002.00.08 Ark. Code R. 002

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 002.00.08-002 - 2009 Statewide General Hunting Regulations & WMA Seasons; Residency Requirement for Hunting & Fishing Licenses


Deer (archery): Monday, October 1, 2009 Deer (muzzleloader): Saturday, October 17, 2009 Deer (modern gun): Saturday, November 14, 2009


2008 Waterfowl Public Meeting

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 7:00-9:00

2009 Spring Turkey Public Meeting

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 7:00-9:00

2009-2010 General Public Meeting

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 from 7:00-9:00

01.00-C DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purposes of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Code of Regulations, the following terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean and include:

AQUACULTURE SPECIES - Any species listed on the Approved Aquaculture Species List (available from the Fisheries Division) and species not listed but allowed under Unlisted or Restricted Species Possession Permits. ADULT GOBBLER - Male turkeys having at least one of the following characteristics:

a) tail feathers which are the same length,
b) wing feathers that have white barring all the way to the tip or
c) a beard more than six (6) inches in length.

ALLIGATOR DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaging in the sale, purchase, barter, or exchange of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas.

ALLIGATOR FARMER - Any person, firm or corporation possessing an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas for the purpose of propagation production or rearing.

ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the sale or purchase of alligator snapping turtles. ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE BREEDER - Any person, firm or corporation possessing alligator snapping turtles for the purpose of propagation, production or rearing or sale.

ANIMAL - An organism of the animal kingdom, as distinguished from the plant kingdom, including any part, product, egg, or offspring thereof. ANTLERLESS ELK - Any elk (male or female) not meeting requirements to be a legal bull elk

AQUATIC WILDLIFE - Aquatic Snails, Aquatic Turtles, Crayfish (Crawfish, Crawdads), Fish (including Minnows), Frogs, Mussels and Salamanders.

ARKANSAS RIVER BOUNDARY (Sportfishing Only): The Arkansas Post Canal from Lock and Dam #1 to the Arkansas River and the Arkansas River from Dam #2 upstream to the Oklahoma state line including all lakes, bays and tributary streams accessible by boat from the main channel except that portion of Big Bayou Meto upstream from Hwy 11, Plum Bayou upstream from Hwy 79, Little Maumelle River upstream form Pinnacle State Park, Maumelle River upstream from Lake Maumelle Dam, Fouche LaFave upstream from Hwy 113, Palarm Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Cadron Creek upstream from the weir, Point Remove Creek upstream from Hwy 113, Petit Jean River upstream from Pontoon Boat Ramp at Hwy 154, Illinois Bayou upstream from Russellville Waterworks Dam, Big Piney and Little Piney Creeks upstream from Hwy 359, Horsehead Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Mulberry River upstream from Interstate 40, Frog Bayou upstream from Hwy 162 and Lee Creek upstream from Lee Creek Dam, and from the first non-navigable shoal for streams entering the Arkansas River along the left bank ascending from Lake Dardanelle Dam to the Oklahoma

State Line.

ARTIFICIAL LURE/FLY - Terminal fishing tackle made by the method of fly tying, or made entirely of rubber, wood, metal, glass, feathers, hair,

synthetic fibers, or plastic, with hook attached.

BAG LIMIT - The number of species allowed to be taken in a time period -

24 hours (12 o'clock midnight to 12 o'clock midnight) unless otherwise specified.

BAITFISH - Minnows (including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows,

chubs, crayfish, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6 inches, small goldfish,

shiners and stonerollers), logperch (also called sand pike or zebra minnows),

shad, gar (other than alligator gar), drum, bowfin under 6 inches, skipjack herring, silversides (brook and inland), buffalo (bigmouth, smallmouth and black), river carpsucker, sculpin (banded and Ozark) and bream 4" and under.

BAITING - The direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing,

distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or other feed that could serve as a lure or attraction for wildlife to, on, or over any areas where hunters are attempting to take them.

BIG GAME - Alligator, bear, deer, elk and turkey.

BLACK BASS - Largemouth bass, redeye bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass.

BLOCKING OUT - The removal of the head and/or tail associated with the processing of a commercial fish. The blocked-out carcass (Bullet) must be at least the minimum length required for the body of water where the commercial fish was harvested (see Code 41.12 for minimum length limits).

BONUS DEER - A harvested deer that is not included in a hunter's statewide bag limit.

BOX TYPE TURTLE TRAP - A floating trap designed to capture aquatic turtles, but does not permit capture of fish (see Code 39.04 for restrictions).

BREAM - Any species of the genus Lepomis, including bluegill, redear,

warmouth and other sunfish.

BUCK - A male deer (See LEGAL BUCK definition).

BUCK DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby no deer other than legal buck deer may be taken.

BULL ELK (legal) - Any elk having at least one antler visible above the hairline.

BUY - To purchase, barter, exchange, or trade and includes any offer to purchase, barter, exchange, or trade.

CAPTIVITY or HOLD CAPTIVE - The holding of living wildlife in a controlled environment that is manipulated by man for the purpose of exercising ownership, possession or control of the wildlife, and that has boundaries designed to prevent selected species from entering or leaving the controlled environment.

CARCASS - The body of a dead animal.

CASE - A container specifically designed for the purpose of housing a gun which completely encloses such gun by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened with no portion of the gun exposed.

CATCH-AND-RELEASE - The requirement that fish of a designated species musts be immediately released into the water where caught.

CERVID - A member of the family Cervidae.

CHASE FOR PLEASURE - To search for, pursue or chase game animals or other wildlife with the use of dogs for recreational purposes only, with no intent of taking or attempting to take such game animals or wildlife through the possession or use of any killing devices.

CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE (CWD) - Fatal disease affecting the brain of cervids that belongs to a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.

CHUMMING - To dislodge or deposit any substance not attached to a hook which may attract fish.


Any road graded or otherwise repaired by any city, county, state, or federal agency in the state of Arkansas.

CLEAN - Having no meat matter or tissue attached to the carcass part. COMMERCIAL FISH - Bowfin (over 6 inches), buffalo, catfish, carp, drum, gar, paddlefish, sucker family, white amur and sturgeon. COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN - Any person who fishes with tackle designated as commercial tackle requiring a license and/or tag issued by the Commission.

COMMERCIAL WILDLIFE PERMIT(S) - Shall be a term construed to identify each and/or all of the following permits: Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit, Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Resident Shell Taker and Seller Permit, Shell Buyer Permit, Non Resident Shell Buyer Permit, Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit, Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit, Resident Fur Dealer Permit, NonResident Fur Dealer Permit, Special Commercial Quail Permit, Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit, Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit, Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit and Wildlife Translocation Permit. COMMISSION - The Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, unless otherwise designated.

COMPUTER ASSISTED HUNTING - The use of a computer or any other device, equipment or software to remotely control the aiming or discharge of a firearm, bow or crossbow to kill wildlife located in the state of Arkansas.

DEFERRED HUNTER EDUCATION - Shall be a term whose abbreviation (DHE) when dealer imprinted on an Arkansas hunting license/permit defers completion of hunter education certification while said license/permit is valid.

DISABLED - Any individual who is 100% permanently and totally disabled as declared by the following federal agencies: the United States

Social Security Administration, the United Department of Veteran's Affairs,

or the United States Railroad Retirement Board.

DOE - A female deer.

DOE DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe may be taken.

DROWNING SET - Any leg hold trap that utilizes one or more of the following techniques to retain the target animal in water of suitable depth for drowning. These are:

(1) a slide wire with lock;
(2) tangle stake; or
(3) drowning weight.

DUCKS (includes the following species) - All species of Teal, Merganser,

Whistling Duck and Scaup; American Wigeon, American Black Duck,

Bufflehead, Canvasback, Gadwall, Goldeneye, Mallard, Mottled Duck,

Northern Shoveler, Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Northern

Pintail and Wood Duck.

EITHER-SEX - A male or a female.

EITHER-SEX DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe or a legal buck may be taken.

ENCLOSE - To surround species of wildlife on all sides using man-made barriers, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices, so that the wildlife are not free to leave a particular environment.

ENCLOSURE - Any area surrounded by a man-made barrier, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices that prevent wildlife from leaving a particular environment.

ENDANGERED SPECIES - any wildlife species or subspecies endangered or threatened with extinction listed by the U. S. Department of

Interior and the following native species hereby designated in Arkansas:


Gray bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens. BIRDS:

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), least tern (Sterna antillarum), Bachman's warbler (Vermivora bachmanii), red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), ivory-billed woodpecker (campephilus principalis) REPTILES:

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Currently listed as threatened due only to similarity in appearance to the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) FISHES:

Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae), leopard darter (Percina pantherina), pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhyncus albus); MOLLUSKS:

Scaleshell mussel, Curtis' pearly mussel, (Epioblasma florentina curtisi), fat pocketbook pearly mussel (Potamilus capax), pink mucket mussel (Lampsilis abrupta), turgid blossom mussel (Epioblasma turgidula), speckled pocketbook mussel (Lampsilis streckeri), Arkansas fatmucket mussel (Lampsilis powelli), winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa), Magazine Mountain shagreen land snail (Inflectarius magazinensis); scaleshell mussel (Leptodea leptodon), Ouachita rock pocketbook mussel (Arkansia wheeleri);


Cave crayfish (Cambarus zophonastes) and (Cambarus aculabrum;


American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus);


Geocarpon minimum (no common name), pondberry, (Lindera melissifolia), Missouri bladderpod (Lesquerella filiformis), Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum), Eastern prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea), running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum);

FEE LAKE - A lake in which there is a charge for fishing privileges. All persons 16 years of age and older must possess an Arkansas fishing license.

Daily limits apply.

FERAL HOG - Any hog (Sus scrofa), including Russian and European wild boar, which is roaming freely upon public lands and is living in a wild or feral state.

FIREARMS, LOADED - Firearms shall be considered to be loaded if shells or cartridges are in either the chamber, magazine, or cylinder;

percussion cap muzzle-loading firearms are considered loaded if the percussion cap is on the nipple; flintlock muzzle-loading firearms are considered to be loaded if there is powder in the flashpan. Electronic pulse ignition muzzeloaders are considered to be loaded if the ignition circuit is charged.

FISH or FISHING - To lure, attract, collect, or pursue fish species or aquatic wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such fish species or aquatic wildlife by any method.

FISH FARM - Waters and adjacent premises confined within a pond, tank,

or lake not connected with public waters, and under management by a commercial fish farmer.

FISH FARMER (AQUACULTURIST) - Any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the propagation and/or production of crawfish, fish and/or minnows for sale.

FREEFLOATING FISHING DEVICE - Any floating fishing device unanchored or unattached to a stationary object.

FURBEARERS - Badger, beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink,

muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, river otter, spotted skunk (civet cat),

striped skunk and weasel.

GAFFING FISH - Taking or attempting to take fish with a hand held or handled hook prior to being caught on hook and line.

GAME ANIMALS - Alligator, black bear, bobcat, coyote, deer, elk, gray fox, red fox, mink, opossum, eastern cottontail rabbit, swamp rabbit,

raccoon, gray squirrel and fox squirrel.

GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT - Any person, firm, or corporation engaged, for pay or other consideration, who provides pen-raised birds for harvest by hunters.

GAME BIRDS - Turkey, quail, pheasant, chuckar, and all birds classified by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as migratory game birds.

GAME FISH - Alligator gar, black bass, white bass, striped bass, striped bass hybrid, crappie, catfish, trout, bream, sunfish, goggle-eye, walleye,

northern pike, muskellunge, sauger, paddlefish, and pickerel.

GEOCACHE - Items in a container (cache) placed or hidden for individuals to subsequently find using a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS)

receiver device.

GEOCACHING - An outdoor sport, similar to "high-tech treasure hunting", involving use of a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receiver device to find a cache.

GUIDE - Any person who provides, for monetary or any other compensation, that person's personal services for the purpose of assisting others to locate, pursue, catch or hunt wildlife.

HIGH FENCE ENCLOSURE - An enclosure that contains an area of at least 500 contiguous acres, with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover that has been classified as timberland by the local county tax assessor, that has a perimeter fence at least eight (8) feet high, with no cross fencing that has the effect of reducing the size of the area to less than

500 contiguous acres with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover as herein provided.

HOGGING - the taking of fish by the use of hands only in or under the water.

HUNT or HUNTING - To search for, pursue, chase, track, lure, attract, or lie in wait of game animals or other wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such game animals or wildlife by any method.

HUNTING PARTY - Two or more persons hunting together.

IMPORT - To land on, bring into, or introduce into any place within the jurisdiction of the State of Arkansas.

IMPORTATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife into or through the state by any means.

JAKE - Sub-adult turkeys having all of following characteristics:

a) longer central tail feathers,
b) outermost 1 or 2 wing feathers lacking white barring all the way to the tip and
c) a beard six (6) inches or less in length.

KILLING DEVICE - Any firearm, bow and arrow, crossbow, pellet gun,

or any other device capable of killing wildlife.

LARGE CARNIVORE - Tigers (Panthera tigris), African Lions (Panthera

leo), or any hybrid thereof and all species of bears.

LEGAL BUCK - A buck having both antlers under two inches (including button buck) or at least one antler with at least three points including the main beam, each a minimum of one inch long. (Ref: Code 21.03)

LITTER - All waste which has been discarded or otherwise disposed of including, but not limited to, convenience food and beverage packages or containers, trash, garbage, all other product packages or containers, and other post consumer solid wastes.

MIGRATORY BIRDS - All birds protected by the federal Migratory Bird

Treaty Act of 1918 and subsequent amendments.

MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS - Coots, crows, doves, ducks, gallinules or moorhens, geese, rails, snipe and woodcock.

MINIMUM LENGTH LIMIT - The shortest length of a fish, of a designated species, measured from the front of the lower jaw with the mouth closed to the tip of the tail with tail lobes pressed together, that an angler may keep. All fish not meeting the minimum length requirement for a particular water or species must be immediately released into the water where caught.

MINNOWS - small nongame fish commonly used for bait including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows, chubs, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6 inches, goldfish, shiners, and stonerollers.


A designation made by the Commission based

upon a satisfactory showing that a person has a permanent physical

condition, verified by a physician duly licensed to practice medicine by

a state medical board, which severely impairs the person's mobility and

prevents him or her from being able to engage in hunting or fishing

activities without the use of an ATV or similar specialized device for


NATIVE WILDLIFE - Those species and sub-species of wildlife that have established, naturally reproducing, free-ranging, wild populations within the state of Arkansas.

NIGHT - thirty (30) minutes after sunset to thirty (30) minutes before sunrise.

NONGAME WILDLIFE - all wildlife other than furbearing or game animals, birds and fish.

NON-RESIDENT - Any person not defined as resident.

NOODLING - The taking of fish by the use of hook or snare type device,

with or without an attached line no longer than 4 feet in length, manipulated by hand when a person is in or under the water.

NUISANCE WILDLIFE - Any wild animal creating a problem by committing damage to personal property (Depredation Permit available).

NUISANCE FURBEARING ANIMALS - Beaver, muskrat, and nutria.

OPEN SEASON - that season during which protected wildlife may be lawfully taken.

PEN-RAISED QUAIL - Quail that are hatched from eggs of quail raised in captivity in pens or cages.

PERSON - Any individual, firm, corporation, association, or partnership in singular or plural as the context requires.

POSSESS or POSSESSION - To have under control. The manual or ideal custody of wildlife or anything that may be the subject of property, for one's use and enjoyment, either as owner or as the proprietor of a qualified right in it, and either held personally or by another who exercises it in one's place and name. Possession includes the act or state of possessing and that condition of facts under which one can exercise his power over a corporeal thing at his pleasure to the exclusion of all other persons. Possession includes constructive possession, which means not actual but assumed to exist, where one claims to hold by virtue of some title, without having actual custody.

PROPAGATE or PROPAGATION - To cause plants or animals to breed or multiply.

PROTECTED SLOT LIMIT - A species/size limit which prohibits anglers from keeping fish within a designated size group, and requires fish of that size and species to be immediately released into the water where caught.

PROTECTED WILDLIFE - all wildlife in the state unless a declared open season has been established by the Commission.

PUT AND TAKE PAY LAKE - Private waters open to public fishing for a fee, after being licensed by the Commission and where no fishing license or daily limit of fish is imposed.

RAPTOR - Any migratory bird of the Order Falconiformes or the Order

Strigiformes and Ciconiiformes Family Cathartidae.

REAR or REARING - To maintain plants or animals in orer to increase their size or evelopmental stage.

REHABILITATION - The practice of providing medical treatment or other care to orphaned, sick or injured wild animals that have come into human possession with the goal of returning the animal to the wild.

RESIDENT - Any person who physically inhabits a bona fide residence within Arkansas for a period of time no less than 60 days, and declares themselves to be a full-time resident of Arkansas. Additional facts to be considered in establishing proof of current Arkansas residency are:

(1) Possession of a valid current Arkansas issued Driver's License or Arkansas issued I.D. Card.
(2) Possession of a valid Arkansas vehicle registration in their name and displaying current Arkansas license tags on their vehicle.
(3) Other documentation may be taken into consideration to verify proof of Arkansas residency.

Possession of Arkansas real estate and/or proof of payment of associated services or utilities do not qualify the owner/renter as a resident if they live out of state.


(A) The following students, carrying proof of full-time enrollment in schools, colleges or universities while hunting or fishing in Arkansas, are eligible to purchase annual or trip resident license privileges:
(1) Residents of Arkansas enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities outside of Arkansas.
(2) Non-residents enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities in Arkansas.
(3) Non-resident foreign exchange students attending school in Arkansas.
(4) Resident foreign exchange students attending school outside of Arkansas.
(B) The following military personnel are eligible to purchase annual or trip resident license privileges:
(1) Active-duty military personnel assigned to duty stations in Arkansas.
(2) Active-duty military personnel who were Arkansas residents at the time of entering service, regardless of where currently stationed.
(C) Proof of at least one (1) year residency must be provided when applying for the following licenses:

$1,000 Sportsman's permit, Resident Disabled 3-Year

Licenses, Special Guide License, Alligator Farmer/Dealer

Permit, Alligator

Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Commercial

Fisherman's Permit & Sportfishing License, Commercial

Fisherman's Helper Permit, Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing

Permit, Resident Shell Taker/Seller Permit, Shell Taker Helper

Permit, Shell Buyer, Resident Fish Dealer, Resident Roe

Taker/Seller Permit,

Resident Roe Taker Helper Permit and Resident Roe

Buyer/Exporter Permit.

(D) Proof of at least three (3) years residency must be provided when applying for the following licenses:

65 Plus Lifetime License.

The Director or his representative shall make the final determination as to resident status of any license applicant.

ROUGH FISH - Gars, bowfin, common carp, asian carp (grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp), suckers (including buffalo) and drum. SELL or SALE - To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; to offer for sale, barter, exchange, or trade or the act of selling, bartering, exchanging or trading.

SHELL BUYER - Anyone who buys mussels or mussel parts from a Taker. An agent purchasing for a licensed buyer is not a buyer. SIMULATED WING MOVEMENT DECOYS - Electronic, mechanically-operated, wind-powered or manually-powered blade devices that simulate wing movement, except for kite devices. SMALL GAME - Furbearers, migratory birds, quail, rabbit and squirrel. SNAGGING - A method of taking fish using conventional rod and reel tackle where the fish is impaled by the forceful retrieval of one or more hooks.

SNAGLINE - Commercial tackle consisting of a horizontal line with hooks or drops less than 24 inches apart.

TACKLE - Any rod, reel, pole, line, net, yo-yo, seine, or any other apparatus or device used to take fish.

TAKE - To shoot, kill, injure, trap, net, snare, spear, catch, capture, or reduce to possession.

TAXIDERMY - The art of preparing, stuffing and/or mounting of wildlife and parts thereof.

TRANSLOCATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife from one location to another by any means, including importation, exportation, interstate and intrastate movement.

TRAP or TRAPPING - To use a device such, as a clamp-like apparatus that closes, noose or cable restraint device (snare), for the purpose of catching and holding animals.

TROUT - Any members of the Salmonidae family including rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, lake trout and cutthroat trout. WATERFOWL - All wild species of ducks, geese and swans. WATERS OF THE STATE - All streams, lakes, sloughs, bayous, marshes, or any other water wholly or partially within the State. Pay lakes and fish farms are excluded from the above. WILD - to be living in a state of nature and not domesticated. WILDLIFE - All wild birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and other wild aquatic forms, and all other wild animals, regardless of classification, whether resident, migratory or imported, protected or unprotected, dead or alive, and shall extend to and include any and every part of any individual species of wildlife, including animals living in a captive state and which lack a genetic distinction from members of the same species living in the wild.

WILDLIFE CHECK STATION - An official wildlife check station is a Commission designated (1) county check station, (2) Commission employee, (3) deer camp or (4) Commission on-line checking web site http://www.agfc.com.

WILDLIFE HUNTING RESORT - A Wildlife Hunting Resort is any facility, location, business or operation that is engaged in offering the opportunity to hunt or attempt to hunt captive wildlife other than pen-raised game birds.

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA (WMA) - Designated areas set aside by the Commission and distinguished by certain markers and considered a separate zone with regard to wildlife regulations. (Referred to as "WMA", "Waterfowl Rest Area (WRA)", "Wildlife Demonstration Area (WDA)", "Special Use Area (SUA)", "State Park-Conservation Area (SP-CA)" or "National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)".

ZONE - Any area defined or delineated by the Commission where hunting and/or fishing activities are regulated for that specific area.


VIOLATIONS. Upon the accumulation of 12 points for hunting and/or fishing violations within a three year period, the individual will be ineligible to apply for any Commission deer, turkey and elk permit hunts for the following three-years. The accumulation of 18 points for hunting and/or fishing violations within a three-year period may result in the revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses and the privileges attached thereto for one year, and the accumulation of 30 points within a five year period may result in the loss of all licenses and privileges for three years. A revocation of hunting and/or fishing licenses and privileges occurring for a third time during an individual's lifetime may result in the lifetime revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses and privileges. Any person who forfeits bond, pleads guilty or nolo contendere, or is found guilty of violating any hunting or fishing regulation shall be assigned points as follows:





Alligator, Deer, Turkey and Bear Tagging Requirements



Big Game Checking Requirements



Bear Hunting Season



Elk Hunting Season



Alligator Hunting Season



Counterfeiting License



Special Guide License Requirements



Hunting Wild Turkey Over Bait Prohibited



Dogs Prohibited During Deer Season



Hunting or Fishing After Revocation of License Prohibited



Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Releasing Hunting Dogs or Pursuing Wildlife With Dogs Without Landowner/Lessee Permission Prohibited



Hunting/Fishing Endangerment Prohibited (***assessment of additional points dependent upon severity of violation see below)



Shooting Bears in Dens Prohibited



Hunting Bear Over Bait



Legal Bull Elk Requirements



Taking of Antlerless Elk Prohibited



Hunting Wildlife in Closed Season



Night Hunting



Selling Game



Road Hunting



Taking of Alligators Prohibited



Taking of Raptors Prohibited



Endangered Species



Guiding Restrictions on Certain WMAs (Guides)



Guiding Restrictions on All Commissioned-Owned or Controlled WMAs, WDAs WRAs

(Guided Hunters)



Sale of Game Fish



Taking Fish with Electrical Devices or Toxic Substances



Sale of Bullfrogs



Mussel Shell Taker, Buyer and Seller License and Reporting Requirements



Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit Requirements.



Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit Requirements.



Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit Requirements.



Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit Requirements.



Commercial Aquatic Turtle Harvest Restrictions

. 9


Aquatic Turtle Tackle Tagging.



Aquatic Turtle Tackle Restrictions.



Take or Possession of Alligator Snapping Turtle Prohibited.

s 18


Take of Chicken Turtles Prohibited.



Importation of Alligator Snapping Turtles and Chicken Turtles Prohibited.



Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permi Requirements.

t 18

41.05 (A)

Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit Requirements


41.05 (B)

Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter and Non-Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit Requirements


41.05 (C)

Roe Buyer/Exporter Reporting Requirements



Commercial Fishing by NonResident Prohibited



Paddlefish and Sturgeon Possession Restrictions on White River, Arkansas River And Border Waters.



Cutting or Mutilation of Paddlefish and Sturgeon Prohibited



Closed Paddlefish, Sturgeon and Bowfin Harvest Season



Commercial Fishing for Certain Fish Prohibited in Lower Ouachita River


*All Others


*Boating regulations are not included in points toward revocation. **18.03 Selling Wildlife Restrictions. A conviction for violating this regulation may result in the lifetime revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses. ***11.09 Hunting/Fishing Endangerment Prohibited. A conviction for violating this regulation may result in the assessment of additional violation points up to and including lifetime revocation of privileges when associated with the following occurrences:

With Property Damage


With Personal Injury


With Human Fatality

Lifetime Revocation

The following violations shall result in a double assessment of the respective point value for the violation committed upon final court disposition:

1) Any violation of harvest regulations committed by a Guide License holder.
2) Any violation of trout harvest regulations in a trout catch and release area.
3) Any violation of bass harvest regulations on lakes designated as

Trophy Bass Management Areas (Lakes Monticello, Lower White Oak, Columbia, SWEPCO, Pickthorne and Austelle).

4) Adults 21 years or older when accompanying youth under 16.
02.01 DEER ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW SEASON (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with archery tackle other than during the open deer archery and crossbow season as specified herein: Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. (Ref: Sec. 08.00).


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.02 MODERN GUN DEER SEASONS (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with modern firearms other than during the open seasons as specified herein:

Zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: November 8-30, 2008. Zone 4: November 8-9, 2008. Zone 5: November 8-9 and November 15-16, 2008. Zone 4A, 5A, 13, 14 and 15: November 8-December 7, 2008. Zones 4B and 5B: November 8-16, 2008. Zones 9 and 12: November 8-December 14, 2008. Zone 16, 16A and 17: November 8-December 25, 2008. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.
(2) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.


Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: December 26-28, 2008.


(1) Wildlife Management Areas that are closed during modern gun deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Ref. Code 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(2) Wildlife Management Areas that require a permit for the modern gun or muzzleloader deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Ref. Code 21.02 Deer Permit Requirements on Certain WMAs).
(3) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 21. 01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.
(4) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.

SPECIAL YOUTH MODERN GUN DEER HUNT: All deer zones: November 1-2, 2008. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with applicable regulations (Reference Code 06.11, Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt Restrictions).
(2) In compliance with applicable Wildlife Management Area regulations (Reference Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(3) Wildlife Management Areas requiring a WMA deer permit are closed to the Special Modern Gun Deer Youth Hunt (Ref. Code 21. 02, Deer Permit Requirements on Certain WMAs).
(4) Commission registered deer camps that participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) receiving deer management tags or those camps receiving Doe Deer Permits (DDP).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.03MUZZLE-LOADING DEER SEASONS (2008-2009). It shall be

unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with muzzle-loading firearms other than during the open muzzle-loading deer seasons as specified herein:

Zones 1, 2, 3, 4A, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008.

Zones 9, 12, 16, 16A and 17: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008.

Zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B: Closed. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In areas open during regular gun deer seasons.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations (Reference Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(3) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
02.04WILD TURKEY SEASONS (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take

or attempt to take wild turkey other than during the open seasons as specified herein:

(A) Spring Wild Turkey Firearms and Archery/Crossbow Seasons: Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, and 10: April 12-May 2, 2008.

Zones 1A, 4, 4A, 5A and 9A: April 12-25, 2008. Zone 17: April 5-27, 2008.

(B) Fall Wild Turkey Archery/Crossbow Seasons: All Zones: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.
(C) Fall Wild Turkey Firearms Season:

Zones, 3, 5B, 6, and 17: October 11-17, 2008.

Zones 1, 1A, 2, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 9A and 10: Closed.


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 23.01 (Turkey Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(2) In compliance with applicable regulations Reference Code 04.08 (Special Youth Turkey Hunt Restrictions).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.05 QUAIL SEASON (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take quail other than during the open season as specified herein:

November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009statewide. EXCEPTION:

(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code24.02 (Quail Season Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
02.06 RABBIT SEASON (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take rabbits other than during the open season as specified herein:

September 1, 2008 - February 28, 2009statewide. EXCEPTION:

(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code24.03 (Rabbit Season Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
02.07 FURBEARER SEASONS (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take furbearers anytime other than during the open furbearer seasons as specified herein: (Ref: 01.00-C Furbearers).
(A)Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and Striped Skunk Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset, February 28, 2009. Day hunting only.
(B)Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset February 28, 2009. Day or night hunting; dogs are required to hunt at night.
(C)Bobcat Hunting: Sunrise, October 1, 2008 - Sunset February 28, 2009(Dogs allowed to hunt bobcat during the day. . Dogs required to hunt bobcat at night.). From the first day of Spring Turkey season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season (Day hunting only. No dogs allowed).
(1) Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress that prohibits the use of dogs.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take bobcats.
(D) Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, July 1, 2008 - Sunset February 28, 2009 (Dogs allowed to hunt coyote during the day. Coyote may not be hunted at night.) From the first day of Spring Turkey season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season (Day hunting only. No dogs allowed).
(1) Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress that prohibits the use of dogs.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take coyotes.
(E)River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, November 15, 2008 - Sunset,

February 28, 2009. Day hunting only.

(F)Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1 - Sunrise, August 31, 2008

(Night hunting only. Dogs required). Sunrise, September 1, 2008 -

Sunset, March 31, 2009(Day or night hunting. Dogs are required for hunting at night).

(G) Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset, March 31, 2009.. Day hunting only.
(H) Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat), and Weasel Hunting:Closed.
(I) Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat, andNutria): Sunrise November 15, 2008 - Sunset, February 22, 2009.
(J) Coyote Trapping: Sunrise, August 1, 2008- Sunset, March 31,2009.
(K) Beaver, Muskrat, and Nutria Trapping: Sunrise, November 15,2008 - Sunset, March 31, 2009. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with Commission Codes 18.01 (Hunting Wildlife in Closed Season Prohibited), 15.41 (Native Wildlife Pets), and 18.09 (Depredation Permit Requirement).
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24.07 Furbearer Seasons and Bag Limits on WMAs.
(3) Coyotes who are committing damage to domestic animals or personal property may be taken in compliance with Code 18.09 Exception 3 (Depredation Permit Requirement).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.08SQUIRREL SEASONS (2008-2009). It shall be unlawful to take or

attempt to take squirrels other than during the squirrel seasons as specified herein: 2008-2009Fall Squirrel Season:

September 6, 2008 - February 28, 2009. 2008Spring Squirrel Season:

May 16 - June 14, 2009statewide. Dogs allowed. EXCEPTION:

(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24.04 (Squirrel Seasons Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
02.10CROW HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt

to take crow other than during the open season as specified herein:

September 6, 2008 - February 23, 2009, Thursdays through Mondays only

(124 days). No limit.


(1) While committing damage to domestic animals or personal property.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. Reference Code 24.09 (Crow Season on WMAs.)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than the bag limit of any game species set forth by the Commission as specified herein: (Ref: Section 01.00-C Bag Limit).

(A) Deer:

Statewide seasonal limit of four (4) deer per individual using any legal method provided at least one deer is taken in one of the following zones: Deer Zones 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita WMA, Big Timber WMA, Blevins WMA, Casey Jones WMA, Choctaw Island WMA, Crossett Experimental Forest WMA, Cut-Off Creek WMA, DeGray Lake WMA, Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois D'Arc WMA, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area WMA, Felsenthal NWR, Gum Flats WMA, Hope Upland WMA, Howard County WMA, Lafayette County WMA, Lake Greeson WMA, Little Bayou WMA, Little River WMA, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area WMA, Overflow NWR, Ozan WMA, Poison Springs WMA, Pond Creek NWR, Provo WMA, Sandhills Natural Area WMA, Seven Devils WMA, Spring Bank WMA, Sulphur River WMA, Terre Noire Natural Area WMA, Trusten Holder WMA, Two Bayou Creek WMA, Warren Prairie Natural Area WMA and White Cliffs Natural Area WMA.

(1)Deer zones 2, 6, 7 and 8: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. A Zone doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader, modern gun, and Christmas Holiday firearms deer season.
(2)Deer zones 1 and 10: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. A doe may only be taken with firearms October 18-22, 2008 or November 8-9, 2008.
(3)Deer zones 3 and 11: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. A Zone doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader, modern gun, and Christmas Holiday firearms deer season.
(4) Deer zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms.
(5)Deer zones 4A, 5A, 9, 16, and 16A: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken with firearms.
(6)Deer zones 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17: Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken with firearms.


(1) Commission registered deer camps that participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) receiving deer management tags or those camps receiving Doe Deer Permits (DDP) and bonus deer on certain Wildlife Management Areas (Ref. Code 21.01) do not apply toward an individual seasonal bag limit.
(2) Subject to applicable bag limit restrictions on WMAs (Ref. Code 21.01.
(B) Quail:

Daily bag limit 6, possession limit 12.

(C) Rabbit:

Daily bag limit 8, possession limit 16.

(D) Furbearers:

Hunting: Limit two per day per species. Trapping: No limit. Exceptions:

Muskrat, Nutria, Beaver, Coyote and Striped Skunk: No limit.

Raccoon Hunting: July 1 - August 31, 2008(night only):

Limit one. November 15, 2008-March 31, 2009: No limit.

(E) Squirrel:

Daily bag limit 8, possession limit 16.

(F) Wild Turkey:

Spring Firearm and Archery/Crossbow:

Individual limit of two (2) gobblers or bearded turkeys for spring season in Turkey Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8,

9, 10 and 17; one (1) gobbler or bearded turkey in Turkey

Zones 1A, 4, 4A, 5A and 9A. No more than one legal turkey may be taken per day, no more than one jake (sub-adult male) may be taken per season, and no more than two legal turkeys may be taken during the spring season in any combination of zones.

Fall Archery/Crossbow:

Individual limit of one (1) either-sex wild turkey statewide.

Fall Firearm:

Individual limit of one (1) either-sex wild turkey in Turkey

Zones, 3, 5B, 6, and 17.

(G) Bear:

Individual annual limit of one (1) bear.

(H) Elk:

Individual limit of one (1) elk by permit only.

(I) Alligator:

Individual annual limit of one (1) alligator for residents only.

Permit required.


In compliance with Commission Code Section 40.00 - Alligator Farmer Requirements. PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00.

02.14BEAR HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt

to take, or possess bear other than during the open season in areas as specified herein:


October 1-November 30, 2008in Bear Zone1.

September 15-November 30, 2008 in Bear Zone 2.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7.


October 18-26, 2008in Bear Zones 1 and 2.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7.

Modern Gun:

November 3-30, 2008in Bear Zones 1 and 2.

December 6-14, 2008in Bear Zone 5. Arkansas lands lying east of the

Mississippi River are closed.

November 29-December 14, 2008in Bear Zone 5A. Arkansas lands lying east of the Mississippi River are closed.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 6 and 7.


November 1-2, 2008in Bear Zones 1 and 2. Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7.

Zone Quotas: Zone 5 quota is 35 bears. Zone 5A quota is 15 bears. Hunters in Zones 1, 2, 5 and 5A must comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the 2008-2009Arkansas Hunting Guidebook.


(1) Bear carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 21.05 (Bear Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.
(3) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).
(4) In compliance with applicable regulations reference Code 16.08 (Special Youth Modern Gun Bear Hunt Restrictions).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed. The Commission may seek restitution as provided under Commission Code 01.00G.

02.21ELK HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take,

or possess elk other than during the open seasons as specified herein:

September 22-26, 2008. No dogs. One bull permit (valid in elk zone 1), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 2), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 3), and one bull permit (valid in elk zone 4). December 8-12, 2008. No dogs. One bull permit (valid in elk zone 1), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 2), two either sex youth permits (valid in elk zone 3), and two bull permits (valid in elk zone 4). Three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 1), three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 2), five antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 3) and five antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 4). September 22-26, 2008 and December 8-12, 2008. No dogs. Either-sex permits valid for elk in elk zone A. Each hunt period will end when the quota of elk has been harvested in zone A. The quota for the September 22-26, 2008hunt period in elk zone A is 3 elk. The quota for the December 8-12, 2008hunt period in elk zone A is 3 elk.

December 8-12, 2008. No dogs. The antlerless quota for the December 8-12, 2008hunt period in elk zone B is 7 antlerless elk. The antlerless hunt will end when the quota of antlerless elk have been harvested in zone B. Three bull permits valid in elk zone B. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Elk carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification in compliance with Commission Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products.
(2) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).

PENALTY: Not less than $5,000.00.

03.03-B NON-RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident 16 years of age and older to take or attempt to take any wild animal or bird by any means in Arkansas without having on the person the appropriate Arkansas Hunting License as provided herein:
(A) To hunt deer, turkey, bear or elk the hunter must have physical possession of an official hunting license. A temporary internet license is not valid for hunting these species. A confirmation/authorization number from a telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
(B) Non-Residents hunting small game only (excluding deer, elk, turkey and bear).

Requirements: Non-Resident Annual Small Game License or NonResident 5-Day Small Game License for a period of said license and Non-Resident Fur-Takers Permit if hunting furbearers. Small game may also be taken on the Non-Resident All Game Licenses. If hunting waterfowl, an Arkansas Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp and HIP are required.

(C) Non-Residents hunting deer, bear, elk and/or wild turkey. Requirements: Non-Resident Annual All Game License (provides holder all applicable tags for deer, bear and turkey); Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License (provides holder one deer tag and one turkey tag); or a Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License (provides holder two deer tags and two turkey tags) and a Non-Resident Fur-Takers Permit if hunting or trapping furbearers.


(1) Non-Residents engaging in hunting activities on a licensed Game Bird Shooting Resort in compliance with regulations pertaining to Game Bird Shooting Resorts.
(2) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order (Ref. Code 12.20 Snow, Blue, Ross' Goose Season Restrictions).
(3) Non-residents are ineligible to take or attempt to take alligators.
(4) Non-residents are ineligible to take or attempt to take elk using a public land permit obtained through the permit draw process.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.







Resident Fisheries Conservation License ......


$ 10.50


Resident 3-Day Trip License


$ 6.50


Non-Resident Annual Fishing License ..........


$ 40.00


Non-Resident 14-Day Trip Fishing License..


$ 22.00


Non-Resident 7-Day Trip Fishing License....


$ 17.00


Non-Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License....


$ 11.00


Arkansas Trout Permit ..................................


$ 5.00


Non-Resident Trout Permit ...........................


$ 12.00


White River Border Lakes License.....


$ 10.00


Guide License/Fishing .................................


$ 25.00


Non-Resident Guide License/Fishing





Hoop Nets (with or w/o leads), turtle nets...


$ 4.00

Dec. 31

Slat Traps & Fiddler Nets ............................


$ 12.50

Dec. 31

Commercial Trotlines (inc. snaglines, throwlines, limb lines, set hooks) per 100 ft ........... ..............


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Box Traps Turtle Trap..........


$ 2.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Tackle (Seine, Trammel & Gill Nets) 100 yds. or fractional part thereof per tag .............................................


$ 15.00

Dec. 31

Resident Commercial Fisherman's Permit & Sportfishing License...


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Fisherman's Helper Permit ........


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Ark. Resident Junior/Senior Commercial

Fishing Permit .............................................


$ 14.50

Dec. 31

Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit ......................



June 30

Alligator Tags ................................................

$ 4.00

June 30

Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/ Dealer Permit ...............................................



June 30

Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit.......



Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Harvest Helper Permit....


$ 50.00

Dec. 31

Junior Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit....


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.......



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer . Permit ................



Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit.......



Dec. 31

Resident Shell Taker and Seller ...................



Dec. 31

Shell Taker Helper Permit ............................



Dec. 31

Shell Buyer ...................................................



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Shell Buyer ............................



Dec. 31

Shell Buyer's Agent Permit ..........................



Dec. 31

Resident Fish Dealer ...................................


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Non-Resident Fish Dealer ..........................



Dec. 31

Minnow Dealer Tackle (Minnow

(Seine, Traps or Lifts) ..................................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Fish Farmer (Aquaculturist) Permit


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Bull Frog Permit (Must have valid Fish Farmer Permit) ............................................


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit



Dec. 31

Resident Roe Taker/Helper Permit



Dec. 31

Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit



Dec. 31

Commercial Boat Dock Permit ......................


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Boat Dock (User Fee) ................



Dec. 31

Private Boat House (Single) ..........................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat House (Double or Joint) ...........


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat Dock (Single) ...........................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat Dock (Double or Joint) .............


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Put & Take Pay Lake ....................................



Dec. 31


Resident Wildlife Conservation License ......


$ 10.50

June 30

Resident Sportsman's Permit ......................


$ 25.00

June 30

Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Yr License...


$ 25.00


Resident Disabled Combination 3-Yr License.


$ 35.50


Non-Resident Annual All Game License ....



June 30

Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License ......




Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License ......




Non-Resident Annual Small Game License.


$ 80.00

June 30

Non-Resident 5-Day Small Game License..


$ 55.00


Non-Resident Trappers Permit...



June 30

Private Lands Elk Permit.........


$ 35.00


Arkansas Resident Waterfowl Stamp ...........


$ 7.00

June 30

Arkansas Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamp


$ 20.00

June 30

AG&F Leased Lands Permit (Hunting, Trapping and Camping)

Casey Jones WMA................................


$ 20.00


Big Timber WMA...................................


$ 20.00


Cherokee WMA.....................................


$ 20.00


Gum Flats WMA............


$ 20.00


Provo WMA..............


$ 20.00


Lafayette County WMA.........


$ 20.00


Jim Kress WMA...........


$ 20.00


Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA....


$ 20.00


Falconry Permit Apprentice............ .......


$ 25.00


Falconry Permit General.........................


$ 25.00


Falconry Permit Master...........................


$ 25.00


Resident Guide License/Hunting............


$ 25.00

June 30

Non-Resident Guide License/Hunting ...



June 30

Resident Special Guide License ....... . .....



June 30

Non-Resident WMA Waterfowl Hunting Permit (5-day trip)......


$ 10.00


Non-Resident WMA Seasonal Waterfowl Hunting Permit........



June 30

*Good from requested day of issue for period of license.

**Good for 1 year of purchase date. ***Falconry Permit will expire on July 31, 2010, then 2013,

etc., in line with the Federal program. ****Expires when the zone quota has been reached (Ref. Code 02.21) .


Resident Trappers Permit........



June 30

Resident Fur-Dealer ......................................


$ 50.00

June 30

Non-Resident Fur Dealer ..............................



June 30

Special Commercial Quail Permit ................


$ 25.00

June 30

Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit ..................... .......



June 30

Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit.................


$ 500.00

June 30

Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit......


$ 50.00

June 30

Wildlife Importation Permit......


$ 25.00

June 30

Mountain Lion Permit..........


$ 50.00

June 30

Live Fox and Coyote Permit......


$ 25.00

June 30


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Fishing License ............................................


$ 10.50


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime

Sportsman's Hunting License and Permit ..................................................


$ 25.00


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License ..................................


$ 35.50


Non-Expiring Lifetime Resident Hunting & Fishing Sportsman's Permit .........................................................





Zone 1 - Northwest Arkansas. Start at northwest corner of Arkansas; then south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 16 at Fayetteville; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 21; north on Hwy 21 to Hwy 43; north on Hwy 43 to Hwy 103; north on Hwy 103 to U.S. Hwy 412; east Hwy 412 to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Long Creek east of Alpena; north on Long Creek to Table Rock Lake; then north along eastern edge of Table Rock Lake to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the northwest corner of Arkansas.

Zone 2 - Western half of North Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Arkansas-Missouri State Line and the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake; south along the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake to Long Creek; south on Long Creek to U.S. Hwy 62 east of Alpena; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to U.S. Hwy 412; west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 103; south on Hwy 103 to Hwy 43; south on Hwy 43 to Hwy 21; south on Hwy 21 to Hwy 16 near Swain; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 27 near Tilly; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 254; east on Hwy 254 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Dennard; north on Hwy 65 to Hwy 66 at Leslie; east on Hwy 66 to Hwy 58 at Mountain View; east on Hwy 58 to the White River; north on the White River to U.S. Hwy 62; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 14 at Yellville; west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 125; north on Hwy 125 to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake.

Zone 3 - Eastern half of North Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Arkansas-Missouri State Line and; Hwy 125; south on Hwy 125 to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 62 at Yellville; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to the White River; south on the White River to the Black River; north on the Black River to the Current River; north on the Current River to Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the western edge of Bull Shoals Lake.

Zone 4 (section 1) - Western portion of Northeast Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Current River and the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; south along the Current River to the Black River; south on the Black River to the White River; south on the White River to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to Hwy 17; south on Hwy 17 to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to Hwy 145; south on Hwy 145 to Hwy 37; south on Hwy 37 to Hwy 42; east on Hwy 42 to Hwy 1 near Cherry Valley; north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 63; north on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 228; east on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 412; east on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 141; north on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 139; north on Hwy 139 to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west along the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the Current River.

Zone 4A (section 1) - Western portion of East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 40 and U.S. Hwy 49 near Brinkley; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 39; south on Hwy 39 to Hwy 316; east on Hwy 316 to Hwy 318; east on Hwy 318 to Hwy 20; east on Hwy 20 to Phillips County Road 422 at Modoc; east on Phillips County Road 422 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 at Walnut Corner; north on Hwy 1

to U. S Interstate 40 at Forrest City; west on U.S Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 49 near Brinkley.

Zone 4 (section 2) - Eastern portion of Northeast Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 62 and the St. Francis River at the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to U.S. Hwy 49; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 near Jonesboro; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 163; south on Hwy 163 to Hwy 42; east on Hwy 42 to Hwy 77 near Turrell; south no Hwy 77 to Old River Road; east on Old River Road to Island 40 Road; east on Island 40 Road to Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the St. Francis River; north along the St. Francis River to U.S. Hwy 62.

Zone 4B (section 1) - Western portion of Central Northeast Arkansas.

Start at U.S. Hwy 49 and Hwy 42 near Hickory Ridge; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Interstate 40 near Brinkley; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 1 near Forest City; north on Hwy 1 to Hwy 42 near Cherry Valley; west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 49.

Zone 4B (section 2) - Eastern portion of Central Northeast Arkansas.

Start at Hwy 42 and 163 near Birdeye; south on Hwy 163 to U.S. Hwy 64; east on U.S. Hwy 64 to the St. Francis River levee; south on the St. Francis River Levee to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on Mississippi River levee to Island 40 Road, west on Island 40 Road to Old River Road, west on Old River Road to Hwy 77; north on Hwy 77 to Hwy 42 near Turrell, west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 163 near Birdeye.

Zone 4A (section 2) - Eastern portion of East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 40 and the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis; south on the Mississippi River Levee to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; north on Hwy 131 to Hwy 147; south on Hwy 147 to Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Hwy 147; north on Hwy 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to the Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to its end near the St. Francis River; then on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to U.S. Interstate 40 near Madison; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis.

Zone 5 -Northern portion of Crowley's Ridge Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 1 and Hwy 42 near Cherry Valley; north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 49 at Jonesboro; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Hwy 62; north on U.S. Hwy 62 to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on Arkansas-Missouri State Line to

Hwy 139; south on U.S. Hwy 139 to Hwy 141; south on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 412; west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 228; west on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 63; south on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 1 at Jonesboro; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 163; south on Hwy 163 to Hwy 42; west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 1 near Cherry Valley.

Zone 5A - Southern portion of Crowley's Ridge Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S Interstate 40 and Hwy 1 at Forrest City; south on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 49 at Walnut Corner; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to FDR 1901 (low road); north on FDR 1901 to the St. Francis National Forest boundary; north and east on the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the Mississippi River; north on the Mississippi River to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to U.S. Interstate 40 near Madison; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 1 at Forrest City.

Zone 5B (section 1) - Central portion of Crowley's Ridge Arkansas.

Start at the intersection of Hwy 42 and Hwy 1 near Cherry Valley; south on Hwy 1 to U.S. Interstate near Forrest City; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to St. Francis River levee; north on the St. Francis River levee to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 163, north on Hwy 163 to Hwy 42 near Birdeye, west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 1.

Zone 6 - Southwestern and South Central portions of Northwestern Arkansas. Start at the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line and U.S. Hwy 62; south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to U.S. Interstate 540; east on U.S. Interstate 540 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 64 near Lamar; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 123; north on Hwy 123 to Hwy 164; east on Hwy 164 to Hwy 27; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 105; south on Hwy 105 to Hwy 124; east on Hwy 124 to Hwy 95 near Cleveland; north on Hwy 95 to Hwy 16 at Clinton; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Hwy 92 to Hwy 25 at Drasco; north on Hwy 25 to Hwy 87 at Concord; south on Hwy 87 to U.S. Hwy 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Hwy 167 to the White River at Batesville; north on White River to Hwy 58 near Guion; west on Hwy 58 to Hwy 14; west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 66 at Mountain View; west on Hwy 66 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Leslie; south on U.S. 65 to Hwy 254; west on Hwy 254 to Hwy 27; west on Hwy 27 to Hwy 16; west on Hwy 16 to U.S. Hwy 62 at Fayetteville; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line.

Zone 7 - Western portion of the Arkansas River Valley. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 540 and the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; north on U.S. Interstate 540 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 9 at Morrilton; south on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Perry; west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 23 at Booneville; south on Hwy 23 to U.S. Hwy 71; north on U.S.

Hwy 71 to Hwy 96; west on 96 to Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; north on Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to U.S. Interstate 540.

Zone 8 - Northern portion of Central Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 167 and the White River at Batesville; south on the White River to Hwy 14 at Newport; east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 67; south on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to Hwy 305; south on Hwy 305 to Hwy 31 at Floyd; north on 31 to Hwy 5; south on Hwy 5 to Hwy 310; west on Hwy 310 to Hwy 36, west on Hwy 36 to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to U.S. Hwy 65B; south on U.S. Hwy 65B to Hwy 60; west on Hwy 60 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to U.S. Interstate 40 near Morrilton; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 64 at Lamar; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 123; north on Hwy 123 to Hwy 164; east on Hwy 164 to Hwy 27; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 105; south on Hwy 105 to Hwy 124 at Jerusalem; east on Hwy 124 to Hwy 95 near Cleveland; north on Hwy 95 to Hwy16 at Clinton; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Hwy 92 to Hwy 25; north on Hwy 25 to Hwy 87 at Concord; south on Hwy 87 to U.S. Hwy 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Hwy 167 to the White River at Batesville.

Zone 9 - East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 14 and U.S. Hwy 67 near Newport; south on U.S. Hwy 67 to U.S. Interstate 40 in North Little Rock; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Interstate 30; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to the Arkansas River; south on the Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to U.S. Hwy 79; north on U.S. 79 to Hwy 152; east on Hwy 152 to U.S. Hwy 165; south on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas River; northeast on the Arkansas River to the confluence with the Arkansas Post canal; east down the Arkansas Post canal to the confluence with the White River; southeast on the Arkansas-Desha County line following the White River to the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks; northeast on the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks to the intersection of the western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W;north on the western line of Section 9 to the southwestern corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W;north along the western line of Section 4 to the North Line of T8S, R1W; east along the north line of T8S, R1W to the intersection of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; northeast on Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks to intersection of Mississippi River Levee south of Snow Lake; northeast on the Mississippi River Levee to Phillips County Rd. 422; west on CR 422 to the junction of CR 422 and Hwy 20 at the town of Modoc; west on Hwy 20 to Hwy 318; west on Hwy 318 to Hwy 316; west on Hwy 316 to Hwy 39 at Turner; north on Hwy 39 to U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 42 at Hickory Ridge; west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 37; north on Hwy 37 to Hwy 145; north on Hwy 145 to Hwy 14; west on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 67 near Newport.

Zone 10 - Central Arkansas River Valley. Start at the intersection of Hwy 67 and Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to Hwy 305; south on Hwy 305 to Hwy 31 at Floyd; north on Hwy 31 to Hwy 5; south on Hwy 5 to Hwy 310; west on

Hwy 310 to Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to U.S. Hwy 65B; south on U.S. Hwy 65B to Hwy 60; west on Hwy 60 to Hwy 9; south on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Williams Junction; east on Hwy 10 to U.S. Interstate 430 west on U.S. Interstate 430 to U.S. Interstate 30; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 67; north on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 36.

Zone 11 - West Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 9 and Hwy 10 at Perry; west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 23 at Booneville; south on Hwy 23 to U.S. Hwy 71; north on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 96; west on Hwy 96 to the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; south along the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to Hwy 8; east on Hwy 8 to the junction of U.S. Hwy 71; south on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 246; east on Hwy 246 to Hwy 84 at Athens; east on Hwy 84 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 270 (Bypass); west on U.S. Hwy 270 to Hwy 227; north on Hwy 227 to Hwy 192; east on Hwy 192 to Hwy 7; north on Hwy 7 to U.S. Forest Service Access (FSA) Road 2; east on FSA Road 2 to FSA Road 46; east on FSA Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330; south on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000; east on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Perry.

Zone 12 - Central and South Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 30 and the Arkansas River; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 51; south on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; west on Hwy 26 to Hwy 27 at Murfreesboro; south on Hwy 27 to Hwy 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Hwy 355 to Hwy 32 at Saratoga; west on Hwy 32 to Millwood Dam/Little River; downstream on Little river to Red River; downstream on Red River to U.S. Interstate 30; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 29; south on Hwy 29 to the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line; east on the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line to Bayou Bartholomew; north on Bayou Bartholomew to the U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to the Arkansas River; north on the Arkansas River to U.S. Interstate 30.

Zone 13 - Northwest part of South Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 30 and U.S. Hwy 70; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 51; south on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; west on Hwy 26 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Center Point; west on U.S. Hwy 278 to U.S Hwy 70; at Dierks; west on U.S. Hwy 70 to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north along the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Hwy 246; east on Hwy 246 to U.S. Hwy 71; south on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 8; east on Hwy 8 to Hwy 84 at Athens; east on Hwy 84 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 270 (Bypass); west on U.S. Hwy 270 to Hwy 227; north on Hwy 227 to Hwy 192; east on Hwy 192 to Hwy 7; north on Hwy 7 to U.S. Forest Service Access (FSA) Road 2; east on FSA Road 2 to FSA Road 46; east on FSA Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330; south on

Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000; east on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at William's Junction; east on Hwy 10 to U.S. Interstate 430; south on U.S. Interstate 430 to U.S. Interstate 30; southwest on U.S. Interstate 30 to U.S. Hwy 70.

Zone 14 - Southwest Arkansas. Start at the junction of U.S. Hwy 70 and the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Dierks; east on U.S. Hwy 278 to Hwy 26; east on Hwy 26 to Hwy 27; south on Hwy 27 to Hwy 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Hwy 355 to Hwy 32 at Saratoga; west on Hwy 32 to Millwood Dam/Little River; downstream on Little River to Red River; downstream on Red River to U.S. Interstate 30; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to the Arkansas-Texas State Line at Texarkana; north along the Arkansas-Texas state line to the Red River; west along the river to the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; north along the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to U.S. Hwy 70.

Zone 15 - Southwest part of South Central Arkansas. Start at U.S. Interstate 30 and Hwy 29 at Hope; south on Hwy 29 to the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line; west along the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line to the intersection of the Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas State Lines; north on Arkansas-Texas State Line to U.S. Interstate 30 at Texarkana; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 29 at Hope.

Zone 16 - Southeast Arkansas. Start at the Arkansas River and U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to U.S Hwy 79; north on U.S. Hwy 79 to Hwy 152; east on Hwy 152 to U.S. Hwy 165; south on U.S Hwy 165 to the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee; south on the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee to Gould Road; west on Gould Road to Hwy 1; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 138; west on Hwy 138 to Bayou Bartholomew; north along Bayou Bartholomew to U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to the Arkansas River.

Zone 16A - Southern portion of Southeast Arkansas. Start at the Mississippi River Levee and the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line; west along the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line to Bayou Bartholomew; north along Bayou Bartholomew to Hwy 138; east on Hwy 138 to Hwy 1; north on Hwy 1 to Gould Road; east on Gould Road to the Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Louisiana State line.

Zone 17 - Arkansas Lands within the Mississippi River Levees. All Arkansas lands lying between the Arkansas-Tennessee State Line, the Arkansas-Mississippi State Line and the Mississippi River Levees and other lands described as follows: start at the Mississippi River Levee and the Arkansas-Missouri State Line, south on the Mississippi River Levee to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; north on Hwy 131 to Hwy 147; south on Hwy 147 to

Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Hwy 147; north on Hwy 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to it's end near the St. Francis River; then on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; then along the St. Francis River to the Mississippi River to the southeast boundary of the St. Francis National Forest; west and south along the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the intersection of FDR 1901 (low road); south along FDR 1901 to its intersection of the Mississippi River Levee in Helena; south on the Mississippi River Levee to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad south of Snow Lake; south and west along the Missouri-Pacific Railroad to the intersection with the North line of Section 1, T8S, R1W; west along the Township line to the Northwest corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; south along the western line of Section 4, T8S, R1W to the north line of Section 9, T8S, R1W; south along the western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W to its intersection with the Missouri-Pacific Railroad; south and west along the Missouri-Pacific Railroad to White River; northwest on the Arkansas-Desha County line following the White River to the confluence with the Arkansas Post Canal; west along the Arkansas Post Canal to the confluence with the Arkansas River; southwest on the Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 165 at the Pendleton Bridge; south on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee; south on the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Louisiana State Line.


Bear Zone 1: Start at the junction of Interstate 40 and the Oklahoma state line; then east to the junction of Interstate 40 and U.S. 67; north and east on U.S. Hwy 67 to the Missouri state line; west along the Arkansas and Missouri state line to the Oklahoma state line; and south along the Oklahoma state line to the junction of Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 2: Start at the junction of Interstate 40 and the Oklahoma state line; then east on Interstate 40 to Interstate 430; south on Interstate 430 to Interstate 30; south and west on Interstate 30 to Hwy 51; south on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; west on Hwy 26 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Center Point; west on U.S. Hwy 278 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Dierks; west on U.S. Hwy 70 to the Oklahoma state line; and north along the Oklahoma state line to Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 3: Start at the junction of Interstate 30 and State Hwy 8 near Arkadelphia; then west on State Hwy 8 to U.S. 70; west and south on U.S. 70 to State Hwy 84; west on State Hwy 84 to State Hwy 246; west on State

Hwy 246 to U.S. 71; north on U.S. 71 to State Hwy 4; west on State Hwy 4 to the Oklahoma state line; south along the Oklahoma state line to the Red River; east along the Red River to U.S. 71; south on U.S. 71 to Interstate 30; and north and east on Interstate 30 to State Hwy 8 near Arkadelphia.

Bear Zone 4: Start at Interstate 30 and the Texas state line at Texarkana; then north and east on Interstate 30 to U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to Lake Village; east on U.S. 82 to the Mississippi River; south along the Mississippi River to the Louisiana state line; west along the Louisiana state line to the Texas state line; and north to Interstate 30.

Bear Zone 5: Start at the junction of U.S. 165 and the Arkansas River (at Pendleton Bridge); north on U.S. 165 to State Route 130 at DeWitt; north on State Route 130 to State Route 33; north on State Route 33 to U.S. Hwy 79; north and east on U.S. Hwy 79 to U.S. Hwy 49; south and east on U.S. Hwy 49 to the Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to the confluence of the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers; north and west along the Arkansas River to the junction of the Arkansas River and U.S. 165 (at Pendleton Bridge). Arkansas lands lying east of the Mississippi River are closed.

Bear Zone 5A: Start at the junction of U.S. 165 and the Arkansas River (at Pendleton Bridge); south on U.S. 165 to the junction of U.S. 165 and U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to the junction of U.S. 65 and U.S. 82; east on U.S. 82 to the Mississippi River; north on the Mississippi River to the confluence of the Mississippi and the Arkansas Rivers; north and west along the Arkansas River to the junction of the Arkansas River and U.S. 165 (at Pendleton Bridge). Arkansas lands lying east of the Mississippi River are closed.

Bear Zone 6: Start at Interstate 40 at the Tennessee state line; west on Interstate 40 to the junction of interstate 440; south on Interstate 440 to U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to the junction of U.S. 165; north on U.S. 165 to State Hwy 1; north and east on State Hwy 1 to U.S. 49; east on U.S. 49 to the Mississippi River; and up the Mississippi River to Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 7: Start at Interstate 40 and the Tennessee state line; then go west on Interstate 40 to U.S. 67; north and east on U.S. 67 to the Missouri state line; follow the Missouri state line around the Missouri boot heel to the Mississippi River; and down the Mississippi River to Interstate 40.


02-98/ ELK ZONE 1: Intersection State Hwy 74 and State Hwy 43, NE on State Hwy 43 to Cecil Cove Rd., E on Cecil Cove Rd. to National Park Service boundary, E then south on National Park Service boundary to Newton County Rd. #443, NE on Newton County Rd. #443 to Newton County Rd.

#81, E on Newton County Rd. #81 to Newton County Rd. #126, E on Newton County Rd. #126 to Newton County Rd. #125, E on Newton County Rd. #125 to Newton County Rd. #19, E on Newton County Rd. #19 to State Hwy 7, S on State Hwy 7 to intersection of State Hwy 74 (Jasper), W on State Hwy 74 to intersection of State Hwy 43.

ELK ZONE 2: Intersection State Hwy 7 and County Road #82, #82 south to intersection County Road #50, #50 east to intersection County Rd. #213, #213 southwest to intersection County Road, #51, #51 East to intersection County Rd. #83, #83 south to intersection County Rd. #53, #53 southeast to intersection State Hwy 123 (Hasty), State Hwy 123 southwest to intersection State Hwy 74 (Piercetown), State Hwy 74 northwest to intersection State Hwy 7 (Jasper), State Hwy 7 northeast to intersection Co. Rd. #82.

ELK ZONE 3: Intersection County Rd. #53 and State Hwy 123 (Hasty), State Hwy 123 northeast to intersection County Rd. #72, #72 east to Newton, Searcy county line, Searcy County Rd. #22 East to intersection Searcy County Rd. #21, #21 south to intersection BNR boundary, boundary line east and south to intersection Searcy County Rd. #231, #231 southeast to intersection State Hwy 374, State Hwy 374 southwest to intersection Buffalo River (Woolum Ford) Buffalo River east to intersection Richland Creek, Richland Creek south to intersection Ozark National Forest boundary (Eula), Ozark National Forest boundary west to intersection State Hwy 74 (Bass), State Hwy 74 northwest to intersection State Hwy 123, State Hwy 123 north to intersection County Rd. #53 (Hasty).

ELK ZONE 4: Intersection Searcy County Rd. #231 (Oakland Road) and Searcy County Rd. #14 (South Woolum Road), E on Searcy County Rd. #14 (South Woolum Road) to intersection of State Hwy 374, E on State Hwy 374 to intersection with with U.S. Hwy 65 at St. Joe, SE on U.S. Hwy 65 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #33, (Silver Hill Road), SW on Searcy County Rd. #33 (Silver Hill Road) to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #34 (Burr Oak Road), W on Searcy County Rd. #34 (Burr Oak Road) to intersection of State Hwy #74, W on State Hwy #74 to Snowball, SW from Snowball on State Hwy 377 to intersection of Quilting Bee Drive, W on Quilting Bee Drive to intersection of Wasson Road, NW on Wasson Road to intersection of Dry Creek Road, NW on Dry Creek Road to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #12 (Richland Road), N on Searcy County Road #12 (Richland Road) to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #14 (North Richland Road), W on Searcy County Rd. #14 (North Richland Road) to intersection of Richland Creek, N on Richland Creek to intersection of Buffalo River, W on Buffalo River to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #14 (South Woolum Road), E on Searcy County Rd. #14

(South Woolum Road) to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #231(Oakland Road).

Elk Zone A: Intersection U.S. Hwy 412 and State Hwy 103, State Hwy 103 north to Rudd, N from Rudd on State Hwy 103 to intersection U.S. Hwy 62, U.S. Hwy 62 E to U.S. Hwy 412, E on U.S. Hwy 412 to intersection State Hwy 392, State Hwy 392 S to intersection Boone Co. Rd #9 (Creel Road) at Capps, Boone County Rd #9 S to intersection with State Hwy 43, State Hwy 43 S to intersection with State Hwy 206, State Hwy 206 SE to intersection with Boone County Rd. #62 (Erbie Cut-Off), S on Boone County Rd. #62 to Newton County Rd. #118, S on Newton County Rd. #118 to Newton County Rd. #19, W on Newton County Rd. #19 to Newton County Rd. #125, W on Newton County Rd. #125 to Newton County Rd. #126, W on Newton County Rd. # 126 to Newton County Rd. #81, W on Newton County Rd. #81 to Newton County Rd. #443, W on Newton County Rd. #443 to National Park Service boundary, N and then west on National Park Service boundary to Cecil Cove Rd., W on Cecil Cove Rd. to State Hwy 43, SW on State Hwy 43 to State Hwy 103, N on State Hwy 103 to U.S. Hwy 412, W on U.S. Hwy 412 to intersection with State Hwy 103N.

Elk Zone B: Begin at the intersection of state Hwy 43 and Newton Co. Road #10, south on State Hwy 43 to intersection of Newton County Road #105, west on Newton County Road #105 to intersection of the National Park Service authorization boundary, south on the National Park Service authorization boundary to the intersection of the United States Forest Service authorization boundary, west on the United States Forest Service authorization boundary to the intersection of Newton County Road #92, north on Newton County Road #92 to the intersection of Madison County Road #3605, northeast on Madison County Road #3605 to intersection of Madison County Road # 3655, west on Madison County Road #3655 to intersection of State Hwy 74, east on State Hwy 74 to intersection of State Hwy 21, east on State Hwy 21 to intersection of Newton County Road #9, north on Newton County Road #9 to intersection of Newton County Road #10, east on Newton County Road #10 to intersection of State Hwy 43.


It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger to harvest deer during the special youth modern gun deer hunt. Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not completed a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older. The youth bag limit during this hunt is same as the statewide seasonal bag limit with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for that Zone/WMA A doe may be taken without a Zone/WMA doe quota permit . These are

not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 18.28, 21.02 and 21.03).


(1) WMAs requiring a WMA deer hunt permit are closed to the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt (Ref. Codes 6.03 and 21.02).
(2) Hunters using archery tackle during archery and crossbow season (Ref. Code 02.01 Deer Archery and Crossbow Season).
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.
(4) Commission registered deer camps that participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) receiving deer management tags or those camps receiving Doe Deer Permits (DDP).
(5) Holders of 65 Plus Lifetime Hunting license or 65 Plus Lifetime Combination license accompanying a youth, 15 years of age or younger, during the special youth modern gun deer hunt may harvest a deer in compliance with Commission Codes 02.12 Game Animal Bag Limit and Possession Restrictions and 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

10.01(A) RESIDENT FUR-TAKER'S LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any resident 16 years of age or older to take, attempt to take, or possess any furbearers or any parts thereof without first obtaining a current Resident Wildlife Conservation License, Resident Combination Sportsman's License; Resident Sportsman's License; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License); or a Lifetime Hunting License and Sportsman's Permit. Resident Trappers must also obtain a Resident Trapper Permit in accordance with Code 10.01(B). Permits are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Persons obtaining carcasses of legally taken furbearers.
(2) Property owners or their designees taking nuisance furbearers in accordance with Commission Codes 18.09 and 18.09A.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


for any resident 16 years of age or older to trap or attempt to trap any

furbearing animals without first obtaining a current Resident Trapper

Permit in addition to a hunting license in accordance with Code 10.01(A).

Permits are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30.


(1) Property owners or their designees trapping nuisance furbearers in accordance with Commission Codes 18.09 and 18.09A.

PENALTY: $100.00 TO $1,000.00

10.01(C) NON-RESIDENT TRAPPER PERMIT REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful for non-resident persons, 16 years of age or older, to

trap, or attempt to trap any furbearing animals without first obtaining a Non-Resident Trapper Permit in addition to a Non-Resident Hunting License.

(A) It shall be unlawful for holders of Non-Resident Trapper Permits to fail to submit a report of furbearers taken in Arkansas during the furbearer trapping season, other than those sold to licensed Arkansas fur dealers, by May 1.


(1) Persons obtaining carcasses of legally taken furbearers. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

shall be unlawful to possess, in fields or woods, or to use any cable-restraining device (snare) or steel trap other than smooth-jawed traps during open furbearing animals seasons as provided herein:

(A) Bait Restrictions.

Animal matter, including meat, skin, bones, feathers and hair or any other solid substance that used to be part of an animal, may not be used as bait within twenty (20) feet of a trap set, unless it is adequately covered to prevent it being seen from above and it must be covered in such a way as to withstand wave action, wind action or other normal environmental conditions that could cause it to become visible.

(B) Land-Set Trap Restrictions.

Smooth-jawed traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 6 inches (those in excess of 5 inches, measured from the inside edge of the trap at the dog, must have offset jaws), Size 110, 120 and 160 Conibear, or comparable body-tripping traps, with a jaw spread not to exceed 6 inches.

(C) Water-Set Trap Requirements

Smooth-jawed traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 8 1/2 inches, Conibear or comparable body-gripping traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 10 inches.

(D) Snare (Cable Restraint Device) Restrictions.
(1) Snares are allowed in water sets .
(2) Snares are allowed to be used as land sets provided that snares set in excess of 20 feet from a permanent body of water shall have a functional "deer lock" that will not allow the snare to close smaller than 2 1/2 inches.
(3) Land snares must be constructed of braided cable with a loop no more than 12 inches in diameter (side-to-side) and a lower loop no more than 10 inches off the ground. Leg snares are prohibited. Only snares with single-piece locks may be used on land.
(4) No snare should be set or be maintained in any public road right-of-way.
(5) When snares are fully extended, they may not touch any fence. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.06TRAP CHECKING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use

traps without checking daily and removing the catch.


(1) Kill traps in water sets may be checked within 72 hours.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take fur-bearers with any rifled slug or shot size larger than T shot, or with any ammunition for rifle or pistol other than rimfire ammunition not in excess of .22 caliber.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit).
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 20.02 (Firearm Restrictions on WMAs).
(3) During any open deer, bear or turkey season bobcat, fox and coyote may be taken during daylight hours with a method of take legal for that season and zone.
(4) During bobcat, fox and coyote hunting seasons, bobcat, fox and coyote may be taken during daylight hours with firearms no larger than .30 caliber.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


unlawful to refuse or fail to immediately surrender to officers for inspection any weapon, license, permit, tag, stamp, check sheet, ice chest, game bags, game vest, wildlife, including fish, fishing tackle, any devise used in taking of wildlife or that can reasonably contain wildlife or fish whether legal or illegal. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

14.01TAKING OF BIRDS & EGGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful

to take or attempt to take wild birds or bird eggs.


(1) English Sparrows.
(2) Black birds, starlings, and crows committing damage to agricultural crops or personal property.
(3) Crows as permitted under Commission Code 02.10 (Crow Hunting).
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 15.15 (Falconry).
(5) In compliance with federal regulation: 50 CFR 21.12(b).
(6) Nuisance migratory birds taken in accordance with a permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of selling or offering for sale the dressed carcasses of pen-raised quail without first obtaining of Special Commercial Quail Permit, stamp and Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. (Ref: Section 01.00-C "Pen-Raised Quail")
(B) Holders of a Special Commercial Quail Permit shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Quail shall be harvested by means other than shooting.
(2) Packages containing dressed quail carcasses offered for sale shall bear the permit number and said number shall be applied with the special stamp purchased with permit.
(C) For non-compliance with the terms of this permit this Agency may suspend or revoke any existing permit held by the violator and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such suspension, revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00 per violation.

15.39WILDIFE REHABILITATION PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for

any person to possess sick, injured, orphaned, or impaired native wildlife, except migratory birds, for the purpose of rehabilitation without first applying for, obtaining and complying with the terms of a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit issued by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. A Commission Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit is not required to keep migratory birds for rehabilitation purposes; however, a Migratory Bird Rehabilitation Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is required.

(A)Eligibility and Application Requirements:
(1) A Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit shall not be issued to any person until the applicant has demonstrated satisfactory compliance with the following requirements:
(a) The applicant shall be at least 18 years of age and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of, guilty or nolo contendere for violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to animals within five (5) years of the date of application.
(b) The applicant shall be a resident of the state of Arkansas having a bona fide or actual residence within the state.
(c) The applicant shall provide to the Commission, in writing, proof from the county judge or sheriff and any municipal planning commission or board with jurisdiction, stating that the applicant's rehabilitation facility shall be in compliance with all applicable local ordinances. Said proof of compliance shall be submitted with the application.
(d) An application for the permit shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Commission.
(e) Applications will include the signature, address and phone number of a licensed veterinarian that will assist the applicant by providing consulting and referral services regarding animal rehabilitation and treatment.
(f) Applicants for General Class Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits will provide proof of experience in accordance sub-section (A)(2) of this code.
(2) General Class Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits may be issued based upon documented applicant experience in accordance with any one of the following methods:
(a)Persons who submit written documentation of no less than 250 hours of experience in the care of sick, injured, orphaned or otherwise impaired wildlife. Such documentation must include a description of the specific training or experience acquired, and the dates and locations where acquired and should be written on a form provided by the Commission. In addition, the applicant shall submit a recommendation from a permitted rehabilitator, who shall state, based upon personal knowledge,

that the applicant possesses the stated experience. Additional documentation may consist of records of prior permits for rehabilitation issued by other states or the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, employment records of wildlife rehabilitative facilities, training course certificates, or other competent documentation of experience.

(b) Persons who provide documentation that they held a permit issued in their name by the Commission or by any other state within the previous five (5) years for the rehabilitation of wildlife other than migratory birds.
(c) Persons who are currently qualified as a Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council and who submit a recommendation from a permitted rehabilitator, who shall state, based upon personal knowledge, that the applicant is qualified to rehabilitate wildlife.
(3) Apprentice Class Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit

applicants shall meet all the eligibility and application requirements of sub-section A(1) of this code and shall have a sponsor with a current General Class Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit.

(B)Permit Requirements:
(1) Wildlife shall be cared for at the location listed in the Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit.
(2) Persons who lack the experience necessary to apply for a General Class Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit may serve as an Apprentice Class Wildlife Rehabilitator under the general supervision of a General Class Wildlife Rehabilitator Apprentice Class Wildlife Rehabilitators may posses and care for no more than 20 baby opossums or 6 other individual animals at a time.
(3) Wildlife undergoing rehabilitation or medical treatment shall not be hunted, bred or displayed to the public.
(4) Rehabilitated native wildlife shall be released at an ecologically appropriate time of year and into a habitat suitable to sustain it near the point of capture in, or adjacent to, the county in which it was originally captured. Wildlife shall not be released within the limits of any incorporated city or town and shall be released in accordance with any local regulations regarding release of wildlife.
(5) When euthanasia of wildlife is necessary, euthanasia shall be by an acceptable method as set forth by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's current Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook.
(6) Wildlife with permanent physical impairments may be kept for educational use upon approval of the Chief of the Division of Wildlife Management and in accordance with U. S. Department of Agriculture regulations regarding display of wild animals. Permittee shall not transfer permanently impaired wildlife to unauthorized individuals.
(7) Animals that die from causes other than disease while in the custody of the permittee shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable local or state laws or be offered to a museum, university, or other educational facility.
(8) Animals that die of disease must be destroyed in a manner that does not allow the spread of the disease to other animals or humans and must be reported to the Commission within 48 hours.
(9) Permittees receiving any species classified as endangered or threatened shall notify the Little Rock office of the Commission's Wildlife Management Division within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt of the animal.
(10) Permittees shall not require a fee associated with wildlife rehabilitation services or for the pick-up, delivery or acceptance of sick, injured, orphaned or otherwise impaired wildlife. This limitation shall not apply to professional fees charged by a licensed veterinarian for treatment or other services requested by a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. This regulation does not in any way prohibit nor discourage the public from making voluntary donations to rehabilitators for animal care and facility maintenance.
(11) Permittees are not agents of the Commission and may not represent themselves as such.
(12) All rehabilitation facilitiesshall abide by Standards Governing the Prevention of Disease Transmission Within the Rehabilitation Facility and Strategy for Prevention of Transmissible Diseases set forth by the current International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook.
(13) Permittees who care for foxes, skunks, or bats, must take and maintain records of pre-exposure rabies vaccination treatment. All other rehabilitators are strongly encouraged to take pre-exposure rabies vaccination treatment.
(C)Reporting and Record Keeping:
(1) All permit holders shall keep an up to date log on each animal taken into custody . The log shall include a record of the date the animal was received, county of origination,

the animal's treatment, condition and disposition and shall be subject to inspection by Commission personnel at any reasonable time.

(2) Permit holders shall submit annual reports of such records

for the period January 1 to December 31 of each year

on a form provided by the Commission. Said annual report shall be due no later than January 31.

(D)Facility and Caging Requirements:
(1) All wildlife shall be kept in pens/cages that meet or exceed the Basic Requirements for Housing Wild Animals and Minimum Housing Guidelines set forth by the current International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.
(2) All wildlife possessed in captivity shall be maintained in enclosures, pens, or cages that are sufficiently strong to prevent escape of the wildlife and protect them from injury.
(3) Cages, fencing, and guardrails shall be kept in good repair at all times and gates shall be securely fastened with latches or locks. Enclosures, pens, or cages considered unsafe by

Commission personnel must be repaired or reconstructed within sixty days or as specified by the Commission.

(4) Permit holders whose facilities, including enclosures, pens and cages, are not in compliance with this Code section shall be notified in writing and shall have ten (10) days to correct the violation.
(5) If, at the end of ten (10) days, the violation has not been corrected this Agency may revoke any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(1) Any person issued a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit shall allow entry, at any reasonable hour, to Commission employees or agents to inspect the location, books, records, or permits required by the permit.
(2) Any person issued a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit shall allow entry, at any reasonable hour, to Commission employees or agents to inspect any wildlife and/or facilities kept under authority of the permit.
(3) Each permittee shall pen the captive wildlife in suitable pens and restrain them for inspection, at a reasonable time, when requested to do so by Commission employees or agents.
(F)Renewal, Transfer, Suspension & Revocation:
(1) Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits shall expire on January 31 of each year. Permits may be renewed following receipt and approval by the Commission of an permit renewal application, and an annual report for the previous calendar year in accordance with Commission Code 15.39(C)(2).
(2) Permits may be revoked by this Agency for violation of the terms of this permit, violation of the Commission Code, or upon conviction of associated regulations of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(3) Permit holders shall be notified in writing of such violations and shall have twenty days to respond with just cause as to why their permit should not be suspended or revoked.
(4) If, at the end of the twenty-day period, just cause has not been given, this Agency may suspend or revoke any existing permit held by the violator and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such suspension, revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(5) Upon revocation, permit holder must legally remove all captive wildlife within the time designated in the revocation, not to exceed sixty (60) days, and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action, per Commission policy, at the permit holder's expense. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00 per violation.

be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess any species of wildlife, or portions thereof, other than during a season opened by the Commission and by utilizing the appropriate method or methods for that season.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code 15.14 (Native Wildlife Pet Restrictions).
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit Requirement).
(3) In compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).
(4) Carcasses of wildlife legally obtained or brought from outside the state and accompanied by verification.
(5) Nongame wildlife, excluding, migratory birds and endangered species, which pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property.
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 39.01 (Permit/License Requirements for the Commercial Harvest and Sale of Aquatic Turtles).
(7) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).
(8) Carcasses or pelts of furbearers legally taken in Arkansas may be possessed outside of the furbearer hunting and trapping seasons in compliance with Commission Code 10.10 (Unlawful Possession of Pelts) and provided that otters are tagged in compliance with Commission Code 10.12 (Bobcat and Otter Pelt Tagging Requirement).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.

18.04HUNTING FROM ROAD PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to shoot

across, or to hunt within one hundred (100) feet from the center of any city,

county, state, or federal maintained road. It shall also be unlawful to hunt from or shoot across the main west levee of the Mississippi/Arkansas Rivers from the Louisiana-Arkansas State Line to the intersection of State Highway 11 north of Grady, Lincoln County, Arkansas. In addition to other evidence introduced in a prima facie case of road hunting there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person is "hunting" if the person points, aims, shoots, or attempts to shoot a firearm or other killing device in a direction in which game or other wildlife is present or likely to be present (including shooting at a game or wildlife decoy).


(1) Persons engaged in a lawful action to protect their livestock or property.
(2) Law enforcement officials while performing their official job duties.
(3) Commission employees taking wildlife in performance of their duties.
(4) Persons utilizing foothold and Conibear (body-gripping) traps and the use of firearms to dispatch live animals caught in legally set traps.
(5) Licensed/permitted falconers hunting with or trapping birds of prey in accordance with state and federal falconry regulations.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

18.09DEPREDATION PERMIT REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful for

any person including a property owner or designee to take or attempt to take any game or furbearing animals committing damage to crops or personal property without first obtaining a Depredation Permit and complying with the terms of said permit. Non-game wildlife, excluding migratory birds and endangered species, which pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property, may be taken during daylight hours with firearms or trapped without a Depredation Permit.


(1) Nuisance wildlife may be taken during any open season on the species committing damage and in accordance with applicable bag limits and legal methods.
(2) Property owners or their designees in incorporated towns or cities may use live traps for removal of nuisance wildlife provided such trapping is in compliance with ordinances or statutes established by those municipalities, and that captured nuisance wildlife be released alive and unharmed outside the municipalities' boundaries within a period of twenty-four hours after capture.
(3) Nuisance beaver, muskrat, nutria,, coyote and striped skunk may be taken year round using firearms during daylight hours only (in compliance with Commission Code 10.09 Exception 3) by landowners or their designees in any number on property where damage is being committed or may be trapped and destroyed, in compliance with Commission Code 10.02.
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 18.07 Exception 1.
(5) English sparrows, blackbirds, starlings, and crows committing damage to agricultural crops or personal property may be taken in any number in compliance with Code 14.01 Exceptions 1, 2 and 3.
(6) Nuisance migratory birds taken in accordance with a permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to hunt or take, attempt to hunt or take,

drive, or harass any species of wildlife from a moving motorized land vehicle.


(1) Law enforcement officers and Commission employees in performance of their official job duties.
(2) Licensed/permitted falconers hunting with or trapping birds of prey in accordance with state and federal falconry regulations.

PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00


PRODUCTS. It shall be unlawful to import, transport or possess in

Arkansas any portion other than boneless meat from a cervid carcass originating from any area, as proclaimed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, that has a known case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) or considered taken from a captive facility or within an enclosure.


(1) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates or cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are attached to the skull).
(2) Cleaned teeth.
(3) Finished taxidermy and antler products.
(4) Hides and tanned products.
(5) Deer or elk harvested in commercial wildlife hunting resorts in Arkansas providing that a chronic wasting disease sample is collected in accordance with code 15.32B (Commercial Wildlife hunting Resort). The following U.S. states, portions of states, and Canadian provinces are proclaimed to be CWD positive:


West Virginia




South Dakota




New Mexico

New York






*States and provinces where CWD has been found in captive cervids only.

And any other state or province where a positive case of CWD has been detected as confirmed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


COMMISSION LAKES. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle on any road, trail, levee or dam owned by the Commission; where no maintained road exists; or in a direction of travel contrary to directional signs on a wildlife management area or Commission-owned lake. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In designated camping areas.
(2) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Access Permit may operate an ATV or similar specialized device for transportation in compliance with code 20.20 (Mobility Impaired Access Permit Restrictions on Commission -Owned WMAs).
(3) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility Impaired deer hunt.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


It shall be unlawful to hunt, trap, or possess a killing device in any wildlife management area.


(1) During open seasons for wildlife on said areas.
(2) Ozark National Forest WMA.
(3) Sanctioned Shoot-to-Kill Walking Trials.
(4) For activities permitted by the Commission.
(5) For Commission employees in the performance of their official job duties.
(6) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.02FIREARM RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to possess any buckshot; rifled slugs, muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber, center fire firearms or rim fire firearms larger than .22 caliber on any wildlife management area other than during any open modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons. (Ref. 06.02, Guns and Ammunition Prohibited During Modern Gun Deer Seasons; and 16.02, Killing Device Restrictions for Bear Hunting and 17.02, Weapon Restrictions for Taking Elk).
(A) Big Lake, Brushy Creek, St. Francis Sunken Lands, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station, W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek and Wedington WMAs - only shotguns (.410 or larger), with slugs (no buckshot allowed), or muzzleloading rifles (in compliance with Commission Code 07.02) shooting a single projectile only during modern gun season.
(B) Beaver Lake WMA (islands only), Greers Ferry WMA and that part of Trusten Holder including all Corps lands, lying north and east of the center line of the Arkansas River which fall within the area that lies east of the Pendleton Bridge to just south of Dam #2 and those lands west of Tichnor Blacktop and Nady Road - no rifles (including muzzleloading rifles) for any season.
(C) Big Lake WMA - it shall be unlawful to transport firearms in that portion of Ditch 28 within the Big Lake WMA without said firearms having been dismantled or encased.
(D) Lafayette County WMA - no buckshot of any size.
(E) Bell Slough WMA - shotguns or rimfire rifles only.
(F) The Farm Units within Bald Knob and Cache River NWRs, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WMA and Wapanocca NWR - muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile only or shotguns with slugs.
(G) Trusten Holder WMA - within the delineated boundaries of the Arkansas Post National Park buffer zone discharge of any firearm is prohibited.
(H) DeGray Lake WMA - within the delineated boundaries of the Lower DeGray Lake Waterfowl Rest Area possession of loaded firearms is prohibited.
(I) Where not otherwise prohibited above bobcat, fox and coyote

may be taken during daylight hours with firearms no larger than .30 caliber during bobcat, fox and coyote seasons on commission-owned WMAs.


(1) Private landowners within boundaries of WMAs where they maintain a bona fide residence, within their homes or on their own land where normal agricultural activity is conducted.
(2) Law enforcement officers and Game and Fish Commission employees in performance of their official job duties.
(3) Trusten Holder WMA mobility impaired muzzleloader deer hunters may use shotguns with slugs.
(4) DeGray Lake WMA special hunt permit holders may possess loaded firearms within the delineated boundaries of the Lower DeGray Lake Waterfowl Rest Area during the special hunts.
(5) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


unlawful to shoot across, or to hunt within one hundred (100) feet from

the center line of any city, county, state or federal maintained road open to public vehicular traffic on any WMA. It shall also be unlawful to shoot across, or to hunt within one hundred (100) feet from the center line of any privately maintained road which is open to public vehicular traffic and falls under the regulatory control of the Commission through ownership, lease, cooperative agreement, conservation easement or memorandum of understanding on any WMA. It shall also be unlawful to place or leave any stand, blind or other hunting apparatus with the intent of hunting from any of these said roads or railroad rights-of-way on any WMA. In addition to other evidence introduced in a prima facie case of road hunting, there shall be a rebuttable presumption a person is "hunting" if the person points, aims, shoots or attempts to shoot a firearm or other killing device from a said road or railroad right-of-way in a direction in which game or other wildlife is present or likely to be present (including shooting at a game or wildlife decoy). EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Persons engaged in a lawful action to protect their livestock or property.
(2) Law enforcement officials while performing their official job duties.
(3) Commission employees taking wildlife in performance of their duties.
(4) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Access Permit may hunt from designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails where public vehicular access is not allowed in compliance with Code 20.20 (Mobility Impaired Access Permit Restrictions On Commission-owned WMAs).
(5) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Access Permit may hunt from the two specially designated abandoned railroad rights-of-way on the Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA.
(6) Persons pursuing small game (excluding fox, bobcat and coyote) from roads or other rights-of-way under regulatory control of the Commission on any WMA and persons hunting small game (excluding fox, bobcat and coyote) which has been pursued or treed by dog or is under point of a dog within 100 feet from the centerline of any road or other right-of-way under regulatory control of the Commission on any WMA.
(7) Persons utilizing foothold and Conibear (body-gripping) traps and the use of the firearms to dispatch live animals caught in legally set traps.
(8) Licensed/permitted falconers hunting with or trapping birds of prey in accordance with state and federal falconry regulations.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


COMMISSION-OWNED WMAs. It shall be unlawful to participate in

the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access Permit program without complying with the following terms and restrictions of the program:

(A) A person who is permanently mobility impaired may apply to the Commission to receive a Mobility Impaired Access Permit allowing the person to use an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or similar form of specialized motorized transportation for certain access uses on Commission-owned Wildlife Management Areas. To qualify, an applicant must submit a completed official form with certification from a physician duly licensed to practice medicine by a state medical board attesting the applicant either:
(1) Has a permanent physical condition severely impairing the applicant's mobility and requiring permanent use of a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair or walker; or
(2) Is permanently restricted by lung disease to such an extent the applicant's forced expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one

liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60mm/hg of room air at rest; or

(3) Has a permanent physical condition requiring use of portable oxygen; or
(4) Has a permanent cardiac condition to the extent the applicant's functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to current standards set by the American Heart Association.
(B) Upon issuance of a Mobility Impaired Access Permit, the following terms and conditions shall apply:
(1) The Mobility Impaired Access Permit is not a license to hunt or fish. While engaging in hunting or fishing activities, a Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder must have on his or her person the appropriate hunting or fishing license, permits, and/or stamps in addition to the Mobility Impaired Access Permit.
(2) Only ATVs or other similar specialized transportation devices with three or more wheels may be used. No two-wheel ATVs or trailers may be used.
(3) Upon the receipt of and successful processing of a Mobility Impaired Access Permit application, the Commission shall issue two (2) Mobility Impaired Access Permit Tags to the applicant. One tag must remain on the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder at all times while engaged in any hunting or fishing activity on any Commission-owned WMA. The second tag must be clearly displayed on his or her ATV or other similar specialized transportation device while engaged in any hunting or fishing activity on any Commission-owned WMA.
(4) The ATV or other similar specialized transportation device shall only be used for the following purposes:
(a) To travel on graveled, all-weather roads unless otherwise posted as closed to vehicular traffic.
(b) To travel on designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails.
(c) To travel off graveled, all-weather roads and designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails during muzzleloader and modern gun deer seasons; the allowable distance traveled off graveled, all-weather roads and designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails is a minimum of 100 feet from the center line (in compliance with Code 18.04 (Hunting From Road Prohibited) and a maximum of 300 feet; ATV use within this special access zone is

specifically for placement of hunting stands and bona fide hunting activities; Mobility Impaired Access Permit holders must maintain clear visual contact with his or her ATV or other similar specialized transportation device at all times while engaged in hunting or fishing activities on any Commission-owned WMA.

(d) Travel off graveled, all-weather roads and designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails, as well as outside the special access zone is permitted only for the retrieval of big game taken by the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder.
(e) If a condition exists where a single helper is required to assist the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder, this helper must first be approved through issuance of a Mobility Impaired Access Helper Permit issued by the Regional Wildlife Supervisor for a particular Wildlife Management Area; for safety concerns, the helper must ride a separate ATV and remain within eyesight or normal voice range of the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder at all times; if the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder is incapable of safely operating an ATV or other similar specialized transportation device, the helper may be approved by the Regional Wildlife Supervisor to accompany the Mobility Impaired Access Permit holder and operate an ATV or similar specialized transportation device that is designed to safely carry two persons; no additional passengers are allowed.
(f) During all ATV or similar specialized transportation device use, all weapons must be unloaded and firearms must be cased at all times.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1000.00


ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any species of wildlife from a motorized land vehicle on WMAs.


(1) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired

Access Permit may hunt from an ATV or similar specialized device for transportation in compliance with Code 20.20 (Mobility Impaired Access permit restrictions on Commission-owned WMAs).

(2) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility

Impaired deer hunt. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any species of wildlife during any permit hunts on any WMA, without first obtaining said permit. All other seasons not named on permit are closed during permit hunts on Commission-controlled WMAs.


(1) Waterfowl during the open waterfowl seasons.
(2) On Howard County, Lake Greeson, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs, all other hunting seasons remain open during permit hunts without said permit.
(3) Gene Rush and Buffalo National River WMAs. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

OWNED, LEASED, LICENSED AND COOPERATIVE WMAs. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle off any open access road and parking area, behind gated, cabled, or earthen barriers, where no road exists, on trails, levees, dams, on any food plot/wildlife opening, firelane, or road which has been disked, seeded, developed for wildlife, or in a direction of travel contrary to posted signs. The use of two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled ATV's (all terrain vehicles), dune buggies and amphibious vehicles is prohibited.


(1) For Commission authorized uses only.
(2) Motorized vehicles or ATVs may be used on Commission owned lands only by persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Access Permit on graveled, all-weather roads; on designated, signed Mobility Impaired Access Trails; and for other expressed access uses of the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access permit program (ref. Code 20.20 Mobility Impaired Access Permit Restrictions on Commission-owned WMAs).
(3) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility Impaired deer hunt.
(4) Motorized vehicles, except for ATVs on main access roads, may not be used on Big Timber Upland WDA.
(5) ATV's allowed on existing open access roads and trailways on Gum Flats, Provo, Lake Greeson, Howard County, Lafayette County, Casey Jones and Big Timber lease land areas.
(6) Motorized vehicles and ATVs allowed on Muddy Creek, Caney Creek and Winona, except on a road, temporary trailway or other areas posted as closed by an earthen mound, gate, sign or other object. Note: Same as U.S. Forest Service forest-wide regulations - Ouachita National Forest.
(7) ATV's allowed on open, maintained roads within Cherokee and Jim Kress WMA's by hunters in possession of a valid leased lands permit for the purposes of ingress and egress to hunting locations and/or camping sites only.
(8) On Ozark National Forest, White Rock, Piney Creeks, Mt. Magazine, Sylamore and St. Francis National Forest WMAs all vehicles and OHV's are subject to the U.S. Forest Service OHV policy on roads and trails as published in code CFR Refer to annual travel management map for designated uses on roads and trails.
(9) Motorized vehicles and ATVs prohibited within the Hope Upland WMA, except for valid Mobility Impaired Access Permit holders in compliance with Code 20.20 (Mobility Impaired Access Permit Restrictions on Commission -owned WMAs).
(10) Persons participating in approved reserved/permitted organized events on the Camp Robinson Special Use Area and persons training waterfowl retrievers in Public Use Compartment 5 in accordance with posted signs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


Organized events similar to trail rides and horse riding for pleasure are prohibited on Commission-owned, Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs during the months of October - January, April and May. Permits are required for organized events of more than ten horses or mules per party during the remainder of the year, and a condition of the permit shall stipulate that riders are restricted to established trails or roads. Permits are available at the area headquarters and must be requested 14 days in advance of the event. Horses and mules are allowed only in camping areas that are designated for equestrian use. Horses in camping areas may only be tied to trailers or to a highline using tree saver straps. It shall be unlawful to allow horses or mules to damage trees or other woody vegetation. Soil disturbance must be restored, manure must be scattered and excess feed, hay and any trash must be removed. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Participants in legal hunting activities may use horses and mules during specified hunting seasons.
(2) At night during furbearing season
(3) Horses and mules are prohibited on the Jardis Point (Desha County) portion of the Trusten Holder WMA.
(4) Horses and mules are prohibited on the Choctaw Island WMA during any open deer season.
(5) The Camp Robinson SUA is divided into 7 public use compartments and non-reserved/open compartments 1, 3, 4 and 7 are open year round for pleasure riding, except when closed for reserved events. Compartments 2 and 5 are closed for horse and mule riding for pleasure. No permit/reservation is required unless participant requesting to reserve any of the public use facilities or compartments.
(6) All organized horse and mule events on J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA are required to be scheduled/reserved annually by July 1 through the Area Manager. All pleasure riding is restricted to dates when no field trials are being conducted. Annual field trial schedule will be posted at area headquarters.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to construct, build,

fabricate, install, place, attach or occupy a permanent hunting stand or camp on any of the natural area wildlife management areas. It shall also be unlawful to have a motorized vehicle, horse, mule or bicycle on any of the natural areas wildlife management areas.


(1) Motorized vehicles, horses, mules and bicycles may only be used on gravel/graded roads on Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess deer by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein:


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt) (Farm Unit): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-9, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck

(no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during muzzleloader season (all units). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit hunt. Bag limit

during the modern gun special youth hunt is one buck deer (no

antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count

towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks or up to two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader(permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 20-22, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

BENSON CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

BERYL ANTHONY LOWER OUACHITA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: November 1-December 31, 2008.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit three (3) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only. (Ref. Codes 20.11 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-9, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the modern gun season. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Blue Mountain WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun deer seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required), with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun: Modern Gun: November 8-16 and December 26-28, 2008 .

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the modern gun season. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery (all units): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (all units): October 18-22, 2008. Muzzleloader (all units): December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt) (all units): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun (all units permit hunt): November 8-11 and November 14-16, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle (all units). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during muzzleloader season (all units). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit hunt (all units). Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer buck (no antler restrictions) or doe (all units). This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-3, 2008 .

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): November 15, 2008. November 16, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 27-28, 2008. November 29-30, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Caney Creek WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required), with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)

CHEROKEE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1-December 31, 2008.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 25-27, 2008.

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt):

October 31-November 3, 2008.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 28-30, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): December 6-8, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks

(which may consist of one type A buck and one type B buck or two type B bucks). The combined doe bag limit per person for the archery,

muzzleloader and modern gun seasons is two. A doe must be harvested and checked before a legal type A buck may be harvested during any season, except during the modern gun youth permit hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is four deer. Youths are allowed to harvest a type A buck without first harvesting and checking a doe, up to two type B bucks if no type A buck is harvested, and up to two doe. All harvested doe and type B bucks are "Bonus Deer" and do not count towards the statewide bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

CROSSETT EXPERIMENTAL FOREST WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader season. (Ref Code 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-3, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-22, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs: October 1-31, 2008 and February 1-28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Special Mobility-impaired Permit Hunt: Johnson County WRA only: November 1-2, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two doe may be taken during the Johnson County WRA Special Mobility-impaired Permit season. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks and no more than one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11, 21.02 and 21.03)

DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-13, 2008. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (mobility impaired permit hunt): October 27-29, 2008.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken by archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictionsand the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11, 21.02, 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14, 2008 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks or up to two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Red Slough WRA-October 1-November 7, 2008.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit seasons. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): October 25-26, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunts. Doe harvested during the modern gun permit hunts are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. A doe must be harvested and checked before a buck may be harvested during both modern gun permit hunts.

Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery/Firearms: Closed ETHEL WMA

Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken by archery tackle only.

FALCON BOTTOMS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken by archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-19, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt):

November 8-9 and November 13-14, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader quota permit hunt. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit hunt. (Ref.

Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt):

November 29, 2008. November 30, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt):

November 22, 2008. November 23, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be harvested with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): October 25-26, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer,

buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

GARRETT HOLLOW NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-16 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Gene Rush WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required), . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (mobility impaired permit hunt): October 21-23, 2008 .

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-16, November 29 - December 7 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and no more than one doe. These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)

H. E. FLANAGAN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

HAROLD E. ALEXANDER SPRING RIVER WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-22, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 1-5, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

HOBBS STATE PARK-CONSERVATION AREA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): November 15-19, 2008.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): October 25-26, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): 2007 November 29-December 3, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt and the modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1-December 10, 2008. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): December 13, 2008. Seasonal bag limit three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. The deer taken during the modern gun youth permit hunt is a bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 25-27

and December 13.15, 2008.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two

legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up

to two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt.

Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or up to two doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-16 and November 29-December 7, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

HOWARD HENSLEY SEARCY COUNTY WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.03)

IRON MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

J. PERRY MIKLES BLUE MOUNTAIN SUA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): October 18-19, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 12-13, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 21.02)

JAMESTOWN INDEPENDENCE COUNTY WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11).


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008.

Muzzleloader (mobility impaired permit hunt): October 11-12, 2008.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-16 and November 29-December 7, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader hunt or muzzleloader mobility impaired hunt or the modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks or up to two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun: November 8-16, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.

This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit.

Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): November 15-19, 2008.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 29-December 3, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 25-29, 2008. Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 15, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 28-December 2, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe can be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

MORO BIG PINE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-23, 2008. Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-13, November 28-December 3, December 13-18 and December 26-31, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck and one doe can be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up

to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Muddy Creek WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required), with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)

NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery (all units): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units October 18-26, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units: November 1-2, 2008. Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed.

Modern Gun: Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units: November 8-16, 2008. Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader hunt; refuge permit required. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 18-26, 2008 and December 26-28, 2008. Muzzleloader: October 16-26 and December 29-31, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 14 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008 and December 29-31, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun: November 8-December 14, 2008 and December 26-28, 2008 .

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two

bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal

buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): October 25-26, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 15-16, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader season; refuge permit required. A doe must be harvested and checked at the refuge check station before a second buck may be harvested during the archery season. A doe must be harvested and checked at the refuge check station before a buck may be harvested during the muzzleloader season. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun youth quota permit hunt. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during modern gun quota permit hunt. Before a second buck can be harvested during any hunt a doe must be harvested and checked in at the refuge check station. Doe tagged with a bonus doe tag, obtained at the refuge headquarters, during any hunt are bonus deer and do not count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth permit hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. Three deer, no more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth pemit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1 2008-January 31, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-16, November 29 - December 7 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and no more than one doe. These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)

RAILROAD PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this

WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11).


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader(permit hunt): October 18-22, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-12, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery (permit hunt): October 25-December 7, 2008. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck and two doe may be taken by permit with archery tackle only. Doe harvested on this area are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)

ROBERT L. HANKINS MUD CREEK WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

ROTH PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

ST. FRANCIS NATIONAL FOREST WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 25-29, 2008. Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): November 15, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 28-December 2, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-9, 2008 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA. . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 29-31, 2008.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008.

Modern Gun: November 8-December 14, 2008 and December 26-28, 2008 .

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-13, 2008.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)

STATELINE SANDPONDS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Henry Moore WRA -October 1-November 7, 2008.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-December 7 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer no more than two bucks and no more than two doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)

SWEDEN CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-16 and November 27-29, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Sylamore WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required) . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)

South Unit

Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 11-15, 2008.

Special Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt: Jardis Point area only.

Noon, November 26- Noon, November 28, 2008. This hunt is administered by the Corp of Engineers.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken by archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the mobility impaired muzzleloader permit hunt. Doe taken during the special mobility impaired permit hunt

are bonus deer and do not count towards the seasonal bag limit.

(Contact Corp of Engineers at 870-548-2291 for specific application criteria; application period July 5-September 5). (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 25-29, 2008. Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 28-December 2, 2008.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe can be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. Bag limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)

W. E. BREWER SCATTER CREEK WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-9, November 15-16 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks or up to one doe, with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun: November 8-9, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck

(no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)

WARREN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (permit hunt): December 6-7, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.02, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009(north unit). October 1-December 31, 2008(south unit). October 1-November 30, 2008 (Kansas Lake Area).

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): October 18-20, 2008(north and south units). October 21-24, 2008(north unit).

Modern Gun (permit hunt): November 8-10, 2008 and November 11-14, 2008(north unit). November 1-3, 2008(south unit). Closed (Kansas Lake Area).

Cook's Lake Area (youth permit hunt): December 6-7, 2008. Cook's Lake Area (mobility impaired permit hunt): December 12-14, 2008.

Cook's Lake Area (special mobility impaired permit hunt): November 14-16, 2008.

Season bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to three doe can be taken with archery tackle (both units). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the October 18-20muzzleloader quota permit hunt (both units). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) may be taken during the October 21-24muzzleloader hunt (north unit only). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the November 11-14modern gun quota permit hunt (north unit only). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the November 1-3modern gun quota permit hunt (south unit only). No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) may be taken during the November 11-14modern gun hunt (north unit only). Cooks Lake Area: no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit youth hunt. Cooks Lake Area: no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit mobility impaired hunts. Cooks Lake Area: deer harvested during the modern gun youth permit hunt and mobility impaired permit hunts are bonus deer and do not count in the hunter's statewide seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe. This is not a bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. Muzzleloader: October 18-26 and December 13-15, 2008. Modern Gun (special youth hunt): November 1-2, 2008. Modern Gun: November 8-30 and December 26-28, 2008.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun seasons. A Winona WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Bag limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer no more than two bucks and no more than one doe (a Zone/WMA doe quota permit is not required), with the first buck having no antler restrictions and the second buck must comply with the legal buck definition for this WMA . These are not bonus deer and will count towards the seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.


04-07 be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer during deer permit hunts on certain WMAs without first obtaining the required permit (Reference Code 20.25, Non-Compliance with Terms of Permit Hunts on WMAs, SUAs,

WDAs and NWRs (National Wildlife Refuges) Prohibited and Code 20.26, Season Restrictions During Permit Hunts on WMAs) as specified herein:

(A) Buck and/or Doe: Bayou Meto (firearms), Bald Knob NWR (modern gun), Cache River NWR (modern gun), Camp Robinson SUA (modern gun), Camp Robinson WMA (firearms), Choctaw Island (firearms), Cut-Off Creek (firearms), Cypress Bayou (firearms), Dagmar (firearms), Dave Donaldson Black River (muzzleloader), Dr. Lester Sitzes III, Bois D'arc (firearms), Ed Gordon Point Remove (modern gun), Felsenthal NWR (firearms), Ft. Chaffee (firearms), Gulf Mountain (firearms), Harold E. Alexander Spring River (firearms), Henry Gray Hurricane Lake (firearms), Hobbs SPCA (firearms), Holla Bend NWR (archery), Holland Bottoms (muzzleloader), Howard County (firearms), J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA (modern gun), Lake Greeson (firearms), Little Bayou (muzzleloader), McIlroy Madison County (firearms), Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Overflow NWR (muzzleloader), Pond Creek NWR (modern gun), Rex Hancock Black Swamp (firearms), Rick Evans Grandview Prairie (archery), St. Francis National Forest (firearms), Shirey Bay Rainey Brake (muzzleloader), Trusten Holder (muzzleloader), U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA (firearms), Wapanocca NWR (modern gun), Mike Freeze Wattensaw (firearms), Wedington (firearms) and White River NWR (firearms), WMAs.
(B) Doe: Blue Mountain (firearms), Caney Creek (firearms), Gene Rush (firearms), Muddy Creek (firearms), Sylamore (firearms) and Winona (firearms) WMAs.
(C) Mobility Impaired: Choctaw Island (modern gun), DeGray Lake, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle (modern gun), Greers Ferry Lake (muzzleloader), Hobbs (modern gun), Lake Greeson (muzzleloader), Jardis Point within Trusten Holder (muzzleloader or shotguns allowed) and White River NWR (modern gun).
(D) Youth: Choctaw Island (modern gun), Galla Creek (modern gun), Hobbs SP-CA (modern gun), Hope Upland (modern gun), Holla Bend NWR (modern gun), Howard County WMA (modern gun), J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA (modern gun), Lake Greeson WMA (modern gun), Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Pond Creek NWR (modern gun), Prairie Bayou (modern gun), St. Francis National Forest (modern gun), U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA (modern gun) Mike Freeze Wattensaw (modern gun) and White River NWR (modern gun).


(1) Youths during the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt are exempted from WMA/Zone Doe Quota Permit requirements (Ref. Code 06.11).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take a deer other than a legal buck deer (ref. Code 01.00 C) except as specified herein:

(1) On Lafayette County, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie and St. Francis National Forest WMAs, a buck deer must have both antlers under two inches (button buck included) or at least one antler with at least 4 points including the main beam a minimum of one inch long.
(2) On Choctaw Island WMA, a buck must have:
(A) Type A Buck-at least five (5) or more points (one inch or longer) on one side or have an inside spread equal to or greater than 15 inches (measured at widest point at a right angle to the center line of the skull) or "button bucks" with no hardened antler, or
(B) Type B Buck-5 total points or less including the main beams.
(3) On Cut-off Creek, Bayou Meto, Dagmar, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Little Bayou, Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Trusten Holder, Seven Devils, U of A Pine Tree and Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMAs, a buck must have:
(A) at least one antler with at least 4 points including the main beam a minimum of one inch long; or
(B) have 4 total points or less including the main beam (button buck included).
(C) any buck may be harvested during the mobility impaired permit hunt on Cooks Lake Area within White River NWR.
(4) On Ed Gordon Point Remove and Galla Creek, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WMA and Wedington WMAs any buck deer may be legally harvested during a firearms permit hunt.
(5) On Greers Ferry Lake WMA any buck deer may be legally harvested during the deer muzzleloader mobility impaired hunt.
(6) On Hobbs S-P CA any buck deer may be legally harvested during the deer modern gun mobility impaired hunt.
(7) On DeGray Lake, Hobbs S-P CA, Holla Bend NWR, Hope Upland WMA, Howard County WMA, Howard Hensley Searcy County WMA, Lake Greeson WMA, Mike Freeze Wattensaw WMA, Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA, Prairie Bayou, Provo WMA, St. Francis National Forest WMA, U of A Pine Tree WDA and Cooks Lake Area (White River NWR) youth hunters may harvest any buck during the scheduled permit youth hunts on each area (Ref. Code 21.02).
(8) On Bald Knob, Big Lake, Cache River, Felsenthal, Holla Bend, Overflow, Pond Creek, Wapanocca and White River NWRs any buck deer may be legally harvested during all deer hunts.
(9) In compliance with Code 06.11 (Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt Restrictions).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess bear by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein:


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU METO WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BEAVER LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.



Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG TIMBER WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008(only on that part of the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008(only on that part of the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt) (only on that part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008(only on that part of the area that lies in zone 2).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BLUE MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. BREWER LAKE CYPRESS CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. CACHE RIVER NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON SUA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. CANEY CREEK WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. CASEY JONES WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CATTAIL MARSH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CHEROKEE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. CHEROKEE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CHOCTAW ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. COVE CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CUT-OFF CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DAGMAR WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. DEGRAY LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. DEPARTEE CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. DR. LESTER SITZES III BOIS D'ARC WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. EARL BUSS BAYOU DEVIEW WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ED GORDON POINT REMOVE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ETHEL WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. FELSENTHAL NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FROG BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. GENE RUSH WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. GREERS FERRY LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. GULF MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 11-15, 2008(deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-5, 2008(deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.




Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 11-15, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-5, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOBBS SP-CA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 11-15, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-5, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOPE UPLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOWARD COUNTY WMA


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 8-16, 2008. Statewide bag limit. IRON MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA WMA



Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 8-16, 2008. Statewide bag limit. JIM KRESS WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. JONES POINT WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. LAKE GREESON WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LEE COUNTY WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE RIVER WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LOAFER'S GLORY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. TWO BAYOU CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. MCILROY MADISON COUNTY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 11-15, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-5, 2008(deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. MORO BIG PINE NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. MT. MAGAZINE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. MUDDY CREEK WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. NORFORK LAKE WMA

Archery: All Units October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units October 18-26, 2008.

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units November 1-2, 2008

(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 8-16, 2008. Statewide bag limit. OVERFLOW NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZAN WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZARK LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. OZARK NATIONAL FOREST WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. PETIT JEAN RIVER WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PINE CITY NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. POISON SPRINGS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. POND CREEK NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PRAIRIE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PROVO WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. RAINEY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. REX HANCOCK BLACK SWAMP WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. RING SLOUGH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. RIVER BEND WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. ROBERT L. HANKINS MUD CREEK WMA



Archery/Firearms: Closed. ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SANDHILLS NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SEVEN DEVILS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SMOKE HOLE NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SPRING BANK WMA



Archery/Firearms: Closed. SULPHUR RIVER WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

North Unit

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 8-16 and November 27-29, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

South Unit

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. TERRE NOIRE NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. TRUSTEN HOLDER WMA

Archery: December 6-14, 2008. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WAPANOCCA NWR


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WEDINGTON WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITEHALL WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITE RIVER NWR

Archery/Firearms: All Units closed. WHITE ROCK WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. W.E. BREWER SCATTER CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. WINONA WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 18-26, 2008. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 1-2, 2008(youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 3-30, 2008. Statewide bag limit. WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

22.01DOG RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt

to take, or pursue wildlife or feral hogs by the use of dogs on any Wildlife

Management Area.


(1) Permitted AKC, UKC and ACHA field trials when approved by the Commission.
(2) Quail and Rabbit Dog Training: September 1-April 1, except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(3) Training dogs on Camp Robinson SUA, Wylie Cox SUA and J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA requires a current Arkansas hunting license and Wylie Cox SUA and J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUAs are closed to dog training during organized field trials. On Camp Robinson SUA only reserved/closed compartments are closed to dog training. Camp Robinson SUA is divided into 7 public use compartments and a map depicting these compartments is posted at the Headquarters Information Booth on Clinton Road and is posted at www.agfc.com.
(4) Dogs required to hunt bobcat, opossum, and raccoon at night in accordance with Commission Code 24.07 (Furbearer Seasons and Bag Limits on WMAs).
(5) J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA is open for training raccoon dogs at night only and rabbit dogs year-round except during field trials. Quail Dog Training from October 1-April 1 except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(6) Waterfowl retrievers during open migratory bird seasons.
(7) Dogs allowed for fall squirrel and rabbit hunting where no modern gun or muzzleloader deer season is open or where dogs are allowed for modern gun deer hunting.
(8) Dogs allowed for spring squirrel hunting, except on White River NWR.
(9) Quail hunting with bird dog breeds only, during open season.
(10) Modern gun deer hunting November 29-December 7, 2008on Gum Flats and Lake Greeson WMAs November 20-30, 2008 on Mt. Magazine and Provo WMAs.
(11) Dogs allowed for coyote, fox and bobcat hunting on Casey Jones WMA during the declared furbearer season when a firearms deer season is closed (Ref. Commission Codes 21.01 and 24.07).
(12) Dogs allowed for modern gun deer season on Blue Mountain, DeGray Lake, Lloyd Millwood Nimrod, Dardanelle and Ozark Lake WMAs, except no dogs on islands except waterfowl retrievers during waterfowl season and hunting furbearers at night.
(13) Dogs allowed for fall squirrel hunting on the Casey Jones, Big Timber, DeGray Lake, Ozark National Forest, Piney Creeks and White Rock WMAs.
(14) Dogs allowed for training and/or hunting under the conditions and during the seasons provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit on all NWRs. Field trials prohibited unless authorized by refuge Special Use Permit.
(15) Waterfowl retriever, rabbit dog (beagle) and bird dog training on Camp Robinson SUA from September 15-April 1, except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed. Bird dog training is also prohibited immediately following dates scheduled for supplemental bird releases on Camp Robinson SUA. Camp Robinson personnel will establish the exact dates of supplemental bird releases after field trial schedules are set in July. Dog trainers will be required to check with area personnel to get the dates of scheduled supplemental releases and additional dog training closure periods. Waterfowl retriever training is open the entire year in compartment 5. Dog training must comply with Commission Code 20.22. The area is divided into 7 public use compartments and a map depicting these compartments is posted at the Headquarters Information Booth on Clinton Road and is posed at www.agfc.com.
(16) Employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the National Park Service or their designees engaged in official duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to 1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein:


Fall (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009 .

One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Camp Robinson WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02) BENSON CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 10-12, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. In all Hunt

Units. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt) in Hunt Units 1 and 3. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-May 2, 2008 in Hunt Unit 1. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. April 12-25, 2008 in Hunt Unit 3. One gobbler or bearded turkey. Hunt Unit 2 see Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Bell Slough WMA): April 14-16, 2008,

April 21-23, 2008 and April 28-30, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) All areas south of Declination Road and east of Cato Road, south of the pipeline and west of Cato Road, the impact area and the drop zone are closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms) October 11-17, 2008 that portion of the WMA lying in turkey zone 6. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall: Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, April 12-13 and April 19-20, 2008

(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Spring (Archery/Crossbow): April 26-May 2, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 7-13, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 15-17, April 22-24 and April 29-May 1, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Hunting ends at 1:00 p.m. daily for permit hunts. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 12-14 and April 19-21, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Wiley Cox FTA is closed to hunting. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. ETHEL WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Archery): Other than during permit hunts, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 13-16 and April 20-May 2, 2008. Closed during turkey gun quota hunts. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): March 29-30, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 10-12 and April 17-19, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Turkeys must be checked at designated check stations: FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed .

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14, April 18-20 and April 25-27, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Spring (Archery/Crossbow): April 28-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 16-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14, April 18-20 and April 25-27, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 12-13, 2008(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 19-23, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. code 23.02)

Turkey must be checked at designated check station. HOLLA BEND NWR

Fall (Archery): October 1-December 10, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 14-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) Turkeys must be checked at Area


April 12-13, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Turkeys must be checked at Area Headquarters. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14 and April 19-21, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA (Ref.

Code 23.02).


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey. Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14, April 19-21 and April 26-28, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Coe 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): All units October 11-17, 2008.

One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): All units April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

All units April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

OVERFLOW NWR Fall: Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. Spring (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms: Closed .

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

POND CREEK NWR Fall: Closed.

Spring (Archery): Other than during permit hunt, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 12-18 and April 21-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. Spring (Firearms): March 29-30, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) April 19-20, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. RAINEY WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Cache River NWR Unit 2 lands within

an area bounded by Hwy 64 on North, Hwy 17 on East, Hwy 38 on

South, and Hwy 33 on West): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-13 and April 19-20, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Ref. Code 23.02)


Spring (Firearms)(Includes Hope Upland WMA): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02).


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex.


Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed. ST. FRANCIS NATIONAL FOREST WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 14-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 12-14, April 18-20 and April 25-27, 2008.

One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-January 31, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 11-17, 2008. One either-sex turkey.

Spring: April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-14 and April 18-20, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

North and South Units

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-May 2, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed. Spring: Closed. WHITE CLIFFS NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 12-25, 2008. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1-December 31, 2008(south unit), October 1, 2008

-January 31, 2009(north unit). One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed


Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkey, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed .

Spring (Firearms): April 5-6, 2008 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 12-May 2, 2008. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2008-February 28, 2009. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


NWRs. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take turkey during spring permit hunts on certain WMAs, SUAs, WDAs and NWRs without first obtaining the required permit or fail to follow the instructions on said permits (Ref: Code 19.15 Non-Compliance with Terms Of Permit) as specified herein:

(A) Quota: Bell Slough, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III

Bois D'Arc, Cache River NWR (Unit 2), Camp Robinson WMA, CutOff Creek, Felsenthal NWR, Gulf Mountain, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Hobbs Sp-CA, Holla Bend NWR, Holland Bottoms, Lafayette County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake, and Sulphur River WMAs.

(B) Youth: Bayou Meto, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Lake, Cache

River NWR (Unit 2), Choctaw Island, Cut-Off Creek, Felsenthal NWR, Gulf Mountain, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Hobbs SP-CA, Holla Bend NWR, Holland Bottoms, Hope Upland, Lafayette County, McIlroy Madison County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area WMA, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, Sulphur River, Trusten Holder, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA and W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek WMAs.

(C) A lease land permit is required for persons 16 years and older to camp, hunt or trap any type of wildlife on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Jim Kress, Lafayette County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area and Provo WMAs. A Cherokee WMA Lease Land permit is also required for the operation of motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs and horseback riding from October 1-February 28 and during Spring Turkey seasons in Spring Turkey Zones 2, 6 and 7 on Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs, except on state or county roads. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess quail within the following

WMAs other than as specified herein:

(A)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009with Holland Bottoms WMA - (Tuesdays and Saturdays only.
(B)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Harold E. Alexander Spring River WMA - Quail hunting ends at Noon.
(C)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Norfork Lake WMA (Chapin Point and Indian Head Units) - quail hunting ends at Noon.
(D)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009in Compartment A. No permit required. December 4, 8, 11, 15 and 18, 2008in Compartments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 within Gulf Mountain Quail Demonstration Area. Permit required. Limit 5 per person.
(E)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Hope Upland WMA (Tuesdays only). Limit 4.
(F)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Ed Gordon Point Remove and Galla Creek WMAs (weekends only). Limit 4.
(G)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Big Timber Upland SUA. Quail permit required, hunters must complete a Hunter Report Form after each hunt.
(H)December 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Ft. Chaffee WMA.
(I)November 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009within Felsenthal and Overflow NWRs.
(J)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(K)November 1, 2008 - February 8, 2009within Bald Knob NWR, Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Bois D'Arc, Brewer Lake Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Cove Creek Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Crossett Experimental Forest, CutOff Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson Black River, DeGray Lake, Departee Creek, Devil's Knob Natural Area, Earl Buss Bayou DeView, Ethel, Frog Bayou, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Greers Ferry Lake, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harris Brake, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Howard County, Howard Hensley Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, McIlroy Madison County, Mike Freeze

Wattensaw, Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Nimrod Lloyd Millwood, Norfork Lake (Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units), Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Petit Jean River, Pine City Natural Area, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest WMA, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake, Slippery Hollow Natural Area WMA, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, Warren Prairie Natural Area, W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek, Whitecliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.

(L) Closed within Big Lake NWR, Camp Robinson SUA, Electric Island, Holla Bend NWR, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Johnson County WRA, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRA within Dardanelle, Pond Creek NWR, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, Robert L. Hankins Mud Creek, Mike Freeze Wattensaw (closed only on the Quail Habitat Restoration Area), Wapanocca NWR, White River NWR, and Wedington WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess rabbit within the following

WMAs other than as specified herein:

(A)September 1, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only).
(B)September 6, 2008 - January 31, 2009within Felsenthal, Pond Creek and Overflow NWRs.
(C)October 1 - December 10, 2008within Holla Bend NWR.
(D)September 6 - November 30, 2008within White River NWR (South Unit) and September 6, 2008 - January 31, 2009within White River NWR (North Unit).
(E)September 6 - October 31, 2008within Big Lake and Wapanocca NWRs.
(F)September 1, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(G)September 6, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Bald Knob and Cache River NWRs.
(H)September 1, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Bayou Des Arc,

Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Big Timber,

Blevins, Blue Mountain, Brewer Lake Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest, Cut-Off Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson Black River, DeGray Lake, DePartee Creek, Devil's Knob Natural Area, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois D'Arc, Earl Buss Bayou DeView, Ed Gordon Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Harris Brake, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, McIlroy Madison County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Nimrod Lloyd Millwood, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Pine City Natural Area, Petit Jean River, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins Mud Creek WMA, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Mike Freeze Wattensaw, Wedington, White Cliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White Rock, Winona WMAs and Wittsburg Natural Area.

(G) Closed within Camp Robinson SUA, Electric Island WMA, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Wylie Cox SUA on Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA, and Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs within Dardanelle WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess squirrel within the following

WMAs, other than as specified herein:

(A)September 6 - October 31, 2008within Big Lake NWR, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA and Wapanocca NWR.
(B)September 6 - 14, 2008within Camp Robinson SUA.
(C)September 6, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only).
(D)September 6, 2008 - January 31, 2009within Felsenthal, Pond Creek and Overflow NWRs.
(E)October 1 - December 10, 2008within Holla Bend NWR.
(F)September 6 - November 30, 2008within White River NWR (South Unit) and September 6, 2008 - January 31, 2009within White River NWR (North Unit).
(G)September 6, 2008 - February 28, 2009within Bald Knob NWR, Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Big Timber, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Brewer Lake Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest, Cypress Bayou, Cut-Off Creek, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson Black River, DeGray Lake, Departee Creek, Devils' Knob Natural Area, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois D'Arc, Earl Buss Bayou DeView, Ed Gordon Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Harris Brake, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, McIlroy Madison County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Nimrod Lloyd Millwood WMA, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Pine City Natural Area, Petit Jean River, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Prairie Bayou, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins Mud Creek, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Mike Freeze Wattensaw, Wedington, Whitehall, White Cliffs Natural Area, White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.
(H)May 16-June 14, 2009within Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Creek Natural Area, Big Lake, Big Timber, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Brewer Lake Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Camp Robinson SUA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest WMA, Cut-Off Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson Black River, DeGray Lake, Departee Creek, Devils' Knob Natural Area, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois D'Arc, Earl Buss Bayou DeView, Ed Gordon Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harris Brake, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Jamestown Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, McIlroy Madison County, Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Nimrod Lloyd Millwood, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Petit Jean River, Pine City Natural Area, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Prairie Bayou, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins Mud Creek, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils WMA, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMA, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank WMA, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U Of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Mike Freeze Wattensaw, Wedington, Whitecliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White River NWR (North Unit), White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.
(I) Fall Squirrel closed within Electric Island WMA.
(J) Spring Squirrel closed within Bald Knob NWR, Big Lake NWR, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Electric Island, Felsenthal NWR, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Holla Bend NWR, Hope Upland, Lafayette County, Overflow NWR, Pond Creek NWR, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, White River NWR (South Unit) and Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs on Dardanelle, Wapanocca NWR and Wylie Cox Special Use Area On Ed Gordon Point Remove WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.07FURBEARER SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess furbearers on any WMA other than as specified herein:
(A) Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and Striped Skunk Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset, February 28, 2009. Limit two per day per species.
(B) Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset, February 28, 2009. Day or night hunting. Dogs are required for hunting at night. Limit two per day.
(C) Bobcat Hunting: Sunrise, October 1, 2008 - Sunset February 28, 2009(Dogs required to hunt bobcat at night.). From the first day of Spring Turkey season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season (Day hunting only. No dogs allowed. Closed on WMAs without Spring Turkey or Spring Squirrel Seasons). Limit two bobcats.
(1) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take bobcat.
(2) Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA: Closed to bobcat hunting unless other hunting seasons are open.
(3) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA: Closed to bobcat hunting except open on Tuesdays during daylight hours only.
(D) Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, July 1, 2008 - Sunset February 28, 2009 (Dogs not allowed to hunt coyote.). From the first day of Spring Turkey season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season (Day hunting only. No dogs allowed. Closed on WMAs without Spring Turkey or Spring Squirrel Seasons). No limit on coyote.
(1) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take coyote.
(2) Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA: Closed to coyote hunting unless other hunting seasons are open.
(3) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA: Closed to coyote hunting except open on Tuesdays during daylight hours only.
(E) River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, November 15, 2008 - Sunset, February 28, 2009. Limit two per day.
(F) Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1 - Sunrise, August 31, 2008(Night hunting only. Dogs are required. Limit one). Sunrise, September 1, 2008 - Sunset, February 28, 2009. (Day or night hunting. Dogs are required for hunting at night. Limit two per day.) March 1 - March 31, 2009(Day or night hunting. Dogs are required for hunting at night. No limit).
(G) Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2008 -Sunset, March 31, 2009. No limit.
(H) Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat), and Weasel Hunting: Closed.
(I) Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat, and Nutria): Sunrise, November 15, 2008 - Sunset, February 22, 2009. No limit.
(J) Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Trapping: Sunrise, November 15, 2008- Sunset, March 31, 2009. No limit.
(K) Coyote Trapping: August 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009. No limit. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Camp Robinson SUA - is closed to all trapping.
(2) Cedar Creek and Electric Island WMAs are closed to all furbearer hunting and trapping.
(3) J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA is closed to all trapping and raccoon hunting. Chase for pleasure or training purposes only is permitted year-round. Closed during field trails.
(4) Furbearer hunting and trapping allowed under the conditions, seasons and bag limits provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit or refuge trapping permit on all NWRs.
(5) Buffalo National River WMA is closed to all trapping.
(6) Ditch 28 on Big Lake WMA is closed to all trapping.
(7) Bobcat, coyote and fox hunting with dogs allowed on Casey Jones WMA in accordance with Commission Code 22.01 (Dog Restrictions on WMAs).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00

24.09CROW SEASON ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess crows within the following WMAs other than as specified herein: All WMAs: September 6, 2008 - February 23, 2009. Thursdays

- Mondays only. No limit.


(1) All NWRs, Camp Robinson SUA and Electric Island WMA: Closed.
(2) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs: Open Thursdays and Saturdays only during the statewide season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


WMAs AND LAKES. It shall be unlawful to duck hunt and/or trespass on the following areas and lakes as specified herein:

(1) Bayou Meto - Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas, and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season.
(2) BIG LAKE - Mallard Lake is closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(3)DR. LESTER SITZES, III BOIS D'ARC - Boats are not allowed on the Green Tree Waterfowl area 14 days before waterfowl season opens but are allowed during the regular duck season.
(4)BREWER LAKE - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(5)CAMP ROBINSON SUA - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(6)CEDAR CREEK - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(7)CUT-OFF CREEK - Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season. Travel by boat is prohibited on Latin Drain, Firehunt Slough and Third Slough except during high water periods when boating access is possible to the Deep Slough Dam. In this case, boats may be used area-wide, however, boat motors may only be used on Cut-Off Creek and Deep Slough.
(8)DARDANELLE - Waterfowl hunting is not allowed on that part of Big Spadra and Little Spadra Creeks lying north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, east of Crawford Street, south of I-40, and west of State Hwy 10. Dogs, hunting or trapping devices are prohibited on Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs.
(9)DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER - No hunting is allowed on Hubble Lake during duck season. Lake Ashbaugh is closed to all hunting. The waterfowl rest area, Brookings Moist Soil Unit and Hubble Lake are open for early teal season. On Lake Ashbaugh and Hubble Lake, only fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(10) DEGRAY LAKE - Loaded firearms are prohibited within Lower DeGray Lake Waterfowl Rest Area except by permitted participants of special hunts.
(11) FROG BAYOU - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated areas until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(12) HARRIS BRAKE - Open to waterfowl hunting only Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. All day hunting is allowed the last two days of the last duck season. During duck season, other hunters must abide by same hours and days as duck hunters, except for those trapping and hunting furbearers at night. Only shotguns and archery equipment are allowed for hunting. Harris Brake Lake is open to Canada goose hunting September 1-15, 2007 only.
(13) HENRY GRAY HURRICANE LAKE - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(14)LITTLE BAYOU - Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season.
(15)PETIT JEAN RIVER WMA - Waterfowl impoundments are closed to trespass from one hour after sunset until 4:00 a.m. during duck season.
(16)REX HANCOCK BLACK SWAMP - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(17) RICK EVANS GRANDVIEW PRAIRIE - Waterfowl hunting closed on all lakes and ponds.
(18)SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE - The waterfowl rest areas and MSUs (Moist Soil Units) are open to the early teal season
(19) STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(20)ST. FRANCIS FOREST - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(21)ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS - The Snowden Field (MSU) levee is open to foot traffic around the north end of the unit to allow access to public lands, the MSUs are open for the early teal
(22) LAKE CONWAY - Closed to waterfowl hunting except on the Pierce Creek and Dixs Creek Bays, waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(23)LAKE OVERCUP - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(24)CANE CREEK LAKE (Lincoln County) - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.

North of Hwy 306 closed to waterfowl hunting.

(26) LAKE PICKTHORNE - Closed to waterfowl hunting.


(1) Employees or agents of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission in the performance of their duties. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

08-04/ It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following list of boat and boat motor restrictions for certain WMAs

(1) Boats with motors of more than 25 horsepower may not be operated on Bayou Meto WMA, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc WMA (excluding Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc Lake), Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA and the Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMA green tree reservoir.
(2) No boats allowed on Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc WMA green tree waterfowl area 14 days before the opening day of duck season until the opening of regular duck season.
(3) No boats allowed on, Bell Slough WMA, Camp Robinson WMA, Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA, Harris Brake WMA, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc WMA and Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMA green tree reservoir from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. during duck season, except during the last three days of the last duck season and during the special youth waterfowl hunt when boats may be used from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. daily.
(4) Commission personnel in performance of their duties.
(5) No boat motors allowed on Frog Bayou WMA.
(6) Boat motors over 10hp are prohibited on St. Francis Forest WMA.
(7) No boats allowed on Bayou Meto from12:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. during the duck season except as follows:
(1) during the last three days of the last duck season and during the special youth waterfowl hunts when boats may be used from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. daily,
(2) boating access during the duck season only from 12:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at the following streams; (1) Mulberry Access to include all of the Salt Bayou Ditch to the confluence of Little Bayou Meto; (2) Buckingham Flats Access to include Big Bayou Meto, and Cannon Brake Access to include Little Bayou Meto only within the Cannon Brake Impoundment.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

002.00.08 Ark. Code R. 002
