40 C.F.R. § 282.55

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 282.55 - Colorado State-Administered Program
(a) The State of Colorado is approved to administer and enforce an underground storage tank program in lieu of the Federal program under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq. The State's program, as administered by the Colorado Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), was approved by EPA pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 6991c and part 281 of this chapter. EPA published the notice of final determination approving the Colorado underground storage tank base program effective on April 23, 2007. A subsequent program revision application was approved by EPA and became effective on July 19, 2019.
(b) Colorado has primary responsibility for administering and enforcing its federally approved underground storage tank program. However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its corrective action, inspection, and enforcement authorities under Sections 9003(h), 9005, and 9006 of Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991b(h) , 6991d and 6991e , as well as under any other applicable statutory and regulatory provisions.
(c) To retain program approval, Colorado must revise its approved program to adopt new changes to the Federal Subtitle I program which make it more stringent, in accordance with Section 9004 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991c , and 40 CFR part 281, subpart E. If Colorado obtains approval for the revised requirements pursuant to Section 9004 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991c , the newly approved statutory and regulatory provisions will be added to this subpart, and notice of any change will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
(d) Colorado has final approval for the following elements of its program application originally submitted to the EPA and approved effective April 23, 2007, and the program revision application approved by the EPA effective on July 19, 2019:
(1)State statutes and regulations -
(i)Incorporation by reference. The material cited in this paragraph (d)(1), and listed in appendix A to this part, is incorporated by reference as part of the underground storage tank program under Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq. (See § 282.2 for incorporation by reference approval and inspection information.) You may obtain copies of the Colorado regulations and statutes that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph (d)(1) from Colorado's Secretary of State, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO 80290; Attn: Code of Colorado Regulations and Administrative Rules; Phone number: (303) 894-2200 ext. 6418; email: rules@sos.state.co.us; website: https://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/Welcome.do.
(A) "EPA-Approved Colorado Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to the Underground Storage Tank Program" dated February 2019.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii)Legal basis. The EPA evaluated the following statutes and regulations which provide the legal basis for the State's implementation of the underground storage tank program, but they are not being incorporated by reference and do not replace Federal authorities:
(A) The statutory provisions include:
(1)Colorado Revised Statutes (2018), Title 8 Labor and Industry, Article 20 Fuel Products: Sections 8-20-102(1), 8-20-104 except 8-20-104(4)(b) and (7), 8-20-209(1), 8-20-223.5(1) and (2), 8-20-228.
(2)Colorado Revised Statutes (2018), Title 8 Labor and Industry, Article 20.5 Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks: Sections 8-20.5-101, except (2), (10)(a)(III), (16) and references to aboveground storage tanks (ASTs); 8-20.5-102; 8-20.5-105; 8-20.5-106; 8-20.5-107; 8-20.5-202(1), (1.5), (2), (3), and (4); 8-20.5-203; 8-20.5-204; 8-20.5-205; 8-20.5-206; 8-20.5-208; and 8-20.5-209.
(3)Colorado Revised Statutes (2018), Title 24 Government-State Administration, Article 4 Rule-Making and Licensing Procedures by State Agencies: Section 24-4-105(2)(c).
(B) The regulatory provisions include:
(1)Code of Colorado Regulations (May 1, 2018), 7 CCR 1101-14 "Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, Storage Tank Regulations," Article 6 Enforcement: Section 6-1 Enforcement Program; Subsections 6-1-1 Notice of Violation; 6-1-2 Enforcement Order; 6-1-3 Informal Conference; Section 6-2 Underground Storage Tank Delivery Prohibition Subsections 6-2-1 Criteria for Delivery Prohibition; 6-2-2 Red Tag Mechanisms Used to Identify Ineligible USTs; 6-2-3 Notification Processes for UST Owners/Operators and Product Deliverers; 6-2-4 Reclassifying Ineligible USTs as Eligible to Receive Product; 6-2-5 Delivery Prohibition Deferral in Rural and Remote Areas; 6-2-6 Delivery Prohibition Deferral in Emergency Situations; 6-2-7 Removal of Red Tag from Emergency Generator Tank Systems.
(2) [Reserved]
(iii)Provisions not incorporated by reference. The following specifically identified statutes and rules applicable to the Colorado underground storage tank program that are broader in coverage than the Federal program, are not part of the approved program, and are not incorporated by reference in this part for enforcement purposes:
(A)Code of Colorado Regulations (May 1, 2018), 7 CCR 1101-14 "Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, Storage Tank Regulations": Sections 1-5 "motor fuel"; 2-2-3(a); 2-2-3(j); and 2-3-7(d).
(B)Colorado Revised Statutes (2018), Title 8 Labor and Industry, Article 20 Fuel Products: Sections 8-20-209(2), 8-20-212, 8-20-215, 8-20-218, 8-20-223.5(3), 8-20-230, and 8-20-231; Article 20.5 Petroleum Storage Tanks, Sections 8-20.5-102(3) and (4), and 8-20.5-207.
(2)Statement of legal authority. The Attorney General's Statement, signed by the Attorney General of the State of Colorado Department of Law on December 7, 2001, and by the Assistant Attorney General on November 23, 2016, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(3)Demonstration of procedures for adequate enforcement. The "Demonstration of Procedures for Adequate Enforcement" submitted as part of the original application on November 13, 2002, and as part of the program revision application on November 1, 2016, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(4)Program description. The program description and any other material submitted as part of the original application on November 13, 2002, and as part of the program revision application on November 1, 2016, though not incorporated by reference, are referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.
(5)Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA Region 8 and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Oil and Public Safety, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on February 13, 2018, though not incorporated by reference, is referenced as part of the approved underground storage tank program under Subtitle I of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.

40 C.F.R. §282.55

84 FR 22731, May 20, 2019
84 FR 22731, 7/19/2019