40 C.F.R. § 281.33

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 281.33 - Release detection

In order to be considered no less stringent than the corresponding federal requirements for release detection, the state must have requirements that at a minimum ensure all UST systems are provided with release detection that conforms to the following:

(a)General methods. Release detection requirements for owners and operators must consist of a method, or combination of methods, that is:
(1) Capable of detecting a release of the regulated substance from any portion of the UST system that routinely contains regulated substances-as effectively as any of the methods allowed under this part-for as long as the UST system is in operation. In comparing methods, the implementing agency shall consider the size of release that the method can detect and the speed and reliability with which the release can be detected.
(2) Designed, installed, calibrated, operated and maintained so that releases will be detected in accordance with the capabilities of the method;
(3) Operated and maintained, and electronic and mechanical components and other equipment are tested or inspected periodically, in a manner and frequency that ensures proper operation to detect releases for the operating life of the release detection equipment.
(b)Phase-in of requirements. Release detection requirements must, at a minimum, be applied at all UST systems immediately, except for UST systems previously deferred under § 280.10(a)(1) . Release detection requirements must, at a minimum, be scheduled to be applied to those previously deferred UST systems as follows:
(1) Immediately when a new previously deferred UST system is installed; and
(2) For any previously deferred UST system within three years of the effective date of its state requirements. This provision would not apply, however, to states that did not defer these UST systems and already had, prior to the effective date of this provision, existing release detection requirements with specified compliance periods for these types of UST systems.
(c)Requirements for petroleum tanks. All petroleum tanks must meet the following requirements:
(1) All petroleum tanks must be sampled, tested, or checked for releases at least monthly, except that tanks installed before October 13, 2015 or upgraded tanks (that is, tanks and piping protected from releases due to corrosion and equipped with both spill and overfill prevention devices) may temporarily use monthly inventory control (or its equivalent) in combination with tightness testing (or its equivalent) conducted every five years for the first 10 years after the tank is installed; and
(2) New or replaced petroleum tanks must use interstitial monitoring within secondary containment in accordance with section 9003(i)(1) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act except when the state requires manufacturer and installer financial responsibility and installer certification in accordance with section 9003(i)(2) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
(d)Requirements for petroleum piping. All underground piping attached to the tank that routinely conveys petroleum must conform to the following:
(1) If the petroleum is conveyed under greater than atmospheric pressure:
(i) The piping must be equipped with release detection that detects a release within an hour by restricting or shutting off flow or sounding an alarm; and
(ii) The piping must have monthly monitoring applied or annual tightness tests conducted.
(2) If suction lines are used:
(i) Tightness tests must be conducted at least once every three years, unless a monthly method of detection is applied to this piping; or
(ii) The piping is designed to allow the contents of the pipe to drain back into the storage tank if the suction is released and is also designed to allow an inspector to immediately determine the integrity of the piping system.
(3) Except as provided for in § 281.30(a)(1) new or replaced petroleum piping must use interstitial monitoring within secondary containment in accordance with section 9003(i)(1) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act except when the state requires evidence of financial responsibility and certification in accordance with section 9003(i)(2) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
(e)Requirements for hazardous substance UST systems. All new hazardous substance UST systems must use interstitial monitoring within secondary containment of the tanks and the attached underground piping that conveys the regulated substance stored in the tank. For hazardous substance UST systems installed prior to October 13, 2015, owners and operators can use another form of release detection if the owner and operator can demonstrate to the state (or the state otherwise determines) that another method will detect a release of the regulated substance as effectively as other methods allowed under the state program for petroleum UST systems and that effective corrective action technology is available for the hazardous substance being stored that can be used to protect human health and the environment.

40 C.F.R. §281.33