Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Final Agency Action on 11 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Final Agency Action on 26 Determinations That TMDLs Are Not Needed

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Federal RegisterMay 23, 2001
66 Fed. Reg. 28488 (May. 23, 2001)


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Notice of availability.


This notice announces final agency action on 11 TMDLs prepared by EPA Region 6 for waters listed in Louisiana's Mermentau and Vermilion/Teche river basins, under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA). This notice also announces final agency action removing 26 waterbody/pollutant combinations from the Louisiana 303(d) list because new data/information shows that water quality standards are being met. EPA evaluated these waters and prepared the 11 TMDLs in response to a Court Order dated October 1, 1999, in the lawsuit Sierra Club, et al. v. Clifford et al., No. 96-0527, (E.D. La.). Under this court order, EPA is required to prepare TMDLs when needed for waters on the Louisiana 1998 section 303(d) list by December 31, 2007. EPA is also required to add or delete waters to the schedule as new data confirms that waters are or are not meeting water quality standards. Documents from the administrative record files for the 26 determinations that TMDLs are not needed and for the final 11 TMDLs, including TMDL calculations and responses to comments, may be viewed at The administrative record files may be obtained by calling or writing Ms. Caldwell at the above address. Please contact Ms. Caldwell to schedule an inspection.


Ellen Caldwell at (214) 665-7513.


In 1996, two Louisiana environmental groups, the Sierra Club and Louisiana Environmental Action Network (plaintiffs), filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), styled Sierra Club, et al. v. Clifford et al., No. 96-0527, (E.D. La.). Among other claims, plaintiffs alleged that EPA failed to establish Louisiana TMDLs in a timely manner. Discussion of the court order may be found at 65 FR 54032 (September 6, 2000).

EPA Takes Final Agency Action on 11 TMDLs

By this notice EPA is taking a final agency action on the following 2 fecal coliform TMDLs for waters located within the Mermentau and Vermilion/Teche basins:

A TMDL for subsegment 060205 (Bayou Teche) was written and included in the same TMDL written for subsegments 060301 (of Bayou Teche) and 060401 (also of Bayou Teche) as referenced at 65 FR 19762-19764 of the Federal Register published on April 12, 2000 as well as 66 FR 18087-18089 of the Federal Register published on April 5, 2001. However, as no explicit reference was given to subsegment 060205 in either of the aforementioned notices, this notice is to serve as notice that the TMDL is inclusive of subsegment 060205. As cited in the Federal Register notices described above, the TMDL written for subsegment 060205, as well as subsegments 060301 and 060401, may be viewed at (click on “Finalized TMDL Reports * * *”).

A TMDL for subsegment 050303 (Bayou Castor) was written and included in the same TMDL written for subsegment 050301 (Bayou Nezpique) as referenced at 65 FR 19762-19764 of the Federal Register published April 12, 2000 as well as 65 FR 18087-18089 of the Federal Register published April 5, 2001. However, as no explicit reference was given to subsegment 050303 in either of the aforementioned notices, this notice is to serve as notice that the TMDL is inclusive of subsegment 050303. As cited in the Federal Register notices described above, the TMDL written for subsegment 050303, as well as subsegment 050301, may be viewed at (click on “Finalized TMDL Reports * * *).

As comment on these TMDLs has already been requested previously, no further comment is requested.

Also by this notice EPA is taking a final agency action on the following 9 TMDLs for waters located within the Mermentau and Vermilion/Teche basins:

Subsegment Waterbody name Pollutant
050703 White Lake Total Dissolved Solids.
050703 White Lake Chloride.
060801 Vermilion River—Headwaters To Bayou Fusilier Bourbeaux Junction to New Flanders Sulfate.
060802 Vermilion River—From New Flanders to Intracoastal Waterway Sulfate.
060205 Bayou Teche—Headwaters at Bayou Courtableau to I-10 Sulfate.
060205 Bayou Teche—Headwaters at Bayou Courtableau to I-10 Chloride.
060201 Bayou Cocodrie-from U.S. Hwy 167 to the Bayou Boeuf-Cocodrie Diversion Canal (Scenic) Total Dissolved Solids.
060206 Indian Creek Reservoir Temperature.
060202 Bayou Cocodrie-Cocodrie Diversion Canal to its intersection with Bayou Boeuf Total Dissolved Solids.

EPA requested the public to provide EPA with any significant data or information that may impact the 9 TMDLs at 65 FR 67742 (November 13, 2000). The comments received and EPA's response to comments may be found at

Final Agency Action Removing 26 Waterbody/Pollutants from the Louisiana 303(d) List Because TMDLs Are Not Necessary

Subsegment Waterbody description Pollutant Reason for delisting
050101 Bayou Des Cannes—Headwaters to Mermentau River Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050103 Bayou Mallet Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050201 Bayou Plaquemine Brule-Headwaters to Bayou Des Cannes Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050901 Mermentau River Basin Coastal Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060802 Vermilion River—from New Flanders (Ambassador Caffery) Bridge at Hwy 3073 to Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060904 Vermilion River—B890 Basin New Iberia Southern Drainage Canal Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060907 Franklin Canal Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
061101 Bayou Petite Anse Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060804 Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060901 Bayou Petite Anse Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050402 Lake Arthur and Lower Mermentau Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050602 Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050701 Grand Lake Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050702 Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050703 White Lake Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060205 Bayou Teche—Headwaters at Bayou Courtableau to I-10 Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060212 Chatlin Lake Canal and Bayou DuLac Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060701 Tete Bayou Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060702 Lake Fausse Point and Dauterive Lake Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060906 Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060910 Boston Canal and Associated Canals (Estuarine) Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
061103 Freshwater Bayou Canal Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
050501 Bayou Queue de Tortue—Headwaters to Mermentau River Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060902 Bayou Carlin (Delcambre Canal)—Lake Peigneur To Bayou Petite Anse (Estuarine) Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
060803 Vermilion River Cutoff Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.
061102 Intracoastal Waterway Oil & Grease Assessment of new data and information shows it is meeting WQS.

EPA requested the public to provide to EPA any significant data or information that may impact the determination that 26 TMDLs are not necessary at 66 FR 15472 (March 19, 2001). No comments were received.

Dated: May 3, 2001.

Sam Becker,

Acting Director, Water Quality Protection Division, Region 6.

[FR Doc. 01-12886 Filed 5-22-01; 8:45 am]