40 C.F.R. § 62 app Table 5 to Subpart FFF of Part 62

Current through August 31, 2024
Appendix Table 5 to Subpart FFF of Part 62 - Generic Compliance Schedules and Increments of Progress

[Post-1987 MWCs]a b

Affected facilities Increment 1
Submit final control plan
Increment 2
Increment 3
Begin on-site construction
Increment 4
Complete on-site construction
Increment 5
Final compliance
Affected facilities that commenced construction modification, or reconstruction after June 26, 1987:
1. Emission limits for Hg, dioxin/furanNAcNAcNAcNAc11/12/99 or 1 year after permit issuanced e
2. Emission limits for SO2, HCl, PM, Pb, Cd, opacity CO, NOXJanuary 11, 199905/18/9911/16/9911/19/0012/19/00.

a Table 4 or 5 of this subpart applies to MWC units subject to the Federal plan except those with site-specific compliance schedules shown in table 6 of this subpart.

b As an alternative to this schedule, the unit may close by December 19, 2000, complete retrofit while closed, and achieve final compliance upon restarting. See §§ 62.14108(c) , 62.14108(d) , and 62.14109(i) of this subpart.

c Because final compliance is achieved in 1 year, no increments of progress are required.

d Permit issuance is issuance of a revised construction permit or revised operating permit, if a permit modification is required to retrofit controls.

e Final compliance must be achieved no later than December 19, 2000, even if the date "1 year after permit issuance" exceeds December 19, 2000.

40 C.F.R. 62 app Table 5 to Subpart FFF of Part 62

63 FR 63202, Nov. 12, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 33468, May 24, 2000