24 C.F.R. § 984.107

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 984.107 - FSS award funds formula

The Secretary may establish a formula by which funds for administration of the FSS program are awarded consistent with 42 U.S.C. 1437u(i) , which provides the following:

(a)Base award. A PHA or owner serving 25 or more participants in the FSS program is eligible to receive an award equal to the costs, as determined by the Secretary, of 1 full-time family self-sufficiency coordinator position. The Secretary may, by notice (including a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)), determine the policy concerning the award for an eligible entity serving fewer than 25 such participants, including providing prorated awards or allowing such entities to combine their programs under this section for purposes of employing a coordinator.
(b)Additional award. A PHA or owner that meets performance standards set by the Secretary is eligible to receive an additional award sufficient to cover the costs of filling an additional FSS coordinator position if such entity has 75 or more participating families, and an additional coordinator for each additional 50 participating families, or such other ratio as may be established by the Secretary based on the award allocation evaluation under section 23(i)(2)(E) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937.
(c)State and regional entities. For purposes of calculating the award under this section, HUD may treat each administratively distinct part of a State or regional entity as a separate entity.
(d)Determination of number of coordinators. In determining whether a PHA or owner meets a specific threshold for funding pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider the number of participants enrolled by the PHA or owner in its FSS program as well as other criteria determined by the Secretary.
(e)Renewals and allocation. FSS awards shall be allocated, as established by the Secretary, in the following order of priority:
(1)First priority. Renewal of the full cost of all FSS coordinators in the previous year at each PHA or owner with an existing FSS program that meets applicable performance standards set by the Secretary. If this first priority cannot be fully satisfied, the Secretary may prorate the funding for each PHA or owner, as long as:
(i) Each PHA or owner that has received funding for at least 1 part-time coordinator in the prior fiscal year is provided sufficient funding for at least 1 part-time coordinator as part of any such proration; and
(ii) Each PHA or owner that has received funding for at least 1 full-time coordinator in the prior fiscal year is provided sufficient funding for at least 1 full-time coordinator as part of any such proration.
(2)Second priority. New or incremental coordinator funding.
(f)Recapture or offset. Any FSS awards allocated under this section by the Secretary in a fiscal year that have not been spent by the end of the subsequent fiscal year or such other time period as determined by the Secretary may be recaptured by the Secretary and shall be available for providing additional awards pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, or may be offset as determined by the Secretary.
(g)Incentives for innovation and high performance. The Secretary may reserve up to 5 percent of the appropriated FSS funds to provide support to or reward FSS programs based on the rate of successful completion, increased earned income, or other factors as may be established by the Secretary.

24 C.F.R. §984.107

87 FR 30046, 6/16/2022