Excessive Delay Threshold Travel Times = the time of travel, to the nearest whole second, to traverse the Travel Time Segment at which any longer measured travel times would result in excessive delay for the travel time segment ";
Travel Time Segment Lengths = total length of travel time segment to the nearest thousandth of a mile for travel time reporting segment "; and
Threshold Speeds = the speed of travel at which any slower measured speeds would result in excessive delay for travel time reporting segment "." As defined in § 490.705 , the speed threshold is 20 miles per hour (mph) or 60 percent of the posted speed limit travel time reporting segment "s," whichever is greater.
RSDs,b - Excessive Delay Threshold Travel Times and RSDs,b [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 900 seconds
RSDs,b = travel time segment delay, calculated to the nearest whole second, for a 15-minute bin "b" of travel time reporting segment "s" for in a day in a calendar year. RSD(s)b not to exceed 900 seconds;
Travel times,b = a measured travel time, to the nearest second, for 15-minute time bin "b" recorded for travel time reporting segment "s";
Excessive Delay Threshold Travel Times = The maximum amount of time, to the nearest second, for a vehicle to traverse through travel time segment "s" before excessive delay would occur, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section;
b = a 15-minute bin of a travel time reporting segment "s"; and
s = a travel time reporting segment.
Excessive Delays,b = excessive delay, calculated to the nearest thousandths of an hour, for 15-minute bin "b" of travel time reporting segment "s";
RSDs,b = the calculated travel time reporting segment delay for fifteen minute bin "b" of a travel time reporting segment "s," as described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section;
b = a fifteen minute bin of a travel time reporting segment "s"; and
s = a travel time reporting segment.
Total Excessive Delays (in person-hours) = the sum of the excessive delay, to the nearest thousandths, for all traffic traveling through single travel time reporting segment "s" on NHS within an urbanized area, specified in § 490.703 , accumulated over the full reporting year;
AVO = Average Vehicle Occupancy;
s = a travel time reporting segment;
d = a day of the reporting year;
TD = total number of days in the reporting year;
h = single hour interval of the day where the first hour interval is 12 a.m. to 12:59 a.m.;
TH = total number of hour intervals in day "h";
b = 15-minute bin for hour interval "h";
TB = total number of 15-minute bins where travel times are recorded in the travel time data set for hour interval "h";
Excessive Delays,b,h,d = calculated excessive travel time, in hundredths of an hour, for 15 minute bin (), hour interval (h), day (d), and travel time segment (s), as described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section; and
Where the equation equals hourly traffic volume, to the nearest tenth, for hour interval "h" and day "d" that corresponds to 15-minute bin "b" and travel time reporting segment "s" divided by 4. For example, the 9 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. minute bin would be assigned one fourth of the hourly traffic volume for the 9 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. hour on the roadway in which travel time segment is included;
AVO = (PC * AVOC) + (PB * AVOB) + (PT * AVOT)
PC = the percent of cars as a share of total AADT on the segment as specified in § 490.709(d) ;
PB = the percent of buses as a share of total AADT on the segment as specified in § 490.709(d) ;
PT = the percent of trucks as a share of total AADT on the segment as specified in § 490.709(d) ;
AVOC = the average vehicle occupancy of cars as specified in § 490.709(e) ;
AVOB = the average vehicle occupancy of buses as specified in § 490.709(e) ; and
AVOT = the average vehicle occupancy of trucks as specified in § 490.709(e) .
23 C.F.R. §490.711