Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 11981.3

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 36, September 6, 2024
Section 11981.3 - Funding Allocation for Teachers of English Learners
(a) Program funds issued to an LEA for the 40-hour English learner (EL) professional development for teachers of EL pupils shall be used for the EL professional development program described in Education Code section 99237.5. If an LEA has any remaining program funds after paying for EL professional development, then those funds shall be spent for additional EL professional development pursuant to Education Code section 99237.5 or for other professional development which focuses on improving the delivery of mathematics or reading/language arts instruction to EL pupils.
(b) At the end of each state fiscal year, the CDE shall accrue any remaining balance in the appropriations for this program until funding reverts for a state fiscal year. Accrued funding shall be used only to pay for training completed during the same state fiscal year in which the funding was appropriated. From funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act for Education Code section 99237.5 in a given state fiscal year, the CDE shall allocate accrued funding as follows:
(1) Claims for EL training that are postmarked or faxed to the CDE by November 15th of the following state fiscal year and that meet at least one of the three funding criteria specified in Education Code section 99237.5(c) shall receive first priority for funding. An LEA shall indicate on the claim each criterion under which it qualifies for priority in funding. If funding is insufficient to fully fund all of these claims, then the CDE shall prorate the funds. The proration shall consist of first dividing the funds appropriated in the annual Budget Act by the product of $1,250 and the total number of teachers who received EL training as reflected in these first priority claims. The resulting number shall then be multiplied by 100 to determine the maximum percentage of an LEA's trained teachers for which reimbursement may be made pursuant to this subdivision. As it deems necessary, the CDE may adjust the percentage, which shall apply equally to all LEAs, to ensure that the amount appropriated in the annual Budget Act is not exceeded.
(2) If funding remains after paying all the claims specified in subdivision (b)(1), then claims for EL training that are postmarked or faxed to the CDE by November 15th of the following state fiscal year and that do not meet any of the funding criteria specified in Education Code section 99237.5(c) shall receive second priority for funding. If funding is insufficient to fully fund all of these claims, then the CDE shall prorate the funds. The proration shall consist of first dividing the remaining funds by the product of $1,250 and the total number of teachers who received EL training as reflected in these second priority claims. The resulting number shall then be multiplied by 100 to determine the maximum percentage of an LEA's trained teachers for which reimbursement may be made pursuant to this subdivision. As it deems necessary, the CDE may adjust the percentage, which shall apply equally to all LEAs, to ensure that the amount appropriated in the annual Budget Act is not exceeded.
(3) If funding remains after paying all the claims specified in subdivisions (b)(1) and (b)(2), then claims for EL training that are postmarked or faxed to the CDE after November 15th of the following state fiscal year shall be funded on a first-come-first-served basis according to the date the claim is postmarked or faxed and provided the claim is postmarked or faxed by the second March 1st date after the November 15th date in this subdivision. If funding is insufficient to fully fund all the claims received on the same day, then the CDE shall prorate the funds. The proration shall consist of first dividing the remaining funds by the product of $1,250 and the total number of teachers who received EL training as reflected in the claims received by the CDE on that day. The resulting number shall then be multiplied by 100 to determine the maximum percentage of an LEA's trained teachers for which reimbursement may be made pursuant to this subdivision. As it deems necessary, the CDE may adjust the percentage, which shall apply equally to all LEAs, to ensure that the amount appropriated in the annual Budget Act is not exceeded.
(c) If a teacher elects to count the completion of 40-hours EL professional development towards the 80 hours of follow-up professional development described in Education Code section 99237, the LEA may request $1,250 reimbursement after the teacher has completed the 40-hours EL professional development and another $1,250 reimbursement after the teacher has completed the remaining 40 hours of the 80 hours of follow-up professional development. Of these amounts, the LEA may issue an individual teacher stipend up to $500 after completion of the 40-hours EL professional development and up to another $500 after completion of the remaining 40 hours of the 80 hours of the follow-up professional development.
(d) A claim transmitted to the CDE by facsimile during the hours of 12:00 midnight to 5 p.m. is deemed faxed on the date received. A claim that begins transmission on or after 5:01 p.m. is deemed faxed on the next regular business day.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 11981.3

1. New section filed 11-19-2007; operative 11-19-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 47).

Note: Authority cited: Section 99236, Education Code. Reference: Sections 99233, 99234 and 99237.5, Education Code.

1. New section filed 11-19-2007; operative 11-19-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 47).