215.00.08 Ark. Code R. 001

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 215.00.08-001 - Rules and Regulations
A. The purpose of the Board is defined in Arkansas Code 17-35-202.
B. The Board shall become a Member Board of NCIDQ and appropriate in its annual budget the finances required for NCIDQ membership dues and attendance to the annual meeting.
C. As a Member Board of NCIDQ :
1. The Board shall designate an interior designer as Delegate to represent the Member Board on the NCIDQ Council of Delegates. The role of the NCIDQ Delegate shall be:
(a) To maintain accurate Board contact information with NCIDQ.
(b) To ensure open lines of communication and contact with NCIDQ.
(c) To partake in Member Board meetings and informational exchange.
D. Board
1. The organization and appointment of members is set forth in Arkansas Code 17-35-202.
2. Board terms and term limits shall be based on Arkansas statutes.
3. All Board members shall have the opportunity by Board elections to hold an Officer position including the role of chairperson. Officer positions shall change at the first meeting of each calendar year
4. Board Officer duties shall be as contained in L.1,2,3,4.
5. The Board may have an Executive Secretary whose sole duty is service to the Board named in the statutes.
6. The Board shall be responsible for creating and amending the Administrative Rules and Regulations.
7. The Board shall manage its own funds and have discretion and oversight over its budget per Arkansas statutes.
E. Offices.
1. The Board may provide its own quarters, in which case it shall bear the expenses incident to their maintenance.
2. The Board may maintain offices in as many localities in the State as it finds necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
F. Confidentiality of records of Board;
1. The Board shall follow the confidentiality requirements as outlined in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 25-19-101.
G. Designation of Attorney General as legal adviser.
1. The Attorney General is hereby designated as the legal adviser of the Board.
2. Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to prevent the Board from employing legal counsel as provided elsewhere in this chapter.
H. Enforcement of chapter; expenses.
1. The Board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this chapter.
2. The Board may incur such expense as shall be necessary, but such expense shall not exceed the revenue derived from the fees for examination, registration and other sources as provided in this chapter.
I. Fiscal year. The Board shall operate on the basis of the fiscal year of the state of Arkansas.
J. Receipt, deposit and withdrawal of fees. All fees provided for by the provisions of this chapter must be paid to and receipted for by the Secretary / and/ or Financial Officer of the Board. The Secretary / or Financial Officer shall deposit the fees in banks or credit unions in this jurisdiction that are in the business of making investments. Fees so deposited may be drawn against only for the purposes of this chapter.
K. Payment of expenses of the Board. All expenses incurred by the Board must be paid on claims signed by:
1. Two members of the Board; or
2. The Executive Secretary and one other member of the Board.
L. Officer Responsibilities:
1. Chairman
a. Preside at meetings
b. Call or change meetings
c. Create meeting agenda
d. Communication
1. Among Board members
2. Other designers
e. Responsible for sending letters:
A. Reappointment requests to Governor's office
B. Welcome letter to new registrants, informing them of their registration number
f. Sign Certificates for new registrants
g. Contact person for:
A. State government
B. The public
C. Registration Inquiries
D. Professional Organizations and NCIDQ
h. Advertisement (At Home in Arkansas)
2. Vice-Chairman
a. In the absence of the Chairman, fulfill the responsibilities of the Chairman and succeed the Chairman.
b. Maintain records and present reports on complaints brought against interior designers and the subsequent action brought by the Board.
c. Assist other Officers as needed.
d. Coordinate special events as planned by the ASB
3. Financial Officer

Note: all "financial" correspondence is sent to the Financial Officer, by the ASBRID member who checks, receives and handles all official ASBRID mail @ P.O. Box.

a. Process appropriate forms for accrued interest and send to DFA along with monthly bank statement.
b. Process appropriate forms for income received and send to DFA.
c. Balance Account with DFA approved and processed requests for interest and income.
d. Deposit checks with current financial institution.
e. Prepare and send receipts to payee.
f. Record bills and request for reimbursements and process appropriate forms and send to DFA for approval.
g. Process and sign checks for DFA approved and processed reimbursement requests and bills.
h. Send checks to the intended recipient.
i. Give financial report of ASBRID accounts at quarterly Board meetings.
j. Act as liaison to the Joint Audit Committee and DF&A.
k. Prepare and present Bi-Annual Budget, in coordination and conjunction with DF&A, to appropriate agencies at State of AR.
l. Record and sign all tax forms, then copy for ASBRID permanent file.
m. Complete annual budget request for DFA.
n. Complete annual Risk Assessment for DFA.
o. Assist new board members with obtaining Vendor numbers for reimbursements.
4. Communications Officer
a. Maintain master database of all registrants. Revise addresses or other information as required or indicated during renewal period.

Note: registrants are never removed or erased from the master list. If they allow their registration to lapse, it should be noted by year in the appropriate column.

b. Supply Board members with copy of master list once a year after updates.
c. Maintain roster of current registrants only including registration number and contact information, such as e-mail address and phone number.
d. Record CEU's in appropriate column on the master list from renewals.
e. Supply other board members with updated current roster each quarter.
f. Prepare any written correspondence from ASBRID, including:
1. renewal notices distributed at least 30 days prior to September 1st annually.
2. requests for returned certificates from lapsed registrants
3. letters to registrants or non-registrants regarding rules and regulations violations.
4. CEU information to new and current members
g. Coordinate with Financial Officer regarding payments of new or renewal registrants.
h. Coordinate with Chairman on acceptance of new registrants for welcome correspondence.
i. Distribute Membership Cards with each registrant's name and registration # for signing.
j. Coordinate the publishing of the member booklet in .pdf format annually for use by Registrants Only.
A. Administrative Procedures Act, Arkansas Code 25-15-201 et seq. shall be referenced for process guidelines for registration, application, renewal, delinquencies and late filing.
B. Reactivation of Registration
1. A Registered Interior Designer who has requested inactive status or has become delinquent and who desires to become an active registrant may apply for reactivation. To do so they must meet the same continuing education requirements of an active registrant for all registration periods in which the licensee was delinquent. The necessary hours must be completed within one year. Past financial obligations to the Board must also be brought up to date. These requirements shall be waived where the registrant reapplies to the Board as a new registrant and meets requirements as such.
C. Retirement of Registration Option:

A Registered Interior Designer in good standing may retire his/her registration upon application to the Board. To do so requires meeting the requirements established by the Board. A permanent identification card shall be issued and the Retired Registered Interior Designer who may then receive all rights and benefits as established by the Board. Upon retirement of said registration, the retiree shall not practice the profession.

D. A Registered Architect:

An architect who is registered within the same jurisdiction is not required to obtain a certificate of registration to practice interior design. However, he or she must become a Registered Interior Designer to use the title.

E. Rights and Benefits:

Registered Designers in good standing may call themselves a "Registered Interior Designer", shall be indicated as "Active" on the Registrant roster, will receive correspondence from the Board, may attend ASRID functions, shall be listed in the annual advertisement.

A. "Board" means the Arkansas State Board of Registered Interior Designers.
B. "Certificate of Registration" means the certificate of registration issued by the Board to a Registered Interior Designer.
C. "NCIDQ" refers to the National Council for Interior Design Qualification.
D. "IDCEC" refers to the Interior Design Continuing Education Council.
E. "CIDA" refers to Council for Interior Design Accreditation. Formerly known as "FIDER".
F. "FIDER" refers to the Foundation for Interior Design Education and Research.
G. "IDEP" refers to Interior Design Experience Program as facilitated by NCIDQ.
A. Below the Regulatory Board has adopted a Rules of Conduct consistent with the constitution and laws of Arkansas, binding upon persons that are Registered, Rules of Conduct that shall have as its only purpose the maintenance of a high standard of integrity and professional responsibility to the public health, life safety, and welfare. They are clear, quantifiable and enforceable.
B. Competence
1. When rendering professional interior design services, a registered interior designer shall:
(a) Exercise knowledge and skill in performing those services; and
(b) Comply with all federal, state, municipal and county laws, codes, ordinances and regulations relating to the practice of interior design.
2. A registered interior designer shall not perform or attempt to perform a professional service relating to interior design unless the registered interior designer:
(a) Is qualified by education, training and experience to perform the professional service; or
(b) Associates himself with, or consults with, another person who is qualified to perform the professional service, to the extent necessary to perform that service competently.
(c) Exhibits the ability to discharge all fiduciary duties.
C. Disclosure
1. Before accepting a project, a registered interior designer shall reasonably inform the prospective client of:
(a) The scope and nature of the project;
(b) The professional services relating to interior design that will be performed; and
(c) The method of compensation for those professional services.
(d) Disclosure of compensation. Before accepting a project, a registered interior designer shall fully disclose to the prospective client all compensation that the registered interior designer will receive in connection with the project. If the registered interior designer accepts the project; the registered interior designer shall not accept any compensation from any person with whom the interior designer deals in connection with the project that has not been fully disclosed to the client.
2. If a registered interior designer becomes aware that his employer or his client has decided to take an action regarding a project which is against the professional advice of the registered interior designer, which violates any applicable federal, state, municipal or county law, code, ordinance or regulation and which, in the professional opinion of the registered interior designer, will materially and adversely affect the safety, health or welfare of the public, the registered interior designer shall:
(a) Report the decision to the person, agency or Regulatory Board that is responsible for enforcement of the law, code, ordinance or regulation;
(b) Refuse to consent to the decision; and if the registered interior designer reasonably believes that other such decisions will be taken notwithstanding his advice and objection, terminate his services in connection with the project. A registered interior designer who terminates his services pursuant to this paragraph is immune from liability for damages sustained by his employer or his client as the result of terminating his services.
D. Prohibited conduct
1. A registered interior designer shall not:
(a) Knowingly violate any state or federal criminal law; or
(b) Counsel or assist a client in conduct that the registered interior designer knows, or should know, involves fraud or other illegal acts; or give, lend or promise anything of value to a public officer with the intent to influence or attempt to influence the judgment or actions of the public officer in connection with a prospective or existing project in which the interior designer is interested; or
(c) Sign or seal a drawing, specification or other interior design document not prepared by him or under his supervisory control; or
(d) Engage in conduct that involves fraud or wanton disregard of the rights of other persons.
A. Complaint
1. Any person may file a complaint with the Board against a person who may be in violation of the statues or rules and regulations of the State of Arkansas.
2. Complaints shall be submitted in writing to Vice Chairman who will act as the investigator for the Board. No oral communication of complaints shall be investigated by the Board.
3. The Board will mail written notice of the charges to the last known address of the respondent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice must describe each allegation contained in the complaint.
B. Written response; failure to file response deemed admission.
1. Within 15 business days after receipt of the notice of charges, the respondent shall file with the Regulatory Board a written response to the notice of charges. Upon the request of the respondent, the Regulatory Board may extend the time to file a response.
2. The response must include:
(a) If the complaint has been resolved, a statement describing the resolution of the complaint; or
(b) If the complaint has not been resolved:
(1) A statement describing in detail whether the respondent admits or denies each allegation in the complaint;
(2) A statement of the facts relating to the allegations in the complaint; and
(3) The defenses to the complaint, if any, relied upon by the respondent.
3. The response must be signed by the respondent, his attorney or another authorized representative of the respondent, and include the name, address and telephone number of the respondent and his attorney or other authorized representative, if any.
4. The failure to file a response in accordance with this section without good cause shall be deemed an admission by the respondent of all the allegations in the complaint and the Regulatory Board may resolve the complaint against the respondent.
C. Investigation of Complaint
1. The Vice-Chairman shall maintain a separate file containing all information in connection with complaints, investigation, hearings in connection with such charges, and the action of the Board in each case. At each Board meeting, the Vice-Chairman shall make a report to the Board as to the status of each complaint until the final disposition of the complaint.
2. Upon receipt of complaint of alleged violation, the Vice-Chairman shall institute a preliminary investigation keeping all information in confidence from the Board. If warranted by the investigation, the Vice-Chairman shall inform the Board, and they will in turn duly notify the alleged violator and schedule a timely hearing for the resolution of the alleged violation.
D. Adjudicative Hearings (As inserted and edited from the Model Rules of Procedure for Regulatory and Licensing Agencies. Published Pursuant to Act 1648 of 2001, Mike Beebe, Attorney General, May 17, 2002.)

This section applies in all administrative adjudications conducted by the Arkansas State Board of Registered Interior Designers. This procedure is developed to provide a process by which the agency formulates orders (for example, an order revoking a license to practice, or imposing civil penalties). Any adjudicatory hearings of the Board will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act, Arkansas Cod 25-15-201 et seq.


The Chairman of the Arkansas State Board of Registered Interior Designers shall preside at the hearing or may designate one or more members of the Board to preside at a hearing.

(a) Any party appearing in any agency proceeding has the right, at his or her own expense, to be represented by counsel.
(b) The respondent may appear on his or her own behalf.
(c) Any attorney representing a party to an adjudicatory proceeding must file notice of appearance as soon as possible.
(d) Service on counsel of record is the equivalent of service on the party represented.
(e) On written motion served on the party represented and all other parties of record, the presiding officer may grant counsel of record leave to withdraw for good cause shown.

If there are separate matters that involve similar issues of law or fact, or identical parties, the matters may be consolidated if it appears that consolidation would promote the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of the proceedings, and would not unduly prejudice the rights of a party.


If it appears that the determination of the rights of parties in a proceeding will necessarily involve a determination of the substantial interests of persons who are not parties, the presiding officer may enter an order requiring that an absent person be notified of the proceeding and be given an opportunity to be joined as a party of record.

(a). An administrative adjudication is initiated by the issuance by the agency of a notice of hearing.
(b). The notice of hearing will be sent to the respondent by U.S. Mail, return receipt requested, delivery restricted to the named recipient or his agent. Notice shall be sufficient when it is so mailed to the respondent's latest address on file with the agency.
(c). Notice will be mailed at least 30 calendar days before the scheduled hearing.
(d). The notice will include:
1. A statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing;
2. A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held; and
3. A short and plain statement of the matters of fact and law asserted.
(a).All requests for relief will be by motion. Motions must be in writing or made on the record during a hearing. A motion must fully state the action requested and the grounds relied upon. The original written motion will be filed with the agency. When time allows, the other parties may, within seven (7) days of the service of the written motion, file a response in opposition. The presiding officer may conduct such proceedings and enter such orders as are deemed necessary to address issues raised by the motion. However, a presiding officer, other than the Chairman, will not enter a dispositive order unless expressly authorized in writing to do so.
(b). Pre-hearing motions must be submitted in writing and filed with the Regulatory Board within 10 business days after the receipt of the exhibit to which the motion applies. A party who opposes the motion may file a response to the pre-hearing motion not later than 10 business days after the date of service of the motion. Upon a showing of good cause, the Regulatory Board may allow a party to file a pre-hearing motion or response within such other times as the Regulatory Board deems appropriate.

A respondent may file an answer.

(a).Upon written request, the agency will provide the information designated in A.C.A & 25-15-208(a)(3).
(b). Such requests should be received by the agency at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing.
(a). The Board may grant a continuance of hearing for good cause shown.

Requests for continuances will be made in writing. The request must state the grounds to be considered and be made as soon as practicable and, except in cases of emergencies, no later than five (5) days prior to the date noticed for the hearing. In determining whether to grant a continuance, the Board may consider:

(1) Prior continuances;
(2) The interests of all parties;
(3) The likelihood of informal settlements;
(4) The existence of an emergency;
(5) Any objection;
(6) Any applicable time requirement;
(7) The existence of a conflict of the schedules of counsel, parties, or witnesses;
(8) The time limits of the request; and
(9) Other relevant factors.
(b). The Board may require documentation of any grounds for continuance.
(a). The presiding officer presides at the hearing and may rule on motions, require briefs, and issue such orders as will ensure the orderly conduct of the proceedings; provided, however, any presiding officer other than the Chairman of the Arkansas State Board of Registered Interior Designers shall not enter a dispositive order or proposed decision unless expressly authorized in writing to do so.
(b). All objections must be made in a timely manner and stated on the record.
(c). Parties have the right to participate or to be represented by counsel in all hearings or pre-hearing

conferences related to their case.

(d). Subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the Administrative Procedure Act, parties have the right to introduce evidence on issues of material fact, cross-examine witnesses as necessary for a full an true disclosure of the facts, present evidence in rebuttal, and, upon request by the agency, may submit briefs and engage in oral argument.
(e). The presiding officer is charged with maintaining the decorum of the hearing and may refuse to admit, or may expel, anyone whose conduct is disorderly.

The presiding officer will conduct the hearing in the following manner:

(a).The presiding officer will give an opening statement, briefly describing the nature of the proceedings.
(b). The parties are to be given the opportunity to present opening statements.
(c). The parties will be allowed to present their cases in the sequence determined by the presiding officer.
(d). Each witness must be sworn or affirmed by the presiding officer, or the court reporter, and be subject to examination and cross-examination as well as questioning by the Arkansas State Board of Registered Interior Designers. The presiding officer may limit questioning in a manner consistent with the law.
(e). When all parties and witnesses have been heard, parties may be given the opportunity to present final arguments.
(a). The presiding officer shall rule on the admissibility of evidence and may, when appropriate, take official notice of facts in accordance with all applicable requirements of law.
(b).Stipulation of facts is encouraged. The agency may make a decision based on stipulated facts.
(c). Evidence in the proceeding must be confined to the issues set forth in the hearing notice, unless the parties waive their right to such notice or the presiding officer determines that good cause justifies expansion of the issues. If the presiding officer decides to admit evidence outside the scope of the notice, over the objection of a party who did not have actual notice of those issues, that party, upon timely request, will receive a continuance sufficient to prepare for the additional issue and to permit amendment of pleadings.
(d). A party seeking admission of an exhibit must provide ten (10) copies of each exhibit at the hearing.
(1) One copy for the file;
(2) One copy for each member of the Regulatory Board;
(3) One copy for the witness packet; and
(4) One copy for opposing counsel.

The presiding officer must provide the opposing parties with an opportunity to examine the exhibit prior to the ruling on its admissibility. All exhibit s admitted into evidence must be appropriately marked and be made part of the record.

(e).Any party may object to specific evidence or may request limits on the scope of the examination or cross-examination. A brief statement of the grounds upon which it is based shall accompany such an objection. The objection, the ruling on the objection, and the reasons for the ruling will be noted in the record. The presiding officer may rule on the objection at the time it is made or may reserve the ruling until the written decision.
(f).Whenever evidence is ruled inadmissible, the party offering that evidence may submit an offer of proof on the record. The party making the offer of proof for excluded oral testimony will briefly summarize the testimony or, with permission of the presiding officer, present the testimony. If the excluded evidence consists of a document or exhibit, it shall be marked as part of an offer of proof and inserted in the record.
(g).Irrelevant, immaterial, and unduly repetitive evidence will be excluded. Any other oral or documentary evidence, not privileged, may be received if it is of a type commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent men and women in the conduct of their affairs.
(h). Reasonable inferences. The finder of fact may base its findings of fact upon reasonable inferences derived from other evidence received.

If a party fails to appear or participate in an administrative adjudication after proper service of notice, the agency may proceed with the hearing and render a decision in the absence of the party.


The responsibility to record the testimony heard at a hearing is borne by the agency. Upon the filing of a petition for judicial review, the agency will provide a verbatim transcript of testimony taken before the agency.


In addition to any other considerations permitted by Arkansas Code 17-35-202, the agency in imposing any sanction may consider the following:

(a). The nature and degree of the misconduct for which the licensee is being sanctioned.
(b). The seriousness and circumstances surrounding this misconduct.
(c). The loss or damage to clients or others.
(d). The assurance that those who seek similar professional services in the future will be protected from the type of misconduct found.
(e). The profit to the licensee.
(f). The avoidance of repetition.
(g). Whether the conduct was deliberate, intentional, or negligent.
(h). The deterrent effect on others.
(i). The conduct of the individual during the course of the disciplinary proceeding.
(j). The professional's prior disciplinary record, including warnings.
(k). Matters offered by the professional in mitigation or extenuation, except that a claim of disability or impairment resulting from the use of alcohol or drugs may not be considered unless the professional demonstrates that he or she is successfully pursuing in good faith a program of recovery.

The agency will serve on the respondent a written order that reflects the action taken by the agency. The order will include a recitation of facts found based on testimony and other evidence presented and reasonable inferences derived from the evidence pertinent to the issues of the case. It will also state conclusions of law and directives or other disposition entered against or in favor of the respondent. The order will be served personally or by mail on the respondent. If counsel represents respondent, service of the order on respondent's counsel shall be deemed service on the respondent.

1. The Board has the authority to discipline interior designers in any of the following methods:
(a). Deny an applicant's eligibility.
(b). Reprimand or place a registrant on probation.
(c). Suspend or revoke an interior designer's Certificate of Registration and seal.
(d). Recommend Class A Misdemeanor charges to law enforcement.
(e). May impose alternative sanctions set for in the Administrative Procedures Act 25-15-217(b).
2. Conditions of probation. The Board may impose the following conditions of probation on a registrant against whom disciplinary action is imposed:
(a). Require the registrant to provide information to the Regulatory Board concerning each project he works on during the term of probation, including, without limitation:
(1) The name of the person for whom the project is performed;
(2) The name of the project, if any;
(3) The location of the project;
(4) The type and scope of work that the registrant will perform on the project; and
(5) The size of the project;
(b). Require the registrant to be supervised by a person approved by the Regulatory Board; and
(c). Other conditions that the Regulatory Board considers necessary.
A. A Registered Interior Designer shall obtain a Registration Seal as prescribed by the Regulatory Board. Interior design contract documents, i.e. construction drawings, plans, specifications and other data produced to communicate the extent of work shall bear the seal and signature of the registered interior design professional in responsible charge of the work, with the date of issuance. The seal shall attest that the documents were prepared and reviewed by the registered design professional
B. The interior designers' contract documents shall contain a statement that the document is not an architectural or engineering drawing, specification, or design and is not to be used for construction of any load-bearing columns, load-bearing framing, or load-bearing walls or structures or issuance of any building permit, except as otherwise provided by law
C. When a registrant signs, stamps or seals a document containing the work of others, the registrant represents that the entire document has been prepared by him or prepared under his responsible control, unless he includes a written statement adjacent to his signature, stamp or seal identifying the portion of the document that was prepared by him or prepared under his responsible control. A registrant who signs, stamps or seals a document which was not prepared by him but was prepared under his responsible control is subject to disciplinary proceedings as if he prepared it himself.
D. Any Registrant who has their registration revoked or suspended by the State Board MUST discontinue use of the Seal and surrender his or her Seal to the Chairman of the Board within 30 days.
A. The Board shall determine the fees by Rule and shall establish fees to only generate enough funds to cover the amount appropriated by the Legislature.
B. All fees must be remitted in the form of money order, cashier's check or personal check. Fees are subject to increase at the discretion of the Board as necessary to support the efforts of the Board. Such increases must be made in accordance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act
C. Mail fees to: State Board of Registered Interior Designers, P.O. Box 250220, Little Rock, AR 72225-0220

. Application Fee...... .................................................................................................... $150.00

. Initial registration fee.................the Board pro-rates fee at time of approval

. Annual registration renewal fee...........................$125.00

. For the late renewal of an expired certificate within 1 year after its expiration....... $175.00 + proof of CEUs (fee includes the $125 renewal rate and $50 late fee)

. For the late renewal of a certificate which has been expired for more than 1 year but not more than 2 years........... ................................................................................................................. $350.00 + proof of CEUs (fee includes the $250 renewal rate and $100 in late fees)

. For the late renewal of a certificate which has been expired for more than 2 years but not more than 3 years......................................... ...... $525.00 + proof of CEUs (fee includes the $375 renewal rate and $150 late fee)

. For the reinstatement of a revoked certificate with Board Approval ...................................... $525.00

. For replacement of a certificate ............................................................................................... $ 30.00

. Emeritus Status with Board Approval (Non Practicing) ............one time fee $100.00

A. Each applicant for registration shall provide substantial evidence to the Board that the applicant:
1. Has proof of graduation from a program defined and accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA formerly known as "FIDER") or approved by the Board through proof of equivalency to the CIDA program. The Regulatory Board may also consider applicants completing programs leading to a certificate, degree or diploma from an institution accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
2. Has a baccalaureate degree in programs of no less than 150 semester or 225 quarter credit hours of which 90 semester or 135 quarter hours, respectively, are Interior Design-related. One year or 1,760 hours of diversified and appropriate interior design experience is required.
3. Has a baccalaureate degree in programs of no less than 120 semester or 180 quarter credit hours of which 60 semester or 90 quarter hours, respectively, are Interior Design-related. Two years or 3,520 hours of diversified and appropriate interior design experience is required.
4. Is a licensed architect certified by the Arkansas State Board of Architects AND provides evidence of passage to the entire standard NCIDQ exam.
B. Proof of Education
1. The applicant shall direct his/her educational institution to submit directly to the Board transcripts of grades, a description of courses taught at the time the applicant took the courses and verification of completion of graduation requirements.
C. Process to prove equivalency of education to CIDA standards shall be according to the Alternate Education Review process as administered by NCIDQ.
A. Because education builds an essential foundation for successful practice, an applicant must complete most or all of their education before beginning their interior design experience. Only up to 1,760 of work experience can be earned before education is completed. All work experience used to satisfy the eligibility requirements must be in the field of interior design. Work experience can be full-time or part-time. It is recommended that initial work experience be under the direct supervision of an NCIDQ Certificate holder, a registered interior designer, or an architect who offers interior design services. The IDEP program of NCIDQ is recommended as a structured, comprehensive method for completing entry-level work experience.
B. Experience Requirements: A balanced program of professional Interior Design experience shall target critical training and experiences in the following task areas:
1. Programming
2. Schematic Design
3. Design Development
4. Contract documents
5. Contract Administration
6. Professional practice

Within the following recognized fields of experience:

1. Commercial/Corporate Design
2. Residential Design
3. Educational Design
4. Facilities Management
5. Governmental Projects
6. Health Care
7. Hospitality
8. Industrial/Manufacturing
9. Kitchen/Bath
10. Store Planning/Retail
11. Historic Preservation/Restoration
12. Institutional
C. Credit for Experience
1. Refer to Requirements for Registration in the NCIDQ IDEP program at www.ncidq.org
2. An applicant engaged in a full time teaching position in an Interior Design program approved by the Board shall be awarded one year (1760 hours) toward the experience requirement for 12 months of teaching.
3. No applicant may complete an experience requirement without at least one year of acceptable experience in North America.
D. Proof of Experience
1. Notarized statement from former employer (s) regarding period of employment, hours worked during the period, tasks executed and project field(s).
A. Passage of the interior design qualification exam administered by NCIDQ shall be the model and approved examination. In accordance with Arkansas Code 17-35-302, passage of exams produced by the American Institute of Interior Designers (AID) and by the Nation Society of Interior Designers (NSID) shall also be accepted, as predecessors of the NCIDQ exam.
B. The Board shall waive examination requirements for an individual who provides proof of passage of the NCIDQ examination, or either of its predecessors, the American Institute of Interior Designers (AID) and by the National Society of Interior Designers (NSID), and who is registered, licensed or certified as an interior designer in another state, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country, provided that the jurisdiction's requirements for registration are substantially equivalent to those required for registration in this state.

A Registered Interior Designers shall be required to continue learning and stay abreast of current knowledge in the profession by completing continuing education units (CEUs).

Continuing education shall be gained through coursework delivered in education units. The Board requires its Registrants to complete 6 hours annually, of which 3 hours must be of the Health, Safety or Welfare (HS or W) designation.

A. Reporting of Continuing Education Hours:
1. The Board shall accept the NCIDQ CE Tracking Documentation recording and verification for continuing education units (CEUs). This is the only sheet of paper concerning CEUs that shall be submitted or accepted each year with the Registrant's renewal.
2. The Registrant will sign on their registration renewal document that they did complete all required CEU coursework for the renewal period. This will be information that is available for audit by the Board.
3. Each Registered Interior Designer is required to retain proof of contact hours of coursework for a period of seven years, for audit and verification of signature above by the Board.
B. The Interior Design Continuing Education Council (IDCEC) identification and measurement system for approval of continuing education programs is recommended by the Board. IDCEC approved courses bear the following designations, depending on course content:
1. HS; HEALTH SAFETY - This designation will be awarded if more than 75% of the course content covers knowledge and practice of legal codes, building regulations and product performance standards and topics including, but not limited to, energy efficiency, acoustics, lighting and fire and life-safety systems that are implemented to protect the public and the environment.
2. W; WELFARE - This designation will be awarded if more than 75% of the course content covers knowledge and practice of design that enhances the social, psychological, financial and physical well-being of individuals and the environment. The course content may include, but not limited to, business practices, ethics, space design, budgets and estimating, construction administration, environmental and sustainability issues, appropriate selection and use of products and materials and methods of construction detailing
3. NO "HS" OR NO "W" (NO DESIGNATION) - General Interior Design Professional Knowledge (no HS or W) coursework without a designation covers general knowledge regarding interior design practice.(Less than 75% of the course content covers knowledge and practice of applicable legal codes, building regulations and product performance standards that are implemented to protect the public and the environment or that enhances the social, psychological, financial and physical well-being of individuals and the environment).
A. Notice of change of address or place of employment. Each interior designer who holds a certificate of registration shall advise the Board in writing of any change of address or place of employment within 30 calendar days after the change.
B. Registered Interior Designers shall notify the Board of new established or changes in email address

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