Section 121.406 - Credit for previous CRM/DRM training(a) For flightcrew members, the Administrator may credit CRM training received before March 19, 1998 toward all or part of the initial ground CRM training required by § 121.419 .(b) For flight attendants, the Administrator may credit CRM training received before March 19, 1999 toward all or part of the initial ground CRM training required by § 121.421 .(c) For aircraft dispatchers, the Administrator may credit CRM training received before March 19, 1999 toward all or part of the initial ground CRM training required by § 121.422 .(d) In granting credit for initial ground CRM or DRM training, the Administrator considers training aids, devices, methods, and procedures used by the certificate holder in a voluntary CRM or DRM program or in an AQP program that effectively meets the quality of an approved CRM or DRM initial ground training program under section 121.419 , 121.421 , or 121.422 as appropriate.Doc. No. 27993, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 20, 1995