172.00.15 Ark. Code R. 002

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 172.00.15-002 - Policies and Procedures for Career and Technical Education

A grouping of occupations and broad industries into a national classification of 16 clusters that are based upon common knowledge and skills. Career clusters include hundreds of occupations that may be grouped into pathways around which educational programs of study can be built.


The organizing structure for the 16 career clusters and 38 pathways. The fields represent the broadest aggregation of careers. Students are normally exposed to career field exploration in middle school and early high school.


An organization of related occupational areas within a specific career cluster. These pathways have identified knowledge and skills validated by industry from which programs and programs of study are developed.


A planned program of courses and learning experiences that:

(1) begins with exploration options;
(2) supports basic academic and life skills; and
(3) enables achievement of high academic standards, leadership, high skill and high wage employment preparation, and advanced continuing education.

A student who has completed three (3) Carnegie units of credit in grades 9-12 including all the required core courses in a career focus/program of study and graduated from high school. If core classes are taught below ninth grade level, they may fulfill the course requirement for completer status, however three units must be taken during grade 9-12. See lists of courses and grade levels at which they may be taught in each area's section of this handbook.


Tangible, nonexpendable, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more per unit.


Equipment and program specific supplies and software that are required for approval and operation of pathway program of study and foundation courses.


A student who is enrolled in a career and technical course during the reporting period.


Sustained, intensive, and focused opportunities for administrators, teachers, and faculty foster POS design, implementation, and maintenance.


The use of "shall" in these regulations indicates that the activity is mandatory.


Adult skills training classes offered on a short-term basis for the purpose of training and upgrading the workforce.


PROGRAM APPROVAL is reviewed annually. Programs granted approval status shall:

* follow all policies and procedures,

* parti cipate in end-of-course assessment,

* meet or show improvement in documented performance indicators,

* remove all critical elements identified in technical assistance visits,

* submit program approval information through the ACE Teacher Information System by listed dates, and follow all required program guidelines.

Schools may offer for graduation credit, only career and technical classes approved by ACE.


The following items will be reviewed annually to maintain program continuation:

a) academic skill attainment,
b) technical skill attainment,
c) number of students completing career focus,
d) placement of students in postsecondary education,
e) placement of students in the workforce, and
f) non-traditional enrollment,
g) advisory council status,
h) career and technical student organization (CTSO),
i) critical elements from technical assistance visit,
j) any conditional item from previous year.
1. Grant awards shall be available for the exclusive purpose of purchasing equipment and program specific supplies, required training, assessment, and software to support newly approved career focus programs of study, foundation courses, expanded programs of study, and other career and technical related courses.
2. The factors used for determining both approval and the amount of the grant awards are contingent on:

* funds available

* state priority

* rubric evaluation

proposed technical programs in local districts located within a 25 mile radius or within 30 minutes travel time (one way) of a technical career center offering the same program

3. To be considered for funding school districts and secondary technical career centers shall submit a proposal for new program start-up by October 1 prior to implementation in the following school year.
4. The grant award(s) shall not exceed the cost of the start-up as established by ACE program standards.
5. The equipment, supplies, and software purchased with state funds authorized under the biennial appropriation for grants and aids to school districts (public school fund) shall be utilized only for the activities for which it was originally approved and purchased and shall not be used in any other fashion without prior written approval of ACE.
6. Reimbursement requests for new program start-up shall be submitted on the Form WE-4 to the state office at any time prior to the December 15 deadline. The request for reimbursement of state funds shall not exceed the amount of the grant award. Waivers may be given for the advancement of grant funds.
7. For new program start-up equipment and program specific supplies and software, it is the responsibility of the local school district and secondary vocational centers to maintain and repair the equipment purchased with the State grant during its life cycle. After the life cycle (5 years), it will become the property of the local school district and/or secondary technical career center.
8. ACE shall retain a vested interest in the equipment and program specific supplies and software purchased with new program start-up grants for their life cycle. At the discretion of the program coordinator, items shall be re-inventoried to another CTE program.
9. ACE will provide up-to-date equipment standards for each program and foundation course. Prior written approval is required for any item or expenditure not on the ACE program start-up list.
10. A request to restart a closed program shall be funded only if funds have not been granted within the last five (5) years. Under extraordinary circumstances, the CTE Deputy Director may grant approval at a reduced funding amount.
1. ACE will approve adult skills training programs/courses upon availability of funds under the biennial appropriation.
2. Funding for faculty salaries for short-term adult classes sponsored by the secondary public schools will be provided at an hourly rate of $30 per direct contact instructional hour.
3. Approval of short-term adult classes is contingent upon the following criteria:

* A minimum enrollment of eight participants is required for approval of the class.

* A minimum of six (6) hours and a maximum of 60 hours of instruction are required for approval courses.

* Applications (Form WE-6) for adult classes are to be submitted to the applicable occupational program manager a minimum of two weeks prior to the beginning of the proposed class. (No classes will be approved after May 1.)

* The applicable occupational program manager will notify the local school administrator/faculty/institution of approval/disapproval of the class.

* Reimbursement of faculty salaries to the local entity will be initiated after the Class Enrollment Report (WE-PD-19) is received by the program manager. (All reimbursement requests must be received by May 30.)

4. Upon the annual approval by ACE, grants to supplement salaries of full-time teacher(s) who have been designated to plan, design, develop, and direct the skill training programs existing as of July 1, 1995, in adult education centers may be approved.
5. Adult education centers with approved skill training courses that existed as of July 1, 1995, are required to establish a fee structure for students enrolled in the courses. A minimum charge of $20 per course or fifty (50) cents per clock hour of instruction, whichever is less, shall be charged for all approved skill training adult classes (clock hours of instruction are the total hours approved for the course). Fifty dollars shall be the maximum fee assessed an individual student in any semester or other school term of lesser length. Annual reports are due July 15.
1. Each career and technical program shall have an active advisory committee or a school-wide advisory committee with representation from each program/career pathway.
2. The committee shall have appropriate, diverse representation of community, business/industry, and post-secondary partners. The committee shall meet twice annually and minutes shall be kept.
3. The committees' functions should include program evaluation and technical assistance relating to program development, employment opportunities, skills requirements of the occupation, and specialized equipment acquisition.
1. Career focus programs of study make up the career and technical delivery system in these career clusters:

* Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

* Architecture & Construction

* Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

* Business, Management & Administration

* Education & Training

* Finance

* Government & Public Administration

* Health Science

* Hospitality & Tourism

* Human Services

* Information Technology

* Law, Public Safety & Security

* Manufacturing

* Marketing, Sales & Service

* Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

* Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

2. Each career focus program of study shall consist of foundation courses in grades 7 or 8: as defined by the Department of Career Education. A minimum of three (3) Carnegie units in grades 9-12, a career focus is required for a program of study in career and technical education. Approved programs must offer a complete program of study on a two year rotational basis. Core courses must be offered annually.
3. Approved program must follow programs of study and guidelines established and identified in the supplemental program operational guides and approval of CTE Deputy Director and/or their designee. All changes to the operational guides will go through a review process.
4. Schools that, due to local business and industry requirements or school improvement plans, find it necessary to modify career focus programs of study or core course requirements to meet the needs of the students by improving completion and placement may request a local modification.

The request:

* shall document need and expected outcomes,

* shall have input from postsecondary and industry representation,

* shall be submitted to the Deputy Director of Career and Technical Education, and

* shall not be initiated until written approval is received.


Upon completion of the eighth grade, each student shall have on file a four-year Career Development Portfolio, either hardcopy or electronic format, which includes secondary courses to be taken. At least two years of postsecondary education planning is recommended. The career plan shall be revisited each year for any necessary adjustments. Parents/guardians shall be involved in the education and career planning process, with signatures documenting involvement each year.

1. Class periods shall conform to the minimum class hours established by the Standards for Accreditation of Public Schools and AdvanceED.
1. Class size shall conform to the Standards for Accreditation of Public Schools; however, enrollments may vary and will depend on the availability of equipment, tools, furniture, and instructional materials that support the program.
2. Additionally, safety conditions should be a consideration in establishing class sizes.

All concurrent credit courses offered for high school graduation (required 22 units) credit must have approval and alignment from ACE.


Work based learning combines classroom instruction with alternating periods of on-the-job training occupation related to the student's career goal. Training sponsors are selected to coordinate the learning experiences provided on the job. Training plans are developed cooperatively by the teacher/coordinator and the training sponsor (employer) to ensure the development of required competencies. Students may be paid and shall be given academic credit.

Students shall be sixteen (16) years of age to meet labor law requirements.

1. Coordinator/teacher Supervision Periods
a. For off campus paid work based programs, coordinators will be assigned:

* one supervision period for 1-25 students,

* two supervision periods for 26-50 students, and

* three supervision periods for 51 or more students.

The conference period may count as one of the three (3) supervision periods.

b. For students of special populations, coordinators will be assigned:

* one supervision period for 1-15,

* two supervision periods for 16-30 students, and

* three supervision periods for 31 or more students.

The conference period may count as one of the three (3) supervision periods.

2. Contract Length

Local school districts' and secondary technical career centers' governing authorities shall have the option of extending the length of career and technical teachers' contracts beyond the minimum number of contract days required by the Standards for Accreditation of Public Schools.

Exception: State law requires twelve (12) -month contracts for agriculture teachers.

3. Course Credit

It is recommended that three (3) units per year be given-one (1) unit for the related class and two (2) units for the 270 per semester/540 per year hours of on-the-job training required.


Each teacher shall follow State curriculum/content frameworks for each course approved by ACE.


Facility requirements must meet ADE guidelines (http://arkansasfacilities.arkansas.gov). Equipment requirements may be obtained from the appropriate program section and must be met within the specified time for program approval.


The federal funds received through the Department must be used to improve CTE programs and services for students enrolled in the program. Federal rules and regulations along with the state's Plan for the funds must be followed. Pertinent information regarding the federal CTE federal funds may be obtained through the Perkins Coordinator Manual and the State's Five-Year Plan (posted on the Department's website) and through the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education.


Foundation courses are those classes that encompass the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in any selected career and technical program. These courses are prerequisite in nature and required for all career and technical program approvals as defined by the Department of Career Education.


Instructors shall attend ACE required training for program start-up and/or annual approval.


Information is necessary via various reports and shall be submitted by due date. Refer to program area operational guides for program-specific reports.

1. Occupational-specific programs at technical institutes, community colleges, or two-year colleges in which high school students are admitted (slot-ins) shall count toward meeting the state standards relating to the requirement for three units each of three occupation-specific career and technical programs.
2. A copy of the written contract (agreement) with the postsecondary institution must be submitted to the Deputy Director for Career and Technical Education, ACE, by October 1 of each academic year.

The following programs of study must maintain accreditation by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF):

a. Automotive Service Technology
b. Collision Repair Technology
c. Diesel Mechanics Technology
1. Curriculum grades 9-12

Arkansas public schools are required to offer nine (9) units of Career and Technical Education.

2. To meet state standards for accreditation, public schools shall provide students access to a minimum of one career focus program of study in three (3) different occupational clusters (offered annually).

Schools who do not offer these programs on campus may utilize public schools, technical career centers, or postsecondary institutions.

If occupational programs are offered off-site to fulfill the required three (3) occupational programs, the school must provide students transportation, sufficient time to complete a three-unit program of study, and sufficient effort to provide these opportunities to students. Students must be enrolled in the program to count toward the three (3) required.

3. Secondary schools utilizing off-campus options as a means for meeting curricula standards must have on file with the Deputy Director for Career and Technical Education a written agreement between both institutions as documentation to this effect before October 1 of each academic year. Schools having no students in attendance will not meet this standard.

The Department provides end-of-course assessments for the core required courses of the CTE programs of study. Districts with students enrolled in any of the assessed courses are required to test students through the web-based assessment system. The assessment results shall be used to guide program improvement. Along with industry-credentials/certifications, the end-of-course assessment data is used to determine achievement for the technical skill attainment performance indicator required by the federal Perkins Act. These results are published annually on the CTE School Report Card.


The career and technical student organization(s) (CTSO):

* shall be an integral part of the career and technical education program(s) offered in each school and shall follow the applicable guidelines, goals, objectives, and participate in activities of the appropriate state and/or national student organization for each program;

* shall be supervised by career and technical personnel in the applicable occupational area.


ACE will continue to inform school administration of current policies regarding gender equity, discrimination and nontraditional training with the intention that these policies will be infused into the local curriculum and instruction. Onsite monitoring of selected programs is required by federal law.

A. Career and Technical Degreed Teachers Licensure
1. Integrated Career and Technical Education Licensure

Arkansas Career and Technical teachers in the areas of Agriculture and Science Technology, Business Technology, Marketing Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Industrial Technology Education will be licensed through the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE)

2. Driver Education Endorsement

Must complete Driver Education I, II, and First Aide (2 sem. hrs. each). The instructor must also complete the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching 7-12 with a minimum score of 164.

B. Career and technical endorsements for level A.Y.A. (Adolescents and Young Adults)

Instructors who desire to teach identified courses, which require specific training not offered through Career and Technical approved programs of study, may receive added endorsement to an existing teaching license by completing the requirements identified for the following course specific-areas. Specific requirements for each course are found in the related section of the program policies and procedures for secondary career and technical programs.

Applications for these endorsements should be made to the Deputy Director for Career and Technical Education, ACE. Following documentation of the completion of individual requirements, a recommendation will be made to ADE Professional Licensure section to add related endorsements.

* Career Academy Endorsement (410) (grades7-12)

Keystone (grades 9-10)

* Career Orientation (411) (grades 7-8) and Career Development Endorsement (418) (grades 4-8)

* Career Preparation (412) (grades 7-12)

* Career Services for Special Populations (413) (grades 7-12)

Jobs for Arkansas' Graduates

STRIVE (Students and Teachers Responsibly Integrating Vocational


* Integrated Academics Endorsement

Physics in Context (PIC)

Principles of Technology (PT)

Project Lead the Way Specialization Courses

1. Teacher Qualifications for Career Orientation or Career Development Endorsements (411 or 418)

Education - Career Orientation/Career Development teachers who are not certified counselors shall have a valid secondary or middle school teaching license or be enrolled in the non-traditional licensure program.

Endorsement - In addition to the licensing requirements, completion of the following coursework or the mentorship training program is required and must be completed prior to teaching Career Orientation or Career Development a second year:

Three semester hours of "Methods of Teaching Career Development" OR Mentorship Training Program

a. Complete an equivalent mentorship training program designed and approved by ACE under an approved model trainer.
b. Attend a Career Development New Teacher Endorsement Workshop provided by ACE.

Counselors who teach Career Orientation shall meet state licensing standards and the mentorship training program

2. Teacher Qualifications for the Career Preparation Endorsement (412)

Education - The instructor shall maintain a valid 7-12 teaching license or be enrolled in the non-traditional licensure program.

Endorsement - The instructor shall:

* Complete a mentorship training program designed and approved by ACE under an approved model trainer


* Complete approved coursework (Methods of Teaching Career Preparation) prior to the second year of teaching in this area.

* Attend the Career Development New Teacher Endorsement Workshop provided by ACE.

3. Teacher Qualifications for JAG

The JAG Specialist is to be secondary licensed in a career and technical or any core academic area and endorsed through the completion of program management training developed and approved by the Department of Career Education.

It is strongly recommended that during the first year of operation the JAG Specialist be employed on a contract of a minimum of 215 days. It is also strongly recommended that during each subsequent year the Specialist be employed on a contract of a minimum of 225 days.

4. Teacher Qualifications for the Career Academy Endorsement (410) - Keystone

For new programs it is the school administrator's responsibility to assemble a team of visionaries to design the course. The team shall include qualified counselor(s), administrators and both academic and career and technical certified teachers. The goal of the team shall be to establish the local guidelines and content for the Keystone course.

Annual professional development shall be held during which time the process shall be revisited. Newly recruited teachers shall participate in evaluating and modifying the Keystone course with veteran team members.

Education - The Keystone instructor shall maintain a valid 7-12 teaching license or be enrolled in the non-traditional licensure program.

Endorsement - The Keystone instructor shall:

* Complete or be enrolled in a mentorship training program approved by ACE under an approved model trainer to be completed before the end of the first semester of teaching Keystone.

* Attend the Career Guidance New Teacher Endorsement Workshop provided by ACE.

5. Teacher Qualifications for Integrated Academics Endorsement

A qualified teacher of Physics in Context/Principles of Technology shall

* Hold a valid teaching license, be licensed in Physical - Earth Science (A.Y.A) in secondary education, or be licensed in physics or have physics approval

* Complete the required Department of Career Education workshop in teaching methods for the classes they plan to teach.

A qualified teacher of Project Lead the Way (PLTW): Pre-Engineering and Gateway to Technology shall;

A qualified teacher of Project Lead the Way (PLTW): Biomedical Sciences shall;

* Have successfully completed at least two semesters of college-level biology with a laboratory and have experience in the techniques and methods of modern biology, molecular biology, or physiology

* Complete the required training for each of the specific courses to be taught

A qualified teacher of Engineering Technology Education (ETE);

* Shall hold a teaching license in Industrial/Technology Education or hold a bachelor's degree and be certified in another area

* A certified teacher from another area may teach Engineering Technology Education with a passing score of 159 on the Praxis II Technology Education test

* Two year's work experience in a trade, technical, or industrial area

* Minimum of twelve credit hours or 180 clock hours in career and technical teacher education courses required (six hours of career and technical teacher education courses must related specifically to Industrial Technology)

6. Teacher Qualifications for STRIVE

The STRIVE instructor is to be secondary licensed in any vocational area and/or either hold certification in Reading, Math, Language Arts, or Special Education and endorsed through the completion of program management training developed and approved by the Department of Career Education.

Existing PROVE instructors with teaching certificates may "grandfather" as STRIVE instructors. Instructors endorsed in CCVE and who hold teaching certificates may "grandfather" as STRIVE instructors upon completing the program management training.

7. Teacher Qualifications for Grade 5/6 Business Technology Endorsement (419)

The Grade 5/6 Business Technology Endorsement candidate must be a licensed teacher in Arkansas and will complete the ACE approved professional development.

C. Teacher Qualifications for Career and Technical Education Permit Areas
1. Minimum Requirements for CTE Permits

Experienced professionals may be issued a career and technical education provisional permit. The minimum requirements include a minimum of an Associate's Degree with two years of relevant work experience in the specialty area to be taught or four years of relevant work experience in the specialty area to be taught. Minimum education requirements/work experience shall be met prior to employment in the teaching specialty, verification of high school diploma or General Education Equivalency. All candidates must pass the required background checks.

2. Process for Obtaining CTE Permits

Candidates must submit the following documents to the ADE Office of Educator Licensure:

a. The Arkansas Educator Licensure Application (located Arkansas Department of Education website)
b. Official college transcript, copy of high school diploma, or copy General Equivalency Diploma (GED) (Submit the highest attained)
c. Resume reflecting relevant work experience in Specialty Permit Areas d. Additional requirements as outlined under Specialty Permit Areas

Provisional permits will be valid for one (1) year from the applicants hire date. A second one (1) year provisional permit can be issued, if necessary, to allow additional time for completion of the specialty area requirements to obtain a standard 5-year permit. A new application shall be submitted for permit renewal.


211 Engineering Technology Ed (7-8)

212 Engineering Technology Ed (9-12)

567 Automotive Collision Repair

568 Automotive Service Technology

569 Aviation Mechanics

570 Construction Technology

571 Advertising Design

572 Computer Engineering

573 Cosmetology

574 Diesel Mechanics

575 Drafting & Design

576 Dry-cleaning Laboratory

577 Electronics

578 Heating Vent A/C

579 Exploring Industrial Tech Ed

580 Culinary Arts & Chef Prep

581 Furniture/Cabinet Making

582 Graphic Communication

583 Industrial Control Technology

584 Industrial Cooperative Training

585 Industrial Equipment Maintenance

586 Instrumentation

587 Machine Tool Technology

588 Major Appliance Repair

589 Meat Processing

590 Piano Tuning

591 Radio & Television Broadcasting

592 Robotics

593 Power Equipment Technology

594 Surveying

595 Television Broadcasting

596 Textiles

597 Welding

598 Food Production Mgmt. & Serv.

599 Exploratory Trades and Industry

600 Cashier/Checker Instruction

601 Truck Driving

602 Commercial Photography

603 Criminal Justice

604 Horticulture

605 Forestry

606 Pre-Engineering

607 Geospatial Technology

608 Marine Mechanics

609 Pulp and Paper Science

610 Child Care

611 Medical Professions


613 Performing Arts - Dance

614 Power Sports

615 Legal Services

616 Advanced Manufacturing

618 Communication

619 Petroleum Production

620 Renewable Energy Technology 625 Sports Medicine

628 Career-Aerospace Engineering (11-12)

629 Career-Biotechnical Engineering (11-12)

630 Career-Civil Engineering and Architecture (11-12)

631 Career-Computer Integrated Manufacturing (11-12)

632 Career-Digital Electronics (11-12)

633 Career-Capstone Course: Engineering Design and Development (12)

634 Foundational: Career-Automation & Robotics (7-8)

635 Foundational: Career-Design and Modeling (7-8)

636 Career-Energy and the Environment (7-8)

637 Career-Flight and Space (7-8)

638 Career-Green Architecture (7-8)

639 Career-Magic of Electrons (7-8)

640 Career-Medical Detectives (7-8)

641 Career-Science of Technology(7-8)

642 Career-Principles of Biomedical Sciences (9-12)

643 Career-Human Body Systems (9-12)

644 Career-Medical Interventions (9-12)

645 Career-Biomedical Innovations (9-12)

646 Foundational: Career-Principles of Engineering (10-11)

647 Foundational: Career-Introduction to Engineering Design (9-10)

3. Specialty Permit Areas Requirements
a. JROTC (612)
1. Instructor Approval Letter from Branch of Service
b. Cosmetology (573)

Standard 5-year permit requirements:

1. Submit an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate basic skills, pedagogical and content-area assessment(s) as mandated by the State Board
2. Attend the Skills USA Chapter Management Institute (CMI)

Additional permit requirements:

1. Valid Arkansas Cosmetology License (submit copy with application)
2. Valid Arkansas Cosmetology Instructor's License (submit copy with application)
c. Culinary Arts/Food Production (580)

Standard 5-year permit requirements:

1. Submit an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate basic skills, pedagogical and content-area assessment(s) as mandated by the State Board
2. Submit passing scores for the National Occupational Competency Test (NOCTI) in the specialty area or possess a valid national certification from an accredited organization (submit copy with application) which is approved by ACE
3. Complete the Arkansas FCCLA Adviser Academy or SkillsUSA Chapter Management Institute (CMI)
4. Complete teacher education coursework that shall include the following:
a. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
b. Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
c. Domain 3: Instruction
d. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4. Skilled and Technical Sciences Permit Areas

The following requirements shall be completed by all Skilled and Technical Sciences program instructors:

1. Submit an official score report reflecting passing scores, as approved by the State Board, on the appropriate basic skills, pedagogical and content-area assessment(s) as mandated by the State Board
2. Complete the SkillsUSA Chapter Management Institute (CMI)
3. Complete teacher education coursework that shall include the following:
a. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
b. Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
c. Domain 3: Instruction
d. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Additional Requirements for Skilled and Technical Specialty Areas

a. Construction Technology (570) and Welding (597)

* NCCER Certification

* NOCTI Assessment

b. Medical Professions (611)

* Hold a Current Professional Medical License

c. Sports Medicine (625)

* Licensed in Arkansas to practice Athletic Training

d. Automotive Collision Repair (567), Automotive Service Technology (568), and Diesel Mechanics (574)

* ASE Certification in the specific areas taught

D. Concurrent Credit Teacher Approval

Concurrent credit classes offered for high school career and technical credit in a secondary area technical center operated by a post-secondary institution must have approval and course alignment by ACE.

An ACE approved concurrent credit course number to be used by high schools to identify concurrent college classes will be issued following submission of course alignment approval request submitted to the deputy director for career and technical education. Three (3) hour college credit classes will normally align with 1 credit secondary courses.

Technical instructors teaching at a secondary area technical center operated by a two-year community/technical college shall have a minimum of an associate degree within the area of instruction, have completed all necessary background checks, and meet all college accrediting standards for instructors. Secondary area technical centers should submit documentation of these records to the Office of Workforce Training, ACE. Centers will annually submit a list of instructors providing concurrent credit and meeting the above requirements will be given an annual waiver from teacher licensure requirements. Those instructors not meeting these requirements or instructors teaching non-concurrent credit classes must hold an Arkansas Teacher's License/Technical Permit.


Apprenticeship is a structured training and educational system designed to prepare individuals for specific occupations. It combines on-the-job training (OJT) under the supervision of experienced journey workers at the work site along with education conducted by qualified instructors in related classroom instruction. Apprenticeship programs are driven by business and industry employers who specify the competencies or processes required for mastery in the occupations; these become the standards for which the apprentices will master. Apprenticeship programs require, at minimum, one year of training and education, but usually require four or five years. Specific apprenticeship programs require registry with the U.S. Department of Labor/Office of Apprenticeship (USDOL/OA). Apprentices who successfully complete the prescribed number of hours in OJT, classroom instruction in a registered apprenticeship program, and pass required tests are awarded certificates of completion and considered journeyman. Apprentices may also receive post-secondary certificates, diplomas, and degrees as a result of completing their specific apprenticeship program.

Qualifications of the apprentice vary according to the requirements of the occupation. However, all apprenticeship programs require applicants to be at least 16 years old and physically able to perform the job. All programs prefer and most require a high school diploma or equivalent certificate.

The State of Arkansas recognizes the significance of apprenticeship programs in enhancing the skill levels of the employees and workers in Arkansas businesses and industries. Three methods of providing improvement funds are available for employers and apprentices: Traditional Apprenticeship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Construction Training.

A. Traditional Apprenticeship

The term "Traditional Apprenticeship" is used to designate the adult apprenticeship programs that are registered with the USDOL/OA and that receive State Improvement Funds based upon hours of related classroom instruction. These programs are operated by employers, employer associations, or jointly by management and labor on a voluntary basis. The State Apprenticeship Office (SAO), within ACE, monitors the related classroom instruction portion of USDOL/OA registered apprenticeship programs that apply and are approved for State Improvement Funds.

The Arkansas Apprenticeship Coordination Steering Committee (AACSC) provides guidance to and coordinates with the SAO to effectively promote and enhance apprenticeship programs in Arkansas. The AACSC is composed of 20 voting members, appointed by the Governor's Office, from business/industry, labor, education, and female minority sector, and six non-voting, advisory members appointed by government and education agencies.

Teachers or instructors of Traditional Apprenticeship related classroom instruction are chosen by the local apprenticeship committee based upon the instructor's experience and teaching abilities. Instructors are usually selected from the technical programs at high schools, technical institutes or colleges, and business/industry companies. The instructional materials are frequently developed by and available from labor associations and curriculum centers or developed locally by the employers and experienced journey workers.

The standards (or implementation plan) for each apprenticeship program is written in a specific format by the local committee and submitted to the USDOL/OA for approval and registry. This document states how and when the learning processes will occur, what the responsibilities are of the employer and apprentice, and what wages will be awarded upon completion of each level of mastery. The employer and apprentice then sign their respective employer agreement and apprentice agreement which are also registered with the USDOL/OA. If an apprenticeship program is properly registered with the USDOL/OA then the program is eligible to apply for State Improvement Funds.

B. Youth Apprenticeship

The term "Youth Apprenticeship" is a shorten version of the term Youth Apprenticeship/Work-Based Learning or YA/WBL. These terms designate the high school and post-secondary youth apprenticeship programs that are approved by the Department of Career Education/State Apprenticeship Office (ACE/SAO) and that receive State Improvement Funds based upon a performance based budget. The youth apprentice or work-based learning student is usually 16 to 21 years old, entered the YA/WBL program while in high school, has a six year career plan that includes high school and post-secondary education and training, agreed to a three year (minimum) apprenticeship program, and will obtain not only certification/license in his/her occupation but a high school diploma and a post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree. These programs are operated by consortia of employers, employer associations, and educational institutions. The SAO monitors and provides guidance, in both the training and education portions, to youth apprenticeship consortia that apply and are approved for State Improvement Funds.

The instructors in YA/WBL programs are usually secondary licensed or team-teach with a secondary licensed teacher so that the youth apprentice will receive high school credit toward graduation. These instructors are usually selected from the technical programs at high schools, technical institutes or colleges, and business/industry companies. The instructional materials are usually in place at participating high and post-secondary schools, but are sometimes acquired from labor associations, professional associations, and curriculum centers. In a few cases the instructional materials are developed locally by the employers, experienced journey workers, and the high and post-secondary instructors. In either case, the applicable or program manager at the Department of Career Education/Career and Technical Education will review and approve the instructional materials.

The implementation plan for each occupational apprenticeship program, the employer agreements, the apprentice agreements, and the apprentice six year career plans will be completed and maintained at the YA/WBL consortia for review and approval by the SAO. Additionally, the YA/WBL apprenticeship consortia are expected to achieve and maintain seven common design principles and six essential elements to be approved for State Improvement Funds.

The seven common design principles are:

1) The creation of a strong infrastructure that represents local and state actors, including employers, organized labor, government, secondary schools, and two-year and four-year institutes, colleges, and universities.
2A) A system that is industry-driven, where employers and their representatives help set occupational skill standards, collaborate on curriculum, provide paid work experience and workplace instructors for apprentices, and certify mastery of skills leading to the award of a portable credential;
2B) Focus on learning about "all aspects" of a broad industry cluster rather than mastering a narrow set of occupational skills.
3A) Articulation of programs between high schools and post-secondary, credit-granting institutions;
3B) Program length must be a minimum of three years, at least one/two high school years and two/one post-secondary years, and the program must constitute the core of the students education during those years.
4) Structured integration between the workplace and the classroom and between academic learning and vocation training.
5) Priority on the provision of and training for high quality jobs with employers committed to the concept of "high performance work organizations".
6) Adequate, effective support system for participants.
7) A model that is replicable, can reach significant scale, and is central to education reform strategies.

The six essential elements are:

1) Employers provide paid work experience and guided work site learning.
2) Schools integrate academic and occupational/vocational learning.
3) School and workplace learning are coordinated and integrated.
4) Programs articulate high school and post-secondary learning and are at least three years in duration.
5) Completers receive widely recognized credentials of both academic and occupational skill mastery.
6) Programs are governed by broad coalitions of institutional partners.

Approved YA/WBL consortia are also expected to submit quarterly narrative and expenditure reports by the 15th day following the closeout of a yearly quarter and to maintain an efficient program with a performance based budget.

C. Construction Training

The Construction Industry Training Education Program (pursuant to Act 474 of 1999) is designed to assist the construction industry in Arkansas to develop and improve the competencies and skill levels of their employees. Monies for this program are acquired from a construction permit surcharge and are available to qualified construction programs that apply to the Department of Career Education/State Apprenticeship Office. Most of the approved applicants are adult apprenticeship programs but some are area technical centers, high schools, technical schools and colleges associated with adult apprenticeship programs. Specific funds (20% of the total funds) are set aside each year for the infusion of curriculum into the public schools as well as the construction education institutions of Arkansas.

Rules and Regulations outline the application and award process. To qualify, the program must be performing actual work in Arkansas, the training must occur in Arkansas, and the applicant should be currently sponsoring a training, apprenticeship, or educational program in Arkansas that is approved by or registered with the State Apprenticeship Office and/or the United States Department of Labor/Office of Apprenticeship. The State Apprenticeship Office and the Arkansas Apprenticeship Coordination Steering Committee review the applications.

172.00.15 Ark. Code R. 002
