45 C.F.R. § 1321.27

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 1321.27 - Content of State plan

To receive a grant under this part, a State agency shall have an approved State plan as prescribed in section 307 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3027 ). In addition to meeting the requirements of section 307, a State plan shall include:

(a) Identification of the sole State agency that the State has designated to develop and administer the plan.
(b) Statewide program objectives to implement the requirements under Title III and Title VII of the Act and any objectives established by the Assistant Secretary for Aging.
(c) Evidence that the State plan is informed by and based on area plans, except for single planning and service area States.
(d) A description of how greatest economic need and greatest social need are determined and addressed by specifying:
(1) How the State agency defines greatest economic need and greatest social need, which shall include the populations as set forth in the § 1321.3 definitions of greatest economic need and greatest social need; and
(2) The methods the State agency will use to target services to the populations identified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, including how funds under the Act may be distributed to serve prioritized populations in accordance with requirements as set forth in § 1321.49 or § 1321.51 , as appropriate.
(e) An intrastate funding formula or funds distribution plan indicating the proposed use of all Title III funds administered by a State agency, and the distribution of Title III funds to each planning and service area, in accordance with § 1321.49 or § 1321.51 , as appropriate.
(f) Identification of the geographic boundaries of each planning and service area and of area agencies on aging designated for each planning and service area, if applicable.
(g) Demonstration that the determination of greatest economic need and greatest social need specific to Native American persons is identified pursuant to communication among the State agency and Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Native communities, and that the services provided under this part will be coordinated, where applicable, with the services provided under Title VI of the Act and that the State agency shall require area agencies to provide outreach where there are older Native Americans in any planning and service area, including those living outside of reservations and other Tribal lands.
(h) Certification that any program development and coordination activities shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The State agency shall not fund program development and coordination activities as a cost of supportive services under area plans until it has first spent 10 percent of the total of its combined allotments under Title III on the administration of area plans;
(2) Program development and coordination activities must only be expended as a cost of State plan administration, area plan administration, and/or Title III, part B supportive services;
(3) State agencies and area agencies on aging shall, consistent with the area plan and budgeting cycles, submit the details of proposals to pay for program development and coordination as a cost of Title III, part B supportive services to the general public for review and comment; and
(4) Expenditure by the State agency and area agency on program development and coordination activities are intended to have a direct and positive impact on the enhancement of services for older individuals and family caregivers in the planning and service area.
(i) Specification of the minimum proportion of funds that will be expended by each area agency on aging and the State agency to provide each of the following categories of services:
(1) Access to services;
(2) In-home supportive services; and
(3) Legal assistance, as set forth in § 1321.93 .
(j) If the State agency allows for Title III, part C-1 funds to be used as set forth in § 1321.87(a)(1)(i) :
(1) Evidence, using participation projections based on existing data, that provision of such meals will enhance and not diminish the congregate meals program, and a commitment to monitor the impact on congregate meals program participation;
(2) Description of how provision of such meals will be targeted to reach those populations identified as in greatest economic need and greatest social need;
(3) Description of the eligibility criteria for service provision;
(4) Evidence of consultation with area agencies on aging, nutrition and other direct services providers, other interested parties, and the general public regarding the provision of such meals; and
(5) Description of how provision of such meals will be coordinated with area agencies on aging, nutrition and other direct services providers, and other interested parties.
(k) How the State agency will use funds for prevention of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation as set forth in 45 CFR part 1324, subpart B.
(l) How the State agency will meet responsibilities for the Legal Assistance Developer, as set forth in 45 CFR part 1324, subpart C.
(m) Description of how the State agency will conduct monitoring that the assurances to which they attest are being met.

45 C.F.R. §1321.27

89 FR 11656, 3/15/2024