36 C.F.R. § 251.14

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 251.14 - Conditions, rules and regulations to govern exercise of timber rights reserved in conveyance to the United States
(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, in conveyance of lands to the United States under authorized programs of the Forest Service, where owners reserve the right to enter upon the conveyed lands and to cut and remove timber and timber products, said reservations shall be subject to the following conditions, rules and regulations which shall be expressed in and made a part of the deed of conveyance to the United States and such reservations shall be exercised thereunder and in obedience thereto:
(1) Whoever undertakes to exercise the reserved rights, hereinafter called operator, shall give prior written notice to Forest Service and shall submit satisfactory evidence of authority to exercise such rights. Operator shall repair, replace, or restore any improvements owned by the United States or its permittees, damaged or destroyed by the timber operations and he shall restore the land to a condition safe and reasonably serviceable for authorized programs of Forest Service.
(2) In cutting and removing timber and timber products and in locating, constructing and using mills, logging roads, railroads, chutes, landings, camps, or other improvements, no unnecessary damage shall be done to the air, water and soil resources, and to young growth or to trees left standing. All survey monuments and witness trees shall be preserved.
(3) All trees, timber or timber products of species or sizes not specifically reserved which are unnecessarily cut, damaged, or destroyed by operator shall be paid for at double the usual rates charged in the locality for sales of similar National Forest timber and timber products.
(4) Slash and debris resulting from the cutting, removal, or processing of timber or timber products, or from construction operations, shall be disposed of or otherwise treated by methods acceptable to the Forest Service. Such treatment or disposal shall comply with known air and water quality criteria and standards and include necessary preparatory work such as fireline constructing and snag falling. The timing of log removal and preparatory work shall not unnecessarily delay slash disposal or treatment.
(5) Operator is authorized to construct and maintain buildings, facilities, and other improvements, including roads needed to log the reserved timber. Construction and maintenance plans, designs, and location shall be approved in writing by Forest Service before construction is started.
(6) All buildings, camps, equipment, and other structures or improvements shall be removed from the lands within 6 months from date of completion or abandonment of the operation, unless relieved by Forest Service by issuance of a special-use permit. Otherwise such buildings, camps, equipment, and other structures or improvements shall become the property of the United States, but this does not relieve operator of liability for the cost of removal and restoration of the site.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt operator from any requirements of the laws of the States in which situated; nor from compliance with or conformity to any requirement of any law which later may be enacted and which otherwise would be applicable.
(8) While operations are in progress, operator, his employees, any subcontractors, and their employees, shall take all reasonable and practicable action in the prevention and suppression of fire, and shall be available for service in the suppression of all fires within the reserved area. On any fire not caused by negligence on the part of the operator, Forest Service shall pay operator at fire-fighting rates common in the area or at prior agreed rates for equipment or manpower furnished by operator.
(9) Only one cutting shall be made on any portion of the area on which timber is reserved. Forest Service may permit the cutting of special products, or products the cutting of which is seasonal, on any portion of the area in advance of the cutting of the chief products of the reserved timber. Each reservation of timber shall include a specific period of time within which material may be removed.
(10) Forest Service shall have the right to use any road constructed under the authority of this timber reservation for any and all purposes in connection with the protection and administration of the National Forest.
(11) Operator shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent pollution of the air, soil, and water, in operation hereunder.
(12) All activities by operator in the reserved area shall be conducted in a safe, orderly, and workmanlike manner.
(13) For the protection of streamcourses, the following measures shall be observed by operator: Culverts or bridges will be required on temporary roads at all points where it is necessary to cross streamcourses. Such facilities shall be of sufficient size and design to provide unobstructed flow of water. Equipment will not be operated in streamcourses except at designated crossings and as essential to construction or removal of culverts and bridges. Any stream that is temporarily diverted must be restored to the natural course as soon as practicable, and in any event prior to a major runoff season.
(14) Operator shall perform currently as weather and soil conditions permit, the following erosion control work on portions of the reserved area where logging is in progress or has been completed: Construct cross-ditches and water-spreading ditches where staked or otherwise marked on the ground by Forest Service; after a temporary road has served operator's purpose, operator shall remove culverts and bridges, eliminate ditches, out-slope and cross-drain roadbed and remove ruts and berms to the extent necessary to stabilize fills and otherwise minimize erosion; operator shall avoid felling into, yarding in, or crossing natural meadows; and operations will not take place when soil and water conditions are such that excessive damage will result.
(b) The conditions, rules and regulations set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) through (14) of this section shall not apply to reservations contained in conveyances of land to the United States under the Act of March 3, 1925, as amended (43 Stat. 1133, 64 Stat. 82, 16 U.S.C. 555 ).
(c) In cases where a State, or an agency, or a political subdivision thereof, reserves timber rights for the cutting and removal of timber and timber products, in the conveyance of land to the United States under authorized programs of the Forest Service and there are provisions in the laws of such State or in conditions, rules and regulations promulgated by such State, agency or political subdivision thereof, which the Chief, Forest Service, determines are adequate to protect the interest of the United States in the event of the exercise of such reservation, the Chief, Forest Service, is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to subject the exercise of the reservation to such statutory provisions or such conditions, rules, and regulations in lieu of the conditions, rules and regulations set forth in paragraphs (a) (1) through (14) of this section. In that event, such statutory provisions or such conditions, rules and regulations shall be expressed in and made a part of the deed of conveyance to the United States and the reservation shall be exercised thereunder and in obedience thereto.

All regulations heretofore issued by the Secretary of Agriculture to govern the exercise of timber rights reserved in conveyance of lands to the United States under authorized programs of Forest Service shall continue to be effective in the cases to which they are applicable, but are hereby superseded as to timber rights hereafter reserved in conveyances under such programs.

36 C.F.R. §251.14

35 FR 5401, Apr. 1, 1970