Section 982.101 - Allocation of funding(a)Allocation of funding. HUD allocates available budget authority for the tenant-based assistance program to HUD field offices.(b)Section 213(d) allocation.(1) Section 213(d) of the HCD Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 1439 ) establishes requirements for allocation of assisted housing budget authority. Some budget authority is exempt by law from allocation under section 213(d). Unless exempted by law, budget authority for the tenant-based programs must be allocated in accordance with section 213(d).(2) Budget authority subject to allocation under section 213(d) is allocated in accordance with 24 CFR part 791, subpart D. There are three categories of section 213(d) funding allocations under part 791 of this title: (i) Funding retained in a headquarters reserve for purposes specified by law;(ii) funding incapable of geographic formula allocation (e.g., for renewal of expiring funding increments); or(iii) funding allocated by an objective fair share formula. Funding allocated by fair share formula is distributed by a competitive process.(c)Competitive process. For budget authority that is distributed by competitive process, the Department solicits applications from PHAs by publishing one or more notices of funding availability (NOFAs) in the FEDERAL REGISTER. See 24 CFR part 12, subpart B; and 24 CFR 791.406 . The NOFA explains how to apply for assistance, and specifies the criteria for awarding the assistance. The NOFA may identify any special program requirements for use of the funding.60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999; 80 FR 8246 , Feb. 17, 2015