40 C.F.R. § 300.4

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 300.4 - Abbreviations
(a)Department and Agency Title Abbreviations:

ATSDR-Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

CDC-Centers for Disease Control

DOC-Department of Commerce

DOD-Department of Defense

DOE-Department of Energy

DOI-Department of the Interior

DOJ-Department of Justice

DOL-Department of Labor

DOS-Department of State

DOT-Department of Transportation

EPA-Environmental Protection Agency

FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency

GSA-General Services Administration

HHS-Department of Health and Human Services

NIOSH-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

NOAA-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

OSHA-Occupational Health and Safety Administration

RSPA-Research and Special Programs Administration

USCG-United States Coast Guard

USDA-United States Department of Agriculture

Note: Reference is made in the NCP to both the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the National Response Center. In order to avoid confusion, the NCP will spell out Nuclear Regulatory Commission and use the abbreviation "NRC" only with respect to the National Response Center.

(b)Operational Abbreviations:

ACP-Area Contingency Plan

ARARs-Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements

CERCLIS-CERCLA Information System

CRC-Community Relations Coordinator

CRP-Community Relations Plan

DRAT-District Response Advisory Team

DRG-District Response Group

ERT-Environmental Response Team

ESF-Emergency Support Function

FCO-Federal Coordinating Officer

FRERP-Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan

FRP-Federal Response Plan

FS-Feasibility Study

HRS-Hazard Ranking System

LEPC-Local Emergency Planning Committee

NCP-National Contingency Plan

NPFC-National Pollution Funds Center

NPL-National Priorities List

NRC-National Response Center

NRS-National Response System

NRT-National Response Team

NSF-National Strike Force

NSFCC-National Strike Force Coordination Center

O&M-Operation and Maintenance

OSC-On-Scene Coordinator

OSLTF-Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund

PA-Preliminary Assessment

PIAT-Public Information Assist Team

RA-Remedial Action

RCP-Regional Contingency Plan

RD-Remedial Design

RERT-Radiological Emergency Response Team

RI-Remedial Investigation

ROD-Record of Decision

RPM-Remedial Project Manager

RRC-Regional Response Center

RRT-Regional Response Team

SAC-Support Agency Coordinator

SEMS-Superfund Enterprise Management System

SERC-State Emergency Response Commission

SI-Site Inspection

SMOA-Superfund Memorandum of Agreement

SONS-Spill of National Significance

SSC-Scientific Support Coordinator

SUPSALV-United States Navy Supervisor of Salvage

USFWS-United States Fish and Wildlife Service

40 C.F.R. §300.4

59 FR 47416, Sept. 15, 1994, as amended at 79 FR 65592, Nov. 5, 2014