40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 6 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63

Current through July 31, 2024
Appendix Table 6 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63 - Emission Limits and Compliance Requirements for Wastewater Systems

[As required in § 63.11498 , you must comply with the requirements for wastewater systems as shown in the following table]

For each . . .You must . . .And you must . . .
1. Wastewater streama. Discharge to onsite or offsite wastewater treatment or hazardous waste treatmenti. Maintain records identifying each wastewater stream and documenting the type of treatment that it receives. Multiple wastewater streams with similar characteristics and from the same type of activity in a CMPU may be grouped together for recordkeeping purposes.
2. Wastewater stream containing partially soluble HAP at a concentration [GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]10,000 ppmw and separate organic and water phasesa. Use a decanter, steam stripper, thin film evaporator, or distillation unit
to separate the water phase from the organic phase(s); or
i. For the water phase, comply with the requirements in Item 1 of this table, and
ii. For the organic phase(s), recycle to a process, use as fuel, or dispose as hazardous waste either onsite or offsite, and
iii. Keep records of the wastewater streams subject to this requirement and the disposition of the organic phase(s).
b. Hard pipe the entire wastewater stream to onsite treatment as a hazardous waste, or hard pipe the entire wastewater stream to a point of transfer to onsite or offsite hazardous waste treatment.i. Keep records of the wastewater streams subject to this requirement and the disposition of the wastewater streams.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 6 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63

77 FR 75761, Dec. 21, 2012