40 C.F.R. § 52.1189

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 52.1189 - Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide (SO[2])
(a) The plan submitted by the State on May 31, 2016 to attain the 2010 1-hour primary sulfur dioxide (SO2) national ambient air quality standard for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area does not meet the requirements of Clean Air Act (CAA) section 172 with respect to SO2 emissions from the U.S. Steel (Ecorse and Zug Island), EES Coke, Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation (formerly AK or Severstal Steel), and Dearborn Industrial Generation (DIG) facilities in the Detroit, Michigan area. These requirements for these four facilities are satisfied by paragraphs (b)through(e) of this section, respectively.
(b) This section addresses and satisfies CAA section 172 requirements for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area by specifying the necessary emission limits and other control measures applicable to the U.S. Steel Ecorse and Zug Island facilities. This section applies to the owner(s) and operator(s) of the facilities located at 1 Quality Drive and 1300 Zug Island Road in Detroit, Michigan. The requirements in this section for the Hot Strip Mill Slab Reheat Furnaces 1-5, No. 2 Baghouse, Main Plant Boiler No. 8, and Main Plant Boiler No. 9 apply to the owner and operator of the U.S. Steel Ecorse facility, and the requirements in this section for Boilerhouse 1, Boilerhouse 2, A1 Blast Furnace, B2 Blast Furnace, D4 Blast Furnace, A/B Blast Furnace Flares, and D Furnace Flare apply to the owner and operator of the U.S. Steel Zug Island facility.
(1)SO2emission limits.
(i) Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from the following units in excess of the following limits:

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(1)(i)

Unit SO2 emission limit
Boilerhouse 1 (all stacks combined)55.00
Hot Strip Mill-Slab Reheat Furnace 10.31
Hot Strip Mill-Slab Reheat Furnace 20.31
Hot Strip Mill-Slab Reheat Furnace 30.31
Hot Strip Mill-Slab Reheat Furnace 40.31
Hot Strip Mill-Slab Reheat Furnace 50.31
No. 2 Baghouse3.30
Main Plant Boiler No. 80.07
Main Plant Boiler No. 90.07
A1 Blast Furnace0.00
B2 Blast Furnace40.18
D4 Blast Furnace40.18
A/B Blast Furnace Flares60.19
D Furnace Flare60.19

(ii) Beginning two years after the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from Boilerhouse 2 in excess of the following limits:
(A) Boilerhouse 2 shall emit less than 750.00 lbs/hr unless Boilerhouse 1, A1 Blast Furnace, B2 Blast Furnace, D4 Blast Furnace, A/B Blast Furnace Flares, or D Furnace Flare is operating, in which case it shall emit less than 81.00 lbs/hr.
(B) [Reserved]
(2)Stack restrictions and permit requirements.
(i) The owner or operator shall construct a stack for Boilerhouse 2. The stack emission point must be at least 170 feet above ground level. The owner or operator shall submit a construction permit application for the stack to the State of Michigan within 90 days of the effective date of the FIP. Where any compliance obligation under this section requires any other state or local permits or approvals, the owner or operator shall submit timely and complete applications and take all other actions necessary to obtain all such permits or approvals.
(ii) Beginning two years after the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from Boilerhouse 2, except from the stack emission point at least 170 feet above ground level.
(3)Monitoring requirements.
(i) Not later than two years after the effective date of the FIP, the owner or operator shall install and continuously operate an SO2 continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) to measure SO2 emissions from Boilerhouse 2 in conformance with 40 CFR part 60, appendix F procedure 1.
(ii) The owner or operator shall determine SO2 emissions from Boilerhouse 1, Hot Strip Mill Slab Reheat Furnaces 1-5, No. 2 Baghouse, Main Plant Boiler No. 8, Main Plan Boiler No. 9, A1 Blast Furnace, B2 Blast Furnace, D4 Blast Furnace, A/B Blast Furnace Flares, and D Furnace Flare using mass balance calculations as described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(iii) Within 180 days of the installation of the CEMS specified in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, the owner or operator shall perform an initial compliance test for SO2 emissions from Boilerhouse 2 while the boilerhouse is operating in accordance with the applicable emission limit during the period of testing identified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section. The initial compliance test shall be performed using EPA Test Method 6 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4.
(4)Compliance assurance plan. To determine compliance with the limits in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the owner or operator shall calculate hourly SO2 emissions using all raw material sulfur charged into each affected emission unit and assume 100 percent conversion of total sulfur to SO2. The owner or operator shall implement a compliance assurance plan (CAP) for all units except Boilerhouse 2 and any idled units that shall specify the calculation methodology, procedures, and inputs used in these calculations and submit the plan to EPA within 30 days after the effective date of the FIP. The owner or operator must submit a list of idled units to EPA within 30 days of the effective date of the FIP. The owner or operator must submit a CAP for any idled units prior to resuming operations.
(5)Recordkeeping. The owner/operator shall maintain the following records continuously for five years beginning on the effective date of the FIP:
(i) All records of production for each affected emission unit.
(ii) All records of hourly emissions calculated in accordance with the CAP.
(iii) In accordance with paragraphs (b)(3) of this section, all CEMS data, including the date, place, and time of sampling or measurement; parameters sampled or measured; and results.
(iv) Records of quality assurance and quality control activities for emission monitoring systems including, but not limited to, any records required by 40 CFR part 60, appendix F Procedure 1.
(v) Records of all major maintenance activities performed on emission units, air pollution control equipment, CEMS, and other production measurement devices.
(vi) Any other records required by the Quality Assurance Requirements for Gas Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Used for Compliance Determination rule at 40 CFR part 60, appendix F Procedure 1 or the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Integrated Iron and Steel Manufacturing Facilities rule at 40 CFR part 63, subpart FFFFF.
(6)Reporting. Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, all reports under this section shall be submitted quarterly to Compliance Tracker, Air Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Mail Code AE-17J, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604-3590.
(i) The owner or operator shall submit a CAP in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section within 30 days of the effective date of the FIP.
(ii) The owner or operator shall report CEMS data and hourly mass balance calculations quarterly in accordance with CEMS requirements in paragraph (b)(3) of this section and the CAP requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(4) of this section no later than the 30th day following the end of each calendar quarter.
(iii) The owner or operator shall report the results of the initial compliance test for the Boilerhouse 2 stack within 60 days of conducting the test.
(iv) The owner or operator shall submit quarterly excess emissions reports for all units identified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section no later than the 30th day following the end of each calendar quarter. Excess emissions means emissions that exceed the emission limits specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. The reports shall include the magnitude, date(s), and duration of each period of excess emissions, specific identification of each period of excess emissions that occurs during all periods of operation including startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions of the unit, the nature and cause of any malfunction (if known), and the corrective action taken, or preventative measures adopted.
(v) The owner or operator of each unit shall submit quarterly CEMS performance reports, to include dates and duration of each period during which the CEMS was inoperative (except for zero and span adjustments and calibration checks), reason(s) why the CEMS was inoperative and steps taken to prevent recurrence, and any CEMS repairs or adjustments no later than the 30th day following the end of each calendar quarter.
(vi) The owner or operator shall also submit results of any CEMS performance tests required by 40 CFR part 60, appendix F, Procedure 1 (e.g., Relative Accuracy Test Audits, Relative Accuracy Audits, and Cylinder Gas Audits) no later than 30 days after the test is performed.
(vii) When no excess emissions have occurred or the CEMS has not been inoperative, repaired, or adjusted during the reporting period, such information shall be stated in the quarterly reports required by paragraphs (b)(6) of this section.
(c) This section addresses and satisfies CAA section 172 requirements for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area by specifying the necessary emission limits and other control measures applicable to the EES Coke facility. This section applies to the owner and operator of the facility located at 1400 Zug Island Road in Detroit, Michigan.
(1)SO2emission limits. Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from the Underfire Combustion Stack EUCoke-Battery in excess of 544.6 lbs/hr, as a 3-hour average, and 2071 tons per year, on a 12-month rolling basis as determined at the end of each calendar month, and 0.702 pounds per 1000 standard cubic feet of coke oven gas, as a 1-hour average.
(2)Monitoring requirements. The owner or operator shall maintain and operate in a satisfactory manner a device to monitor and record the SO2 emissions from the Underfire Combustion Stack EUCoke-Battery on a continuous basis. The owner or operator shall use Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring (CERM) data for determining compliance with the hourly limit in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The owner or operator shall operate the CERM system in conformance with 40 CFR part 60, appendix F.
(d) This section addresses and satisfies CAA section 172 requirements for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area by specifying the necessary emission limits and other control measures applicable to the Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation (formerly AK or Severstal Steel) facility. This section applies to the owner and operator of the facility located at 4001 Miller Road in Dearborn, Michigan.
(1)SO2emission limits. Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from the following units in excess of the following limits:

Table 2 to Paragraph (d)(1)

Unit SO2 emission limitTime period/operating scenario
"B" Blast Furnace Baghouse Stack71.9 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"B" Blast Furnace Stove Stack38.75 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"B" Blast Furnace Baghouse and Stove Stacks (combined)77.8 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"B" Blast Furnace Baghouse and Stove Stacks (combined)340 tons per year12-month rolling time period as determined at the end of each calendar month.
"C" Blast Furnace Baghouse Stack179.65 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"C" Blast Furnace Stove Stack193.6 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"C" Blast Furnace Baghouse and Stove Stacks (combined)271.4 lbs/hrCalendar day average.
"C" Blast Furnace Baghouse and Stove Stacks (combined)1188 tons per year12-month rolling time period as determined at the end of each calendar month.

(2)Monitoring requirements. The owner or operator shall maintain and operate in a satisfactory manner a device to monitor and record the SO2 emissions and flow from "B" Blast Furnace and "C" Blast Furnace Baghouse and Stove Stacks on a continuous basis. The owner or operator shall use CERM data for determining compliance with the hourly limits in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The owner or operator shall operate the CERM system in conformance with 40 CFR part 60, appendix F.
(e) This section addresses and satisfies CAA section 172 requirements for the Detroit SO2 nonattainment area by specifying the necessary emission limits and other control measures applicable to the Dearborn Industrial Generation (DIG) facility. This section applies to the owner and operator of the facility located at 2400 Miller Road in Dearborn, Michigan.
(1)SO2emission limits.
(i) Beginning on the effective date of the FIP, no owner or operator shall emit SO2 from the following units in excess of the following limits:

Table 3 to Paragraph (e)(1)(i)

Unit SO2 emission limitTime period/operating scenario
Boilers 1, 2, and 3 (combined)420 lbs/hrDaily average.
Boilers 1, 2, and 3 (combined)1839.6 tons per year12-month rolling time period.
Boilers 1, 2, and 3 and Flares 1 and 2 (combined)840 lbs/hrDaily average.
Boilers 1, 2, and 3 and Flares 1 and 2 (combined)2947.7 tons per year12-month rolling time period as determined at the end of each calendar month.

(ii) [Reserved]
(2)Monitoring requirements.
(i) The owner or operator shall maintain and operate in a satisfactory manner a device to monitor and record the SO2 emissions from Boilers 1, 2, and 3 on a continuous basis. Installation and operation of each CEMS shall meet the timelines, requirements and reporting detailed in 40 CFR part 60, appendix F. If the owner or operator chooses to use a Predictive Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS) in lieu of a CEMS to monitor SO2 emissions, the permittee shall follow the protocol delineated in Performance Specification 16 in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60.
(ii) The owner or operator shall verify compliance with the emission limits for Boilers 1, 2 and 3 and Flares 1 and 2 (combined) by following the procedures and methodologies contained in the document entitled "Protocol for Demonstrating Continuous Compliance with the Emission Limitations of ROP MI-ROP-N6631-2004" dated May 31, 2011, or subsequent revisions to this document approved by EPA.

40 C.F.R. §52.1189

87 FR 61528, Oct. 12, 2022
87 FR 61528, 11/14/2022