Under section 118(b) of the Hazardous Materials Transportation and Uniform Safety Act (HMTUSA) (49 U.S.C. 1802 et seq.), NIEHS also administers the Hazmat Employee Training Program to prepare curricula and training for hazardous materials transportation workers. In the basic research arena, NIEHS is authorized under section 311 of SARA to conduct a hazardous substance basic research and training program to evaluate toxic effects and assess human health risks from accidental releases of hazardous materials. Under Title IX, section 901(h) of the Clean Air Act Amendments, NIEHS also is authorized to conduct basic research on air pollutants, as well as train physicians in environmental health. Federal research and training in hazardous materials release prevention represents an important non-regulatory activity and supplements ongoing private sector programs.
40 C.F.R. §300.175