Cal. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 11968.5.3

Current through Register 2024 Notice Reg. No. 36, September 6, 2024
Section 11968.5.3 - Charter Revocation when There is a Severe and Imminent Threat to the Health or Safety of Pupils and Appeal of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety to a County Board of Education and the State Board of Education

This section sets forth procedures the chartering authority shall complete for the revocation of a school's charter when the chartering authority has determined that any violation under Education Code section 47607(f) constitutes a severe and imminent threat to the health or safety of pupils and the procedures that a charter school and county office of education and SBE must follow if the charter school elects to appeal a chartering authority's Final Decision to revoke the school's charter.

(a) If there is a severe and imminent threat to pupil health or safety, the chartering authority is exempt from the requirements of section 11968.5.2 and may immediately revoke the school's charter by approving and delivering a Notice of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety to the charter school's governing body as described in the school's charter, the county board of education (unless the county board of education is also the chartering authority), and the CDE.
(b) Following the approval and delivery of the Notice of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety by the chartering authority, the charter school's governing body as described in the school's charter may appeal to the county board of education or the SBE, as applicable, pursuant to Education Code sections 47607(i) and (j).
(c) In an appeal to a county board of education, within 30 calendar days of receipt of a Final Decision revoking the school's charter, the charter school's governing body as described in the school's charter shall approve and deliver a written Notice of Appeal to the county board of education that:
(1) includes a copy of the Notice of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety issued pursuant to this article except that the charter school shall not be responsible for providing this document if the chartering authority did not provide it to the charter school as required in this section;
(2) includes evidence of the final vote of the chartering authority, if available;
(3) includes all evidence relied upon by the chartering authority in determining that a violation under section 11965(e) existed;
(4) includes minutes of any public meeting at which the chartering authority considers or makes its decision to revoke the school's charter, if available; and
(5) includes a written statement explaining why the charter school does not believe the district chartering authority's factual findings are supported by substantial evidence.
(d) If the county board of education does not issue a written decision that explains whether, in the county board of education's judgment, the district chartering authority's factual findings are supported by substantial evidence within 90 calendar days of receiving a Notice of Appeal that includes the documents listed in subdivision (c) of this section, the district chartering authority's decision is upheld, pending any further appeal.
(e) In determining whether the district chartering authority's factual findings are supported by substantial evidence, the county board of education shall consider whether the district chartering authority provided the charter school's governing body as described in the school's charter a Notice of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety pursuant to Education Code sections 47607(f) and (g).
(f) The county board of education shall provide the CDE and the chartering authority a copy of its written decision within 10 calendar days of its action.
(g) If the district chartering authority or the school's governing body as described in the school's charter elects to appeal to the SBE, the appellant shall approve and deliver a written Notice of Appeal to the SBE within 30 calendar days following the final decision by the county board of education, or within 30 calendar days upon the expiration of 90 calendar days pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section, or within 30 calendar days of a county chartering authority's Final Decision.
(h) The appellant shall, at the same time it delivers a Notice of Appeal to the SBE, deliver to the SBE the following documents that shall be individually and sequentially numbered, one number per page, and be delivered to the respondent and the county board of education, if applicable, within five calendar days of delivery to the SBE:
(1) copies of the Notice of Revocation by Determination of a Severe and Imminent Threat to Pupil Health or Safety, the Final Decision, and the Notice of Appeal delivered to the county board of education, and the county board of education's written decision, as applicable;
(2) evidence of the final vote of the chartering authority, if available;
(3) evidence relied upon by the chartering authority in determining that a violation under section 11965(e) existed; and
(4) minutes of any public meeting at which the chartering authority considers or makes its decision to revoke the school's charter, if available.
(i) At the same time the appellant submits its Notice of Appeal to the SBE, the appellant shall also submit to the SBE a written argument in the form of a brief or letter that shall be individually and sequentially numbered, one number per page; be delivered to the respondent within five calendar days of delivery to the SBE; and contain the following:
(1) a summary of the procedural and substantive facts limited to matters in the record;
(2) a summary of the arguments in support of the appellant's position that the chartering authority and/or the county board of education erred in its decision; and
(3) specific citations to the administrative record in support of each argument presented.
(j) If the respondent chooses to submit a written opposition to the SBE, it must do so within 30 calendar days of the delivery of the appellant's written argument to the SBE. This written opposition shall be in the form of a brief or letter that shall be individually and sequentially numbered, one number per page; be delivered to the appellant within five calendar days of delivery to the SBE; and contain the following:
(1) a summary of the procedural and substantive facts limited to matters in the record as submitted to the chartering authority and the county board of education, as appropriate;
(2) a summary of the arguments in support of the respondent's position that the chartering authority and/or the county board of education did not err in its decision; and
(3) specific citations to the administrative record in support of each argument presented.
(k) Within 15 calendar days of the delivery of the respondent's written opposition to the SBE, the appellant may submit to the SBE a written reply to the respondent's written opposition in the form of a brief or letter. If submitted, this written reply shall be individually and sequentially numbered, one number per page; be delivered to the respondent within five calendar days of delivery to the SBE; and contain the following:
(1) a summary of the arguments refuting the arguments raised in the respondent's opposition; and
(2) specific citations to the administrative record in support of each argument presented.
(l) If the SBE does not take action within 120 calendar days of receipt of the appellant's written argument, if submitted pursuant to subdivision (i); or within 150 days of receipt of the respondent's written opposition, if submitted pursuant to subdivision (j); or within 165 days of receipt of the appellant's written reply, if submitted pursuant to subdivision (k); whichever is later, the appellant is deemed to have exhausted its administrative remedies.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 11968.5.3

1. New section filed 11-16-2011; operative 12-16-2011 (Register 2011, No. 46).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending first paragraph and subsections (b) (e) filed 9-28-2020 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2020, No. 40).

Note: Authority cited: Section 33031, Education Code. Reference: Sections 47604.32 and 47607, Education Code.

1. New section filed 11-16-2011; operative 12-16-2011 (Register 2011, No. 46).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending first paragraph and subsections (b) (e) filed 9-28-2020 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2020, No. 40).