the option to receive grant as cash and/or agricultural commodities; and
(4) State agencies may consult with the area agencies on aging to determine the amount of the commodities election.
(e) In meeting the requirements in this section, the following apply:
(1) Title VII funds are not required to be subject to the intrastate funding formula;
(2) Any funds allocated for the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program under Title III, part B are not required to be subject to the intrastate funding formula;
(3) The intrastate funding formula may provide for a separate allocation of funds received under Title III, part D for preventive health services. In the award of such funds to selected planning and service areas, the State agency shall give priority to areas of the State:
(i) Which are medically underserved; and
(ii) In which there are large numbers of individuals who have the greatest economic need and greatest social need for such services, including the populations the State agency identifies pursuant to § 1321.27(d)(1) .
(4) The State agency may determine the amount of funds available for area plan administration prior to deducting Title III, part B Ombudsman program funds and disaster set-aside funds as described in § 1321.99 ;
(5) After deducting any State plan administration funds, Title III, part B Ombudsman program funds, and disaster set-aside funds as described in § 1321.99 , the State agency must allocate all other Title III funding to area agencies on aging designated to serve each planning and service area;
(6) State agencies may reallocate funding within the State when an area agency on aging voluntarily or otherwise returns funds, subject to the State agency's policies and procedures which must include the following:
(i) If an area agency voluntarily returns funds, the area agency on aging must provide evidence that its governing board or chief elected official approves the return of funds;
(ii) Funds must be made available to all area agencies on aging who request funds available for reallocation;
(iii) The intrastate funding formula shall be proportionally adjusted based on area agencies on aging that request redistributed allocations; and
(iv) Title III funds subject to reallocation may only be reallocated to area agencies on aging via the proportionally adjusted intrastate funding formula described in paragraph (a) of this section.
(f) The State agency shall submit its proposed intrastate funding formula to the Assistant Secretary for Aging for prior approval as part of a State plan or State plan amendment as set forth in § 1321.33 .

45 C.F.R. §1321.49

89 FR 11656, 3/15/2024