32 C.F.R. § 719.115

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 719.115 - Release of information pertaining to accused persons; spectators at judicial sessions
(a)Release of information -
(1)General. There are valid reasons for making information available to the public concerning the administration of military justice. The task of striking a fair balance among the protection of individuals accused of offenses, improper or unwarranted publicity pertaining to their cases, public understanding of the problems of controlling misconduct in the military service, and the workings of military justice requires the exercise of sound judgment by those responsible for administering military justice and by representatives of the press and other news media. At the heart of all guidelines pertaining to the furnishing of information concerning an accused or the allegations against him is the mandate that no statements or other information shall be furnished to news media for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an accused's trial, or which could reasonably be expected to have such an effect.
(2)Applicability of regulations. These regulations apply to all persons who may obtain information as the result of duties performed in connection with the processing of accused persons, the investigation of suspected offenses, the imposition of nonjudicial punishment, or the trial of persons by court-martial. These regulations are applicable from the time of apprehension, the preferral of charges, or the commencement of an investigation directed to make recommendations concerning disciplinary action, until the imposition of nonjudicial punishment, completion of trial (court-martial sessions) or disposition of the case without trial. These regulations also prescribe guidelines for the release or dissemination of information to public news agencies, to other public news media, or to other persons or agencies for unofficial purposes.
(3)Release of information.
(i) As a general matter, release of information pertaining to accused persons should not be initiated by persons in the naval service. Information of this nature should be released only upon specific request therefor, and, subject to the following guidelines, should not exceed the scope of the inquiry concerned.
(ii) Except in unusual circumstances, information which is subject to release under the regulation should be released by the cognizant public affairs officer; requests for information received from representatives of news media should be referred to the public affairs office for action. When an individual is suspected or accused of an offense, care should be taken to indicate that the individual is alleged to have committed or is suspected or accused of having committed an offense, as distinguished from stating or implying that the accused has committed the offense or offenses.
(4)Information subject to release. On inquiry, the following information concerning a person accused or suspected of an offense or offenses may generally be released except as provided in paragraph (6) of this section:
(i) The accused's name, grade, age, unit, regularly assigned duties, duty station, and sex.
(ii) The substance of the offenses of which the individual is accused or suspected.
(iii) The identity of the victim of any alleged or suspected offense, except the victim of a sexual offense.
(iv) The identity of the apprehending and investigative agency, and the identity of accused's counsel, if any.
(v) The factual circumstances immediately surrounding the apprehension of the accused, including the time and place of apprehension, resistance, pursuit, and use of weapons.
(vi) The type and place of custody, if any.
(vii) Information which has become a part of the record of proceedings of the court-martial in open session.
(viii) The scheduling of any stage in the judicial process.
(ix) The denial by the accused of any offense or offenses of which he may be accused or suspected (when release of such information is approved by the counsel of the accused).
(5)Prohibited information. The following information concerning a person accused or suspected of an offense or offenses generally may not be released, except as provided in paragraph (a)(6) of this section.
(i) Subjective opinions, observations, or comments concerning the accused's character, demeanor at any time (except as authorized in paragraph (4)(v) of this section), or guilt of the offense or offenses involved.
(ii) The prior criminal record (including other apprehensions, charges or trials) or the character or reputation of the accused.
(iii) The existence or contents of any confession, admission, statement, or alibi given by the accused, or the refusal or failure of the accused to make any statement.
(iv) The performance of any examination or test, such as polygraph examinations, chemical tests, ballistics tests, etc., or the refusal or the failure of the accused to submit to an examination or test.
(v) The identity, testimony, or credibility of possible witnesses, except as authorized in paragraph (4)(iii), of this section.
(vi) The possibility of a plea of guilty to any offense charged or to a lesser offense and any negotiation or any offer to negotiate respecting a plea of guilty.
(vii) References to confidential sources or investigative techniques or procedures.
(viii) Any other matter when there is a reasonable likelihood that the dissemination of such matter will affect the deliberations of an investigative body or the findings or sentence of a court-martial or otherwise prejudice the due administration of military justice either before, during, or after trial.
(6)Exceptional cases. The provisions of this section are not intended to restrict the release of information designed to enlist public assistance in apprehending an accused or suspect who is a fugitive from justice or to warn the public of any danger that a fugitive accused or suspect may present. Further, since the purpose of this section is to prescribe generally applicable guidelines, there may be exceptional circumstances which warrant the release of information prohibited under paragraph (a)(5) of this section or the nonrelease of information permitted under paragraph (a)(4) of this section. Attention should be given to the Secretary of the Navy instructions implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5720.42 series) and the Privacy Act (5211.5C series). Consultation with the command judge advocate, if one is assigned, or with the cognizant Naval Legal Service Office concerning interpretation and application of these instructions is encouraged.
(1) The sessions of courts-martial shall be open to the public, which includes members of both the military and civilian communities. In order to maintain the dignity and decorum of the proceedings or for other good cause, the military judge may reasonably limit the number of spectators in, and the means of access to, the courtroom, exclude specific persons from the courtroom, and close a session. Video and audio recording and taking of photographs, except for the purpose of preparing the record of trial, in the courtroom during the proceedings and radio or television broadcasting of proceedings from the courtroom shall not be permitted. The military judge may, as a matter of discretion, permit contemporaneous closed-circuit video or audio transmission to permit viewing or hearing by an accused removed from the courtroom or by spectators when courtroom facilities are inadequate to accommodate a reasonable number of spectators.
(2)At pretrial investigations. Consistent with Rules for Courts-Martial 405(h)(3), Manual for Courts-Martial, the Convening Authority or investigating officer may direct that all or part of an Article 32 investigation under 10 U.S.C. 832 be held in closed session and that all persons not connected with the hearing be excluded therefrom. The decision to exclude spectators may be based on the need to protect classified information, to prevent disclosure of matters that will be inadmissible in evidence at a subsequent trial by Courts-Martial and are of such a nature as to interfere with a fair trial by an impartial tribunal, or consistent with appellate case law, for a reason deemed appropriate by the commander ordering the investigation or the investigating officer. The reasons for closing an Article 32 investigation, and any objections thereto, shall be memorialized and included as an attachment to the report of investigation. Ordinarily, the proceedings of a pretrial investigation should be open to spectators. In cases dealing with classified information, the investigating officer will ensure that any part of a pretrial investigation (e.g., rights advisement) that does not involve classified information will remain open to spectators.

32 C.F.R. §719.115

38 FR 5997, Mar. 6, 1973, as amended at 47 FR 49644, Nov. 2, 1982; 50 FR 23800, June 6, 1985; 69 FR 20540, Apr. 16, 2004