Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-3-15-.04

Current through Register Vol. 42, No. 11, August 30, 2024
Section 335-3-15-.04 - Synthetic Minor Operating Permit Requirements
(1)General Provisions.
(a) The Synthetic Minor Operating Permit shall include specific conditions that restrict the facility's potential to emit and that are federally enforceable.
(b) Any Stationary Source requesting a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit must undergo the public participation procedures prescribed in Rule 335-3-15-.05.
(c) A Potential Major Source that does not obtain a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit shall apply for an Operating Permit.
(d) The Department shall act, within a reasonable time, on an application for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit and shall notify the applicant in writing of its approval, conditional approval, or denial.
(e) In the event of a denial of a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit, the Department shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason therefore. Service of this notification may be made in person or by mail, and such service may be proved by the written acknowledgment of the persons served or affidavit of the person making the service. The Department shall not accept a further application unless the applicant has complied with the objections specified by the Department as its reasons for denial of the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit.
(f) The facility shall obtain a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit prior to beginning operation of the new or modified Stationary Source and shall notify the Department at least ten (10) days prior to beginning such operation.
(g) Any Stationary Source applying for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit shall submit applications for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit at least 10 days prior to construction except as specified in subparagraph (3)(c) of this Rule.
(h) The holder of a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit shall comply with all conditions contained in such permit, as well as all applicable provisions of this Administrative Code. Such conditions shall be permanent, quantifiable and otherwise enforceable as a practical matter. Synthetic Minor Operating Permits which do not conform to the provision in this Chapter and the requirements of EPA's underlying regulations may be deemed not "federally enforceable" by EPA.
(2)Existing Potential Major Sources.
(a) Any facility that would request a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit shall apply to the Department within one year after approval by EPA of the Operating Permit regulations in Chapter 335-3-16.
(b) Any facility possessing an Operating Permit or whose potential emissions require it to obtain an Operating Permit may, at any time, accept federally enforceable permit restrictions which would allow it to obtain a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit.
(3)New Potential Major Sources.
(a) Any new Potential Major Source which commences construction after November 15, 1995, may apply to the Department for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit. This application shall be accurately completed and submitted to the Department prior to such construction.
(b) A Synthetic Minor Operating Permit for a new Potential Major Source shall expire and the application shall be canceled two years from the date of issuance of the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit if construction has not begun.
(c) Any new Stationary Source applying for a Synthetic Minor Operating Permit at a greenfield site shall not initiate construction until the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit has been issued. "Greenfield site" shall have the same meaning as defined in Rule 335-3-14-.01(7)(a)1.(i).
(4)Modifications to Synthetic Minor Sources.
(a) Any Stationary Source subject to the regulations in this Chapter that is modified so that it becomes a major source as defined in Rule 335-3-16-.01(15) shall apply for an Operating Permit within twelve (12) months of beginning operation.
(b) Any modification which would require a change to existing permit conditions that restrict the facility's potential to emit or require new conditions that restrict the facility's potential to emit, as required in subparagraph (1)(a) of this Rule, must undergo the public participation procedures prescribed in Rule 335-3-15-.05.
(5)Exceptions to Violations of Emission Limits.
(a) The Director may, in the Synthetic Minor Operating Permit, exempt on a case by case basis any exceedances of emission limits or permit conditions which cannot reasonably be avoided, such as during periods of start-up and shut-down or load change.
(b) The Director may exempt on a case by case basis exceedances of emission limits and permit conditions which cannot reasonably be avoided as a result of an "emergency" situation.
1. An "emergency" means any situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the control of the facility, including acts of God. These are situations that require immediate corrective action(s) to restore normal operation, and that cause the facility to exceed a technology based emission limitation set by the permit, due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. An emergency shall not include exceedances of the permit emission limitations caused by improperly designed equipment, lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation, or operator error.
2. Exceedances of emissions limitations during emergencies at a facility may be exempted as being violations provided that:
(i) the permittee identifies the cause(s) of the emergency;
(ii) the permitted facility was being properly operated until such a time as the emergency occurred;
(iii) during the period of which the emergency occurred, the permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of emissions that exceeded the standards, or other requirements of the permit; and
(iv) the permittee submitted notice of the emergency to the Department within two (2) working days of the time when the emissions limitations were exceeded as a result of the emergency. Such notice shall include those deviations attributable to upset conditions as defined in the permit, the probable cause of said deviations, and any corrective actions or preventive measures that were taken. Within 5 working days of the emergency, a written documentation of what was reported in the notice of the emergency shall be submitted to the Department.
3. The Director shall be the sole determiner of whether an emergency has occurred.
4. This provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any applicable requirement of the permit or the regulations.
(c) ADEM Admin. Code r. 335-3-15-.04(5)(a) and (b) are repealed effective upon the EPA's final approval of this provision.

Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-3-15-.04

New Rule: Filed November 23, 1993; effective December 28, 1993. Amended: October 17, 1996; effective November 21, 1996.
Amended by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XLII, Issue No. 03, December 29, 2023, eff. 2/12/2024.

Author: Richard E. Grusnick

Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 22-22A-4, 22-22A-5, 22-22A-6, and 22-22A-8.