Applicant means any eligible organization that has submitted an application to the Department of Health and Human Services to obtain use of a certain suitable property to assist the homeless.
Checklist or property checklist means the form developed by HUD for use by landholding agencies to report the information to be used by HUD in making determinations of suitability.
Classification means a property's designation as unutilized, underutilized, excess, or surplus.
Day means one calendar day, including weekends and holidays.
Eligible organization means a State or local government agency, or a private, non-profit organization that provides assistance to the homeless, and that is authorized under the State law in which the property is located to carry out the activity for which it requests property and enter into an agreement with the Federal Government for use of property for the purposes of this part. Eligible organizations that are private, non-profit organizations interested in applying for suitable property must be tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code at the time of application and remain tax exempt throughout the time the Federal Government retains a reversionary interest in the property.
Encumbrance means any non-approved use by a transferee or a third party that limits the full utilization of the transferred property, regardless of time period, and includes liens, easements, restrictive covenants, licenses, leases, mortgages, informal agreements, and unaddressed trespass.
Excess property means any property under the control of a Federal executive agency that the head of the agency determines is not required to meet the agency's needs or responsibilities, pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 524 .
GSA means the General Services Administration.
HHS means the Department of Health and Human Services.
Homeless is defined in 42 U.S.C. 11302 . This term is synonymous with "homeless individual" and "homeless person."
HUD means the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
HUD website means a website maintained by HUD providing information about HUD, including any successor websites or technologies that are equally accessible and available to the public.
Landholding agency means the Federal department or agency with statutory authority to control property. For purposes of this subpart, the landholding agency is typically the Federal department or agency that had custody and accountability on behalf of the Federal Government, of a certain piece of property at the time that such property was reported to HUD for a suitability determination pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 11411 .
Lease means an agreement in writing between either HHS for surplus property or landholding agencies for underutilized and unutilized properties and the applicant giving rise to the relationship of lessor and lessee for the use of Federal property for a term of at least one year under the conditions set forth in the lease document.
Non-profit organization means an organization recognized as a non-profit by the State in which the organization operates, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual; that has a voluntary board; that has an accounting system or has designated an entity that will maintain a functioning accounting system for the organization in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures; and that practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance.
Permit means a license granted by a landholding agency to use unutilized or underutilized property for a specific amount of time, usually one year or less, under terms and conditions determined by the landholding agency. A permit does not grant to the recipient an estate in land or any interest in the property.
Property means real property consisting of vacant land or buildings, or a portion thereof, that is excess, surplus, or designated as unutilized or underutilized in surveys by the heads of landholding agencies conducted pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 524 .
Related personal property means any personal property that is located on real property and is either an integral part of or useful in the operation of that property or is determined by GSA to be otherwise related to the property.
Representative of the homeless means a State or local government agency, or private nonprofit organization that provides, or proposes to provide, services to the homeless.
Screen means the process by which GSA surveys Federal executive agencies to determine if they have an interest in using excess Federal property to carry out a particular agency mission, and then surveys State, local and non-profit entities, to determine if any such entity has an interest in using surplus Federal property to carry out a specific public use.
State means a State of the United States, and includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territories and possessions of the United States.
Suitable property means that HUD has determined that a certain property satisfies the criteria listed in § 102-75.1165.
Surplus property means any excess property not required by any Federal landholding agency for its needs or the discharge of its responsibilities, as determined by GSA.
Transfer document means a lease, deed, or permit transferring surplus, unutilized, or underutilized property.
Transferee means an eligible entity that acquires Federal property by lease, deed, or permit.
Underutilized means an entire property or portion thereof, with or without improvements which is used only at irregular periods or intermittently by the accountable landholding agency for current program purposes of that agency, or which is used for current program purposes that can be satisfied with only a portion of the property.
Unsuitable property means that HUD has determined that a particular property does not satisfy the criteria in § 102-75.1165.
Unutilized property means an entire property or portion thereof, with or without improvements, not occupied for current program purposes for the accountable executive agency or occupied in caretaker status only.
41 C.F.R. §§102-75.1160