Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowances; 2006 Interim Adjustments

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Federal RegisterSep 12, 2007
72 Fed. Reg. 52169 (Sep. 12, 2007)


Office of Personnel Management.




This notice publishes the 2006 interim adjustments for the Pacific and Caribbean Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) areas. The Federal Government conducts COLA surveys in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to set COLA rates. These surveys are conducted once every 3 years on a rotating basis. In between COLA surveys, the Government adjusts COLA rates for the areas not surveyed using the relative change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the COLA area compared with the Washington-Baltimore CPI. The Pacific and Caribbean COLA areas were not surveyed in 2006. Therefore, OPM is calculating and publishing interim adjustments for these COLA areas. This notice also publishes a revised listing of the 2005 estimated Washington, DC, area middle income annual consumer expenditure data.


We will consider comments received on or before November 13, 2007.


Send or deliver comments to Charles D. Grimes III, Deputy Associate Director for Performance Management and Pay Systems, Strategic Human Resources Policy Division, Office of Personnel Management, Room 7300B, 1900 E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20415-8200; fax: (202) 606-4264; or e-mail:


J. Stanley Austin, (202) 606-2838; fax: (202) 606-4264; or e-mail:


Subpart B of part 591 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to set nonforeign area cost-of-living allowance (COLA) rates for U.S. Postal Service and white-collar Federal employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Section 591.223(a) prescribes that we conduct these surveys on a rotating basis, once every 3 years. Section 591.224 requires we adjust the previous COLA survey price indexes for the areas not surveyed by using the relative change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the COLA area compared with the change in the Washington, DC, area CPI.

In 2006, we surveyed Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau, Alaska. We did not survey the Caribbean or Pacific COLA areas. Therefore, we are adjusting the previous Caribbean and Pacific survey price indexes using the relative change in CPIs. As required by § 591.225, we used the CPI, All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for Honolulu and the Washington-Baltimore area and the Puerto Rico CPI as produced by the Puerto Rico Department of Work and Human Resources.

2004 Pacific Survey Results and Interim Adjustments

First, we computed the change in prices for the Honolulu area compared with the change in prices for the Washington-Baltimore area using the CPI-Us for each area. Table 1 shows this process.

Table 1.—Honolulu and Washington-Baltimore CPI-U Changes 2004 to 2006

Survey area CPI-U
Honolulu 2004 CPI-U first half 189.2
Honolulu 2006 CPI-U first half 206.4
Honolulu change 9.0909%
DC-Baltimore 2004 CPI-U first half 118.3
DC-Baltimore 2006 CPI-U first half 127.7
DC-Baltimore change 7.9459%

Next, we multiplied the price indexes from the five 2004 Pacific surveys (Honolulu, Hawaii County, Kauai, Maui, and Guam) by the change in the Honolulu CPI-U and divided that by the change in the Washington-Baltimore CPI-U. The price index is the COLA survey index before the addition of the adjustment factor specified in § 591.227. The adjustment factor reflects differences in need, access to and availability of goods and services, and quality of life in the COLA area relative to the DC area and is a fixed amount. Therefore, it is not adjusted by the change in the CPI.

OPM published the 2004 Pacific survey report in the Federal Register on August 4, 2005, at 70 FR 44989. The report included the survey price indexes for each of the Pacific COLA areas. OPM revised these price indexes in a final rule published in the Federal Register on August 2, 2006, at 71 FR 43897.

Table 2 shows the interim adjustment process. For example, the 2004 Maui COLA survey adjusted index, as published in the Federal Register, is 131.50. The Maui adjustment factor is 7 points. Therefore, subtracting the adjustment factor shows 124.50 as the price index from the 2004 survey. We increased this price index by 9.0909% (i.e., multiplied by 1.090909), the change in the Honolulu CPI-U, and reduced it by 7.9459% (i.e., divided by 1.079459), the change in the Washington-Baltimore CPI-U, to give a new price index of 125.82. We then added the 7 point adjustment factor to the new price index, which yields a 2006 Maui Interim Adjustment COLA rate of 132.82.

Table 2.—Pacific COLA Area CPI-U Price Index Adjustments

  Honolulu Hawaii Co Kauai Maui Guam
2004 COLA Survey Indexes 125.80 117.25 127.63 131.50 127.40
Adjustment Factors 5 7 7 7 9
2004 COLA Survey Price Indexes 120.80 110.25 120.63 124.50 118.40
2006 CPI Adjusted Price Indexes 122.08 111.42 121.91 125.82 119.66
2006 COLA Indexes with Adj. Factors 127.08 118.42 128.91 132.82 128.66

2005 Caribbean Survey Results and Interim Adjustments

The process we used to compute the interim adjustments for the Caribbean areas (i.e., Puerto Rico and USVI) is identical to the one for the Pacific areas except that we used the Puerto Rico CPI as produced by the Puerto Rico Department of Work and Human Resources, as specified in § 591.225. Table 3 shows the relative change in the Puerto Rico CPI compared with the Washington-Baltimore CPI-U.

Table 3.—Puerto Rico and Washington-Baltimore CPI-U Changes 2005 to 2006

Survey area CPI-U
Puerto Rico 2005 CPI first half (June) 277.2
Puerto Rico 2006 CPI first half (June) 312.2
Puerto Rico change 12.6263%
DC-Baltimore 2005 CPI-U first half 122.8
DC-Baltimore 2006 CPI-U first half 127.7
DC-Baltimore change 3.9902%

We multiplied the Puerto Rico and USVI price indexes by the change in the Puerto Rico CPI and divided that by the change in the Washington-Baltimore CPI-U. OPM published price indexes for Puerto Rico and USVI in the 2005 Caribbean survey report at 71 FR 63179. As noted in section 4.2.3 of the report, we calculated the Puerto Rico survey index (103.32) after we re-priced water utilities based on a post-survey increase in water utility rates. The CPI for Puerto Rico already reflects this increase; therefore, we reverted to the pre-increase index level (103.06) to avoid duplication in the interim adjustment calculation. Table 4 shows the 2005 indexes, the interim adjustment process, and the final results.

Table 4.—Caribbean COLA Area CPI-U Price Index Adjustments

2005 COLA Survey Indexes
  Puerto Rico USVI
103.06 128.21
Adjustment Factors 7 9
2005 COLA Survey Price Indexes 96.06 119.21
2005 CPI Adjusted Price Indexes 104.04 129.11
2005 COLA Indexes with Adj. Factors 111.04 138.11

Interim Adjustments Summarized

In a proposed rule published on September 6, 2007, at 72 FR 51200, OPM proposed to adjust COLA rates based on the interim CPI adjustments. In the Pacific, the results indicate that COLA rates in all of the areas except Hawaii County are currently set at the appropriate levels. In Hawaii County, the results show that the COLA rate should be increased to 18 percent. In the Caribbean, the results indicate that the COLA rate for the U.S. Virgin Islands is currently set at the appropriate level and the rate for Puerto Rico should be increased to 11 percent. As noted in the proposed rule, OPM plans an additional adjustment to the Puerto Rico COLA rate based on the impact of the new Puerto Rico sales tax.

Consumer Expenditure Data

Appendix 2 of the 2005 COLA survey report included a listing of estimated DC area middle income annual consumer expenditures. We are publishing a revised listing of the consumer expenditure data with this notice. The revised listing contains the data we used in the 2005 survey index calculations.

Office of Personnel Management,

Linda M. Springer,


Appendix 2 of the 2005 survey report published on October 27, 2006, at 71 FR 63179, is revised to read as follows:

Appendix 2.—Estimated DC Area Middle Income Annual Consumer Expenditures

[Asterisks show Detailed Expenditure Categories (DECs) for which OPM surveyed items]

Level Code Group Category name Expenditures
1 TOTALEXP Total Expenditure $53,419.79
2 FOODTOTL MEG Food 7,134.14
3 CERBAKRY PEG Cereals and bakery products 464.86
4 CEREAL Cereals and cereal products 149.47
5 010110 Flour 6.94
5 010120 Prepared flour mixes 14.00
5 010210 Ready-to-eat and cooked cereals* 88.57
5 010310 Rice* 14.20
5 010320 Pasta, cornmeal and other cereal products* 25.76
4 BAKERY Bakery products 315.39
5 BREAD Bread 89.22
6 020110 White bread* 37.03
6 020210 Bread, other than white* 52.19
5 CRAKCOOK Crackers and cookies 75.49
6 020510 Cookies* 46.97
6 020610 Crackers 28.53
5 020810 Frozen and refrigerated bakery products* 25.01
5 OTHBAKRY Other bakery products 125.66
6 020310 Biscuits and rolls* 40.27
6 020410 Cakes and cupcakes* 39.02
6 020620 Bread and cracker products 4.14
6 020710 Sweetrolls, coffee cakes, doughnuts 31.61
6 020820 Pies, tarts, turnovers 10.62
3 ANIMAL PEG Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs 863.96
4 BEEF Beef 243.93
5 030110 Ground beef* 89.22
5 ROAST Roast 38.35
6 030210 Chuck roast* 14.35
6 030310 Round roast* 10.28
6 030410 Other roast 13.71
5 STEAK Steak 94.50
6 030510 Round steak* 16.51
6 030610 Sirloin steak* 35.26
6 030710 Other steak 42.73
5 030810 Other beef 21.86
4 PORK Pork 122.02
5 040110 Bacon* 22.76
5 040210 Pork chops* 25.15
5 HAM Ham 26.83
6 040310 Ham, not canned* 25.98
6 040610 Canned ham* 0.85
5 040510 Sausage 17.68
5 040410 Other pork 29.59
4 OTHRMEAT Other meats 101.89
5 050110 Frankfurters* 23.20
5 LNCHMEAT Lunch meats (cold cuts) 71.41
6 050210 Bologna, liverwurst, salami* 19.93
6 050310 Other lunchmeats 51.48
5 LAMBOTHR Lamb, organ meats and others 7.27
6 050410 Lamb and organ meats 5.49
6 050900 Mutton, goat and game 1.78
4 POULTRY Poultry 138.17
5 CHICKEN Fresh and frozen chickens 111.07
6 060110 Fresh and frozen whole chicken* 31.90
6 060210 Fresh and frozen chicken parts* 79.16
5 060310 Other poultry 27.10
4 FISHSEA Fish and seafood 227.05
5 070110 Canned fish and seafood* 29.02
5 070230 Fresh fish and shellfish* 124.88
5 070240 Frozen fish and shellfish* 73.16
4 080110 Eggs* 30.90
3 DAIRY PEG Dairy products 340.36
4 MILKCRM Fresh milk and cream 124.54
5 090110 Fresh milk, all types* 111.20
5 090210 Cream 13.33
4 OTHDAIRY Other dairy products 215.82
5 100110 Butter 16.56
5 100210 Cheese* 107.77
5 100410 Ice cream and related products* 63.49
5 100510 Miscellaneous dairy products 28.01
3 FRUITVEG PEG Fruits and vegetables 428.27
4 FRSHFRUT Fresh fruits 203.54
5 110110 Apples* 40.79
5 110210 Bananas* 33.54
5 110310 Oranges* 21.79
5 110510 Citrus fruits, excluding oranges 17.70
5 110410 Other fresh fruits 89.71
4 FRESHVEG Fresh vegetables 224.73
5 120110 Potatoes* 40.62
5 120210 Lettuce* 30.37
5 120310 Tomatoes* 41.11
5 120410 Other fresh vegetables 112.63
3 PROCFOOD PEG Processed Foods 826.00
4 PROCFRUT Processed fruits 123.01
5 FRZNFRUT Frozen fruits and fruit juices 12.47
6 130110 Frozen orange juice* 5.09
6 130121 Frozen fruits 4.11
6 130122 Frozen fruit juices 3.26
5 130310 Canned fruits* 18.13
5 130320 Dried fruit 7.03
5 130211 Fresh fruit juice 23.15
5 130212 Canned and bottled fruit juice* 62.24
4 PROCVEG Processed vegetables 97.75
5 140110 Frozen vegetables* 31.86
5 CANDVEG Canned and dried vegetables and juices 65.89
6 140210 Canned beans* 13.57
6 140220 Canned corn 8.01
6 140230 Canned miscellaneous vegetables 21.79
6 140320 Dried peas 0.24
6 140330 Dried beans 2.66
6 140340 Dried miscellaneous vegetables 9.02
6 140310 Dried processed vegetables 0.73
6 140410 Frozen vegetable juices 0.16
6 140420 Fresh and canned vegetable juices 9.71
4 MISCFOOD Miscellaneous foods 605.25
5 FRZNPREP Frozen prepared foods 124.46
6 180210 Frozen meals* 40.33
6 180220 Other frozen prepared foods 84.14
5 180110 Canned andpackaged soups* 40.70
5 SNACKS Potato chips, nuts, and other snacks 123.63
6 180310 Potato chips and other snacks* 96.36
6 180320 Nuts 27.27
5 CONDMNTS Condiments and seasonings 100.94
6 180410 Salt, spices, other seasonings* 23.71
6 180420 Olives, pickles, relishes 12.41
6 180510 Sauces and gravies* 42.90
6 180520 Baking needs and miscellaneous products 21.92
5 OTHRPREP Other canned and packaged prepared foods 174.30
6 180611 Prepared salads 20.81
6 180612 Prepared desserts* 12.66
6 180620 Baby food* 32.54
6 180710 Miscellaneous prepared foods 107.71
6 180720 Vitamin supplements 0.58
5 190904 Food prepared by consumer on out-of-town trips 41.20
3 OTHRFOOD PEG Other food at home 182.71
4 SWEETS Sugar and other sweets 107.00
5 150110 Candy and chewing gum* 68.68
5 150211 Sugar* 14.65
5 150212 Artificial sweeteners* 4.85
5 150310 Jams, preserves, other sweets* 18.83
4 FATSOILS Fats and oils 75.71
5 160110 Margarine* 9.85
5 160211 Fats and oils* 20.63
5 160212 Salad dressings* 22.71
5 160310 Nondairy cream and imitation milk* 10.57
5 160320 Peanut butter 11.95
3 NALCBEVG PEG Nonalcoholic beverages 244.87
4 170110 Cola* 86.74
4 170210 Other carbonated drinks 43.97
4 COFFEE Coffee 34.00
5 170310 Roasted coffee* 23.19
5 170410 Instant and freeze dried coffee 10.80
4 170510 Noncarbonated fruit flavored drinks* 16.51
4 170520 Tea 13.75
4 200112 Nonalcoholic beer 0.28
4 170530 Other nonalcoholic beverages and ice 49.62
3 FOODAWAY PEG Food away from home 31.76
4 RESTRANT Meals at restaurants, carry-outs and other 2,682.01
5 LUNCH Lunch 1,000.00
6 190111 Lunch at fast food, take-out, delivery, etc.* 567.83
6 190112 Lunch at full service restaurants* 297.91
6 190113 Lunch at vending machines/mobile vendors 12.34
6 190114 Lunch at employer and school cafeterias 122.70
5 DINNER Dinner 974.84
6 190211 Dinner at fast food, take-out, delivery, etc.* 334.65
6 190212 Dinner at full service restaurants* 631.54
6 190213 Dinner at vending machines/mobile vendors 2.82
6 190214 Dinner at employer and school cafeterias 5.84
5 SNKNABEV Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages 400.30
6 190311 Snacks/nonalcoholic bev. at fast food, etc.* 291.19
6 190312 Snacks/nonalcoholic bev. at full svc. restaurants 44.46
6 190313 Snacks/nonalcoholic bev. at vending mach., etc 51.78
6 190314 Snacks/nonalcoholic bev. cafeterias 12.88
5 BRKFBRUN Breakfast and brunch 306.10
6 190321 Breakfast & brunch at fast food, take-out, etc.* 155.78
6 190322 Breakfast & brunch at full service restaurants* 139.55
6 190323 Breakfast & brunch at vending machines 2.46
6 190324 Breakfast & brunch at cafeterias 8.30
4 NONRESME Non Restaurant Meals 473.75
5 190901 Board (including at school) 22.63
5 190902 Catered affairs 62.78
5 190903 Food on out-of-town trips 255.51
5 790430 School lunches 92.14
5 800700 Meals as pay 40.69
3 ALCBEVG PEG Alcoholic beverages 627.36
4 ALCHOME At home 405.24
5 200111 Beer and ale* 203.81
5 200210 Whiskey 25.39
5 200310 Wine* 130.32
5 200410 Other alcoholic beverages 45.72
4 ALCAWAY Away from home 222.12
5 BEERNALE Beer and ale 97.76
6 200511 Beer and ale at fast food, take-out, etc 19.39
6 200512 Beer and ale at full service restaurants* 77.80
6 200513 Beer and ale at vending machines, etc 0.05
6 200516 Beer and ale at catered affairs 0.51
5 WINE Wine 26.01
6 200521 Wine at fast food, take-out, delivery, etc 2.61
6 200522 Wine at full service restaurants* 23.34
6 200523 Wine at vending machines and mobile vendors
6 200526 Wine at catered affairs 0.06
5 OTHALCBV Other alcoholic beverages 98.36
6 200531 Other alcoholic bev. at fast food, take-out, etc 14.17
6 200532 Other alcoholic bev. at full service restaurants 43.87
6 200533 Other alcoholic bev. at vending machines 0.10
6 200536 Other alcoholic bev. at catered affairs 0.23
6 200900 Alcoholic beverages purchased on trips 39.99
2 SHEL&UTL MEG Shelter and Utilities 190.87
3 SHELTER PEG Shelter 17,017.07
4 RNTLEQ Rented Equivalence (estimated monthly × 12) 13,332.00
4 RENTXX Rented Dwelling (rent minus tenants ins.)* 3,251.64
4 350110 Tenants Insurance (tenants ins × 2)* 36.27
4 OTHLODGE Other Lodging (other minus housing at school) 397.13
3 ENERUT PEG Energy Utilities* 1.18
3 WATERX PEG Water and other public services* 362.63
2 HHF&SUPP MEG Household Furnishings and Supplies 2.19
3 HHOPER PEG Household operations 610.69
4 HHPERSRV Personal services 395.00
5 340210 Babysitting and child care* 83.82
6 340211 Child care in own home 32.61
6 340212 Child care outside own home 51.21
5 340906 Care for elderly, invalids, handicapped, etc 16.07
5 340910 Adult day care centers 1.70
5 670310 Day-care centers, nursery, and preschools* 293.41
4 HHOTHXPN Other household expenses 215.69
5 340310 Housekeeping services* 49.32
5 340410 Gardening, lawn care service* 62.72
5 340420 Water softening service 3.34
5 340520 Household laundry and dry cleaning, sent out 0.80
5 340530 Coin-operated household laundry & dry cleaning 3.65
5 340914 Services for termite/pest control 11.20
5 340915 Home security system service fee 15.83
5 340903 Other home services 7.58
5 330511 Termite/pest control products 1.14
5 340510 Moving, storage, freight express* 33.51
5 340620 Appliance repair, including service center 12.53
5 340630 Reupholstering, furniture repair 3.61
5 340901 Repairs/rentals of lawn/garden equipment 6.17
5 340907 Appliance rental 2.09
5 340908 Rental of office equip. for nonbusiness use 0.66
5 340913 Repair of miscellaneous household equip 1.52
5 990900 Rental/installation of dishwashers/disposals
3 HKPGSUPP PEG Housekeeping supplies 631.49
4 LAUNDRY Laundry and cleaning supplies 147.87
5 330110 Soaps and detergents* 80.52
5 330210 Other laundry cleaning products 67.35
4 HKPGOTHR Other household products 317.42
5 330310 Cleansing & toilet tissue, paper towels/napkins* 99.04
5 330510 Miscellaneous household products 143.56
5 330610 Lawn and garden supplies* 74.82
4 POSTAGE Postage and stationery 166.20
5 330410 Stationery, stationery supplies, giftwraps* 81.08
5 340110 Postage 79.67
6 STAMP Stamp* 75.37
6 PARPST Parcel Post* 4.30
5 340120 Delivery services 5.46
3 TEX&RUGS PEG Textiles and Area Rugs 183.15
4 HHTXTILE Household textiles 156.20
5 280110 Bathroom linens* 27.07
5 280120 Bedroom linens* 71.77
5 280130 Kitchen and dining room linens 12.25
5 280210 Curtains and draperies 21.41
5 280220 Slipcovers, decorative pillows 6.33
5 280230 Sewing materials for slipcovers, curtains, etc 15.89
5 280900 Other linens 1.49
4 FLOORCOV Floor coverings 26.96
5 RNTCARPT Wall-to-wall carpeting (renter) 0.01
6 230134 Wall-to-wall carpet (renter)
6 320163 Wall-to-wall carpet (replacement) (renter) 0.01
5 320111 Floor coverings, nonpermanent* 26.94
3 FURNITUR PEG Furniture 509.16
4 290110 Mattress and springs* 59.98
4 290120 Other bedroom furniture 105.19
4 290210 Sofas 125.89
4 290310 Living room chairs* 60.36
4 290320 Living room tables 23.94
4 290410 Kitchen, dining room furniture* 46.49
4 290420 Infants' furniture 8.86
4 290430 Outdoor furniture 13.08
4 290440 Wall units, cabinets/other occasional furniture 65.38
3 MAJAPPL PEG Major appliances 196.71
4 230116 Dishwashers (built-in), disposals, range hoods 13.97
5 230117 Dishwasher—owned home 0.63
5 230118 Dishwasher rented home 13.34
4 300110 Refrigerators, freezers* 45.99
5 300111 Refrigerators, freezers (renter) 5.92
5 300112 Refrigerators, freezers (owned home) 40.07
4 300210 Washing machines* 27.81
5 300211 Washing machines (renter) 5.95
5 300212 Washing machines (owned home) 21.87
4 300220 Clothes dryers 19.88
5 300221 Clothes dryers (renter) 4.91
5 300222 Clothes Dryer (owned home) 14.97
4 300310 Cooking stoves, ovens* 31.99
5 300311 Cooking stoves, ovens (renter) 1.85
5 300312 Cooking stoves, ovens (owned home) 30.13
4 300320 Microwave ovens 7.64
5 300321 Microwave ovens (renter) 1.88
5 300322 Microwave ovens (owned home) 5.76
4 300330 Portable dishwasher 1.47
5 300331 Portable dishwasher (renter) 0.22
5 300332 Portable dishwasher (owned home) 1.25
4 300410 Window air conditioners 47.96
5 300411 Window air conditioners (renter) 1.48
5 300412 Window air conditioners (owned home) 5.10
5 320511 Electric floor cleaning equipment* 33.78
5 320512 Sewing machines 7.02
5 300900 Miscellaneous household appliances 0.59
3 SMAPPHWR PEG Small appliances, miscellaneous housewares 144.28
4 HOUSWARE Housewares 106.99
5 320310 Plastic dinnerware 2.53
5 320320 China and other dinnerware* 14.13
5 320330 Flatware 5.49
5 320340 Glassware 14.51
5 320350 Silver serving pieces 10.71
5 320360 Other serving pieces 1.77
5 320370 Nonelectric cookware* 21.45
5 320380 Tableware, nonelectric kitchenware 36.40
4 SMLLAPPL Small appliances 37.29
5 320521 Small electric kitchen appliances* 26.67
5 320522 Portable heating and cooling equipment 10.62
3 MISCHHEQ PEG Miscellaneous household equipment 632.71
4 320120 Window coverings 24.78
4 320130 Infants' equipment 16.15
4 320140 Laundry and cleaning equip 17.62
4 320150 Outdoor equipment* 21.70
4 320210 Clocks 4.51
4 320220 Lamps and lighting fixtures 13.87
4 320231 Other household decorative items 151.27
4 320232 Telephones and accessories* 35.99
4 320410 Lawn and garden equipment* 82.56
4 320420 Power tools* 43.54
4 320901 Office furniture for home use* 8.69
4 320902 Hand tools* 12.30
4 320903 Indoor plants, fresh flowers* 47.68
4 320904 Closet and storage items 12.80
4 340904 Rental of furniture 5.16
4 430130 Luggage 5.88
4 690210 Telephone answering devices 1.25
4 690220 Calculators 1.13
4 690230 Business equipment for home use 2.18
4 320430 Other hardware 59.83
4 690242 Smoke alarms (owned home) 1.50
4 690241 Smoke alarms (renter) 0.30
4 690243 Smoke alarms (owned vacation)
4 690245 Other household appliances (owned home) 5.03
4 690244 Other household appliances (renter) 1.03
4 320905 Miscellaneous household equipment and parts 55.97
2 APPAREL MEG Apparel and services 21.79
3 MENBOYS PEG Men and boys 502.12
4 MENS Men, 16 and over 416.91
5 360110 Men's suits* 25.98
5 360120 Men's sportcoats, tailored jackets 8.66
5 360210 Men's coats and jackets* 34.18
5 360311 Men's underwear* 26.44
5 360312 Men's hosiery 15.94
5 360320 Men's nightwear 2.57
5 360330 Men's accessories 31.31
5 360340 Men's sweaters and vests 13.01
5 360350 Men's active sportswear 20.78
5 360410 Men's shirts* 90.85
5 360511 Men's pants* 110.74
5 360512 Men's shorts, shorts sets 25.89
5 360901 Men's uniforms 6.33
5 360902 Men's costumes 4.24
4 BOYS Boys, 2 to 15 85.20
5 370110 Boys' coats and jackets 6.21
5 370120 Boys' sweaters 2.64
5 370130 Boys' shirts* 19.42
5 370211 Boys' underwear 7.26
5 370212 Boys' nightwear 1.53
5 370213 Boys' hosiery 4.10
5 370220 Boys' accessories 3.18
5 370311 Boys' suits, sportcoats, vests 1.79
5 370312 Boys' pants* 21.85
5 370313 Boys' shorts, shorts sets 7.38
5 370903 Boys' uniforms 2.82
5 370904 Boys' active sportswear 4.20
5 370902 Boys' costumes 2.82
3 WMNSGRLS PEG Women and girls 925.48
4 WOMENS Women, 16 and over 809.92
5 380110 Women's coats and jackets* 84.81
5 380210 Women's dresses* 75.94
5 380311 Women's sportcoats, tailored jackets 4.87
5 380312 Women's vests and sweaters* 56.78
5 380313 Women's shirts, tops, blouses* 158.20
5 380320 Women's skirts 27.47
5 380331 Women's pants* 121.82
5 380332 Women's shorts, shorts sets 27.98
5 380340 Women's active sportswear 45.51
5 380410 Women's sleepwear 44.02
5 380420 Women's undergarments 51.96
5 380430 Women's hosiery 23.06
5 380510 Women's suits* 28.98
5 380901 Women's accessories* 43.22
5 380902 Women's uniforms 7.98
5 380903 Women's costumes 7.33
4 GIRLS Girls, 2 to 15 115.56
5 390110 Girls' coats and jackets 9.36
5 390120 Girls' dresses and suits* 9.32
5 390210 Girls' shirts, blouses, sweaters* 21.29
5 390221 Girls' skirts and pants* 28.77
5 390222 Girls' shorts, shorts sets 9.49
5 390230 Girls' active sportswear 9.15
5 390310 Girls' underwear and sleepwear 8.42
5 390321 Girls' hosiery 4.93
5 390322 Girls' accessories 7.58
5 390901 Girls' uniforms 2.76
5 390902 Girls' costumes 4.50
3 INFANT PEG Children under 2 90.35
4 410110 Infant coat, jacket, snowsuit 2.38
4 410120 Infant dresses, outerwear 23.90
4 410130 Infant underwear* 50.03
4 410140 Infant nightwear, loungewear* 4.55
4 410901 Infant accessories 9.48
3 FOOTWEAR PEG Footwear 391.47
4 400110 Men's footwear* 125.68
4 400210 Boys' footwear 53.75
4 400310 Women's footwear* 171.42
4 400220 Girls' footwear 40.62
3 OTHAPPRL PEG Other apparel products and services 288.37
4 420110 Material for making clothes 8.83
4 420120 Sewing patterns and notions 8.47
4 430110 Watches* 24.45
4 430120 Jewelry* 130.18
4 440110 Shoe repair and other shoe service 1.25
4 440120 Coin-operated apparel laundry/dry cleaning* 47.64
4 440130 Alteration, repair and tailoring of apparel 6.19
4 440140 Clothing rental 3.06
4 440150 Watch and jewelry repair 4.28
4 440210 Apparel laundry & cleaning not coin-operated* 53.51
4 440900 Clothing storage 0.50
2 TRANS MEG Transportation 843.20
3 MOTVEHCO PEG Motor Vehicle Costs 4,545.54
4 VEHPURCH Vehicle purchases (net outlay) 3,659.
5 NEWCARS Cars and trucks, new 1,873.20
6 450110 New cars* 865.68
6 450210 New trucks 1.52
5 USEDCARS Cars and trucks, used 1,717.02
6 460110 Used cars 748.86
6 460901 Used trucks 968.16
5 OTHVEHCL Other vehicles 69.17
6 450220 New motorcycles 38.17
6 450900 New aircraft 4.13
6 460902 Used motorcycles 26.87
6 460903 Used aircraft
4 VEHFINCH Vehicle finance charges 488.57
5 510110 Automobile finance charges* 232.74
5 510901 Truck finance charges 233.70
5 510902 Motorcycle and plane finance charges 3.57
5 850300 Other vehicle finance charges 18.55
4 LEASVEH Leased vehicles 221.66
5 450310 Car lease payments 111.26
5 450313 Cash downpayment (car lease) 7.71
5 450314 Termination fee (car lease) 0.50
5 450410 Truck lease payments 100.58
5 450413 Cash downpayment (truck lease) 0.79
5 450414 Termination fee (truck lease) 0.82
4 VEHXP&LV Other Vehicle Expenses and Licenses 175.91
5 520110 State & Local Registration* 102.22
6 520111 Vehicle reg. state 91.84
6 520112 Vehicle reg. local 10.38
5 520310 Driver's license 8.89
5 520410 Vehicle inspection (added to S&L registration) 9.55
5 PARKING Parking fees 21.70
6 520531 Parking fees in home city, excl. residence 18.01
6 520532 Parking fees, out-of-town trips 3.69
5 520541 Tolls 11.27
5 520542 Tolls on out-of-town trips 3.66
5 520550 Towing charges 5.46
5 620113 Automobile service clubs 13.16
3 GASOIL PEG Gasoline and motor oil 15.14
4 470111 Gasoline* 1,376.17
4 470112 Diesel fuel 15.41
4 470113 Gasoline on out-of-town trips 96.39
4 470114 Gasohol
4 470211 Motor oil 11.20
4 470212 Motor oil on out-of-town trips 0.98
3 CARP&R PEG Maintenance and repairs 791.12
4 CARPAR Maintenance and Repair Parts 206.75
5 470220 Coolant, additives, brake, transmission fluids 4.25
5 480110 Tires—purchased, replaced, installed* 117.97
5 480213 Parts, equipment, and accessories* 73.71
5 480214 Vehicle audio equipment, excluding labor 2.87
5 480212 Vehicle products 7.95
4 CARREP Maintenance and Repair Service* 584.37
5 490000 Misc. auto repair, servicing 45.46
5 490110 Body work and painting 31.22
5 490211 Clutch, transmission repair 46.87
5 490212 Drive shaft and rear-end repair 7.56
5 490221 Brake work, including adjustments 50.15
5 490231 Repair to steering or front-end 15.58
5 490232 Repair to engine cooling system 19.70
5 490311 Motor tune-up 42.41
5 490312 Lube, oil change, and oil filters 74.18
5 490313 Front-end alignment, wheel balance, rotation 11.12
5 490314 Shock absorber replacement 3.55
5 490316 Gas tank repair, replacement 4.01
5 490318 Repair tires and other repair work 55.99
5 490319 Vehicle air conditioning repair 14.52
5 490411 Exhaust system repair 13.39
5 490412 Electrical system repair 33.41
5 490413 Motor repair, replacement 100.70
5 490900 Auto repair service policy 14.56
3 500110 PEG Vehicle insurance* 976.09
3 RENTVEH PEG Rented vehicles 28.60
3 PUBTRANS PEG Public transportation 589.71
4 530110 Airline fares* 399.38
4 530210 Intercity bus fares 16.95
4 530510 Intercity train fares 23.94
4 530901 Ship fares 36.89
4 LOCTRANS Local Transportation (Not a CES item) 112.56
5 530311 Intracity mass transit fares 65.35
5 530312 Local trans.on out-of-town trips 14.00
5 530411 Taxi fares and limousine service on trips 8.22
5 530412 Taxi fares and limousine service* 24.15
5 530902 School bus 0.84
2 MEDICAL MEG Medical 2,48.91
3 HEALTINS PEG Health insurance* 1,337.89
4 COMHLTIN Commercial health insurance 270.98
5 580111 Traditional fee for service health plan (not BCBS) 90.77
5 580113 Preferred provider health plan (not BCBS) 180.21
4 BCBS Blue Cross, Blue Shield 416.23
5 580112 Traditional fee for service health plan (BCBS) 79.25
5 580114 Preferred provider health plan (BCBS) 141.02
5 580312 Health maintenance organization (BCBS) 144.67
5 580904 Commercial Medicare supplement (BCBS) 45.55
5 580906 Other health insurance (BCBS) 5.74
4 580311 Health maintenance organization (not BCBS) 326.02
4 580901 Medicare payments 177.44
4 COMEDOTH Commercial Medicare suppl & health insurance 147.21
5 580903 Commercial Medicare supplement (not BCBS) 84.91
5 580905 Other health insurance (not BCBS) 62.30
3 MEDSERVS PEG Medical services 689.24
4 560110 Physician's services* 172.07
4 560210 Dental services* 264.62
4 560310 Eyecare services 43.17
4 560400 Service by professionals other than physician 41.89
4 560330 Lab tests, x-rays 31.41
4 570110 Hospital room* 30.19
4 570210 Hospital service other than room 54.53
4 570240 Medical care in retirement community
4 570220 Care in convalescent or nursing home 30.38
4 570902 Repair of medical equipment 3.91
4 570230 Other medical care services 17.07
3 DRUGS&ME PEG Drugs and Medical Supplies 456.78
4 DRUGS Drugs 359.87
5 550210 Nonprescription drugs* 62.53
5 550410 Nonprescription vitamins 31.48
5 540000 Prescription drugs* 265.86
4 MEDSUPPL Medical supplies 96.91
5 550110 Eyeglasses and contact lenses* 47.34
5 550340 Hearing aids 12.32
5 550310 Topicals and dressings* 26.60
5 550320 Medical equipment for general use 2.87
5 550330 Supportive and convalescent medical equip 5.23
5 570901 Rental of medical equipment 1.31
5 570903 Rental of supportive, convalescent equipment 1.24
2 RECREATN MEG Recreation 246.45
3 FEESADM PEG Fees and admissions 553.89
4 610900 Recreation expenses, out-of-town trips 31.27
4 620111 Social, recreation, civic club membership* 86.07
4 620121 Fees for participant sports* 83.62
4 620122 Participant sports, out-of-town trips 23.03
4 620211 Movie, theater, opera, ballet* 113.81
4 620212 Movie, other admissions, out-of-town trips 57.96
4 620221 Admission to sporting events 31.87
4 620222 Admission to sports events, out-of-town trips 19.32
4 620310 Fees for recreational lessons* 75.66
4 620903 Other entertainment services, out-of-town trips 31.27
3 TVAUDIO PEG Television, radios, sound equipment 369.52
4 TELEVSN Televisions 209.09
5 310110 Black and white tv 0.50
5 310120 Color tv—console 56.12
5 310130 Color tv—portable, table model* 36.18
5 310210 VCR's and video disc players* 33.37
5 310220 Video cassettes, tapes, and discs* 50.40
5 310230 Video game hardware and software 27.02
5 340610 Repair of tv, radio, and sound equipment 4.48
5 340902 Rental of televisions 1.01
4 AUDIO Radios, sound equipment 160.43
5 310311 Radios 4.83
5 310312 Phonographs
5 310313 Tape recorders and players 8.59
5 310320 Sound components and component systems* 19.00
5 310331 Miscellaneous sound equipment 0.14
5 310332 Sound equipment accessories 7.64
5 310334 Satellite dishes 1.38
5 310341 CD, tape, record and video mail order clubs 7.87
5 310342 Records, CDs, audio tapes, needles* 39.92
5 340905 Rental of VCR, radio, and sound equipment 0.28
5 610130 Musical instruments and accessories 16.14
5 620904 Rental and repair of musical instruments 5.43
5 620912 Rental of video cassettes, tapes, & discs* 49.21
3 PETSPLAY PEG Pets, toys, and playground equipment 397.06
4 PETS Pets 282.85
5 610310 Pet food* 116.44
5 610320 Pet purchase, supplies, medicine 76.66
5 620410 Pet services 21.50
5 620420 Vet services* 68.24
4 610110 Toys, games, hobbies, and tricycles* 112.26
4 610120 Playground equipment 1.96
3 ENTEROTH PEG Other entertainment supplies, equipment, and svcs 339.69
4 UNMTRBOT Unmotored recreational vehicles 41.92
5 600121 Boat without motor and boat trailers 6.68
5 600122 Trailer and other attachable campers 35.24
4 PWRSPVEH Motorized recreational vehicles* 128.92
5 600141 Purchase of motorized camper 87.77
5 600142 Purchase of other vehicle 11.81
5 600132 Purchase of boat with motor 29.35
4 RNTSPVEH Rental of recreational vehicles 2.95
5 520904 Rental noncamper trailer 0.02
5 520907 Boat and trailer rental out-of-town trips 0.28
5 620909 Rental of campers on out-of-town trips 0.77
5 620919 Rental of other vehicles on out-of-town trips 1.60
5 620906 Rental of boat 0.21
5 620921 Rental of motorized camper
5 620922 Rental of other RV's 0.06
4 600110 Outboard motors 1.58
4 520901 Docking and landing fees 4.05
4 RECEQUIP Sports, recreation and exercise equipment 99.06
5 600210 Athletic gear, game tables, exercise equip* 37.45
5 600310 Bicycles 8.05
5 600410 Camping equipment 6.74
5 600420 Hunting and fishing equipment 25.21
5 600430 Winter sports equipment 3.20
5 600901 Water sports equipment 3.19
5 600902 Other sports equipment 13.42
5 620908 Rental and repair of misc. sports equipment 1.80
4 PHOTOEQ Photographic equipment, supplies and services 54.86
5 610210 Film* 11.15
5 610220 Other photographic supplies 0.30
5 620330 Film processing* 16.06
5 620905 Repair and rental of photographic equipment 0.21
5 610230 Photographic equipment 16.78
5 620320 Photographer fees 10.35
4 610901 Fireworks 1.21
4 610902 Souvenirs 0.10
4 610903 Visual goods 0.20
4 620913 Pinball, electronic video games 4.85
3 PERSPROD PEG Personal care products 352.04
4 640110 Hair care products* 76.06
4 640120 Nonelectric articles for the hair 9.72
4 640130 Wigs and hairpieces 1.68
4 640210 Oral hygiene products, articles 37.09
4 640220 Shaving needs 24.28
4 640310 Cosmetics, perfume, bath preparation* 149.89
4 640410 Deodorants, feminine hygiene, misc. pers. care 43.13
4 640420 Electric personal care appliances 10.20
3 PERSSERV PEG Personal care services 291.50
4 650310 Personal care service* 290.98
4 650900 Repair of personal care appliances 0.52
3 READING PEG Reading 157.75
4 590110 Newspapers 63.41
5 590111 Newspaper subscriptions* 49.01
5 590112 Newspaper, non-subscriptions* 14.40
4 590210 Magazines 29.80
5 590211 Magazine subscriptions* 19.20
5 590212 Magazines, non-subscriptions* 10.60
4 590900 Newsletters
4 590220 Books thru book clubs 10.02
4 590230 Books not thru book clubs* 54.38
4 660310 Encyclopedia and other sets of reference books 0.13
2 EDU&COMM MEG Education and Communication 229.19
3 EDUCATN PEG Education 119.98
4 670210 Elementary and high school tuition* 94.35
4 660210 School books, supplies, for elem. and H.S 25.63
3 COMMICAT PEG Communications 19.27
4 PHONE Telephone services 1,270.01
5 270101 Telephone svcs in home city, excl. car phones* 814.13
5 270102 Telephone services for mobile car phones* 428.43
5 270103 Pager service 1.71
5 270104 Phone cards 25.73
4 690114 Computer information services* 143.61
4 270310 Community antenna or cable tv* 571.65
3 COMP&SVC PEG Computers and Computer Services 189.93
4 690113 Repair of computer systems for nonbus. use 5.49
4 690111 Computers & computer hardware nonbus. use* 164.21
4 690112 Computer software/accessories for nonbus. use 20.23
2 MISCMEG MEG Miscellaneous 64.05
3 TOBACCO PEG Tobacco products and smoking supplies 219.08
4 630110 Cigarettes* 202.50
4 630210 Other tobacco products 15.58
4 630220 Smoking accessories 1.00
3 MISC PEG Miscellaneous 817.01
4 620925 Miscellaneous fees 18.84
4 620926 Lotteries and pari-mutuel losses 51.71
4 680110 Legal fees* 129.86
4 680140 Funeral expenses* 63.14
4 680210 Safe deposit box rental 4.20
4 680220 Checking accounts, other bank service charges 27.28
4 680901 Cemetery lots, vaults, maintenance fees 17.58
4 680902 Accounting fees* 55.94
4 680903 Miscellaneous personal services 43.25
4 710110 Credit card interest and annual fees* 292.74
4 900001 Occupational expenses (old code)
4 900002 Occupational expenses 42.54
4 790600 Expenses for other properties 63.50
4 880210 Interest paid, home equity line of credit 0.06
4 620115 Shopping club membership fees 6.36
3 INSPENSN PEG Personal insurance and pensions 545.95
4 LIFEINSR Life and other personal insurance* 466.70
5 700110 Life, endowment, annuity, other personal ins 442.01
5 002120 Other nonhealth insurance 24.68
4 PENSIONS Pensions and Social Security 49.26
5 800910 Deductions for government retirement* 116.12
5 800920 Deductions for railroad retirement 3.01
5 800931 Deductions for private pensions 513.91
5 800932 Non-payroll deposit to retirement plans 417.89
5 800940 Deductions for Social Security 3.32

[FR Doc. 07-4491 Filed 9-11-07; 8:45 am]