Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Healthcare Facility Documents: Proposed Revisions and Updates and Notice of Information Collection

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Federal RegisterMay 3, 2012
77 Fed. Reg. 26304 (May. 3, 2012)


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD.




Consistent with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), HUD is publishing for public comment a comprehensive set of closing and other documents used in connection with transactions involving healthcare facilities (excluding hospitals) that are insured pursuant to section 232 of the National Housing Act (Section 232). In addition to meeting PRA requirements, this notice seeks public comment for the purpose of enlisting input from the lending industry and other interested parties in the development, updating, and adoption of a set of instruments (collectively, healthcare facility documents) that offer the requisite protection to all parties in these FHA-insured mortgage transactions, consistent with modern real estate and mortgage lending laws and practices. The healthcare facility documents, which are the subject of this notice, can be viewed on HUD's Web site: www.hud.gov/232forms. HUD is also publishing today a proposed rule that will submit for public comment certain revisions to FHA's Section 232 regulations for the purpose of ensuring consistency between the program regulations and the revised healthcare facility documents.


Comment Due Date: July 2, 2012.


Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposed rule. Communications must refer to the above docket number and title. There are two methods for submitting public comments:

1. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410-0500.

2. Electronic Submission of Comments. Comments may be submitted electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov. HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make them immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through the www.regulations.gov Web site can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically.


To receive consideration as public comments, comments must be submitted through one of the two methods specified above. Again, all submissions must refer to the docket number and title of the rule.

No Facsimile Comments. Facsimile (fax) comments are not acceptable.

Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted comments and communications submitted to HUD will be available for public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters building, an appointment to review the public comments must be scheduled in advance by calling the Regulations Division at 202-708-3055 (this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with speech or hearing impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Copies of all comments submitted are available for inspection and downloading at www.regulations.gov.


For policy questions contact: John M. Hartung, Director, Policy and Risk Management Division, Office of Residential Care Facilities, Office of Healthcare Programs, Office of Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1222 Spruce Street, Room 3.203, St. Louis, MO 63103-2836; telephone (314) 418-5238 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech disabilities may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

For legal questions contact: Millie Potts, Acting Associate General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel, Room 9230, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410-0500; telephone (202) 708-1274 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech disabilities may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.


I. Background and Overview

The issuance of this notice is modeled on the public review and input process that HUD utilized in the updating of its multifamily rental project closing documents. On May 2, 2011, at 76 FR 24363, HUD published a notice announcing HUD's completion of the updates to the multifamily rental project closing documents. The update of HUD's multifamily rental project closing documents involved substantial review of proposed changes to those documents and the opportunity for considerable public comment. Building on the experience of that process, including the changes made to the multifamily rental project closing documents, HUD has revised its healthcare facility documents to utilize, as appropriate, the updated multifamily documents while also developing standardized healthcare facility-specific documents as necessary. This notice solicits comments on this revised set of healthcare facility documents.

The revised healthcare facility documents can be viewed at: www.hud.gov/232forms. All of the documents that are the subject of this notice are listed in the Paperwork Reduction Act table found in Section III of this notice. Where healthcare facility documents are based on updated multifamily rental project closing documents, the healthcare facility documents, in addition to being presented in an unmarked format, are presented in redline/strikeout format so that the reviewer can see the changes proposed to be made to the multifamily rental project closing documents in order to make the documents applicable to healthcare facility transactions. Where proposed healthcare facility documents are based on existing healthcare facility documents, the proposed healthcare facility documents, in addition to being presented in an unmarked format, are also presented in redline/strikeout format so that the reviewer can see the changes proposed to the existing healthcare facility documents. Summaries of the major changes to some of the principal documents follow. Where capitalized terms are used, such terms refer to the titles of documents or defined terms in the documents.

The requirements for commitment and endorsement of a mortgage note are provided in HUD's regulations primarily at 24 CFR part 200, subpart A; 24 CFR part 232, and including, in particular, cross-references to general eligibility requirements for the FHA multifamily housing insurance programs in 24 CFR part 207. HUD's regulations provide that where specific documents are referenced in the regulations such documents shall be in a form as prescribed by HUD. The regulations also specify other program requirements that are reflected in the proposed documents. In order to ensure consistency between applicable program regulations and the proposed updated documents, revisions to certain of these regulations will be the subject of a proposed rule that HUD will soon be publishing.

II. Summary of Changes to Selected HUD Healthcare Facility Documents

As detailed more fully below, the overall contractual framework, as set forth in the proposed revised documents, clarifies current policies, and strengthens HUD's oversight. For example, although HUD has always taken the position that an operator, like a borrower, would be subject to regulatory restrictions pursuant to the transaction's regulatory agreements, the revised documents clarify this policy and set forth more specific regulatory restrictions. The revised documents propose to: maintain operators' currently broad discretion over the use of project funds, provided that quarterly and year-to-date financial reports demonstrate that the healthcare facility is maintaining sufficient working capital; give borrowers greater flexibility in the use of project funds, provided that semi-annual calculations demonstrate positive surplus cash; increase a healthcare facility's ability to weather financial downturns with a debt service reserve; expand information sharing with lenders; clarify requirements for multiple facility portfolios and master lease structures; update terms and standardize provisions across the nation. Although a summary of the revised provisions follows below, HUD encourages interested parties to review the proposed form documents, posted on its Web site at: www.hud.gov/232forms.

Regulatory Agreements. The healthcare regulatory agreements are based on the Regulatory Agreement for Multifamily Projects, with three specific regulatory agreements proposed: (1) A borrower's regulatory agreement; (2) an operator's regulatory agreement; and for use where applicable, (3) a master tenant's regulatory agreement. The agreements are proposed to apply to multiple potential deal structures. For example, the operator's regulatory agreement will apply to any operator, whether such operator is a lessee or an operator pursuant to some other contractual arrangement; the borrower's regulatory agreement will apply whether or not the borrower is also the operator, and whether the borrower's operator leases the healthcare facility or operates the facility pursuant to some other contractual arrangement. Borrowers who also operate the healthcare facility will execute both the borrower's and the operator's regulatory agreements.

Substantively, the regulatory agreements provide, without limitation, that: the healthcare facility shall only be used for approved uses and maintained in decent, safe, sanitary condition and good repair; borrowers must maintain a debt service reserve; borrowers may take distributions of project funds so long as semi-annual calculations demonstrate positive surplus cash; non-profit borrowers must maintain residual receipt accounts; project records must be adequately maintained and kept available for inspection; borrowers must submit audited annual financial statements; operators must submit quarterly and year-to-date financial statements; copies of certain notices, reports, surveys and other correspondence relating to the permits and approvals necessary to operate the healthcare facility must be provided to HUD and Lender; HUD's consent must be obtained prior to any change in the operator or management agent; if the healthcare facility's financial or operational viability is at risk, HUD may require the operator to engage an operational consultant; and HUD may terminate an operator's, master tenant's, or sublessee's rights to operate the healthcare facility upon an uncured default.

Management Certification. HUD also invites comments regarding a newly created management certification (“Management Agent's and Owner's or Operator's Certification for Residential Care Facilities for Identity-of-Interest or Independent Management Agents”). HUD recognizes that in most instances the licensed operator, through a contractual relationship with the owner, handles the management activities of the facility. Sometimes, however, that operator (or even the owner itself as the licensed operator) contracts with another entity (“management agent”) to handle some management activities. HUD has determined that, in those instances, it is important that the management agent execute a controlling document whereby it makes key certifications/commitments directly to HUD, and through which HUD can directly pursue remedies in the event of noncompliance.

Security Instrument and Security Agreements. The borrower, operator, and, if applicable, master tenant, all provide collateral to the lender as security for the loan. Operators and master tenants provide Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) collateral through security agreements; borrowers provide their interests in both UCC property and real property. Based on the revised multifamily security instrument, the borrower's security instrument is set up with alternative language that can be used as applicable in states where mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds, or other instrument forms are used. State-specific addenda may be developed by HUD field counsel as required for the various jurisdictions and may need to be appended, comparable to the approach taken in the multifamily rental documents. Collectively, the borrower's security instrument and operator's and master tenant's security agreements provide the lender with security for the loan in all project-related assets. These security documents also incorporate the regulatory agreements and give the lenders rights to enforce the borrower's promises to provide lender with appropriate notices, correspondence, and other applicable reports. In addition to these security documents, borrowers and/or operators, as applicable, will be required to execute form deposit account control agreements, and related documents, to adequately perfect the lender's security interests in the project accounts. Where accounts receivable financing is utilized, the revised form intercreditor agreement sets forth the terms pursuant to which an accounts receivable lender's interest may take priority over the HUD-insured lender's interests.

Healthcare Facility Note. The substantive provisions of the promissory note used for the healthcare facility transactions have not been substantially revised, but the form of note has been revised, adopting the revised multifamily note form. The loan remains a non-recourse loan, as set forth in the note. The borrower's personal assets are not at risk for the repayment of the loan. However, as with the multifamily note posted on HUD's Web site on May 2, 2011, to the extent an individual commits fraud, steals funds from the project, or is otherwise unjustly enriched through improper use of project funds, HUD will pursue recovery of such funds, and certain controlling entities and individuals will be asked to sign the regulatory agreement in acknowledgement of such potential liability.

Master Lease documents. As multi-facility portfolio transactions increase in occurrence, the master lease structure is increasingly utilized. In response to this trend, HUD proposes several form documents to be used in master lease structured transactions. The documents proposed include an Addendum to the master lease which includes provisions protecting the Lender and HUD's interests, a Master Tenant Security Agreement, a Master Tenant Regulatory Agreement, a Subordination Agreement or Subordination Non-Disturbance Agreement, and a Cross-Default Guaranty of Subtenants. The master lease structure allows for any rental deficiencies at one facility to be supported by income from another facility under the master lease. It is important to note that a master lease does not pool the assets of all facilities for underwriting a single mortgage loan for multiple facilities. Each individual loan must meet HUD's underwriting standards on its own merit.

Definitions. Several definitions have been clarified throughout the documents, and several new terms have been added. The terms “Borrower,” “Lender,” and “Operator,” have been added and apply when referencing the respective concepts of borrower/owner/mortgagor/lessor, lender/mortgagee, and operator/lessee/sub-lessee/sub-tenant. Based on the multifamily concept, the term “Mortgaged Property” refers to all of the borrower's interests in any aspect of the project, and includes concepts and interests specific to healthcare programs. Although “Mortgaged Property” relates only to the Borrower's interests in the project, the operator's interests in project-related assets are separately conveyed as collateral through the operator's security agreement. In order to capture all of borrowers' and operators' interests and assets related to the development and operation of the healthcare facility, including those that, in the strictest legal interpretations may not be a part of the healthcare facility itself, the terms “Healthcare Facility” and “Project” have been set forth as very closely related but distinct concepts: “Project” has been defined as “any and all assets of whatever nature or wherever situated related to the Loan, including without limitation, the Mortgaged Property, any Improvements, and any collateral owned by operators securing the Loan;” whereas “Healthcare Facility” has been defined as “any portions of the Project (both tangible, and intangible), operated on the Land as a Nursing Home, Intermediate Care Facility, Board and Care Home, Assisting Living Facility or any other healthcare facility authorized to receive mortgage insurance pursuant to Section 232 of the National Housing Act, as amended, or other applicable federal law.” Several other definitions have been revised, added, or deleted, as appropriate.

Finally, a decision was made to adopt more consistency in the numbering system for the program documents, e.g. HUD Form 9XXXX-OHP. Greater consistency should reduce confusion because the documents will appear in the same group wherever HUD publishes the documents, e.g. HUDCLIPS at http://www.hud.gov/hudclips.

III. Paperwork Reduction Act

The proposed new information collection requirements contained in this notice have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501- 3520). Under this Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection displays a valid control number. The public reporting burden for this new collection of information is estimated to include the time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Information on the estimated public reporting burden is provided in the following table:

New form number Form name Number of respondents Freq. of resp. Resp. per annum Avg. burden per hour per resp. Annual burden hours Avg. hourly cost per resp. Annual cost
HUD-901-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—223a7 Refinance 30 2.5 75 0.67 50 $62 $3,083
HUD-902-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—223f Refinance 30 7.5 225 0.83 188 62 11,563
HUD-903-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—241a Supplemental Loan 4 1 4 0.83 3 62 206
HUD-904-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—New Construction—Single Stage 10 2 20 1.17 23 62 1,439
HUD-905a-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—New Construction—2 Stage—Final Submittal 10 2 20 0.67 13 62 822
HUD-905-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—New Construction—2 Stage—Initial Submittal 10 2 20 0.83 17 62 1,028
HUD-906-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—Substantial Rehabilitation—Single Stage 4 1 4 1.17 5 62 288
HUD-907-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—Substantial Rehabilitation—2 Stage—Initial Submittal 4 1 4 0.83 3 62 206
HUD-907a-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—Substantial Rehabilitation—2 Stage—Final Submittal 4 1 4 0.83 3 62 206
HUD-908-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—Blended Rate—Single Stage 4 1 4 0.83 3 62 206
HUD-909-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—232(i)—Fire Safety Protection Loan for Projects Not Currently Insured 5 2 10 0.67 7 62 411
HUD-9010-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—232(i)—Fire Safety Protection Loan for Projects Currently Insured 5 2 10 0.67 7 62 411
HUD-9011-OHP Firm Application Checklist Section 232—223(d)—Operating Loss Loan 1 2 2 0.67 1 62 82
HUD-9012-OHP Post-Commitment Early Start of Construction Checklist 7 1 7 0.50 4 62 216
HUD-9001-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7—Main 30 2.5 75 22.00 1650 75 123,750
HUD-9001a-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7—Addenda—PCNA 30 2.5 75 1.50 113 75 8,438
HUD-9001b-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Survey 30 2.5 75 0.25 19 75 1,406
HUD-9001c-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7—Addenda—4128 30 2.5 75 0.25 19 75 1,406
HUD-9001d-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7—Addenda—Indebtedness 30 2.5 75 0.25 19 75 1,406
HUD-9001e-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Principal of Mortgagor 30 2.5 75 0.50 38 75 2,813
HUD-9001f-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Operator 20 2.5 50 0.50 25 75 1,875
HUD-9001g-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Management Agent 12 2.5 30 0.50 15 75 1,125
HUD-9001h-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Operating Lease 30 2.5 75 0.50 38 75 2,813
HUD-9001i-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d.232i—Addenda—Management Agreement 30 2.5 75 0.25 19 75 1,406
HUD-9001j-OHP Lender Narrative 223a7.223d—Addenda—AR Financing 15 2.5 37.5 0.50 19 75 1,406
HUD-9002-OHP Lender Narrative 223f 30 7.5 225 70.00 15750 75 1,181,250
HUD-9003-OHP Lender Narrative 241a—Main 4 1 4 73.33 293 75 22,000
HUD-9003a-OHP Lender Narrative 241a—Addenda—Phase 1 Environmental 4 1 4 4.00 16 75 1,200
HUD-9004-OHP Lender Narrative New Construction—Single Stage 10 2 20 86.67 1733 75 130,000
HUD-9005a-OHP Lender Narrative New Construction 2 Stage Final Submittal 10 2 20 53.33 1067 75 80,000
HUD-9005-OHP Lender Narrative New Construction 2 Stage Initial Submittal 10 2 20 63.33 1267 75 95,000
HUD-9006-OHP Lender Narrative Substantial Rehabilitation—Single Stage 4 1 4 93.33 373 75 28,000
HUD-9007-OHP Lender Narrative Substantial Rehabilitation 2 Stage Initial Submittal 4 1 4 70.00 280 75 21,000
HUD-9007a-OHP Lender Narrative Substantial Rehabilitation 2 Stage Final Submittal 4 1 4 70.00 280 75 21,000
HUD-9008-OHP Lender Narrative—Blended Rate 4 1 4 70.00 280 62 17,267
HUD-9009-OHP Lender Narrative 232(i) Not Currently Insured 5 2 10 0.67 7 62 411
HUD-90010-OHP Lender Narrative 232(i) Currently Insured 5 2 10 0.67 7 62 411
HUD-90011-OHP Lender Narrative 223(d)—Main 1 2 2 0.67 1 62 82
HUD-9444-OHP Lender Narrative Cost Certification Supplement 2 2 4 6.67 27 75 2,000
HUD-90001-OHP Firm Commitment—223a7 30 2.5 75 0.42 31 83 2,604
HUD-90002-OHP Firm Commitment—223f 30 7.5 225 0.42 94 83 7,813
HUD-90003a-OHP Firm Commitment—New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation—2 Stage—Final Submittal (Amended and Restated) 12 2 24 0.42 10 83 833
HUD-90003-OHP Firm Commitment—New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation—2 Stage—Initial Submittal 12 2 24 0.42 10 83 833
HUD-90004-OHP Firm Commitment—New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation—Single Stage 12 2 24 0.42 10 83 833
HUD-90005-OHP Firm Commitment—241a 12 2 24 0.42 10 83 833
HUD-90006-OHP Firm Commitment—232(i) 5 2 10 0.67 7 62 411
HUD-90007-OHP Firm Commitment—223(d) 1 2 2 0.67 1 62 82
HUD-90012-OHP Consolidated Certification—Lender 30 2.5 75 0.58 44 67 2,917
HUD-90013-OHP Consolidated Certification—Mortgagor 77 1 77 1.33 103 75 7,700
HUD-90014-OHP Consolidated Certification—Principal of the Mortgagor 38 2 76 1.33 101 75 7,600
HUD-90015-OHP Consolidated Certification—Operator 35 2 70 1.33 93 75 7,000
HUD-90016-OHP Consolidated Certification—Parent of Operator 35 2 70 1.33 93 75 7,000
HUD-90017-OHP Consolidated Certification—Management Agent 35 2 70 1.33 93 75 7,000
HUD-90018-OHP Consolidated Certification—Contractors 4 1 4 1.33 5 75 400
HUD-90019-OHP Auditor Certification 223d 3 1 3 0.58 2 67 117
HUD-90021-OHP Certification FHA Retyped Forms 35 10 350 0.28 99 83 8,264
HUD-90022-OHP Certification for Electronic Submittal 35 10 350 0.28 99 67 6,611
HUD-9445-OHP Certification of Outstanding Obligations 35 10 350 1.25 438 83 36,458
HUD-91118-OHP Owner's Certification—Completion of Critical Repairs 240 1 240 0.58 140 75 10,500
HUD-92434-OHP Lender Certification 35 10 350 0.75 263 75 19,688
HUD-91130-OHP Building Code Certification 26 2 52 0.33 17 83 1,444
HUD-91131-OHP Zoning Certification 30 11.7 351 0.67 234 75 17,550
HUD-91123-OHP Design Professional's Certification of Liability Insurance 26 2 52 0.33 17 83 1,444
HUD-91124-OHP Design Architect Certification 26 2 52 0.33 17 83 1,444
HUD-91127-OHP Financial Statement Certification GC 26 2 52 0.37 19 67 1,271
HUD-92408-OHP HUD Amendment to B108 26 2 52 0.28 15 75 1,105
HUD-95379-OHP HUD Representative's Trip Report 26 28 728 0.83 607 75 45,500
HUD-91129-OHP Lender Certification for New Construction Cost Certifications 10 5.2 52 3.33 173 75 13,000
HUD-9441-OHP Lenders Preconstruction Conference Agenda 10 5 50 4.67 233 75 17,500
HUD-9442-OHP Memo for Post-Commitment Early Start of Construction Request 3 2 6 0.70 4 75 315
HUD-92415-OHP Request for Permission to Commence Construction Prior to Initial Endorsement for Mortgage Insurance (Post-Commitment Early Start of Construction) 3 2 6 0.30 2 83 150
HUD-93305-OHP Agreement and Certification 10 5.2 52 0.50 26 75 1,950
HUD-92441-OHP Building Loan Agreement 10 5.2 52 1.00 52 75 3,900
HUD-92441a-OHP Building Loan Agreement Supplemental 10 5.2 52 1.00 52 75 3,900
HUD-92450-OHP Completion Assurance 10 5.2 52 0.50 26 75 1,950
HUD-92442-OHP Construction Contract 10 5.2 52 1.00 52 75 3,900
HUD-92554-OHP Construction Contract Supplemental 10 5.2 52 0.20 10 217 2,253
HUD-92456-OHP Escrow Agreement for Incomplete Construction 3 2 6 0.50 3 75 225
HUD-92479-OHP Offsite Bond 5 3 15 0.50 8 75 563
HUD-92452A-OHP Payment Bond 5 5.2 26 0.50 13 75 975
HUD-92452-OHP Performance bond Dual Obligee 5 5.2 26 0.50 13 217 2,817
HUD-92455-OHP Request for Endorsement 10 5.2 52 0.75 39 75 2,925
HUD-92023-OHP Request for Final Endorsement 10 5.2 52 1.00 52 75 3,900
HUD-92477-OHP Sponsors Bond 1 1 1 0.50 1 75 38
HUD-92412-OHP Working Capital Escrow 10 5.2 52 0.50 26 75 1,950
HUD-91125-OHP Staffing Schedule 30 5.83 175 1.00 175 62 10,792
HUD-91708-OHP Agreement for Payment of Real Property Taxes 1 1 1 0.67 1 83 56
HUD-92576A-OHP Certificate of Need for Health Facility 3 2 6 0.30 2 83 150
HUD-90023-OHP Check Transmittal Letter Template 30 11.7 351 0.28 99 62 6,133
HUD-90024-OHP Contact Sheet 35 10 350 0.67 233 67 15,556
HUD-91121-OHP Deposit Account Control Agreement (DACA) 30 5 150 3.67 550 217 119,167
HUD-91122-OHP Deposit Account Instructions and Service Agreement (DAISA) 30 5 150 3.50 525 217 113,925
HUD-91126-OHP Financial Statement Certification 150 7 1050 0.37 385 67 25,667
HUD-92264-OHP Healthcare Facility Summary Appraisal Report 26 2 52 41.33 2149 75 161,200
HUD-91116-OHP Addendum to Operating Lease 30 6.5 195 0.50 98 217 21,125
HUD-941-OHP Lenders FHA Number Request Form 30 11.7 351 0.37 129 62 7,937
HUD-92264a-OHP Maximum Insurable Mortgage 30 11.7 351 1.25 439 83 36562.5
HUD-92477-OHP Property Insurance Requirements 35 10 350 0.87 303 75 22,750
HUD-2-OHP Request for Waiver of Housing Directive 20 8 160 1.00 160 75 12,000
HUD-91119-OHP Schedule of Facilities Owned Operated or Managed 35 10 350 1.33 467 75 35,000
HUD-91110-OHP Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement of Operating Lease (SNDA) 30 11.7 351 2.33 819 233 191,100
HUD-91111-OHP Survey Instructions and Owners Certification 180 1.5 270 0.53 144 83 12,000
HUD-91112-OHP Request of Overpayment of Firm Application Exam Fee 15 5.13 76.95 0.50 38 67 2,565
HUD-9839-OHP Management Certification—Residential Care Facility 5 1 5 0.50 3 75 188
HUD-92466-OHP Regulatory Agreement—Owner of Residential Care Facility 35 10 350 0.83 292 217 63,194
HUD-92466A-OHP Regulatory Agreement—Operator (non-lessee) of Residential Care Facility 10 2 20 0.83 17 217 3,611
HUD-94000-OHP Security Instrument/Mortgage/Deed of Trust 35 10 350 1.00 350 217 75,833
HUD-92070-OHP Lease Addendum 2 1 2 0.50 1 217 217
HUD-94001-OHP Healthcare Facility Note 35 10 350 1.00 350 75 26,250
HUD-91710-OHP Residual Receipts Note Non Profit Mortgagor 5 2 10 0.50 5 75 375
HUD-92420-OHP Subordination Agreement 7 2 14 0.50 7 217 1,517
HUD-9223-OHP Surplus Cash Note 7 2 14 0.50 7 75 525
HUD-91128-OHP Initial Operating Deficit Escrow Calculation Template 11 5 55 1.25 69 83 5,729
HUD-92414-OHP Latent Defects Escrow 20 12 240 0.50 120 75 9,000
HUD-9443-OHP Minor Moveable Escrow 26 2 52 0.92 48 83 3,972
HUD-92476-OHP Escrow Agreement Noncritical Deferred Repairs 20 12 240 0.50 120 75 9,000
HUD-92476A-OHP Escrow Agreement Additional Contribution by Sponsors 1 1 1 0.50 1 217 108
HUD-92476B-OHP Escrow Agreement for Operating Deficits 12 4.8 57.6 0.50 29 75 2,160
HUD-92464-OHP Request Approval Advance of Escrow Funds 35 15 525 1.00 525 75 39,375
HUD-92266-OHP Application for Transfer of Physical Assets (TPA) 25 2 50 1.17 58 83 4,861
HUD-93331-OHP Asset Management Submission Section 232 Accounts Receivable Checklist 25 2 50 1.17 58 83 4,861
HUD-93332-OHP Certification of Exigent Health & Safety (EH&S) Issues 456 1 456 0.75 342 75 25,650
HUD-93333-OHP Certification Physical Condition in Compliance 208 1 208 0.50 104 83 8,667
HUD-93486-OHP Computation of Surplus Cash HUD 93486 70 1 10 0.25 18 62 1,085
HUD-9250-OHP Funds Authorizations, HUD-9250 500 5.6 2800 1.00 2800 75 210,000
HUD-92114-OHP Loan Modification Lender Submission Checklist 5 3 15 0.58 9 75 656
HUD-92228-OHP Model Form Bill of Sale and Assignment 20 2 40 0.67 27 83 2,222
HUD-92115-OHP Mortgagor Certification and Request Detail—Attach 1 15 2 30 1.00 30 75 2,250
HUD-92116-OHP Modified Master Lease Checklist—Asset Management 15 2 30 1.00 30 75 2,250
HUD-92117-OHP Owner's Certification—Completion of Non-Critical Repairs 250 2 500 0.58 292 75 21,875
HUD-92417-OHP Personal Financial and Credit Statement, form HUD-92417 175 6 1050 3.50 3675 83 306,250
HUD-92118-OHP Partial Payment of Claim Model 15 30 450 2.00 900 75 67,500
HUD-93479-OHP Schedule A Monthly Report for Establishing Net Income 60 2 120 1.17 140 75 10,500
HUD-93480-OHP Schedule B Schedule of Disbursements 60 12 720 1.00 720 75 54,000
HUD-93481-OHP Schedule C Schedule of Accounts Payable 60 12 720 1.00 720 75 54,000
HUD-92119-OHP TPA Checklist (Full and Modified, Lessee Operator, Management Agent) 11 5 55 0.58 32 75 2,406
HUD-90020-OHP A/R Financing Certification 50 3 150 0.67 100 217 21,667
HUD-92321-OHP Blocked Account Agreement 35 10 350 2.00 700 200 140,000
HUD-92322-OHP Intercreditor Agreement (for AR Financed Projects) 30 5 150 2.00 300 200 60,000
HUD-92323-OHP Operator Security Agreement 30 6.5 195 2.00 390 200 78,000
HUD-92324-OHP Rider to Intercreditor Agreement (for AR Financed Projects) 30 5 150 2.00 300 200 60,000
HUD-92211-OHP Master Lease Addendum 5 5 25 1.00 25 217 5,417
HUD-92331-OHP Subtenants Cross Guaranty 30 5.83 175 1.00 175 217 37,895
HUD-92333-OHP Master Lease SNDA 30 5.83 175 1.00 175 217 37,895
HUD-92334-OHP Subordination Agreement—Operating Lease 30 5.83 175 2.00 350 217 75,790
HUD-92335-OHP Master Tenants Attorneys Opinion 30 5.83 175 1.00 175 217 37,895
HUD-92337-OHP Master Tenant Regulatory Agreement 30 5.83 175 2.00 350 217 75,790
HUD-92339-OHP Master Lease Estoppel Agreement 30 5.83 175 0.50 87 217 18,948
HUD-92340-OHP Master Tenant Security Agreement 30 5.83 175 1.00 175 217 37,895
HUD-91117-OHP Operator Estoppel Certificate 100 2 200 0.75 150 275 41,250
HUD-91725-INST-OHP Counsels Opinion Instructions 35 10 350 2.00 700 217 151,667
HUD-91725-CERT-OHP Opinion of Borrower's Counsel Certification—Exhibit A 35 10 350 2.00 700 217 151,667
HUD-91725-OHP Guide for Opinion of Borrower's Counsel 35 10 350 2.00 700 217 151,667
HUD-92325-OHP Guide for Opinion of Operator's Counsel and Certification 30 6.5 195 3.00 585 200 117,000
Totals 5115 708 23958 855 51,868 15,252 4,966,799

In accordance with 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), HUD is soliciting comments from members of the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information to:

(1) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility;

(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information;

(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and

(4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.

Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding the information collection requirements in this proposal. Comments must be received by July 2, 2012. Comments must refer to the proposal by name and docket number (FR-5354-N-01) and must be sent to:

HUD Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503, Fax number: (202) 395-6947, and Colette Pollard, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 4178, Washington, DC 20410.

IV. Solicitation of Public Comments

HUD welcomes public comments from industry and other interested members of the public on this most recent issuance of revised documents, posted at: www.hud.gov/232forms.

Dated: April 12, 2012.

Carol J. Galante,

Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner.

[FR Doc. 2012-10687 Filed 5-2-12; 8:45 am]