Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program

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Federal RegisterMay 15, 2019
84 Fed. Reg. 21890 (May. 15, 2019)


Social Security Administration (SSA).


Notice of a new matching program.


In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, as amended, this notice announces a new matching program with the States, including tribal agencies and United States (U.S.) territories.


The deadline to submit comments on the proposed matching program is 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register. The matching program will be applicable on January 1, 2020, or once a minimum of 30 days after publication of this notice has elapsed, whichever is later. The matching program will be in effect for a period of 18 months.


Interested parties may comment on this notice by either telefaxing to (410) 966-0869, writing to Mary Ann Zimmerman, Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, Social Security Administration, G-401 WHR, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401, or emailing All comments received will be available for public inspection by contacting Ms. Zimmerman at this street address.


Interested parties may submit general questions about the matching program to Mary Ann Zimmerman, Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, by any of the means shown above, or call (410) 965-8850.



Mary Zimmerman,

Acting Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel.

Participating Agencies: SSA and the States, State Agencies, tribal agencies, and U.S. territories.

Authority for Conducting the Matching Program: The legal authorities for SSA to disclose data and the States' authority to collect, maintain, and use data protected under SSA's systems of records (SOR) are:

Purpose(s): The purpose of the matching program is to set forth the terms and conditions governing disclosures of records, information, or data (collectively referred to herein as “data”) made by SSA to various State agencies and departments, tribal agencies, and U.S. territories (collectively referred to as “State Agencies”) that administer federally funded benefit programs, including those under various provisions of the Act, such as section 1137 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-7), as well as the state-funded state supplementary payment programs under Title XVI of the Act. The terms and conditions of the matching agreements ensure that SSA's disclosures and the State Agencies' use of such disclosed data is, in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a.

Under section 1137 of the Act, States are required to use an income and eligibility verification system to administer specified federally funded benefit programs, including the state-funded state supplementary payment programs under Title XVI of the Act. To assist the State Agencies in determining entitlement to and eligibility for benefits under those programs, as well as other federally funded benefit programs, SSA verifies the Social Security number (SSN) and discloses certain data about applicants (and in limited circumstances, members of an applicant's household) for state-administered benefits from its Privacy Act SORs.

SSA has separate agreements with the State Agencies, which describe the information SSA will disclose for specified federally funded benefit programs.

Categories of Individuals: The individuals whose information is involved in this matching program are those who apply for federally funded, state-administered benefits, as well as current beneficiaries, recipients, and annuitants under the programs covered by the Agreement.

Categories of Records: The maximum number of records involved in this matching activity is the number of records maintained in SSA's SORs. Data elements disclosed in computer matching governed by the Agreement are Personally Identifiable Information from SSA's specified SORs, including names, SSNs, addresses, amounts, and other information related to SSA's benefits and earnings information. Specific listings of data elements are available at:

System(s) of Records: Our SORs used for purposes of the subject data exchanges include:

  • 60-0058—Master Files of SSN Holders and SSN Applications;
  • 60-0059—Earnings Recording and Self-Employment Income System;
  • 60-0090—Master Beneficiary Record;
  • 60-0103—Supplemental Security Income Record (SSR) and Special Veterans Benefits (SVB);
  • 60-0269—Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS); and
  • 60-0321—Medicare Part D and Part D Subsidy File.

States will ensure that the Federal tax information contained in SOR 60-0059 (Earnings Recording and Self-Employment Income System) will only be used in accordance with 26 U.S.C. 6103.

[FR Doc. 2019-10036 Filed 5-14-19; 8:45 am]