45 C.F.R. § 1321.19

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 1321.19 - Designation of and designation changes to area agencies
(a) The State agency is responsible for designating an area agency on aging to serve each planning and service area. Only one area agency on aging shall be designated to serve each planning and service area. An area agency on aging may serve more than one planning and service area. An area agency that serves more than one planning and service area must maintain separate funding, planning, and advocacy responsibilities for each planning and service area. State agencies shall have policies and procedures regarding designation of area agencies on aging and changes to an agency's designation as an area agency on aging in accordance with the Act. Such policies and procedures should provide due process to affected parties, accountability, and transparency and must address the following:
(1) Provisions for designating an area agency on aging, including:
(i) The application process;
(ii) How notice to interested parties will be provided;
(iii) How views offered by the unit(s) of general purpose local government in such area will be obtained and considered;
(iv) How the State agency will provide the right of first refusal to a unit of general purpose local government if:
(A) Such unit demonstrates ability to meet the requirements as set forth by the State agency, in accordance with the Act; and
(B) The boundaries of such a unit and the boundaries of the area are reasonably contiguous.
(v) How the State agency shall then give preference to an established office on aging if the unit of general purpose local government chooses not to exercise the right of first refusal;
(vi) How the State agency will assume area agency on aging responsibilities in the event there are no successful applicants in the State agency's application process; and
(vii) The appeals process for affected parties.
(2) Provisions for an area agency on aging that voluntarily relinquishes their area agency on aging designation, including that the State agency's written acceptance of the voluntary relinquishment of area agency on aging designation will be considered as the State agency's withdrawal of area agency on aging designation, and requirements under § 1321.21(b) will apply;
(3) Provisions for when the State agency takes action to withdraw an area agency on aging's designation, in accordance with § 1321.21 ;
(4) Provisions for when the State agency administers area agency on aging programs as provided for in section 306(f) (42 U.S.C. 3026(f) ), where the Assistant Secretary for Aging may extend the 90-day period if the State agency requests an extension and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Assistant Secretary for Aging a need for the extension; and
(5) If a State agency previously designated the entire State as a single planning and service area, provisions for when the State agency designates one or more additional planning and service areas.
(b) For any of the actions listed in paragraph (a) of this section, the State agency must submit a State plan amendment as set forth in § 1321.31(b) or State plan as set forth in § 1321.33 ;
(c) An area agency may be any of the following types of agencies:
(1) An established office on aging which is operating within a planning and service area;
(2) Any office or agency of a unit of general purpose local government, which is designated to function for the purpose of serving as an area agency on aging by the chief elected official of such unit;
(3) Any office or agency designated by the appropriate chief elected officials of any combination of units of general purpose local government to act on behalf of such combination for such purpose; or
(4) Any non-State, local public, or nonprofit private agency in a planning and service area, or any separate organizational unit within such agency, which is under the supervision or direction for this purpose of the designated State agency, and which demonstrates the ability and willingness to engage in the planning or provision of a broad range of services under the Act within such planning and service area.
(d) A State agency may not designate any regional or local office of the State as an area agency.

45 C.F.R. §1321.19

89 FR 11656, 3/15/2024