Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-5-4-.05

Current through Register Vol. 42, No. 11, August 30, 2024
Section 420-5-4-.05 - Records And Reports
(a) Responsibility for Records. The administrator shall prepare and file all records, or shall oversee the preparation and filing of records. This duty shall be assigned to other employees in the administrator's absence.
(b) All records and reports required by these rules shall be completed in a timely manner, and shall be maintained and filed in an orderly manner within the assisted living facility premises.
(c) Storage and Safety. Provision shall be made for the safe storage of records within the facility. Records shall be stored in a manner to reasonably protect them from water or fire damage. Records shall be safeguarded from unauthorized access.
(d) All facility records, including resident medical records, shall be made readily available for review and copying on demand by representatives of the State Board of Health upon request.
(2)Administrative Records and Documents.
(a) Each assisted living facility shall maintain the following records and documents. Unless otherwise specified below, a photocopy of the record or document shall be sufficient to meet this requirement.
1. Original Articles of Incorporation or certified copies thereof, if the governing authority is incorporated, or partnership documents if the governing authority is a partnership or limited partnership.
2. A current copy of the constitution or bylaws of the governing authority, with a current roster of the membership of the governing authority.
3. Up-to-date personnel records for all employees and former employees of the facility. Personnel records for former employees shall be retained for at least 3 years after the employee leaves employment.
4. Current policy and procedure manual.
(3) Resident Records.
(a) Records shall be current from the time of admission to the time of discharge or death and shall be retained in the facility for at least three years after a resident's death or discharge.
(b) When an individual is admitted to an assisted living facility, records and information regarding the resident shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure. Employees and authorized agents of the Department shall be permitted to review all medical records and all other records to determine compliance with these rules. With the written consent of the resident, or with the written consent of the legal guardian of an incompetent resident, the local ombudsman shall be permitted access to all records regarding the resident. Records necessary to assess a resident's medical condition or to otherwise render good medical care shall be provided to the resident's treating physician or physicians or to the resident or to his or her legally authorized representative. A resident or his or her legal guardian may grant permission to any other individual to review the resident's confidential records by signing a standard release.
(c) In addition to all records required for the provision of resident care, for each resident, the assisted living facility shall maintain on its premises the required documents listed below and any other documents required by the facility's policies and procedures:
1. Statement of resident rights signed by the resident.
2. Financial agreement.
3. Inventory of personal effects.
4. Admission record.
5. Incident investigations and reports involving the resident.

In addition to the above documents, the facility shall also maintain on its premises any Advance Directive or Portable Physician Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Order that has been executed by the resident. NOTE: Under no circumstances shall the facility require or refuse to allow a resident to execute an Advance Directive or Portable Physician DNAR Order. Advance Directives shall be typewritten or legibly written in ink and may include the appointment of a health care proxy consistent with the specific language in the Natural Death Act (Code of Ala. 1975, 22-8A-1 et. seq). A Portable Physician DNAR Order shall follow the rule and form found in the Alabama Administrative Code 420-5-19 Appendix II. These records shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

(d) Residents' Rights. Each resident shall be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission of these rights. A copy of these rights shall be conspicuously posted in a resident common area. Each resident's file shall contain a copy of a written acknowledgment that he or she has read these rights, or has had these rights fully explained by facility staff to the resident, or, if appropriate, to the resident's sponsor. The acknowledgment shall be signed and dated by the administrator or the administrator's designee and by the resident or sponsor, when appropriate.
1. No resident shall be deprived of any civil or legal rights, benefits, or privileges guaranteed by law or the Constitution of the U.S. solely by reason of status as a resident of the facility.
2. Every resident shall have the right to live in a safe and decent environment, to be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and to be free from chemical and physical restraints.
3. Every resident shall have the right to be treated with consideration, respect, and due recognition of personal dignity, individuality, and the need for privacy.
4. Every resident shall have the right to unrestricted private communication, including receiving and sending unopened correspondence, access to a telephone, and visiting with any person of his or her choice, at any reasonable time.
5. Every resident shall have freedom to participate in and benefit from social, religious, and community services and activities and to achieve the highest possible level of independence, autonomy, and interaction within the community.
6. Every resident shall have the right to manage his or her own financial affairs. If a resident or his or her legally appointed guardian authorizes the administrator of the facility to provide a safe place to keep funds on the premises, an individual account record for each resident shall be maintained by the administrator and an up-to-date record shall be maintained for all transactions.
7. Every resident shall have the right to share a room with his spouse if both are residents of the facility and agree to do so.
8. Every resident shall have the right to a reasonable opportunity for regular exercise several times a week and to be outdoors at regular and frequent intervals.
9. Every resident shall have the right to exercise civil and religious liberties, including the right to independent personal decisions. No religious beliefs or practices, nor compulsory attendance at religious services, shall be imposed upon any resident.
10. Every resident shall have access to adequate and appropriate health care consistent with established and recognized standards within the community including the right to receive or reject medical care, dental care, or other health care services except those required to control communicable diseases.
11. Every resident shall have the right to at least 30 days prior written notice of involuntary relocation or termination of residence from the facility unless the resident is a patient in a facility providing a higher level of care and no longer meets the eligibility and continued stay requirements in these rules, or for medical reasons the resident is considered by a physician to require an emergency relocation to a facility providing a more skilled level of care, or unless the resident engages in a pattern of conduct that is harmful or dangerous to himself or herself or to other residents. Such actions will be documented in the resident's admission record.
12. Every resident shall have the right to present grievances and recommend changes in policies, procedures, and services to the staff of the facility, the facility's management and governing authority, and to any other person without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
13. Every resident shall have the right to confidential treatment of personal and medical records. A resident may authorize the release of records to any individual of his or her choice. Such authorization must be given by the resident in writing and the written authorization must be included in the resident's file.
14. Every resident shall have the right to refuse to perform work or services for the facility unless the resident expressly agrees to perform such work or services and this agreement is plainly documented in the admission agreement. A resident may voluntarily perform work or services for the facility, provided that:
(i) The facility has documented the resident's desire to perform work in the resident's plan of care, and the resident has signed this plan of care.
(ii) The plan of care specifies the nature of the work to be performed and sets forth the compensation to be paid for the service, unless the service is to be performed without compensation; and
(iii) The resident has the right and understands that he or she has the right to terminate the agreement to work at any time without recourse.
15. Every resident shall be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission and at regular intervals during his or her stay, of services available in the facility, and of related charges.
16. Every resident shall be fully informed, as evidenced by the resident's written acknowledgment, prior to or at the time of admission, of all rules and regulations governing residents' conduct and responsibilities.
17. Every resident shall have the right to have the name, telephone number, and address of the Department's Bureau of Health Provider Standards, the Local Ombudsman, the Department of Human Resources, and the telephone numbers of the Department of Public Health toll-free Assisted Living Facilities Complaint Hotline and the Department of Human Resources toll-free Elder Abuse Hotline. All of this information shall be posted in a conspicuous location in a resident common area.
18. All state inspection reports and any resulting corrective action plan from the past 24 months shall be posted in a prominent location. If there has been no inspection in the past 24 months, then the results of the most recent inspection and any resulting corrective action plan shall be posted.
19. Every resident shall have the right to 30 days prior written notice to both resident and sponsor of any increase of fees or charges.
20. Every resident shall have the right to 30 days prior written notice of any involuntary change in the resident's room or roommate unless the change is necessary because the resident or the resident's roommate engages in a pattern of conduct that is harmful or dangerous to himself or herself or to other residents.
21. Every resident shall have the right to wear his or her own clothes, to keep and use his or her own personal possessions including toilet articles except for personal possessions too large to be stored in the resident's room.
22. Every resident shall have the right to be afforded privacy for sleeping and for storage of personal belongings.
23. Every resident shall have the right to have free access to day rooms, dining, and other group living or common areas at reasonable hours and to freely come and go from the home.
24. Every resident shall have the right to participate in devising the resident's care plan, including providing for the resident's preferences for physician, hospital, nursing home, acquisition of medication, emergency plans, Advance Directives, and funeral arrangements. A copy of this care plan shall be kept in the resident's file.
(e) Financial Agreement.
1. Prior to, or at the time of admission, the administrator and the resident or the resident's sponsor shall execute a written financial agreement. This agreement shall be prepared and signed in two or more copies with at least one copy given to the resident, or sponsor, if the resident did not sign the agreement, and one copy retained in the assisted living facility. This document shall be made readily accessible to personnel from the State Board of Health during inspections.
2. In addition to any information otherwise required by the facility's policies and procedures this agreement shall contain the following:
(i) A complete list of the facility's basic charges (room, board, laundry and personal care and services).
(ii) The period covered by the financial agreement.
(iii) A list of services not covered under basic charges and for which additional charges will be billed.
(iv) The policy and procedures for refunds of any payments made in advance.
(v) The provisions governing termination of the agreement by either party.
(vi) The facility's bed-hold policy, procedures, and charges.
(vii) Documentation that the resident and sponsor understand that the facility is not staffed and not authorized to perform skilled nursing services nor to care for residents with severe cognitive impairment and that the resident and sponsor agree that if the resident should need skilled nursing services or care for a severe cognitive impairment as a result of a condition that is expected to last for more than 90 days, that the resident will be discharged by the facility after prior written notice.
(viii) A reminder to the resident or sponsor that the local ombudsman may be able to provide assistance if the facility and the resident or family member are unable to resolve a dispute about payment of fees or monies owed.
(ix) Signatures of both parties or authorized representatives.
3. Prior to execution of the financial agreement the facility shall ensure that the resident or sponsor fully understands its provisions. In the event that a resident is unable to read the agreement due to illiteracy or infirmity, the administrator shall take special steps to ensure communication of its contents to the resident (for example, by having the administrator or sponsor read the agreement to a vision-impaired or illiterate applicant).
(f) Inventory of Personal Effects.
1. Upon admission to the assisted living facility, all personal property of the resident with a value in excess of $150, as well as any other property designated by the resident, shall be inventoried by the administrator or by a designee of the administrator in the presence of the resident.
2. All inventories shall be entered on an Inventory of Personal Effects Record. Inventory forms shall be signed by both the administrator, the resident, or if appropriate, the sponsor. One copy of the inventory shall be filed in the resident's individual file and one copy given to the resident or sponsor.
3. In the event the resident has no personal effects, this fact shall be entered on the Inventory of Personal Effects Record.
4. Amendments or adjustments shall be made on all copies of the Inventory of Personal Effects Record each time personal property valued in excess of $150 is brought to the facility, or when personal property is brought to the facility and the resident or sponsor requests that it be added to the Inventory of Personal Effects Record, or when any item on the Inventory of Personal Effects Record is removed from the facility. All amendments shall be signed by the administrator and the resident or sponsor.
(g) Admission Record. A permanent record shall be developed for each resident upon his or her admission to the facility and updated as necessary to remain current. This record shall be typewritten or legibly written in ink. In addition to any information otherwise required by the facility's policies and procedures, it shall include the resident's:
1. Name.
2. Date of birth.
3. Sex.
4. Marital status.
5. Social security number.
6. Veteran status.
7. Name, address, and contact information of the resident's sponsor, responsible party, or closest living relative.
8. Name, address, and contact information of any person or agency providing assistance to the resident.
9. Name, address, and contact information of the resident's attending physician.
10. Preferred pharmacy or pharmacist.
11. Date of admission.
12. Date of discharge.
13. Facility, setting, or location to which discharged.
14. Date of death.
15. Cause of death, if known.
16. Religious preferences.
17. Information from insurance policies regarding funeral arrangements and burial provisions.
18. Written documentation that the facility has devised a plan to transfer the resident to a hospital, nursing home, specialty care assisted living facility, or other appropriate setting if and when the facility becomes unable to meet the resident's needs. The resident's preference, if any, with respect to any particular hospital, nursing home, or specialty care assisted living facility shall be recorded. The facility shall keep written documentation that demonstrates the transfer plan has been thoroughly explained to the resident or sponsor, as appropriate, and that the resident or sponsor understands the transfer plan.
19. The written documentation of the procedure to follow in case of serious illness, accident, or death to the resident (including the name and telephone number of the physician to be called, the names and telephone numbers and addresses of family members or sponsor to be contacted, the resident's or, if appropriate, the sponsor's wishes with respect to disposition of personal effects, and the name and telephone number of the funeral home to be contacted).
(h) Incident Investigation. When an incident, as defined below, occurs in an assisted living facility, the facility administrator shall be immediately notified, the facility shall conduct a thorough investigation, and appropriate corrective actions and interventions shall be devised and implemented immediately. A detailed and accurate report shall be completed within 72 hours of the incident. The report shall be given immediately upon completion to the administrator for review.
1. Incidents which require investigation are:
(i) An accident or injury of known or unknown origin that was unusual or suspicious in nature such as bruising, pain, or injury that is not consistent with actions necessary in providing day to day care to a resident or for which medical treatment was sought.
(ii) A fracture or an injury resulting in medical attention. For the purposes of these rules, medical attention shall be defined as care that rises above the level of first aid, including but not limited to: a physician ordered portable X-ray, a visit to an emergency department, urgent care facility, clinic or physician office.
(iii) The onset of wandering behavior by any resident who is not fully cognitively intact.
(iv) Elopement by a resident.
(v) Suspected, alleged, confessed, witnessed, or actual abuse of a resident or residents by staff, visitors, or other residents. This includes all types of abuse including mental abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse as defined in these rules.
(vi) Suspected, alleged, confessed, witnessed, or actual neglect of a resident or residents as defined in these rules.
(vii) Suspected, alleged, confessed, witnessed, or actual exploitation of a resident or residents as defined in these rules.
(viii) An outbreak (for purposes of these rules, an outbreak is considered to be two or more affected people within 72 hours or less) of a contagious disease or condition including those listed in Appendix I of Alabama Administrative Code Sec. 420-4-1-.04 (for example food-borne illness, scabies, influenza, or Staphylococcus aureus).
(ix) A fire, earthquake, storm, other act of God, or other occurrence (for example, a natural gas leak or a bomb threat) that causes physical damage to the building in which the facility is located, or that results in the evacuation or partial evacuation of the facility.
(x) Intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide, or suicide attempt by a resident.
(xi) An unplanned occurrence that results in media attention.
(xii) A medication error, overdose, or over sedation.
(xiii) Ingestion by a resident of a toxic substance that requires medical attention.
(xiv) Any indication of malfunction of the sprinkler system, or fire alarm system.
2. In addition to other items required by the facility's policies and procedures, the incident investigation shall contain the following:
(i) Names of all residents involved.
(ii) Names of all staff involved including person in charge at the time of the incident.
(iii) When the administrator was notified (date and time).
(iv) Circumstances under which the incident occurred.
(v) When the incident occurred (date and time).
(vi) Where the incident occurred (for example, bathroom, bedroom, street, or lawn).
(vii) Immediate actions taken.
(viii) The extent and description of injury, if any, to the affected resident or residents.
(ix) Immediate treatment rendered.
(x) Symptoms, pain, or injury discussed with the physician, and the date and time the physician was notified.
(xi) Names, telephone numbers, and addresses of witnesses.
(xii) Date and time relatives or sponsor were notified.
(xiii) Out-of-facility treatment.
(xiv) Follow-up care.
(xv) Outcome resolution.
(xvi) The action taken by the facility to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future.
(xvii) The investigative file includes the incident report itself, the incident investigation and all records, documents, statements, images, and information created or reviewed in connection with the investigation.
(xviii) The entire investigative file shall be made available for inspection and copying by representatives of the Department upon request.
(xix) The entire investigative file and documentation of all corrective action taken shall be retained for a period of not less than 3 years after the resident is discharged or dies.
(xx) Interventions devised as a result of the investigation shall be included in a resident record that is available to the personal care staff.
3. In addition, the following incidents shall be reported to the Department's Online Incident Reporting System within 24 hours of the incident:
(i) A fracture or an injury resulting in death, EMS activation, or the need for medical attention as defined in these rules.
(ii) Elopement by a resident.
(iii) Suspected, alleged, confessed, or witnessed abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a resident or residents by staff, visitors, or other residents. This includes all types of abuse including mental abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse as defined in these rules. The victim's sponsor or responsible family member shall be notified within 24 hours. All incidents of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation shall be reported immediately to the Department of Human Resources or to appropriate law enforcement authorities as required by law. These documents shall be retained with the facility investigative file.
(iv) A fire, earthquake, storm, other act of God, or other occurrence (for example, a natural gas leak or a bomb threat) that causes physical damage to the building in which the facility is located, or that results in the evacuation or partial evacuation of the facility.
(v) Intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide, or suicide attempt by a resident.
(vi) An unplanned occurrence that results in media attention.
(vii) Any medication error, overdose, or over sedation. The incident shall be immediately reported to the attending physician, facility medical director, or back-up physician.
(viii) Ingestion by a resident of a toxic substance that requires medical attention.
(ix) Notifiable diseases and health conditions listed in Appendix I of the Alabama Administrative Code Sec. 420-4-1-.04. shall be reported by the facility to the State Health Officer or the County Health Officer within the time frames specified in 420-4-1-.04. The facility shall maintain documentation of any reports of notifiable diseases or health conditions. This documentation shall be retained for a period of not less than 3 years.
(x) Any indication of malfunction of the sprinkler system, or fire alarm system.
4. The report to the Department's Online Incident Reporting System shall include the following:
(i) Facility name and direct phone number.
(ii) Time and date of the report.
(iii) Reporter's name.
(iv) Name of resident(s), staff, or visitor(s) involved in the incident.
(v) Names of staff on duty at the time of the incident.
(vi) Date and time of the incident.
(vii) A brief description of the incident.
(viii) Any injury or injuries to resident(s).
(ix) Action taken by the facility in response to the incident.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-5-4-.05

Filed November 20, 1991. Repealed and New Rule: Filed October 18, 2001; effective November 22, 2001. Amended: Filed June 23, 2004; effective July 28, 2004. Amended: Filed December 17, 2004; effective January 21, 2005. Amended: Filed March 21, 2007; effective April 25, 2007.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXIII, Issue No. 11, August 31, 2015, eff. 9/24/2015; operative 10/1/2015.
Adopted by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXVII, Issue No. 05, February 28, 2019, eff. 4/7/2019.

Authors: Rick Harris, Kelley Mitchell, Walter Geary

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 22-21-20, etseq.